Is anyone else annoyed that all the agents are super hot 20 year olds? It doesn't make any sense. The last line of defense between this world and whats out there is them? And they aren't even that good at acting, which makes it feels so cheesy from time to time. I would have much preferred if there were at least a couple of older actors aswell. They are better actors, make the show feel less cheesy and make it allow for the characters to have their own unique background story.
Even the tech nerd that hacked SHIELD solo is a freaking hot girl. And I'm not saying that beautiful girls wouldn't be able to do that, but why didn't any of the characters even make the slightest remark about it. They all pretend like its the most normal thing in the world.
I gave this series a second shot and started watching episode 2. But about 10 min in they are in the middle of the jungle with so much make up that it looks like they are going out to a ball. When they get attacked by the local soldiers, guess who turned out to be their commander .. another beautiful girl. (this is where i stopped watching)
And i know so many series, like the vampire diaries, have the same problem but man i expected better from this show.
On October 09 2013 05:29 Kaien wrote: Is anyone else annoyed that all the agents are super hot 20 year olds? It doesn't make any sense. The last line of defense between this world and whats out there is them? And they aren't even that good at acting, which makes it feels so cheesy from time to time. I would have much preferred if there were at least a couple of older actors aswell. They are better actors, make the show feel less cheesy and make it allow for the characters to have their own unique background story.
Even the tech nerd that hacked SHIELD solo is a freaking hot girl. And I'm not saying that beautiful girls wouldn't be able to do that, but why didn't any of the characters even make the slightest remark about it. They all pretend like its the most normal thing in the world.
I gave this series a second shot and started watching episode 2. But about 10 min in they are in the middle of the jungle with so much make up that it looks like they are going out to a ball. When they get attacked by the local soldiers, guess who turned out to be their commander .. another beautiful girl. (this is where i stopped watching)
And i know so many series, like the vampire diaries, have the same problem but man i expected better from this show.
Series based on nerdy stuff contains lots and lots of pretty women - i wonder why that is!
i cant believe that noone pointed out yet, that they sealed a huge hole in a plane with a fucking life raft. like seriously? that flying car in ep1 was stupid already but this? i know this show is about supernatural stuff but common.. at least a tiny bit of realism. i dont think i cant watch a 3rd episode of this
On October 09 2013 05:29 Kaien wrote: Is anyone else annoyed that all the agents are super hot 20 year olds? It doesn't make any sense. The last line of defense between this world and whats out there is them? And they aren't even that good at acting, which makes it feels so cheesy from time to time. I would have much preferred if there were at least a couple of older actors aswell. They are better actors, make the show feel less cheesy and make it allow for the characters to have their own unique background story.
Even the tech nerd that hacked SHIELD solo is a freaking hot girl. And I'm not saying that beautiful girls wouldn't be able to do that, but why didn't any of the characters even make the slightest remark about it. They all pretend like its the most normal thing in the world.
I gave this series a second shot and started watching episode 2. But about 10 min in they are in the middle of the jungle with so much make up that it looks like they are going out to a ball. When they get attacked by the local soldiers, guess who turned out to be their commander .. another beautiful girl. (this is where i stopped watching)
And i know so many series, like the vampire diaries, have the same problem but man i expected better from this show.
On October 03 2013 17:08 Pandemona wrote: Watched episode one the other night after the football with my dad. Was pretty good, wasn't amazing omg mode, but it was pretty solid and has potential. The issue i have at the moment is why they always make the "hacker" a fucking pretty faced girl. I mean they could atleast make it an Asian female to make it a little bit realistic ;_;
Her father is Chinese.
Speaking of which, it turns out that she attempted to become a Chinese pop star before she became an actress. She was born Chole Wang and changed her name to Chloe Bennett at some point.
Good episode imo. A couple of stupid things. Skye running into Ward's arms after he saved her made me cringe. And the whole "We all have guns but let us engage in hand-to-hand combat" thing in the same scene was pretty dumb as well. But I guess Ward can't just put three caps in their heads Rambo-style. The show is set in a superhero world, and you pretty much don't do shit like that there. EDIT: Not in Marvel's anyway. They are more about the fistfights.
Other than that everything ran pretty smoothly. Surprised me that Coulson dropped doctor guy into the gravity thing. But I guess he didn't have much of a choice, if he wanted to save his crew. All in all, this episode gives me hope for the series.
