Barbarian - Builds/Discussion - Page 37
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Thailand468 Posts
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Singapore2759 Posts
On May 29 2012 14:08 Stormzors wrote: Does life on hit work with sidearm? As in the weapon that flies out, for each enemy hit does that give you HP? yes. Thats why people go frenzy with sidearm for life on hit builds | ||
Australia41 Posts
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United States1768 Posts
On May 29 2012 09:19 skyR wrote: If you're going to be doing it in group, your job is to keep the DPS alive during phase 2 by using Ground Stomp with Wrenching Smash and/or Threatening Shout with Demoralize and/or Seismic Slam. You want your DPS stacked in the corner while you're upfront, this way all the mobs will come towards you and the group can rotate between stuns (Ground Stomp / Threatening Shout / Frost Nova / Wave of Force / whatever you decide to use). Don't chase the boss, it'll just come back to you eventually. If you're using WotB, you'll want to pop it sometime during this phase and it'll be up again in phase three. If you don't have the NV buff, you want to change skills at the end of phase two. Probably Ancients, Ignore Pain, Overpower? In phase 3, everyone should spread out. You can eat the fist if you're soloing Belial but I'm not sure if you can eat it while in a group, you probably can. The breath is laughable. The special has to be dodged. You're on res duty if someone dies. It's much harder in a group (= Thats pretty close to what I was doing. I beat him now, just had to find a competent group. We absolutely smashed him when I found a group that knew what they were doing. Some people are really bad even in inferno x_x | ||
Singapore2155 Posts
On May 29 2012 13:25 Hadley_ wrote: Wait until Inferno is nerfed or reroll a EZMode RangeDPS. Barb in Inferno is a joke right now. You need gear for like 100.000.000 to be able to beat Act2 Inferno with a Barb. A whining post like this has no place here, by the way. Many people have posted success in act 2 Inferno, even solo play (i don't play solo, only in group so i can't say much about Barb solo play, but at least i managed to down act 2). Sure we are more gear dependent, but so were we during Diablo 2, kinda expected it. If you have trouble, revise your strategy, improve your gear. Of course, if they are too much of a challenge for you, reroll ![]() | ||
United States47024 Posts
Honestly it feels like bad base monster types are more troublesome than actual affix combinations. Inferno A2 really just feels like another difficulty reset just like A1. Just need to farm the gear, and make progress slowly and steadily just like A1. Farm Maghda till I can do Zoltun Kulle, farm Kulle till I can Belial, farm Belial till A3. | ||
United States4853 Posts
On May 29 2012 14:30 pedduck wrote: I just saw critical biuld barbarian with 200000 - 400000 damage on criticle. Is it good in inferno? He problaby trade of a lot of resist and vit for criticle damage. Crit is actually the worst damage stat to get. It's not until you get to something like 3500 strength before it is worth the attribute slot. After that, it's not until about 15% crit before stacking crit damage becomes beneficial. | ||
United States47024 Posts
It seems I keep finding purple-named Uniques (found like 5 on this run) but no champions. | ||
Canada706 Posts
On May 29 2012 16:28 TheYango wrote: Hmm, where should I start for Alcarnus runs? Getting 5 stacks for Maghda seems hard, not because the mobs are hard (they are), but because it seems hard to find a starting place that allows me to actually find 5 doable champ packs before I get to Maghda. It seems I keep finding purple-named Uniques (found like 5 on this run) but no champions. whats your gear and build? reading some of your previous posts i think we are somewhat similar... but i just cant do act 2 at all the regular mobs are troublesome but i can get through, however elites are a totally different story and i just melt to them | ||
Romania5359 Posts
![]() Question is, should I stick with it for Act2 or try to find something with a lot more DPS (over 800)? Thing is, this kind of life per hit is really hard to find and I saw the prices for 500+ lph and 800+ dps, and I'm not getting there any time soon. ![]() | ||
United States860 Posts
I was just wondering what stats I will have to prioritize in inferno I realize right now barbarians are kind of getting owned in inferno :[ I know Hell mode is supposed to be pretty easy too...but just in case in inferno you want Vit > Resists > Str Correct? | ||
Romania5359 Posts
..but this is if all things are somewhat balanced. In hell you can keep adding Vit to get over 1k and then start gather all resists for inferno. You want >500 resists on all, >1k vit and >1k str in order to farm inf.act1 fairly easy. Please note the word "fairly". Oh, and a 600dps weapon. Not really needed in hell but once you hit inferno you need this + the 1k str to get you to >7000dps. | ||
United States860 Posts
On May 29 2012 18:08 CubEdIn wrote: All Resists > Vit > Armor > Str ..but this is if all things are somewhat balanced. In hell you can keep adding Vit to get over 1k and then start gather all resists for inferno. You want >500 resists on all, >1k vit and >1k str in order to farm inf.act1 fairly easy. Please note the word "fairly". Oh, and a 600dps weapon. Not really needed in hell but once you hit inferno you need this + the 1k str to get you to >7000dps. awesome thanks ![]() i have 930 str and 800 vit with only 2.2k dps so i have a lot of work to do thanks for the fast reply | ||
Romania5359 Posts
Up your vitality a bit, your str a bit, and then farm for a better weapon. When you hit act1, you'll want to use shout with impunity to get your resistances +50%, and start buying items with a lot of all resistance stats. | ||
United States860 Posts
