Yeah so basically Disney bought Lucasfilm and is planning to release a new Star Wars movie in 2015.
Cue internet explosion. In a “holy shit” piece of news, Disney has purchased George Lucas’ Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion, and has earmarked a 2015 release date for Star Wars: Episode VII. Yes, you read that right. Not only will Disney be in command of the Star Wars empire, but a seventh entry in one of the most popular franchise of all time is in the works and set for release the same year as The Avengers 2 and Justice League.
I'm not sure if we are supposed to be outraged at the blasphemy of Disney taking over and continuing a franchise that we were supposed to be happy to consider finished or relieved that Lucas won't be doing anything more to it.
Grosssss! I mean Disney does a good job and all, but considering there is no Episode 7 original material, they're going to make it from scratch.
George Lucas, Star Wars fans are gunna hate on you for awhile because that's not really cool. You were the man behind everything and now it's going to take a turn presumably for the worse with the writing
either way, of course I'll still see it because I'm a sellout and I like being entertained! I hate myself
On October 31 2012 05:30 PrinceXizor wrote: Well, if it's based off of the 2nd empire and that stuff it'll be cool, if it's (most likely) based on the solo kids and stuff. it'll be horrible.