Survivors of slave labor, brainwashing, torture and attempted organ harvesting combine with an investigative journalist, and eminent experts, to discuss the contentious subject of Genocide in modern-day China, which increasingly involves the West. Shocking persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. It is appalling to realize what little international attention has been paid to such a massive human rights abuse. Transmission 6-10 was independently written/directed/produced by two practitioners of Falun Gong with the assistance of a number of people who do not practice. Therefore, the production is considered to be a collaborative effort.
Dunno if it's been mentioned yet but a cursory Google search says no.
A great series of debates between Christopher Hitchens and a pastor named Douglas Wilson on a basic question: Is Christianity good for the world? Resulted in the book. A great, passionate, thorough, and above all, civilized exchange between two intelligent men on an essential topic. If nothing else, still a fascinating character study on these two guys who, as the film shows, are extraordinarily similar aside from this one most fundamental disagreement.
I might have somewhat of a tainted view of this since I really enjoy guitar playing, but I found it overall quite enjoyable. I really liked the amount of depth the film took into the backgrounds of each of the artists to show the path each artist took in order to define their sound.
2010 film about street art (tagging) and how modern art is all bullshit.
The "art world" is talking about this film alot because it just proves how stupid they are. This film is also really highly rated, 97% on Rotten Tomatoe.
- Jesus Camp for all the atheists out there. About some hardcore religious nuts.
- And Monster Camp is hilarious. For all you nerds. This movie is soooooooooo funny. even funnier than King of Kong (OPs recommendation).
- And Man On Wire. Amazing story about an impossible prank.
- And Grizzly Man. Hilarious. Movie. About. An. Idiot.
I love documentaries, I watch a lot of them and these are some of the best I can remember off the top of my head. You MUST watch these + Exit Through the Window.
What is interesting about the documentary is that it shows that gays that believe in God is not like a Jew supporting the Nazi Party as many people assume. Full Movie here
Honestly... This documentary is everything to me. I've never referenced and referred to a documentary so many times to so many of my papers.
I learned a lot from this and it confirmed a lot of things I knew previously. Might not be the most interesting to people, but it says a lot and their approach of comparing a corporation to a socio/psychopath is spot on.
Honestly... This documentary is everything to me. I've never referenced and referred to a documentary so many times to so many of my papers.
I learned a lot from this and it confirmed a lot of things I knew previously. Might not be the most interesting to people, but it says a lot and their approach of comparing a corporation to a socio/psychopath is spot on.
I am watching this right now. Actually took a break to visit the forums. Great doc I've seen allot of the footage before like the monsanto stuff and much of the stock footage appear in other docs though.
Honestly... This documentary is everything to me. I've never referenced and referred to a documentary so many times to so many of my papers.
I learned a lot from this and it confirmed a lot of things I knew previously. Might not be the most interesting to people, but it says a lot and their approach of comparing a corporation to a socio/psychopath is spot on.
I am watching this right now. Actually took a break to visit the forums. Great doc I've seen allot of the footage before like the monsanto stuff and much of the stock footage appear in other docs.
I think what I loved the most are the anecdotes and views/explanations from their guest-speakers. Really interesting! The 14th amendment part really had me hooked with interest (even though I knew of it, in part).
And the patent section, oh man, I fucking wept with laughter and the ridiculousness of it all.
What is interesting about the documentary is that it shows that gays that believe in God is not like a Jew supporting the Nazi Party as many people assume. Full Movie here
What a joke. Sure there are a bunch of fake churches who say homosexuality is fine but they are just lying. The Bible teaches homosexuality is wrong and people who engage in those acts and don't repent will go to hell. End of story. Its not some literal vs allegory account it is WRONG. Just like its WRONG to have sex out of marriage. Its described as wrong in a few different places and I'm not gonna bother finding the verses atm. But if having sex out of marriage is wrong how can people think that gays can have sex and its ok? That makes no sense.
Its taught in the New Testament that its wrong. Lets take a look. In the gospel Jesus says fornication is wrong. All homosexual sex is fornication and always will be (or possibly adultery) because that marriage isn't recognized as legitimate by God. Sure the State might one day say Homosexuality is ok and their marriage is real but thats man's arbitrary ever shifting opinion.
Go ahead and lie to yourself or feel comfort in that fact that their are whole churches who will lie to you and say its ok with God. Its not. And anyone who approves of homosexuality is just as guilty as those who engage it it. This video is just liberal Chrisitianity (if you can even call it Christianity) doing their normal lying routine so they are PC. Look we have women as pastors and say gays are fine come to our church we are progressive multicultural blah blah...
The whole God Hates Fags people are mislead though. God WILL put homosexuals who dont repent in hell but if they aren't in the church its not your job to tell them that. It is definitely appropriate for Christian to vote, lead, and get into politics to make homosexuality illegal (again) and stop homosexual wanna be marriage from existing (or adoption).
Honestly... This documentary is everything to me. I've never referenced and referred to a documentary so many times to so many of my papers.
I learned a lot from this and it confirmed a lot of things I knew previously. Might not be the most interesting to people, but it says a lot and their approach of comparing a corporation to a socio/psychopath is spot on.
rofl. seems very impartial...
the general theme [edit: of all the docus here] seems to be anti-corporation, anti-religion and pro-socialism documentaries. teenagers will be teenagers, i guess.
Well this movie just reinforces my belief that people who buy bottle water are wasting their money however I did learn that PET is more dangerous than I originally though. It was entertaining.
My criticism lies in that fact that I found the lack of explanation of the process of actually making bottled water, as someone who operated distilling plants, disturbing. Comparing the processes would of done a much better job at convincing people to stop drinking bottle water than the mostly one sided arguments the film makers used.
Also they didn't mention anything about water fluoridation which the Government has recently had to lower to recommend max amount to put into drinking water because it has been shown to lead to cavities and is suspected to cause bone problems by replacing the calcium in bones with fluoride.