Firefly took just a tad too long to get most people involved. Buffy is horrific until the middle of season two. I am really sure that they are soon going to find their rythm.
I sign the petition for more edgy actors. They did a great job with the old guy from the movie as the main one, they should have more old/weird people.
As to the beautiful hacker-girl. Well they did not cater to the stereotype and gave her dark cirlces around the eyes and some weird scruffy hair and goth/industrial clothing. That actually makes her less flat for the role and they have time to come up with an explanation why she did not just became an actress or pop-idol with these looks, . Someone with the looks of Eric S. Raymond or Richard Stallman would have been amazing though!
It is not too late to change most of the cast.
And i know so many series, like the vampire diaries, have the same problem but man i expected better from this show.
Problem? That is the reason why I watch vampire diaries. It basicly is soft porn. I sometimes mute episodes and listen to music meanwhile. The visuals just trumph the writing by a huge margin.
On October 09 2013 23:48 HaRuHi wrote: Problem? That is the reason why I watch vampire diaries. It basically is soft porn. I sometimes mute episodes and listen to music meanwhile. The visuals just trumph the writing by a huge margin.
Actually I've always admired TVD for the amount of plot twists they manage to cram into a season. You can argue if the story is worth much, but at least it never gets boring :p TVD is just a good show overall imo. Of course, you have to not mind all the pretty people in the cast (But why the fuck would you mind looking at pretty girls? ). But you can have your opinion of course
And AoS is a Whedon show so a few of the cast will probably die off at some point. If it runs long enough.
On October 09 2013 23:48 HaRuHi wrote: Well to be honest here, it`s Joss Whedon.
Firefly took just a tad too long to get most people involved. Buffy is horrific until the middle of season two. I am really sure that they are soon going to find their rythm.
I sign the petition for more edgy actors. They did a great job with the old guy from the movie as the main one, they should have more old/weird people.
As to the beautiful hacker-girl. Well they did not cater to the stereotype and gave her dark cirlces around the eyes and some weird scruffy hair and goth/industrial clothing. That actually makes her less flat for the role and they have time to come up with an explanation why she did not just became an actress or pop-idol with these looks, . Someone with the looks of Eric S. Raymond or Richard Stallman would have been amazing though!
And i know so many series, like the vampire diaries, have the same problem but man i expected better from this show.
Problem? That is the reason why I watch vampire diaries. It basicly is soft porn. I sometimes mute episodes and listen to music meanwhile. The visuals just trumph the writing by a huge margin.
I disagree with this bolded part. I was captivated by Buffy from the start (granted I was in the demographic) and with Firefly I understand the slowness, but at least they were doing interesting things (think of the deliberate use of lack of sound, and a lot of the camera shots were incredibly experimental). I still didn't think that it was all that slow to begin myself, but I can understand it.
SHIELD feels like a "safe" fanservice specific show that's just not being given the effort necessary.
On October 09 2013 23:48 HaRuHi wrote: Well to be honest here, it`s Joss Whedon.
Firefly took just a tad too long to get most people involved.
Are you talking about when it was on television? The reason no one go involved too much then is because they showed most of the episodes out of order.
I feel like I'm in the minority as a non-hater. Episode 3 was better than the other two. People complaining about good looking people is funny, I find the tech people to be very plain looking and most people in JW's shows are good looking or plain.
The way my country was portrayed in episode 3 is quite funny and well, makes the plot look a bit silly to someone like me xD
1) Malta is not a country which would not extradite criminals; perhaps not to the US if there's the risk of the suspect being given the death penalty, but it would definitely extradite to any of the US's European NATO allies lol, especially with a little something called a European Arrest Warrant lol. 2) Maltese authorities would definitely not shoot US forces on sight haha; US warships (and those of several other countries including Russia, France, UK etc) are a regular sight in Maltese harbours; Malta allowed the US to use airstrips and harbours during the Libyan crisis as well - the last time Malta was against foreign military influence was in the 80s, and even then, when there was a plane hijacking, the authorities allowed US-led Egyptian commandos (, so really, in the real world, SHIELD would really have been welcomed 3) Ian Quin says that Malta allows him to do the research necessary for progress, research that the US Government, the EU and SHIELD prohibit...but Malta has been in the EU for 10 years, so that bit doesn't make much sense either. 4) Agent Ward asks Coulsen to drop him off outside the hills in Valletta (Malta's capital) so that he can create a cover ID and infiltrate Ian Quin's place...only there are no 'hills' outside Valletta really, it's just urban sprawl lol. 5) It's funny how it's ok to go into Peru in episode 2 without fearing any consequences, but going into Malta is risky lol, considering Malta's army has no jets, attack helicopters, tanks, armoured vehicles or anything which might possibly be a threat to Agent Coulsen's tie pin.
