On January 14 2020 01:34 herMan wrote: Latest chapter was pretty sweet, White finally got some serious action.
White seems to refer himself to not being his strongest. Does anyone remember what is sapping his "true potential"? It's also kind of a cool plot point since instead of falling away into irrelevance his power level might rise up together with Baam & company's .
White is basically shadowfiend in a nutshell. Except he can store an unlimited amount of souls. A large portion of his soul power was inherited by BAM when they fought. I don't recall how far back the chapter was when they did a flash back of White and his past on the train. White recently asked bam to use that power or that he could teach him how to use it. Bam is hesitant since the power accumulated was a bunch of vengeful souls.
I still don't get how anyone and especially Baam is fine with White being part of the party in the first place. This guy is responsible for the death of multiple of Baam's friends, has publicly announced that he made millions kill each other for fun and has been a scumbag at basically every occasion. He's an impulsive mass-murdering sociopath who occasionally kills random people because he feels like it.
I get that FUG are somewhat about fighting evil with evil. I have no problem with Kaiser joining the party since she actually has a a backstory that somewhat relieve her crimes f.e. and I get that Karaka is both powerful and mentally stable enough to be considered an ally. I find Beta a stretch tbh since he's been attacking and wounding Baam's friends on multiple occasions and isn't that useful, but he's mostly in the background for now. But honestly just being near White should be terrifying for everyone weaker than him. He is by far the worst of the bunch and still seems like a villain that somehow survived his arc and never got a redemption story. I have no idea why he fights Kallavan in the first place, Karaka isn't even there to keep him in check.
Then again the whole wall revival plot doesn't make any sense to me. Why would anyone send Baam after Kallavan? Why does Khaine have the emotional stability of a teen when she's supposed to be a battle-hardened hundreds of years old veteran of the largest war in history? Why are Jahad's troops trying to revive the heroes instead of just blowing up the wall? Why do all the people spend tons of panels with dbz-posing instead of attacking enemies that have turned their back on them?
True, I don't really dig this arc either. It also seems silly to me that Baam goes after Kallavan even though there's a vast difference between their power.
What you said about White is quite accurate, his choice to go with Baam & co hasn't really been addressed and why anyone wouldn't hate his guts. Personally I just think he wants to fight strong enemies, regain his old strength and side with FUG.
Am I the only one who thinks it's obvious Kallavan is going to Join Bam's group? This is all setup so that Kallavan realizes he's been fighting for the wrong side the entire time. I also think white's defeat at the hands of bam humbled him a bit. Kept him in check. In contrast to white's personality, he's doing things he otherwise wouldn't have done. Like Teach some of his sword skills. Bam is basically Naruto in this instance. His ability to draw allys on all sides / be granted power is his power.
Kallavan's the main villain of this arc. If he joins Baam then that would be terrible writing.
In fact the way Kallavan was handled up until this point was also very disappointing. Giving him a shitty Justin Beiber haircut and then gimping his arm? Retarded.
Every arc also had a "main villain" which he ended up having to work with temporarily, joined him or gained their powers.
heck, a lot of prominent members of his team were his enemies until he swayed them. Karaka, Kaiser, White, etc, etc.
it also makes sense as they are now being hunted and going to war. FUG honestly seems short of staff for a fullscale war, and it just so happens, that the previous commander, is now an ex-commander.
On January 23 2020 02:13 Hyperbola wrote: Kallavan's the main villain of this arc. If he joins Baam then that would be terrible writing.
In fact the way Kallavan was handled up until this point was also very disappointing. Giving him a shitty Justin Beiber haircut and then gimping his arm? Retarded. I find White and Beta working with Baam way more wrong than Kallavan. Kallavan just does what that he thinks is right he doesn't have a strong loyalty to Jahad or anyone in Jahad's army. He sees himself as a soldier, but outside of the noble warrior spirit there really isn't anything binding him to Jahad.
I can definitely see him switch sides if someone in Jahad's army did some really nefarious shit for giggles or someone convinced him that Jahad isn't doing anything for a greater purpose. At least once Baam has surpassed him, but I assume that that's gonna happen against one-armed Kallavan this or next arc.
Also outside of the floor of death arc every arc villain but Kallavan since hell train has joined Baam's party (although BBE in workshop battle is debatable between Reflejo and Beta).
The disconnect is that White is an outright psychotic monster who not only is a mass murderer but has eaten the souls of millions, including baam's friends, which is a pretty horrible fate for those souls, and that Kallavan seems utterly loyal to Jahad's army. Whilst the others seem less of villians but more of manipulated or uncaring. I can't even remember what Karaka did other than fight Yuri one time and generally looking scary.
we are so close to the anime starting boyssss time to hype it up, spring 2020!!
Jesus christ what a yawn fest. Only TOG could manage to make a war seem this boring.
Yeah, what the hell happened? A big ass arc where nothing happens, except two guys get resurrected. Now it seems that all the people will meet again at the Nest for a showdown. This was supposed to be a showdown already.
Why... why are they speaking Japanese?
It's being made as an anime for the anime audience, and Crunchyroll funded it. It will have a simulrelease in Japanese, English, and Korean I believe. It wouldn't have gotten funded for primarily the Korean market.
On February 11 2020 04:13 herMan wrote: Yeah, what the hell happened? A big ass arc where nothing happens, except two guys get resurrected. Now it seems that all the people will meet again at the Nest for a showdown. This was supposed to be a showdown already. The whole mini-arc didn't make any sense. The whole setup with "regulars, go and stop Khallavan" over Khaine who's supposedly hundreds of years old but has the mental fortitude of a 12 year old to Khaine's sister who's not just too dumb to connect the dots but also just believes a random stranger enough to switch sides to the people who supposedly killed multiple of her friends over to Yasratcha who's ridiculously broken but also gives up control over the upper canine echelon for no reason.
The only character whose plan made an ounce of sense was White's plan to abuse the legendary warrior to eat Khallavan, but he got stomped so badly.
The canine arc started out fine, but it went back to dbz in a heartbreak 
Imo similarly to Naruto a war arc doesn't make any sense for ToG to begin with, power levels are waaay to different and it doesn't fit the narrative structure Siu is good at.
I read ahead a bit. The next arc is alright. It's an actual "war" and a definite improvement over this one.
Next arc must be one heck of a short arc then. You can only be 3 episodes ahead.
How much is webtoons behind the Korean original? I'd be surprised if the action already warms up in 3 chapters.
Tbh I hope it doesn't, I enjoy the scenes where people talk and plan way more. ToG has a beautiful world and a lot of cool characters, it just has really dull fights and a thin story atm.
I wish the webtoon would go back to tower of exploration and betrayal
The Korean scans are 4 chapters ahead. They're on mangahelpers if you want to check them out. Otherwise, I won't comment any further because we're technically discussing spoilers.