Radio Personality suspended for "racist remark" - Page 4
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Austin10831 Posts
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Korea (South)2324 Posts
On April 11 2007 01:36 BroOd wrote: Two major news organizations censor a well known public figure over a shaky premise, and everyone's still talking about the semantics of a racist joke. Talk about putting the cart before the horse. Well done! Good point. What a good way to end the discussion. | ||
United States7366 Posts
<3 imus! ^_^_^ | ||
Braavos36370 Posts
On April 11 2007 01:35 WhatisProtoss wrote: This truly is clearcut. He has already admitted that he has made a racial statement. He already accepts his punishment. However, he doesn't accept the fact that people are calling him a racist. Making a racist joke doesn't make you a racist. Not bathing one day and apologizing for not doing so doesn't make you a dirty person. Maybe momentarily, but it's not part of your personality. Anybody can make those comments, racist or not. Blacks and Asians are the most racist people I've ever seen. Yet, somehow, it's something that isn't focused on. Black people call each other "nigger" all the time. Maybe it's because of the massive amount of discrimination that Blacks and Asians have received in the United States in the past, it is more "acceptable" that they would make racial slurs, rather than white people. I have heard "hoes" and "bitches" in movies all the time. I don't see such an outrage such as this. Stop bashing Sadist for trying to defend this guy. It's only because he doesn't really deserve all this attention. He isn't a racist. Bottom Line: NOBODY REALLY CARES. It happened once. He apologized. We've been listening to him for the past 30 years. i wasn't bashing sadist for defending him, i never said imus was racist, i said his statement was racist, and i was arguing with sadist over whether imus' statement was a racist one. sadist said it was a "racial" comment but not racist, whatever that means. he even said imus' apology was because he wanted to keep his job, not because his statement was racist. the statement is clearly racist, but it's ridiculous that so many people in the thread don't see that way. that's what i'm arguing against. i don't see how black people and asian people have to do what with what i said. all i said was imus' statement WAS a racist one, you agree, great, some people disagree, they are wrong. im not making any general statements about the state of racism/pc/oversensitivity in this country. i just argued with one point. so what if blacks and asians are racist? that doesn't change the fact that imus' statement was racist. | ||
Braavos36370 Posts
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United States518 Posts
on topic, the punishment seems...about right. It lets him know he can't do it again and (relatively) satisfies everyone else. | ||
United States10180 Posts
On April 11 2007 00:04 TheosEx wrote: I know two ex-Rutgers women's basketball players. One is an assistant manager at Circuit City and another is a Secretary. Phenomenal feat how? To play basketball, then go nowhere... like where most of these girls will probably go. You're right, their college athletic career will probably be the highlight of their life. I'm glad we agree. | ||
United States7174 Posts
On April 10 2007 23:41 BlackJack wrote: It's a phenomenal feat that these women acheived and that will be completely overlooked because of Don's comment. Instead of being celebrated for being national finalists, their school and school newspaper is probably flooded by whispers of this controversy. He completely ruined these girls' success with his racist, insensitive remarks. Yet a lot of you guys don't see anything wrong with that. Super. Lol @ Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Both of them have a lot more skeletons in their closet than Imus. I agree that its too bad that this is going to be what they're remembered for becaus ethey lost, but they shouldve just brushed it off as someone being a shock jock and let it go. When they started having news conferences and shit thats when it became a problem for them . Im still amazed that peole arent trying to understand what I mean by racial (ie stereotypes) and actually being racist(prejudice/oppresive) To me theres a clear difference. Edit: Also i said there were racial undertones and stereotypes in his joke, but it wasnt a racist joke. But you better believe if there wasnt such an uproar over his stupid joke he wouldnt be apologizing, he apologized because he was "caught" not because he was sorry. | ||
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
made a film? doesnt have black people in it? YOU ARE A RACIST MOTHERFUCKER SUE HIM OMFG HES KU KLUX KLAN jesus shit the show Friends was getting hammered because they "didn't have a black actor" in it. well guess what? BIG FUCKING DEAL. if someone wants to make a show with or without the sort of people YOU want to pop up, no one gives a shit. seriously if all the people who put so much effort into spotting racial shit into narrowing the economic gaps in the world it would be a much better place already. this shit is happening so fucking much its getting sick. cant all these people get busy with something else? nothing better to do? and just for the sake of it i watched the video twice and didnt pick out what was so "racist" until i read the exact words and watched it a third time. | ||
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United States3256 Posts
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11739 Posts