On October 10 2013 06:47 mikkmagro wrote: The way my country was portrayed in episode 3 is quite funny and well, makes the plot look a bit silly to someone like me xD
1) Malta is not a country which would not extradite criminals; perhaps not to the US if there's the risk of the suspect being given the death penalty, but it would definitely extradite to any of the US's European NATO allies lol, especially with a little something called a European Arrest Warrant lol. 2) Maltese authorities would definitely not shoot US forces on sight haha; US warships (and those of several other countries including Russia, France, UK etc) are a regular sight in Maltese harbours; Malta allowed the US to use airstrips and harbours during the Libyan crisis as well - the last time Malta was against foreign military influence was in the 80s, and even then, when there was a plane hijacking, the authorities allowed US-led Egyptian commandos (, so really, in the real world, SHIELD would really have been welcomed 3) Ian Quin says that Malta allows him to do the research necessary for progress, research that the US Government, the EU and SHIELD prohibit...but Malta has been in the EU for 10 years, so that bit doesn't make much sense either. 4) Agent Ward asks Coulsen to drop him off outside the hills in Valletta (Malta's capital) so that he can create a cover ID and infiltrate Ian Quin's place...only there are no 'hills' outside Valletta really, it's just urban sprawl lol. 5) It's funny how it's ok to go into Peru in episode 2 without fearing any consequences, but going into Malta is risky lol, considering Malta's army has no jets, attack helicopters, tanks, armoured vehicles or anything which might possibly be a threat to Agent Coulsen's tie pin.
So far its not what I was hoping for, its only a solid tv show. I was hoping for more, but its not bad enough to make me stop watching. I hope it gets better, but the source material means I will watch a mediocre tv show. And the viewer numbers and reviews thus far are positive enough that its going to last awhile, which is good. I was hoping for movie quality tv, but that kind of production value is hard to put out and be profitable, so this is what we get in terms of big names and ridiculous special effects unless it gets big enough that marvel sees a profit in putting out 42 minutes of a marvel comics movie once per week.
On October 10 2013 06:47 mikkmagro wrote: The way my country was portrayed in episode 3 is quite funny and well, makes the plot look a bit silly to someone like me xD
1) Malta is not a country which would not extradite criminals; perhaps not to the US if there's the risk of the suspect being given the death penalty, but it would definitely extradite to any of the US's European NATO allies lol, especially with a little something called a European Arrest Warrant lol. 2) Maltese authorities would definitely not shoot US forces on sight haha; US warships (and those of several other countries including Russia, France, UK etc) are a regular sight in Maltese harbours; Malta allowed the US to use airstrips and harbours during the Libyan crisis as well - the last time Malta was against foreign military influence was in the 80s, and even then, when there was a plane hijacking, the authorities allowed US-led Egyptian commandos (, so really, in the real world, SHIELD would really have been welcomed 3) Ian Quin says that Malta allows him to do the research necessary for progress, research that the US Government, the EU and SHIELD prohibit...but Malta has been in the EU for 10 years, so that bit doesn't make much sense either. 4) Agent Ward asks Coulsen to drop him off outside the hills in Valletta (Malta's capital) so that he can create a cover ID and infiltrate Ian Quin's place...only there are no 'hills' outside Valletta really, it's just urban sprawl lol. 5) It's funny how it's ok to go into Peru in episode 2 without fearing any consequences, but going into Malta is risky lol, considering Malta's army has no jets, attack helicopters, tanks, armoured vehicles or anything which might possibly be a threat to Agent Coulsen's tie pin.
I'm aware of this as is the producers of the show, but the marvel verse is a alternate universe in more ways than aliens and super heroes. Any who expects to see the real world+ is going to be disappointed. That being said I feel your pain on misrepresentation of your country, I live in a state that doesn't get a very accurate representation in tv based off of the real world.