On September 20 2011 08:53 dTox wrote: I'd be interested to see the psychological analysis of the grown men who are 'into' MLP. I'm not trolling or being mean, i am genuinely interested to know what a psychologist would make of this. I mean sure its heart warming and 'charming', but the novelty soon wears off when you realize the entire show is targeted at kids below the age of 10. What can you get out of this after the first 5 minutes?
I guess its just escapism, more than anything else. But there are healthier/more productive things to 'escape' into.... Like Starcraft 2.
there is no novelity, we watch it every week for the same reasons anyone else watches any other show every week.
On September 20 2011 08:53 dTox wrote: I'd be interested to see the psychological analysis of the grown men who are 'into' MLP. I'm not trolling or being mean, i am genuinely interested to know what a psychologist would make of this. I mean sure its heart warming and 'charming', but the novelty soon wears off when you realize the entire show is targeted at kids below the age of 10. What can you get out of this after the first 5 minutes?
I guess its just escapism, more than anything else. But there are healthier/more productive things to 'escape' into.... Like Starcraft 2.
What did you get from watching any Pixar movie? also. check out the bolded part of your quote.
Hey, I'd love to see a cognitive study on the effects of MLP, or a sociological study on bronies. Though I think that Starcraft study will be more fruitful =P
On September 20 2011 08:53 dTox wrote: I'd be interested to see the psychological analysis of the grown men who are 'into' MLP. I'm not trolling or being mean, i am genuinely interested to know what a psychologist would make of this. I mean sure its heart warming and 'charming', but the novelty soon wears off when you realize the entire show is targeted at kids below the age of 10. What can you get out of this after the first 5 minutes?
I guess its just escapism, more than anything else. But there are healthier/more productive things to 'escape' into.... Like Starcraft 2.
It's not novelty. The show is solid and keeps being entertaining on a level that an adult (who is mature enough to move beyond the initial knee-jerk reaction) can appreciate. It still isn't gonna be for everyone, and that doesn't mean that there's something wrong with those who do enjoy it.
On September 20 2011 09:02 TheRealPaciFist wrote: Hey, I'd love to see a cognitive study on the effects of MLP, or a sociological study on bronies. Though I think that Starcraft study will be more fruitful =P
I think that would be a very interesting study, as I don't feel that I'm fully capable of putting my fanatism about bronidom into words. I've tried to earlier in this thread (see the notable post section of the OP for reference), but I don't think that fully explains it, at least in my case.
Sometimes it almost feels like a religion, except it's obviously not one. If I could create a metaphor to explain what I mean, if you think of a religion as a 3-course meal, with the appy, main course, and dessert, this feels like that except it's only the dessert.
MLP is like the Brothers Grimm tales, except with the opposite intended mood: peaceful instead of terrifying. Faerie tales with simple morals in a setting meant to calm the soul (which is where your hunger-induced derp analogy can come into play), and able to do so with far more elegance than Disney ever achieved with television (though they did achieve in film).
On September 20 2011 06:46 DuB phool wrote: I can't believe that more people haven't voted for Pinkie's "Giggle at the Ghosties" as the best song! I listen to it at least once a day... it's so catchy. I've gotten a few odd looks while singing it at school.
Also - I'll admit that I felt strangely proud that Fluttershy was able to completely resist Discord. She's the only one he gave up on corrupting the roundabout way. Go Fluttershy!
I think it's because the rhyme in the song is pretty bad. Ghostly/grossly, really? Also, all the talking and laughing during the song is kind of a turn off.
On September 20 2011 09:20 Soleron wrote: You don't need a study. It's just because it is a good TV show for the usual reasons common to all media from Shakespeare to Star Wars.
The study would be into why shipping fanfiction appeals to so many people.
On September 20 2011 09:27 OMGIllithan wrote: I just saw this video on reddit, it kinda supports your thoughts therealpacifist. http://youtu.be/ZoDfRGV7KJc
Oh that's too cool. =D
AJ's my favorite. It took me forever to decide... I watched all of season 1, then I realized I didn't have a favorite (and I was expecting to have one by then), and so I thought about who I would miss the most were they removed from the show. AJ was it!
On September 20 2011 09:27 OMGIllithan wrote: I just saw this video on reddit, it kinda supports your thoughts therealpacifist. http://youtu.be/ZoDfRGV7KJc
On September 20 2011 08:53 dTox wrote: I'd be interested to see the psychological analysis of the grown men who are 'into' MLP. I'm not trolling or being mean, i am genuinely interested to know what a psychologist would make of this. I mean sure its heart warming and 'charming', but the novelty soon wears off when you realize the entire show is targeted at kids below the age of 10. What can you get out of this after the first 5 minutes?
I guess its just escapism, more than anything else. But there are healthier/more productive things to 'escape' into.... Like Starcraft 2.
