On April 11 2007 15:16 QuietIdiot wrote: Yeah fuck those Korean Americans. Bunch of faggot ass tools.
I know a Korean who hates the living hell out of every single Korean American that lives in Korea.
Is he a racist?
I know an ex-progamer who tries to hide his failure as an easy going gambler and increasingly getting fatter and lazier. Is he a self-hating racist short-tempered American fitting that common stereotype?
On April 11 2007 10:29 MYM.Testie wrote: Extra Extra! Old Jackass rambles on the Radio, gets far more attention than the story warrants!
Extra Extra! 3-time-convicted map hacker rambles on b.net and forums non stop about how he's the best player ever and gets more attention than warranted!
Maybe you should say that to the black people who are all riled over this.
Slavery was over a hundred years ago.
Slavery was over a hundred years ago, but white people are still living the high life on the backs of slaves, and black people are still enduring the effects of being bred for generations to fear reading, to fear education, to be totally subordinate and isolated and to think of themselves as animals. If you think that black people today are in overwhelmingly worse circumstances than white people are just because they are stupid or lazy or something, you have no idea what you're talking about and should go back to school. Aside from the lasting social, educational and economic effects of slavery, complicit racism is still being perpetrated en masse in every corner of the united states. It's still many times harder to get a job with the name Yolanda than it is with the name Beth, and black people are still expected to act certain ways and do certain things, and still have to deal with things white people never even have to think about. If you don't understand this, you obviously either have no substantial relationships with black people or your black friends are scared to talk to you about this. If you think that slavery ending over 100 years ago means that racism is irrelevant, you are incredibly ignorant.
Wow. Blown away. Well fucking said.
Edit: My opinion of the topic at hand: Sharpton is a fucking prick for asking for his resignation. It really does a disservice to the community he's representing to take technicalities like this. I highly doubt many blacks would see him being fired as a rational outcome, even on the level of principle. The guy was playing the lame white guy trying to say some slang. It's a form of mockery of said slang. That the slang he used was specifically 'black' reflects the deep-seeded but passive racism in everyone in this country. It's the same racism that'se xposed when whites stare for a long time at blacks that just enter the room. It comes out and they're not even aware of it.
It's ridiculous to expect to eliminate racism at that very personal level, at least for that generation. Everyone has their beliefs, no matter how repressed they are, about other people. I think Al Sharpton is really cheapening his words and his cause by pursuing this like he did. He would be a more respected figure if he called out instances of active racism clearly based on hate. I can see people rallying behind him, but I really don't see a big community whole-heartedly supporting him. I really don't think he believes a lot of what he says, and instead it's more of a knee-jerk reaction.
Sorry the structure of all that was incoherent, I just wrote down what I thought.
Odd that this happens to still be lingering around as I myself would like to make a couple comments on racism.
First off, bine it is good to see you are thinking for yourself and not following the thoughts of most equality advocates. I cannot tell you how many times I heard those same words in my sociology class. I didn't buy it then and I surely do not buy it now from you.
I truly believe that most of this is complete bullshit. First off we aren't the ones who started slavery, we are simply the ones who capitalized on it. So please stop your ranting. Do you see Asian people complaining relentlessly because they worked for white people too? I myself haven't heard of it. In fact Asian races are usually considered to be the most intelligent and hard working. How were they able to overcome this but not black people.
Quite frankly if people of color are tired of being stereotyped, then I beg of them to stop acting like the stereotype. I do not wish for anyone to come out of my post being like this stupid American is truly a racist. I assure you that I am not racist, as I hate everyone equally (just a joke...) Regardless though I ask you to ponder this.
At my university there is banquet for the people of color who are graduating. People of color get in free, but everyone else must pay $13.50 to attend. The monetary cost here is not an issue but simply the fact that we are being treated unequally. If whites were to hold a white only banquet and charge people of color even $2.00 to enter I can assure you that there would be many protests. I do not see how people can preach for diversity and acceptance and then turn around and do the same thing they fight against.
