On August 12 2011 04:09 PureMetal wrote: yeahhh.... no thanks...
I can't wrap my head around what would make any decent male enjoy this show. I have tried watching it, but honestly can't do more than 30 seconds.
so if you decided you didn't like this about 160 pages ago, why did you come back?
I forgot about that to be honest. Glad you're searching my posts though
Frankly the whole fan base that doesn't consist of children is depressing me and every time I see this post bumped I can't help but picture these painfully awkward people. I mean just try to have a conversation with a girl about how you like the show MLP and see what happens.
You are right, no one at a Sc2 meet up is even slightly awkward. I'd dig up photos from LANs, but frankly its not worth the effort. I've talked with girls about MLP, my ex is a pegasis, most girls find it adorable that you can be "oh so sensitive" and "secure in your manhood", and at the end of the day, if someone male or female is going to judge me for watching MLP, they aren't people who were really worth knowing anyway.
If you don't like it you don't have to post here. But why bother to post to tell us how the fact that we enjoy this show depresses you? If you had a coherent argument I'd happily discuss with you, but you seem to come in here to try to bait reactions.
On August 12 2011 04:09 PureMetal wrote: yeahhh.... no thanks...
I can't wrap my head around what would make any decent male enjoy this show. I have tried watching it, but honestly can't do more than 30 seconds.
so if you decided you didn't like this about 160 pages ago, why did you come back?
I forgot about that to be honest. Glad you're searching my posts though
Frankly the whole fan base that doesn't consist of children is depressing me and every time I see this post bumped I can't help but picture these painfully awkward people. I mean just try to have a conversation with a girl about how you like the show MLP and see what happens.
You are right, no one at a Sc2 meet up is even slightly awkward. I'd dig up photos from LANs, but frankly its not worth the effort. I've talked with girls about MLP, my ex is a pegasis, most girls find it adorable that you can be "oh so sensitive" and "secure in your manhood", and at the end of the day, if someone male or female is going to judge me for watching MLP, they aren't people who were really worth knowing anyway.
If you don't like it you don't have to post here. But why bother to post to tell us how the fact that we enjoy this show depresses you? If you had a coherent argument I'd happily discuss with you, but you seem to come in here to try to bait reactions.
On August 12 2011 04:09 PureMetal wrote: yeahhh.... no thanks...
I can't wrap my head around what would make any decent male enjoy this show. I have tried watching it, but honestly can't do more than 30 seconds.
so if you decided you didn't like this about 160 pages ago, why did you come back?
I forgot about that to be honest. Glad you're searching my posts though
Frankly the whole fan base that doesn't consist of children is depressing me and every time I see this post bumped I can't help but picture these painfully awkward people. I mean just try to have a conversation with a girl about how you like the show MLP and see what happens.
You are right, no one at a Sc2 meet up is even slightly awkward. I'd dig up photos from LANs, but frankly its not worth the effort. I've talked with girls about MLP, my ex is a pegasis, most girls find it adorable that you can be "oh so sensitive" and "secure in your manhood", and at the end of the day, if someone male or female is going to judge me for watching MLP, they aren't people who were really worth knowing anyway.
If you don't like it you don't have to post here. But why bother to post to tell us how the fact that we enjoy this show depresses you? If you had a coherent argument I'd happily discuss with you, but you seem to come in here to try to bait reactions.
Aww hell, I gotta play me some TL mafia some time again.
Beat you to it by like a month, that game has already happened. There will be a part two when the mafia hosting cue clears up and if there are enough active players in the mafia forum, so go out and recruit people!
On August 12 2011 04:09 PureMetal wrote: yeahhh.... no thanks...
I can't wrap my head around what would make any decent male enjoy this show. I have tried watching it, but honestly can't do more than 30 seconds.
so if you decided you didn't like this about 160 pages ago, why did you come back?
I forgot about that to be honest. Glad you're searching my posts though
Frankly the whole fan base that doesn't consist of children is depressing me and every time I see this post bumped I can't help but picture these painfully awkward people. I mean just try to have a conversation with a girl about how you like the show MLP and see what happens.
You are right, no one at a Sc2 meet up is even slightly awkward. I'd dig up photos from LANs, but frankly its not worth the effort. I've talked with girls about MLP, my ex is a pegasis, most girls find it adorable that you can be "oh so sensitive" and "secure in your manhood", and at the end of the day, if someone male or female is going to judge me for watching MLP, they aren't people who were really worth knowing anyway.
If you don't like it you don't have to post here. But why bother to post to tell us how the fact that we enjoy this show depresses you? If you had a coherent argument I'd happily discuss with you, but you seem to come in here to try to bait reactions.
On October 17 2011 11:26 kunstderfugue wrote: The OP's poll about songs is missing the most adorable fluttershy song ever - So Many Wonders (especially the french version)
On October 17 2011 11:26 kunstderfugue wrote: The OP's poll about songs is missing the most adorable fluttershy song ever - So Many Wonders (especially the french version)
I forgot about that to be honest. Glad you're searching my posts though
Frankly the whole fan base that doesn't consist of children is depressing me and every time I see this post bumped I can't help but picture these painfully awkward people. I mean just try to have a conversation with a girl about how you like the show MLP and see what happens.
I dropped the show in conversation with three women i hang out with regularily, and within minutes we were watching episode one. We were 5 episodes in before the pizza got there (slow delivery). All three of them now watch more studiously than me, and one of them has taken it upon herself to be the person who pesters me to watch the new episodes if i haven't already so she has someone to talk about ponies with.
Welcome to TL and what a great way to make your first post.
Personally, I really like the CMC episodes. They are such a fun trio, and Scoots is AWESOME. I don't really see what problem so many people have. To they just balk at hearing the word "cutie" every 45 seconds?
Thanks. Yeah, Brony reporting in, rising fan of pro Starcraft (still new, be gentle) and all that.
As for CMC eps, i enjoy them, but i think the reason i don't prefer them is because there's less of a group dynamic going on. I get their mission and everything, but their characters aren't as clearly defined as the main six, who have really unique personalities which clash and mesh in really interesting ways.
On October 17 2011 07:02 Soap wrote: If that calmes your nerves I find most things posted here disgusting, who's into that shipping bullshit should look for professional help. But the show is really, really good.
I'm not as into it as the people I feel you're talking about, but still, I need professional help? Go fuck yourself. If I want to read stories about god damn ponies loving each other, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Woah woah woah Tempest, calm down bro! People are entitled to have their own opinion - even if that offends someone - just don't go so agressive over them!
Seems like you've had a hard day or a bad night, here, have some Egophiliac and diabetes as well as pure d'aaaawness.
Now you should be feeling better :D I know I am. I woke up from the craziest nightmare in the last YEARS, which included zombies, Jesus, a character-narrator that was breaking the fourth wall, and monochromatic ghosts. Then I turn the computer on to see this. That's why this fandom is so fucking good.
On October 17 2011 15:21 Zephirdd wrote: Woah woah woah Tempest, calm down bro! People are entitled to have their own opinion - even if that offends someone - just don't go so agressive over them!
Seems like you've had a hard day or a bad night, here, have some Egophiliac and diabetes as well as pure d'aaaawness.
Now you should be feeling better :D I know I am. I woke up from the craziest nightmare in the last YEARS, which included zombies, Jesus, a character-narrator that was breaking the fourth wall, and monochromatic ghosts. Then I turn the computer on to see this. That's why this fandom is so fucking good.
I don't remember seeing this video previously in the thread. It has cracked me up - several times a day. I love Spike's role and it's nice to see AJ being awesome in the spotlight for a change.