What: A series of Showmatches of NA's finest. Each showmatch will be a Bo3 and the prize will be ranging from $500 to $1000 for each set.
Who: We've selected 7 NA Players and 1 SA Player. Schamtoo & ZombieGrub will be the casters.
Where: https://www.twitch.tv/twitchrivals As well each player is required to stream their match on their personal twitch stream.
When: March 18th, 2018 @ Noon (PDT).
How: Competitors will be playing for a prize. It's going to be a winner take all format, so the winner will walk away with the total prize per match while loser walks away with nothing. The map pool will be Destination, Tau Cross, Circuit Breakers, Fighting Spirit, Match Point. At the beginning of the series players will each ban one map. Afterwards, each player will select a map until the last and only one is for the last match. Standard ICCUP rules apply.
1st match: Kawaii vs Sero (500$) 2nd match: DragOn vs Ty2 (500$) 3rd match: UltrA vs Michael (750$) Final match: Nyoken vs Jaeyun (1000$)
Disclaimer: I am not involved in the organization of this event, I was merely invited and wanted to get the word out since its happening tomorrow and no official news thread was posted yet. I was told I could make a news post so I did.
I wonder what criteria the money distribution is based upon. Also why wait until the day before to announce this?
GL to those participating
Garbage player lineups
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On March 18 2018 12:59 BeastJaehoon wrote: "NA's Finest"
Well aren't you negative. Heavin forbid the word "some" isn't in there. Still some decent matches with some pretty solid NA players with a couple of damn good ones.
im guessing people like you are the ones that decided the list
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On March 18 2018 13:47 BeastJaehoon wrote: im guessing people like you are the ones that decided the list
Actually I am.
makes sense now that schamtoo is the one that picked
doesnt know what a good player is if it hit him in the face
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I'm a bit confused on the line-up of players and prize structure, but this is still pretty cool. Looking forward to watching some great games tomorrow with these games and the ASL happening! Thanks to the organizers that put this together.
Im not sure what to think about it. Gl everyone.
this is a good event but why were the matches announced 1 day before the cast? lol and 1 of the players had to make the news post? could have hyped it up way more than this.
On March 18 2018 19:00 TT1 wrote: this is a good event but why were the matches announced 1 day before the cast? lol and 1 of the players had to make the news post? could have hyped it up way more than this. happy birthday potato zerg
Feels kind of weird having another tournament featuring the NA scene with this amount of money. Guess it's some sort of misplaced jealousy. Nice thing though, trying to catch up on VODs if I don't forget it.
Awesome, good luck dragon!
I'm interested in hearing who BeastJaehoon thinks should have been invited instead. There are only a handful of other players from NA who are all about the same level, not significantly better. Maybe he expects players like Bizzy and Draw to suddenly come back from inactivity?