On April 10 2007 17:47 Hot_Bid wrote: him calling them nappy headed hoes isn't a racist joke? what the fuck? so if he called a group of asians slanty eyed rice pickers, or a group of hispanics greasy bean picking border jumpers, those aren't racist because he didn't say "gook" or "chink" or "spic"? are you fucking kidding? They had racial undertones, but I don't think the intent was to be blatantly racist with the comments. He did call the Tennessee girls cute, and the majority of them are black too. He really should have left it at the first comment, though, where he just called them rough looking, because while it's insulting there aren't any racist connections there. On April 10 2007 18:28 fusionsdf wrote: They dont relate, because anarchy concerns state form, while racism concerns oppression. It is okay for a public figure to joke and make an anarchist comment. It is not okay for a public figure to joke and say he is going to kill the president. It is also not okay for a public figure to joke and make a racist statement. anarchist jokes != racist jokes You are an incredibly dense person, aren't you? On April 11 2007 06:43 draeger wrote: I think it's time to socially condemn every non-white person who refers to a white person in anything but a civil undertone. If the minorities can ruin people's careers, we (the white people) should be able to as well. How many times has a black, or hispanic, or any non-white comedian made a joke about white people? Dave Chappelle did it all the fucking time (and it was hilarious). Chris Rock makes fun of white people all the time, should I get all up in arms because he said something negative about white people, and made a joke about a stereotype? And I couldn't really let that whole "look up those words, they're practically synonyms" thing slide. Stereotype: 1. A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image. 2. A too-simple and therefore distorted image of a group. Predjudice: a. An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts. b. A preconceived preference or idea. 3. Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion. Racism: 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. Discrimination: treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit They are actually pretty far from being "synonyms." Especially the word stereotype, and discrimination and racism. Prejudice is based on a stereotype. Racism isn't a stereotype, it's clearly not defined as such. Prejudice and racism are close, but prejudice can mean several things, and in the instance of it being hatred racism is a form of prejudice, but they aren't always the same thing. Anyhow, my point is, to the guy telling Sadist to pull out a dictionary, maybe you should pull the dictionary out before you tell other people to. Then again, maybe my comprehension of the English language is at an all time low, and I'm having difficulty understanding what those definitions are saying. (I'm not, they're clearly different, and used in much different ways, it's all about the context in which they are used, just as it is with any word.) | ||
United States982 Posts
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United States286 Posts
On April 11 2007 01:36 BroOd wrote: Two major news organizations censor a well known public figure over a shaky premise, and everyone's still talking about the semantics of a racist joke. Talk about putting the cart before the horse. Well done! But the racist joke happened first... I don't see why everyone is saying this is a "good point." It's not a point at all. | ||
11739 Posts
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United States7174 Posts As some of you may have heard the Duke Lacross rape case is being dismissed (but of course its not the national frenzy the charges were) This case was definately racially fueled (in that thats what people made it out to be) and shit like this is a perfect example of Al Sharptons and Jesse Jackson's oversensitive bullshit about racism that ruins the minimal credibility they have left and makes it harder for people dealing with REAL racism to be taken seriously. The Accuser was a black stripper who said she got raped by some affluent looking douchebags at a Duke Lacross party, of course these wealthy douche bags got their lives ruined yadayadayada(im no way downplaying that their lives were ruined, im just not typing it all out because everyones heard it before (which doesnt make it any less true)) Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson stood by the accuser and claimed it was racism and such. THE CROOKED District Attorney had an election upcoming so of course what does he do? He tries to play this as a race issue to garner some more of the "black vote".. He basically used Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as well as the white duke kids as pawns. This is the exact kind of shit im talking about, Al Sharpton has become such a joke with his oversensitive racism shit. Wheres Al Sharpton now? Why isnt it being brought up that he backed some joke of a witness and of course cried wolf about racism again(ya the kids could be racist, who knows, who cares, the point was they didnt rape anybody) God Al Sharpton you fucking pawn you suck. Just another example in the Imus case after this duke case that you continue to ruin your credibility by being a fucking retard. Im Sure nony knows a lot more about this than I do, so maybe he can lend some insight. | ||
New York City13113 Posts
The fact of the matter is that Don Imus meant it as a racial insult. Whether or not you personally believe it to be, whether or not Chappelle has said anything before, the fact of the matter is, Don Imus made a racist remark and intended it to be racist. Whether or not he was joking, he didn't have the credibility that Chappelle does when he made his joke that he really was "just joking", and he knew it. | ||
United States7174 Posts
On April 11 2007 08:36 GrandInquisitor wrote: Look, this topic is making me angry. I said I didn't care before but I do now. The fact of the matter is that Don Imus meant it as a racial insult. Whether or not you personally believe it to be, whether or not Chappelle has said anything before, the fact of the matter is, Don Imus made a racist remark and intended it to be racist. Whether or not he was joking, he didn't have the credibility that Chappelle does when he made his joke that he really was "just joking", and he knew it. he makes jokes like this all the time what the fuck are you talking about that he doesnt have the credibility? | ||
New York City13113 Posts
Honestly, now. If they're offended, they're offended, and that's the end of the story. You think they shouldn't be offended, but they think they should be offended, and you shouldn't presume to know more about what they should and shouldn't be offended by considering they are also rational adult human beings. | ||
USA29055 Posts
And chappelle flat out says "nigga" "nigger" "cracka" "cracker" and all other racist names. I am fine with it given the context. | ||
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