I think im gonna get banned for this or make a shit storm, but its something that it must be done.
On September 20 2011 00:45 Bash wrote: Pinkie Pie lives above Sugarcube Corner and at least every now and then helps the owners with the sweets, if not a full-time employee.
I watched the new episode again and everything seems to hint that Celestia and Luna turned the other ponies wielding the Elements of Harmony to stone (and they can be seen in the garden, I felt like the camera lingers a little too long in that one position when the 4 distinct pony statues are visible).
This would explain why they're "no longer connected to the elements" as Celestia says, and while Discord's jabs at the princess ("I don't turn ponies into stone") don't necessarily mean she turns PONIES into stone, it does fall into the whole thing pretty nicely. Admittedly the whole idea is fueled by the fanon that Celestia is nothing but a tyrant, and honestly is probably a wee bit complicated a plot for this sort of show but hey it's a fun thought to hang on to until next Saturday.
Oh and I'm sure someone thought of this already before me but oh well...
If it was Celestia, Luna, and 4 other ponies that used the elements to defeat Discord, then I don't think she turned them to stone. Ponies are mortal and will die of old age, where it seems that the only way an Alicorn dies is if it is slain. I'm assuming that the whole "turn ponies to stone" line is just Discord referring to the fact that she turned him to stone and nothing else. I think that all Discord "turns ponies into" is basically whatever type of chaotic evil suits him (like he did in episode 1), but that's just me.
Discord's petrification either (a) leaves his mind intact, which means he has to suffer the boredom of an inactive 1000 years or (b) he's unconscious, basically dead really, until the petrification is reverted or I suppose (c) he's dreaming
Option (a) is just plain torture. I'm going to assume that option (a) is not what occurred.
So, from Discord's point of view, even holding with options (b) or (c), turning somebody to stone is infinitely worse than anything Discord does. He might turn some people evil, he might mess with people, he might make their lives full of hurt as a side effect to his chaotic antics... but at least they're alive and (arguably) free to live (do the vilified ponies still have free will? That remains to see in episode 2, I guess).
For a guy who's spent the last 1000 years petrified, Discord is actually remarkably composed. Even if he was unconscious during most of that time (making it feel like no time has passed at all), I know I'd be irked at having missed a 1000 years of history and bloody potential life! Maybe the joy of being freed is balancing out his hate for Celestia; maybe him being a longer-lived creature anyway is mitigating the irk.
And yeah, irk can actually be used as a noun like that. Cool.
Why would they be stronger than unicorns or pegasi? Yeah it sucks that they don't have wings or horns, but hey, that's life. Also I don't think pegasi are any lighter than regular ponies; until somebody comes along with a more interesting theory, I just hold that their flight comes from magic, a different type of magic than the horns because they come from the wings.
Earth Ponies would be stronger through nature itself. Since they have no magic to levitate objects, nor wings to aid them when traveling, it would just be natural that they have a stronger body structure. Take Rainbow Dash vs Applejack: RD is an athlete that trains every day dreaming with the Wonderbolts, so she also has a body as strong as the body of an Earthling, even beating AJ on an armwrestling fight. Applejack however proved to have a much stronger back-body structure with her bucking abilities(bucking half a farm of trees should be a good training, right?).
Also, according to LF, in a world where flying and magic are about as common as earth abilities(animal caretaking, understanding of flora, food culture etc), Earth Ponies are specialist on Earth itself. Heck, the Pie family is made of geoculturists, after all.
Also, Fluttershy is more of an Earthling than a Pegasus, and IIRC that was the original idea for her.
“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”, just sayin'.
A shame indeed but I'm so impressed by the mod action in this thread. I know I just mentioned this like a page ago but this time I dont think it was even reported. It's like Empyrean (one of my personal favourites btw <3) just suddenly had a cold shiver and knew he had to come over here and bust someone's chops. It's quite impressive. ^^
Also that picture is really cool. Kinda strange how they kept the bird's faces in there though. :S
Oddly enough from all of our speculation, we've been missing certain someone from our discussions. I highly doubt this character that I have in mind will spend all of episode 2 looking like this: + Show Spoiler +
On September 20 2011 10:56 Gary Oak wrote: It's almost as if Empyrean is a brony too!
Oddly enough from all of our speculation, we've been missing certain someone from our discussions. I highly doubt this character that I have in mind will spend all of episode 2 looking like this: + Show Spoiler +
Certainly a good point but you cant imagine how much I wanted that spoiler to contain Trixie! Like she's already totally a self-centered jerk so what could Discord really do, right? (Yes I know it won't happen, but I can hope right?) ^^
Anyways yes, I can't believe I forgot about Spike existing (though I'm not too sure he has that much to contribute to some sort of resolution).