Yes there is. I’ve experienced it 6 times.
“Every win streak is bound to end at some point in a team based game.”
Are you a caveman? This is brain dead logic.
“If you keep winning you are going to continue to face tougher opponents until ideally you win 50% of the games because both teams were evenly matched.”
This is true according to a blizzard post on official forums but it is however a lie. Oppenents get more difficult. Teammates get worse. This happens for players in Gold and possibly Plat.
“That's not the same thing as forcing you to lose though.”
Yes, if you believe blizzard isn’t lying to you and you believe I’m lying to you and you believe people haven’t been banned and quit for trying to share this experience.
“This has been proven multiple times over by GM players taking Bronze level accounts to GM level, which would be impossible if they were forced to lose whenever they had a win streak.”
Yes except this doesn’t apply to accounts not bound up in a specific mmr range (gold). It doesn’t happen for people fresh in bronze nor fixed in bronze. It has happened to me at rank 30 preseason and in gold tier many times.
Rank 30 with 3 unranked and a rank 25 against 4, rank 15-20 and an unranked. Still won game 7 even with a dc. Game 8 had a dc too. Myself with 4 unranked against 4, rank 10-15 and an unranked.
Most recently, gold 1 with gold 4/5 and against diamond players and high plat. This was not at odd times. I have plenty of morning games that were crazy but they were balanced crazy. Every winstreak at 5 games begins to get lopsided. When I’m in beast mode trying to power through to get away from my rank, I meet a wall of opposition designed by the matchmaker. Blizzard has even carefully commented on this issue by saying that players are allergic to playing against and with players of widely different rank. That doesn’t account for the OBVIOUS skill disparity where the enemy makes solid decisions in draft and in game and my teammates draft like low gold. Low gold always drafts ranged squishy. If I fall to high silver from placement hell, I rank out by exploiting the draft. I go Genji and kill the squishiest that pick ranged squishy after I pick Genji. They’re that bad. So when I see my teammates begin to get lower in skill in draft and game from a winstreak and it’s confirmed by their visible rank which is a 10 rank swing in 2.0 and as far of a rank spread in 1.0 with 10-15s against unranked, something is wrong.
The quotes I quoted are from a locked post where I’ve been determined by moderators to be a villain. I’ve been labeled a villain on every forum for explaining exactly what I’ve explained countless times. It’s always buried and deleted. Rarely but occasionally do I meet players that have experienced this. Most of them just quit. I’m legit here trying to HELP THE GAME! I would still be playing if I weren’t raging in game at people that should have solidarity with wanting a fair and balanced game. Yes, I’ve directed this at players when I’m beyond frustrated which ruins my reputation on forums for being silenced trash. I actually still care about hots and have been trying to communicate with players for months even while not playing even while living in Hawaii away from a computer.
The game is fucking RIGGED!!!
There are people that occasionally post on reddit in /new on hots. I’m not the only one that has tried to jump the fish ladder to try and explain this issue to people. There’s too many distractions and too much moderation and too many fanbois or possibly even bot accounts. Devs only care about money.