On October 14 2011 18:17 RPR_Tempest wrote: When I was a little bronzie and some cheese was going doooowwn The six pools and the proxies they would always make me frooowwwn I'd QQ on the forums, at the bullshit that I saw, but Team Liquid told me that wasn't the way to deal with cheese at aaaaalll They said, newbie, you gotta stand up tall, learn to face that cheese, you'll see that it can't hurt you, just scout to make it disappear!
Soooo kill out all the probies! Proxy when they proxy! Wall out at the cheesy! Bunker when they're rushing! Spread against the banelings! Micro on the marines
And show that big dumb noob to take a lesson and stop that and if he thinks he can win with cheeses then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just make you wanna (hahaha) laaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!
K, someone record it.
Brilliant! Are there any musical TL bronies? We need this.
At Zephirdd's bequest I have made an Art section in the OP, its kind of sparse at the moment, so if anyone knows any good artists not linked already please PM me the relevant information so I can include it in the OP.
Oh, I could just lose myself in this. When the finale kicks in, I can't help but feel we just might be destined to do this forever. And I wouldn't mind one bit.
On October 15 2011 05:40 FnF wrote: Oh, I could just lose myself in this. When the finale kicks in, I can't help but feel we just might be destined to do this forever. And I wouldn't mind one bit.
Whoa, thanks for linking that. I don't think I need anything more from life than that page.
I think that this might actually end up being the happiest weekend of my life. I'm on such a pony high. What if... what if this goes on forever? I'M STUCK HAPPY GUYS.
I cannot freaking wait. New remastered intro music, Twilight Sparkle episode... all the love has been going to episode 4 for obvious reasons, but this should be all kinds of awesome.
For those of us without The Hub (if, say, you're in Norway), there are live streams everywhere. BronyState is one such hangout. Yes, I'm taking time out of watching the epic MC/HuK game to write this.
Seth got an e-mail requesting interviews for a documentary. He didn't research the company requesting the interviews and put up their request on EqD. Turns out they were from “My Strange Addiction”, in which they film people with weird fetishes and fixations. They had... impure intentions to say the least, since they produce "shockumentaries" and were sure portray bronies as furries/pedophiles. So Seth obviously pulled the post where he put up their request. That is all ^_^