For those of you who have been so unlucky to not get a key open your weekend. This weekend beta will be open to all have fun and get ready 3 and a half more weeks!!!!
the open beta will start Friday 12:01 pm pst
Error 12 - This is an error we're still investigating but you can workaround it by simply changing your Battle.net account password to force your account information to refresh. Once changed you can change it back.
Error 3003 - Click Options, under Account change your region to The Americas. The open beta is only being held on US hardware.
Error 315300 - If you're sure you're typing your correct account information, check to ensure no additional spaces were added before or after your email address. If that doesn't work try a completely wrong account name and wrong password, error, and then again try your correct Battle.net account email and password.
Error 24000 - Once logged in you may run into this error when attempting to start a game. We're aware and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible.
Gray login button - You need to use your Battle.net email address as your account name. Your BattleTag is a nickname, not your account name.
Updating Setup Files - If you're stuck on "Updating Setup Files" try these troubleshooting steps.
Crashes - For any crashes please visit the Technical Support forum
Just noticed it!
Now I'm glad I had gotten the beta client for no reason. Can't wait till i can boot it up tomorrow.
oh my god! I can finally play the beta YEAH!
how big is the whole client when downloading?
mines stuck updating setup files....
On April 20 2012 14:22 Herper wrote: how big is the whole client when downloading?
i think it was like 4 gig? somewhere around there. thats the beta client.
the real game launch client is like 10 gig i think
On April 20 2012 14:22 Herper wrote: how big is the whole client when downloading?
44MB initial download, 3.62GB client
On April 20 2012 14:23 Mr.Ch4rms wrote:mines stuck updating setup files.... 
Same as me. Bliz is such a tease!
says it starts at noon....download started!
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO FUCK YA God damn, I am so stoked right now (could you tell?) I have been waiting for an invite forever but was so choked when I never got one after the 275k that were sent out. <3 Blizzard
On April 20 2012 14:27 Karshe wrote:Same as me.  Bliz is such a tease! Don't worry, I'm fairly sure it can just take a long time. Mine had hung on that setup files for many, many minutes. And a few seconds.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (running around and breaking things in a rage of excitement!)
mines working now and dling at a good 1.25 MB/s make sure to put your P2P on so we can all share the beta love
This should start at 4:00 a.m KST on saturday morning. 5 a.m on saturday morning for australians on the east coast.
Starts at 3 PM EST?
On April 20 2012 14:49 KillerSOS wrote: Starts at 3 PM EST?
TAKE IT BACK, free Diablo 3 weekend and the word "lame" are not allowed in the same thread!
its lame now, got an error during download and it shutdown, and now it wont continue downloading... im looking for 25 cents somewhere to put into the machine, but i cant find any change!