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On April 29 2019 12:06 PhoenixVoid wrote:Show nested quote +On April 29 2019 11:59 blade55555 wrote:+ Show Spoiler + I enjoyed it, but disappointed in a few things.
Ghost dying without even an on screen death is one of the dumbest things ever. He just shows up, runs and I assume he died. Now if I am wrong, cool, but pretty sure he's dead and it's not going to be acknowledged at all. Jon isn't going to be sad or even mention it, just bleck.
I am Glad the white walker fight was only one episode though, never been the biggest fan of them in the show, much more excited to see the fight between Cersei and the rest.
I also expected a lot more main characters do die. Only ones I was pretty confident not dying were Danny/Jon/Tyron/Jamie and the Hound. But wow only 3-4 side characters died I think? Kinda surprised as I was bracing myself to lose more then that.
Arya killing the night king felt weird just because she popped out of nowhere. I wonder how she got around the zombies/white walkers that had surrounded the night king. I also swore I saw that dagger drop move somewhere else, maybe in a previous episode?
+ Show Spoiler +Ghost survived. Check out the frame at 0:18 and you'll see Ghost on the right. + Show Spoiler +Oh thank God. It's finally time to use him. Please
+ Show Spoiler +This episode felt pretty weird in the context of everything that happened in Season 7. Oh well, hope they can make the remaining ~4 hours interesting. Pretty curious if Brann is going to peace out or actually help.
Feels really weird that so few B-listers died, but at least Theon got to die with honor while making a difference. Maybe all the Dothraki collective count as one B-list death.
+ Show Spoiler +The greatest Cavalry the Seven Kingdoms has ever seen--LETS FRONTLINE THESE MEN.
CGI was impressive though. I give them that.
Now back to the annoying politics of LF and Cersei.
Edit: Just saw the post above me. We gucc hten.
+ Show Spoiler +Empty episode, just so much set up and mithos in earlier seasons not used to end the NK. Overall this season has been disappointing plot and direction wise. Everything so far just feels like, rush to the end, hit these points. Production isn't bad but it's just has been lacking overall, especially concerning pacing and motivation.
I was fairly satisfied with this episode, though I tempered my expectations from the nature of the post-book content so far.
+ Show Spoiler +I mean battle was fine, though I guess the story has been disappointing. Arya killing the night king I think was good, it seemed out of nowhere, but if they kept showing her it would've been too predictable. Having Arya as the NK slayer works though, I wish we had some non-NK White Walker action. I was really hoping for some insight about Bran and the NK, it felt really lackluster there... Like some other posters said, spend that 150 energy on the dragon, have a dialogue with the NK, not just empty stares.
I still think Theon hanging himself would have been a much more powerful end to his story. Actually Sansa killing herself would have been a nice option too during the chaos in the crypts.
Idk, just feels like there was a lot of missed opportunities, but I guess they wanted to use the episode as a team building activity for the North, in the war to come.
+ Show Spoiler +I guess there's some way you could rationalize it as some subversion of fantasy tropes or of prophecy in fantasy novels, but the lack of a build-up rubbed me the wrong way. I'd preferred to have seen something like Jon or Theon being told by Bran to buy him time, (ties into his greensight) as one or two engage in a bloody duel with Theon dead, with Arya just barely managing to make it in to jab the knife in. Instead, it's a brief thing about the eyes and Arya emerging out of literally nowhere without even seeing her change faces.
Not to mention how little we really got about the WW's motivations or some real development on their character. There's some dissonance I get with GRRM's spiel about how he wished to create a more grey and nuanced fantasy villain, but they're also portrayed as a largely faceless force of evil with no reason other than a weapon gone horribly wrong. Cheap endings like "Kill the queen to end the menace" don't resonate with the themes of this series.
On April 29 2019 11:37 Nakajin wrote:+ Show Spoiler +The episode in itself: Great ambiance, really feeling the hope getting torn away, but I thought the episode was probably a bit to long, it drag on at bit and that wasn't help by the fact that the dragons scene were mostly incomprehensible with the snowstorm in the night. Also to many "hero" moment, witch I felt kinda detracted from what could have been highlight (Theon in the godswood mostly). Still very solid episode, but with a surprisingly low caracter killed count, only what's his name crow, the little bear, Melissandre, Dondarion and Jorah. It would have been a good time to end up some plot, oh well. (Also Greyworm still alive what the hell)
As for Arya being the nightking killer, well I don't think anyone saw it coming at least. Arya was the highlight of the episode for me before it so that's good, but it really feel like the nightking went from being unstoppable into getting one shot way to fast, "Valar Morgulis" I guess. At least it make time from the political ending to take place. (Also Arya today was 100% Assassins Creed)
+ Show Spoiler +I personally thought it was one of the most obvious things considering her training and her being able to go unnoticed. I also thought it was obvious with regards to the dragon fight and them trying to beat him with fire but it not working.
On April 29 2019 12:17 Cricketer12 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 29 2019 12:06 PhoenixVoid wrote:On April 29 2019 11:59 blade55555 wrote:+ Show Spoiler + I enjoyed it, but disappointed in a few things.
Ghost dying without even an on screen death is one of the dumbest things ever. He just shows up, runs and I assume he died. Now if I am wrong, cool, but pretty sure he's dead and it's not going to be acknowledged at all. Jon isn't going to be sad or even mention it, just bleck.
I am Glad the white walker fight was only one episode though, never been the biggest fan of them in the show, much more excited to see the fight between Cersei and the rest.