On May 29 2012 18:17 CubEdIn wrote: Not as much work as you think. Remember that the dps is tightly related to your weapon dps. The strength adds about 930% right now, so you have a weapon of about... 230-240dps I imagine. You can see what you find in hell and get some money for a nicer weapon. You can get 600dps at ~200-300k gold with good stats. More if you want life on hit but that's not necessary just yet. Up your vitality a bit, your str a bit, and then farm for a better weapon. When you hit act1, you'll want to use shout with impunity to get your resistances +50%, and start buying items with a lot of all resistance stats. you are fucking awesome, thank you all the people on the reddit diablo3 are just posting funny pictures and all the people on the officla Diablo 3 forums are just crying OMG INFERNO = WIZARD/DH MODE finally get some real help, you are a god among men | ||
Netherlands1044 Posts
I got a Kymbo's Gold, and I know Stormshield and String of Ears are good.. but are there any others? | ||
United States47024 Posts
It's also worth noting that the 2 classes that didn't need to be hotfixed are the ones that were revealed first, and probably were in development the longest. Another question: how are people valuing shield block % as a stat on shields? How much should I be willing to pay/what stats should I be willing to give up for a good block %/block value? I've been thinking about this more and I honestly have no idea how to value the stat, even though its pretty clear that it's a good stat. | ||
United States4725 Posts
On May 29 2012 13:21 KazeHydra wrote: hey guys, so my friend just carried me to Inferno (more like, killed diablo on hell to unlock it) and level 60, but now I'm severely undergeared for it (3.5k dps, 3k armor, 20k hp, ~70 resist). Although I'm a pretty big noob at this game, I'm somewhat aware what kind of stats are ideal for my equips. The problem is I'm in no position to buy (or farm) good gear, so I'm hoping to get the bare minimum necessary to survive Act 1. I have just over 900k to spend and am not sure what approach to take: get a few "good" pieces of equips or full upgrade everything to bare minimum or if I even have enough gold to do so. Help/advice is appreciated thanks! swap out all ur gear for better stuff like 8k dps 5k armor 25k hp 300 resist will set u back like 500k and u can easily farm act 1 with that if u just want to farm act 1 u can probably drop like 200~300k and kill butcher pretty comfortably, tho u might have issues with some elites u can get some decent blues for really cheap (ex a 50 allres 100 vit boots is only like 20k) | ||
United States4725 Posts
On May 29 2012 18:40 TheYango wrote: Realistically, I think Barb is the class that's the closest to progressing at the rate Blizzard actually intended for people to progress through Inferno. It's also worth noting that the 2 classes that didn't need to be hotfixed are the ones that were revealed first, and probably were in development the longest. Another question: how are people valuing shield block % as a stat on shields? How much should I be willing to pay/what stats should I be willing to give up for a good block %/block value? I've been thinking about this more and I honestly have no idea how to value the stat, even though its pretty clear that it's a good stat. block% is really really good it depends on what you're fighting and how good your other gear is but 20% block on a good shield is gonna reduce the damage u take by like 10~20% | ||
United States47024 Posts
On May 29 2012 18:00 Stratos.FEAR wrote: whats your gear and build? reading some of your previous posts i think we are somewhat similar... but i just cant do act 2 at all the regular mobs are troublesome but i can get through, however elites are a totally different story and i just melt to them My gear: ![]() The legendaries are Kymbo's Gold, String of Ears, and Band of Fallen Heroes. The band was a drop, and the Kymbo's/String both cost less than 500k each. My build for A2 atm (though I'm pretty much changing this every run and haven't settled on anything):!bVe!accaZc My resists are still on the low side--that's the most obvious thing for me. Armor could also use a boost. My Helm is the only slot that doesn't have any resist all, so I'm looking into upgrades that don't lose too much of my other stats. Weapon DPS is about 820--could probably push more stats out of my weapon if I were willing to spend more money on it. I've been trading with friends for more Amethysts, so hopefully I can upgrade both the helm and weapon gems (the life on hit for higher-level Amethysts starts to get pretty good). I was wondering about shield block earlier as well, mostly because my shield gives a comfortable amount of Str/Vi/ResAll, but has a pretty poor block %. Aside from that, I feel like I should only really expect incremental upgrades until I can progress further. As far as A2 goes, as I mentioned before, most hard packs depend on what monster type it is: - Dark Berserkers and Fallen Overlords just hit me really freaking hard. I can tank the normal hits, but when either does their long backswing hit, it does like 3/4 of my HP, and I don't have time to recover from that. Obviously it means I have to try and dodge it, but thats hard if Fast, Vortex, Jailer, etc. are in play. Trying to burst them down with the double 2 min CDs sometimes works, but you have to be careful because if you die, you have to wait 2 mins to try again. Plus some mods like Extra Health, Shielding, or Teleport just make that impossible because their base health is already really high. - Wasps are just a bitch. Even if I play perfectly, and dodge all the projectiles, it takes too damn long to chase them down and kill them. I don't know how Blizzard thought making ranged enemies that move faster than the player, and are stun resistant in Inferno would make for fun gameplay, particularly when combined with movement impairing mods. Most everything else I've gone up against so far is doable, though stuff like Unholy Thralls can take a few tries. Overall the difficulty feels about like what Skeleton King runs felt like on my first few attempts (die a lot, but manage to get 5 stacks if I skip smartly, and really look exhaustively for doable champions to kill). I expect there to be a lot of troublesome enemies if I advance further, which is why I've been focusing on trying to clean up my build/gear/general play on Alcarnus runs. | ||
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