Sunday, Jun 28 2:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
TL Preview: Click here
Host: Chobra
Rotterdam | Nathanias | Apollo | Kaelaris | HuK | iNcontroL | ToD | PiG
Observers: Flo | FunKa
Bunny vs StarDust
MarineLorD vs Lilbow
Jaedong vs Hydra
TLO vs Polt
+ Show Spoiler +
Grand Finals
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler [Spoiler-Free] +
+ Show Spoiler [Semifinals] +
+ Show Spoiler [Grand Finals] +
+ Show Spoiler [Overall Results] +
Bunny <Coda> StarDust
Bunny <Echo> StarDust
Bunny <Iron Fortress> StarDust
Bunny <> StarDust
Bunny wins 3-0!
MarineLorD vs Lilbow
MarineLorD <Inferno Pools> Lilbow
MarineLorD <Expedition Lost> Lilbow
MarineLorD <Iron Fortress> Lilbow
MarineLorD <> Lilbow
MarineLorD <> Lilbow
X wins 3-X!
Jaedong vs Hydra
Jaedong <Expedition Lost> Hydra
Jaedong <Echo> Hydra
Jaedong <Cactus Valley> Hydra
Jaedong <Coda> Hydra
Hydra wins 3-1!
TLO vs Polt
TLO <Echo> Polt
TLO <Coda> Polt
TLO <Cactus Valley> Polt
TLO <> Polt
Polt wins 3-0!
+ Show Spoiler [Semifinals] +
+ Show Spoiler [Grand Finals] +
Lilbow <Vaani Research Station> Hydra
Lilbow <Expedition Lost> Hydra
Lilbow <Echo> Hydra
Lilbow <Inferno Pools> Hydra
Lilbow <Cactus Valley> Hydra
Lilbow <Coda> Hydra
Hydra wins 4-2 and is your WCS S2 2015 Champion!
+ Show Spoiler +
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (3)
★★ - If you have time (2)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs StarDust Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★ - Good game (3)
★★ - If you have time (2)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs StarDust Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (2)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
★★★ - Good game (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs StarDust Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (1)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs StarDust Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (3)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs StarDust Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [MarineLorD vs Lilbow] +
★★ - If you have time (2)
★★★ - Good game (1)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Lilbow vs MarineLorD Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (2)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
★★★ - Good game (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Lilbow vs MarineLorD Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (1)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Lilbow vs MarineLorD Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
★★ - If you have time (0)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Lilbow vs MarineLorD Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
★★ - If you have time (0)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Lilbow vs MarineLorD Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Jaedong vs Hydra] +
★★★ - Good game (2)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Hydra vs Jaedong Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (2)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (1)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Hydra vs Jaedong Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (4)
★★★ - Good game (3)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (0)
★★ - If you have time (0)
18 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Hydra vs Jaedong Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (3)
★★ - If you have time (1)
★★★ - Good game (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
10 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Hydra vs Jaedong Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (1)
★★★ - Good game (1)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Hydra vs Jaedong Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [TLO vs Polt] +
★★ - If you have time (4)
★★★ - Good game (4)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
14 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TLO vs Polt Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (1)
★★★ - Good game (1)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TLO vs Polt Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (2)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
11 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TLO vs Polt Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (1)
★★★ - Good game (1)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TLO vs Polt Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (2)
★★ - If you have time (0)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TLO vs Polt Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Semifinals] +
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (2)
★★★ - Good game (2)
★★ - If you have time (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
12 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs Lilbow Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★ - Good game (4)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (4)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (3)
★★ - If you have time (3)
19 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs Lilbow Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (5)
★★★ - Good game (3)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs Lilbow Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★ - If you have time (5)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (3)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (2)
★★★ - Good game (1)
16 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs Lilbow Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (2)
★★★ - Good game (2)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
★★ - If you have time (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Bunny vs Lilbow Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Hydra vs Polt] +
★★ - If you have time (1)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (0)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Polt vs Hydra Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★ - Good game (5)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (4)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
18 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Polt vs Hydra Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (5)
★★ - If you have time (3)
★★★ - Good game (3)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
23 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Polt vs Hydra Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (1)
★★ - If you have time (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Polt vs Hydra Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (2)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (1)
★★★ - Good game (1)
★★ - If you have time (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Polt vs Hydra Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Grand Finals] +
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (6)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (4)
★★★ - Good game (4)
★★ - If you have time (1)
38 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (4)
★★★ - Good game (4)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (4)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (3)
21 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (4)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (3)
★★★ - Good game (2)
★★ - If you have time (0)
18 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (6)
★★ - If you have time (3)
★★★ - Good game (3)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
21 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★ - Good game (6)
★★ - If you have time (3)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (3)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (1)
29 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (4)
★★★ - Good game (2)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (0)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 6?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (2)
★ - Do not watch this game no matter what (1)
★★ - If you have time (1)
13 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 7?
(Vote): ★ - Do not watch this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - If you have time
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season