On May 03 2016 17:31 Scorch wrote: Let's say the Sparrows situation in King's Landing escalates and King Tommen dies. Who would succeed him? He's the last Baratheon and there is no obvious heir. His queen, Margaery? The Queen Mother, Cersei? His male next of kin, his "uncle" Jamie? Or since as a Kingsguard, Jamie forfeited his claims, would it be Tommen's second oldest uncle, Tyrion? Or with Tyrion being a convicted murderer, perhaps even Kevan Lannister?
Gendry aka the rightful heir, will comeback.
Surely there are still plenty of Baratheons left? Distant relatives, cousins etc Won't they come before a bastard born like Gendry in the line of succession?
Cersie had Robert's bastards murdered, not other Baratheons.
There might be other Baratheons, but if there are, they have not been introduced. The entire male line of succession ended with Stannis/Shireen, leaving the false-Baratheon Tommen left.
So if Tommon dies we can only hope Gendry rows into Kings Landing harbor just in time to be legitimized.
On May 03 2016 20:16 Sent. wrote: If Westeros was your average European kingdom from middle ages an election would be the most likely outcome. Whatever Lannister closest to Tommen would have an extremely weak claim even if the laws would allow that kind of succession.
Also I think it's a simplification to say that Robert took the throne by force. The rebellion's goal was to remove the mad king, not to put Robert on the throne. He was chosen to fill the vacuum, it's not like he subjugated Starks and his other allies. What I mean is that his coronation was more acceptable because the rebellion against Targaryens had a just cause (this is from some medieval philosopher but I can't remember which one).
Feudalism biggest problem always was the transfer of power when a ruler died. Since Game of Thrones is loosely based on the war of the roses, which is cited as one of the causes of the decline of feudalism and rise of the merchant class. You see this in Game of Thrones through the Iron Bank.
But like the real world, in Game of Thrones the only way to remove a crazed ruler is through warfare, because there is no legal system to remove a mad king. And even if it happens, there is always this lack of a mandate.
ok. Happy to see in general that the show is picking up the pace and making significant plot advancements. Maybe having thrown off the "shackles" of the books has given them some much needed room to improve the pace. Hope they can keep this up and actually let some of the characters we are rooting for get some wins. My money is still on Jon and Deanearys. Hopefully coming back from the dead and escaping Dothraki widow concentration camp will make both of them pull their heads out of their asses and use their by now pretty imba armies to destroy Olly and the White Walkers once and for all.
On May 04 2016 00:10 Godwrath wrote: Was there any kind of sacrifice to raise Jon back from the dead ?
seems like nop, but we cannot be sure, and yet it's the case, considering Toros from Myr told that there must be a price, Jon's hair also cannot be considered as some sort of sacrifice :D that's rly interesting
On May 04 2016 00:10 Godwrath wrote: Was there any kind of sacrifice to raise Jon back from the dead ?
seems like nop, but we cannot be sure, and yet it's the case, considering Toros from Myr told that there must be a price, Jon's hair also cannot be considered as some sort of sacrifice :D that's rly interesting
Seeing as Jon resurrecting was the closing scene of the episode, I would definitely go with "too early to tell". Maybe Melisandre can no longer glamour? Maybe she died? Maybe Jon has gone insane? Maybe Olly spontaneously combust? Maybe Davos lost more fingerbits? Presumably the next episode will tell.
On May 04 2016 00:37 cSc.Dav1oN wrote: basicly every spell she uses is a bloodmagic, and it needs to be feed by something/someone (better if it will be kings blood)
She didn't need anyone's blood to survive the poisoning, altough I can't prove she used magic for that
Has Davos seen Berric Dondarrion or ever heard about him?
I'm having difficulty grasping Davos characterization in the show. It's been pretty well established that he despises Melissandre, what with seeing her birth shadow demons and being responsible for Shireen being burned alive. And now he is suddenly all compasionate towards Melissandre, giving her pep talks and asking for help. Even suggesting ressurection, when there's nothing to hint such things are even possible if he isn't aware of Red Priest doing his work on Berric.
I kinda feel they completely butchered his character in last 2 episodes.