On April 11 2007 22:04 bErAtEd- wrote: Odd that this happens to still be lingering around as I myself would like to make a couple comments on racism.
First off, bine it is good to see you are thinking for yourself and not following the thoughts of most equality advocates. I cannot tell you how many times I heard those same words in my sociology class. I didn't buy it then and I surely do not buy it now from you.
I truly believe that most of this is complete bullshit. First off we aren't the ones who started slavery, we are simply the ones who capitalized on it. So please stop your ranting. Do you see Asian people complaining relentlessly because they worked for white people too? I myself haven't heard of it. In fact Asian races are usually considered to be the most intelligent and hard working. How were they able to overcome this but not black people.
Quite frankly if people of color are tired of being stereotyped, then I beg of them to stop acting like the stereotype. I do not wish for anyone to come out of my post being like this stupid American is truly a racist. I assure you that I am not racist, as I hate everyone equally (just a joke...) Regardless though I ask you to ponder this.
At my university there is banquet for the people of color who are graduating. People of color get in free, but everyone else must pay $13.50 to attend. The monetary cost here is not an issue but simply the fact that we are being treated unequally. If whites were to hold a white only banquet and charge people of color even $2.00 to enter I can assure you that there would be many protests. I do not see how people can preach for diversity and acceptance and then turn around and do the same thing they fight against.
yeah, i agree.
thats odd that your school supports racism so blatently.
On April 11 2007 22:04 bErAtEd- wrote: Odd that this happens to still be lingering around as I myself would like to make a couple comments on racism.
First off, bine it is good to see you are thinking for yourself and not following the thoughts of most equality advocates. I cannot tell you how many times I heard those same words in my sociology class. I didn't buy it then and I surely do not buy it now from you.
I truly believe that most of this is complete bullshit. First off we aren't the ones who started slavery, we are simply the ones who capitalized on it. So please stop your ranting. Do you see Asian people complaining relentlessly because they worked for white people too? I myself haven't heard of it. In fact Asian races are usually considered to be the most intelligent and hard working. How were they able to overcome this but not black people.
there are many reasons for asians having generally higher test scores and higher average salary. one of which is that the majority of immigrants from asia (china especially) are professionals, like doctors and lawyers and such, and obviously their kids are going to be better educated overall. add to this a family tradition of strict education and there you have it. this trend is ending though, if you go to second and third generation asian families, you won't see as much of a the stereotype you subscribe to. and yes asians had to struggle as immigrants in america, but it was nowhere near as bad as the slavery system in the south.
Quite frankly if people of color are tired of being stereotyped, then I beg of them to stop acting like the stereotype. I do not wish for anyone to come out of my post being like this stupid American is truly a racist. I assure you that I am not racist, as I hate everyone equally (just a joke...) Regardless though I ask you to ponder this.
okay what? so you're basically saying the stereotype is true, and minorities need to stop acting like them. but hey there's a recycled one liner joke, so that must put you in the clear.
also, i really dislike the way asians are regarded as the intelligent, hardworking, model minority that other minorities should emulate, because of course white people like asians, we're fucking quiet and passive when it comes to stuff like speaking out. times are changing, but there's such pressure from older asian parents to emulate white people and just don't cause a fuss, be realistic and quiet and accept being discrimination. it's horrible. while i don't really agree with sharpton and jackson, i am jealous of the black community that they do have a political voice and have leaders willing to push their agenda, and fight hard if it comes to it. asians need that sort of organization and leadership.
I read this whole thread and I must admit I was pleasantly surprised about the many different and smart answers; even those that I privately disagree with or disregard. I guess my mind was a little more open and receptive tonight. There were a few deviously funny (you know how you are) and then there were a few very wise. I actually learned from many.
My turn to add or give some back.
A word of advice on those prone to semantics and definitions, or even those who are in it for the sake of debate alone - look up one more word that might shed some light on what happened: Taboo. It should be definitively included in this debate. Note too that taboo's in evolving cultures are not always legislated or written law, but they are in every practical sense law - regardless. Taboo's are very specific to the particular group, culture or society they belong too, so they are often not fully recognized or understood by others outside the particular group. Note that some taboo's are stronger than others, but the degree of punishment for breaking any of them sometimes has no relation to this, but rather respond to current social tensions and number of individuals involved.
