On May 29 2017 02:05 YourGoodFriend wrote: I mean after watching the teams at Manila and watching all of liquids games at SL I think TNC and liquid are the strongest looking two teams right now. I mean newbee got 2nd at Manila and faceless got fourth. Newbee was 2-0ed by TNC and faceless looked like a tier two team against liquid (not even making it to 30 minutes in both games) at SL
It seems pretty natural to me that teams who have experience on the patch are a bit stronger than the ones who don't. If I wanted I could also make a statement like "Liquid struggled to even beat iG, but iG is clearly weak on the patch given that they lost 2-0 to NP!". Newbee and Faceless could learn from what happened at SL. Faceless even changed roles around completely. I don't think it says much about the expected strength of these teams at Epicenter or especially later than that. Though ofc Liquid and TNC are strong teams, but anyway I don't think these sorts of comparisons are so straightforward.
2 days again for epicenter n our first opponent is LFY
sounds an easy team, doesn't it?
On June 03 2017 00:37 chabode wrote:2 days again for epicenter n our first opponent is LFY sounds an easy team, doesn't it?  Sure, they've been bootcamping in china. If it was the other way around (EU bootcamp) LFY might have surprised them.
will our boys play on a second stream? Hyped, LFY seem strong after that OG match!
Liquid is about to play here: https://www.twitch.tv/epicenter_en2
please add this to the Live Events tab!
Matu's Chronos are a thing of beauty this game. Always getting people on the edges.
I don't know what you think guys It's okay in groupstages etc. But when it starts to matter I think they should stick to not going for TB/Naga We can dominate people with signature drafts
Liquid has really to step up their Game. They cant win Games anymore that are going over 30 Minutes...
Well at least with the Enchantress pick on Gh, you can say they're at least experimenting.
Hopefully this loss will give Liquid the reassurance that AM is a hero that might as well not exist.
Well, at least OG lost to LGD as well - and with Navi and Secret in the group I'm still optimistic 
still quite annoying that last match.
Yeah I wish they had picked bristle instead of AM, overall not a terrible loss considering LFY walked through OG but still think we should have been able to win that
those 2 games were obviously outdrafts. LFY ban aoe lockdown (ban void, enigma), pick carrys that benefit from long team fights and also are hard to burst (weaver, bristle), and build massive escape. (multiple euls and forces). With that they wait to be initiated and just destroy team fights after liquid waste everything when lfy just force staff people out. It's not like liquid is bad, just that they didn't had the heroes to counter this type of strat. Next time liquid should prioritize enigma, void, magnus or draft fight dragging heroes themselves.
Let me know if you agree.
Yeah, antimage versus echo stomp natural order glimpse static storm atos silence boulder smash geomagnetic grip. They'd have better odds if matu went carry bambi and gh support antimage. Outdrafts and also pretty bad coordination when they don't have big ultimates to play around.
On June 05 2017 21:59 Pontual wrote: those 2 games were obviously outdrafts. LFY ban aoe lockdown (ban void, enigma), pick carrys that benefit from long team fights and also are hard to burst (weaver, bristle), and build massive escape. (multiple euls and forces). With that they wait to be initiated and just destroy team fights after liquid waste everything when lfy just force staff people out. It's not like liquid is bad, just that they didn't had the heroes to counter this type of strat. Next time liquid should prioritize enigma, void, magnus or draft fight dragging heroes themselves.
Let me know if you agree. I got the same feeling. I dont understand why Kuroky is still experimenting with the Drafts and they should stop it asap because another loss aganist Team Secret could mean that Liquid does not reach the Main Event of Epicenter.
And the Starladder Win doesnt feel so big compared to epicenter.
I just hate watching AM games, I'm mad that I fell asleep right before the series started and woke up to an AM game. It was the typical script too. The hero just gets toyed around with and is very ineffective in every team fight. Burning can't make that hero work. Matumbaman can't make that hero work either. Maybe the hero just isn't good unless it's a surprise Miracle pick against a Storm Spirit.
Even as a Liquid fan, it irritated me so much watching IG play Antimage (and lose) against them.
It's a must win now against Secret.
They look so bad after that first game against LGFY, they looked good that game and then terrible since then
Two Losses on the First day its too much. Im so sad that we stayed with Miracle when Fata was there...
And im not understanding why Heen is still the Coach for this Team.
That was very bad played. We cant expect to do anything after that feed.