I also expected a lot more main characters do die. Only ones I was pretty confident not dying were Danny/Jon/Tyron/Jamie and the Hound. But wow only 3-4 side characters died I think? Kinda surprised as I was bracing myself to lose more then that.
Arya killing the night king felt weird just because she popped out of nowhere. I wonder how she got around the zombies/white walkers that had surrounded the night king. I also swore I saw that dagger drop move somewhere else, maybe in a previous episode?
+ Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler +Oh thank God. It's finally time to use him. Please
+ Show Spoiler +That 5-10 second Ghost cameo probably cost more than my retirement fund.
+ Show Spoiler +Now that only 1 dragon is left (I think the one Jon was riding just died??) Maybe theyll have enough CGI to do more Ghost. Im so fucking happy. Doggo > Dragon.
+ Show Spoiler +why in the fuck where the dothraki just suicided into the Night kings army? Like our heroes know that the NK can raise the dead, why didnt he just raise the dothraki as soon as he slaughtered them. What would be the point in giving him that....
Also Danny doesnt use fire at all to try and kill the undead dragon...She just lets her dragon do one on one combat vs something that is impervious to it. Then she lands for dragon for way too fucken long allowing a million wights to get on it, i thought it was doomed but apparently it survives thought Dannys retarded decision.
Lastly the whole Night king threat being owned in like 2 seconds is so confusing this is like the last jedi scene all over again, wheres the explanation????
United States41991 Posts
+ Show Spoiler +The entire WW subplot was dumb as hell now.
Rhaegar spends all his time singing and partying then he reads a book about an impending apocalypse and figures he has to trigger Robert's Rebellion and the doom of his entire house just to make sure Jon was born. Stannis spends his time obsessing over becoming Azor Ahai to fight the great prophesied war of light against darkness. There's a comet, magic comes back to the world, dragons are born. Bran goes on a spirit quest and becomes a three eyed raven. Jon gets a magic sword. Jon works to unify the 7 kingdoms to face the threat he was born to face. Jon gets a dragon. Jon discovers he's the true king. Jon and Bran team up, the rightful ruler embracing his birthright and the wizard. Wizard does literally nothing. Villain dies to someone else, villain's evil army falls apart. Turns out we never needed Jon, things would have been fine. Jon has to go do some tidying elsewhere now because what's even going on right now?
+ Show Spoiler +Except for the "cavalry running into a line of pikes" moment, I'm fine with that episode and with the ending, too. The god of death defeated the NK, fine. Now Cersei is the final boss and the good guys don't have an army.
United States41991 Posts
+ Show Spoiler +This is some scouring of the shire shit. In a hundred years it won't matter who won between Cersei and Dany, the kingdom will go on much as it always would. People will live, grow crops, pay taxes, and die, without knowing their ruler as anything other than someone whose face is on coins. The show spent 8 years telling us that the real war was between the living and the dead. Now it wants us to give a shit who out of the living gets to be king because it turned out the dead weren't actually as bad as all that?
The whole war and its conclusion makes Cersei look like shes playing 4d chess lol
Spoiler rant! + Show Spoiler +This season has been very unsatisfying with this episode being especially so. Right from the beginning.
Melissandre comes in solo, no army of Rhollor. No worries, turns out she's really powerful and can light thousands of swords on fire and then light the trench in the middle of an ice cloud when nothing else could. It does almost nothing. She then dies. Lord of Light is just a good God trying to help out, I guess. Powers seemed a lot more limited and ethics a lot more ambiguous earlier in the series.
The strategy for the Dothraki was ridiculous. Easy solution is to put them in the keep for a charge when the doors get breached. Better yet, keep them away from Winterfell waiting for the signal and try to mop up some of the back lines of undead or strike at the commanders when the main army attacks the walls. The commanders could do some cool things then. Nah, waste the Dothraki and the Whitewalker commanders.
Entire forces outside? Yeah, no need to use those walls until half your forces are dead.
Trebuchets/catapults? Good thing you fired off those two volleys. What was the point? Maybe they should have spent a little more time on the military strategy meeting. You know, hold back the enemy and bathe them in fire.
Tyrion genius? When was the last smart thing he did? Battle of the Blackwater? You know how easy it would have been to make him smart this episode? When the Nights King raises the dead, they could have mentioned something about removing all the corpses from the crypts. Or for better cinema, they could have staked all the hearts with dragon glass. They all rise and then die instantly. Could still get the same tension in the crypts by breaching the entrance afterwards.
Arya, warrior goddess? Yeah, just like Jaquen, the guy who sliced through armies... err no, he used subtle techniques to assassinate targets. I don't mind that Arya killed the Night King. She is supposed to be an assassin after all. I had more of a problem with her ability to fight hordes of zombies and also how she just randomly got there with zero setup, zero foreshadowing, not even an "I will protect my family" or a Hound protecting her and then she just goes missing.
Night King who? Bran why? One throwaway line in episode 2 to explain the conflict that has been setup since scene 1 of episode 1. Entire show shot so dark that it was hard to make out what was happening? Check. Plenty of fire around to create some firelight and show us who is fighting. Nah.
I'm too invested in this show to stop now, so I just want to get through to the end and hope GRRM gets motivated to finish the series right.
so what did bran use the ravens for
On April 29 2019 16:24 CorsairHero wrote: so what did bran use the ravens for to see what getting roasted by dragon fire feels like
+ Show Spoiler +So through the whole 8 seasons, the Night King didn't say a single word? What a villain indeed.
Guys I just wanna know if this episode was epic or a letdown. Dont wanna read spoilers.