Once you know the definition ponder on the risks of breaking social taboo's, however unfair or fair they may be, and learn from it. This sort of thing can happen to anyone.
Imus is old and had been becoming ever more forgetful and senile. His show was losing audience and rating for quite sometime and he tipped his own scale, rather suddenly. He also had years of baggage that sooner or later was going to bite him. There is just so much insulting and offending people, joking or not, you can get away with in life and when you break social taboos (I believe three, one archaic, 2 modern - all with one sentence), you are invariably on your own.
This is the sort of shunning that happened with Janet Jackson's breast event. This is also the sort of thing that happened to teamliquidian Chibi, albeit more audacious or offensive, for breaking yet another, even stronger taboo.
When you break a social taboo, whether is is fair or not, dumb or not, natural or not, legal or not, voluntary or involuntary, your decision or not, it will always leave you against your group. You can forget friends, loyalties, laws or mitigating circumstances etc.. In almost every case invariably you pay for it, one way or another.
On April 11 2007 22:04 bErAtEd- wrote: Odd that this happens to still be lingering around as I myself would like to make a couple comments on racism.
First off, bine it is good to see you are thinking for yourself and not following the thoughts of most equality advocates. I cannot tell you how many times I heard those same words in my sociology class. I didn't buy it then and I surely do not buy it now from you.
I truly believe that most of this is complete bullshit. First off we aren't the ones who started slavery, we are simply the ones who capitalized on it. So please stop your ranting. Do you see Asian people complaining relentlessly because they worked for white people too? I myself haven't heard of it. In fact Asian races are usually considered to be the most intelligent and hard working. How were they able to overcome this but not black people.
Quite frankly if people of color are tired of being stereotyped, then I beg of them to stop acting like the stereotype. I do not wish for anyone to come out of my post being like this stupid American is truly a racist. I assure you that I am not racist, as I hate everyone equally (just a joke...) Regardless though I ask you to ponder this.
At my university there is banquet for the people of color who are graduating. People of color get in free, but everyone else must pay $13.50 to attend. The monetary cost here is not an issue but simply the fact that we are being treated unequally. If whites were to hold a white only banquet and charge people of color even $2.00 to enter I can assure you that there would be many protests. I do not see how people can preach for diversity and acceptance and then turn around and do the same thing they fight against.
fyi, i've heard your words a million times too. usually from the mouths of arrogant, cynical, reactionary teenagers who think they know everything about the world, but really spout some of the dumbest shit ever. like this:
Do you see Asian people complaining relentlessly because they worked for white people too? I myself haven't heard of it.
honestly, now. like that is in any way comparable to slavery.
On April 11 2007 16:56 bine wrote: Please don't say the N word.
Grow the fuck up, its just a word, randomly letters producing a sound, what is offensive is the context the word itself is obviously harmless...
oh i forgot to say it, nigger.
Clothes are just fabrics, random molecules hanging off your body, what's so offensive about not wearing any in public?
Believe it or not, regardless whether societal customs and mores are rationally justified, we are still obligated to follow them lacking extraordinarily extenuating circumstances.
On April 11 2007 22:45 [angst]chraej wrote: hot bid, what exactly is the agenda you want heard?
if you do not like the stereotype, why not simply not follow it?
Maybe you don't really appreciate this, being white and all, but surprisingly enough even Asians have racial issues. Think of every movie you have seen with a main Asian character. Remove Harold & Kumar. Now give me an example where the Asian was not specifically chosen for his stereotypical racial traits - I.E., not a kung fu ninja, not a sex object (in the case of women), not a convenience store owner, not a nerd - can you think of any?
Caucasian has always been the "default" race, so to speak, and using races only for their stereotypical traits only perpetuates stereotypes and encourages people to think of all Asians as science nerds or kung fu masters.