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On August 15 2017 10:52 xDaunt wrote: Looks like the full court press is on to oust Bannon. If Trump does it, I hope that Trump does it on his terms, with full understanding that the people pushing for Bannon's ouster do not have Trump's interests at heart.
I know nobody likes Bannon, but I'm concerned about who would take his place. Not a lot of conservatives or "populists" of any stripe left inside.
On August 15 2017 10:52 xDaunt wrote: Looks like the full court press is on to oust Bannon. If Trump does it, I hope that Trump does it on his terms, with full understanding that the people pushing for Bannon's ouster do not have Trump's interests at heart.
trump and full understanding seems unlikely. and who cares about trump's interests anyways; it's not like he's acting in america's interest.
On August 15 2017 11:01 Plansix wrote: Bannon doesn't have Trumps interest at heart either. He is in it to destroy as much as he can before he is outed.
I have it on good authority that Bannon is only there to suck his own cock.
On August 15 2017 10:52 xDaunt wrote: Looks like the full court press is on to oust Bannon. If Trump does it, I hope that Trump does it on his terms, with full understanding that the people pushing for Bannon's ouster do not have Trump's interests at heart.
Google canceled the registration of a Nazi website soon after it moved its domain registration to the service, a Google spokesperson told CNBC.
"We are cancelling Daily Stormer's registration with Google Domains for violating our terms of service," the company representative said in a statement.
Earlier Monday, The Daily Stormer moved its domain registration to Google after hosting firm GoDaddy said it would sever ties with the site that promoted Saturday's deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
At that time, a "whois" search of Internet domains on Monday listed Alphabet's Google as registrar for The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website associated with the alt-right movement.
The Google domain registration site says that customers can transfer domains to the Internet giant through an automated, online process that can take 20 minutes.
GoDaddy disclosed on Sunday via Twitter that it had given The Daily Stormer 24 hours to move its domain to another provider, saying it had violated the company's terms of service."
GoDaddy has previously come under sharp criticism for hosting The Daily Stormer and other sites that spread hate.
The company decided to boot the on Sunday out of fear that it could be used to incite further violence after the events in Charlottesville, including the death of Heather Heyer, who was fatally struck by a car allegedly driven by a man with white nationalist views.
"With the violence that occurred over the weekend, the company believed this site could incite additional violence," said the person who was not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.
Discord, a fast-growing free chat service popular among gamers, said today that it had shut down “a number of accounts” following violence instigated by white supremacists over the weekend. The service, which lets users chat with voice and text, was being used by proponents of Nazi ideology both before and after the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia. “We will continue to take action against Nazi ideology, and all forms of hate,” the company said in a tweet.
Discord declined to state how many servers had been affected, but said it included a mix of old accounts and accounts that were created over the weekend. Among the affected servers was one used by, a white nationalist news site. The site’s homepage includes a prominent link to a Discord chat which is now broken.
The company said it does not read private messages exchanged on its servers. Members of those groups reported messages in the chats for violating Discord’s terms of service, the company said, and it took action. “When hatred like this violates our community standards we act swiftly to take servers down and ban individual users,” the company said in a statement. “The public server linked to that violated those terms was shut down along with several other public groups and accounts fostering bad actors on Discord. We will continue to be aggressive to ensure that Discord exists for the community we set out to support — gamers.”
Discord has been criticized in the past for being slow to act against noxious accounts. Earlier this year, Gizmodo found the service was being used by groups that existed primarily to promote abuse and dox people.
Discord’s announcement came the same day that neo-Nazi site The Daily Stormer was banned first by GoDaddy and later by Google, where it had attempted to register.
On August 15 2017 10:52 xDaunt wrote: Looks like the full court press is on to oust Bannon. If Trump does it, I hope that Trump does it on his terms, with full understanding that the people pushing for Bannon's ouster do not have Trump's interests at heart.
I know nobody likes Bannon, but I'm concerned about who would take his place. Not a lot of conservatives or "populists" of any stripe left inside.
Also there is the real risk of crazy leakage.
Probably some more Goldman Sachs guys. Who can say no to businessmen that like to get things done!
On August 15 2017 10:52 xDaunt wrote: Looks like the full court press is on to oust Bannon. If Trump does it, I hope that Trump does it on his terms, with full understanding that the people pushing for Bannon's ouster do not have Trump's interests at heart.
Wait, do you not think Bannon is awful?
But he gives such good advice.
Not least, Mr. Bannon still embodies the defiant populism at the core of the president’s agenda. Despite his marginalization, Mr. Bannon consulted the president repeatedly over the weekend as Mr. Trump struggled to respond to the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Va. In general, Mr. Bannon has cautioned the president not to criticize far-right activists too severely for fear of antagonizing a small but energetic part of his base.
But what once endeared him to the president has now become a major liability. After the president waited two days to blame white supremacists for the violence in Charlottesville, there is new pressure from Mr. Trump’s critics to dismiss Mr. Bannon.
On Saturday, white supremacists converged on Charlottesville, Va. to protest the pending removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. Their stated goal: to "take America back" — and to begin doing so by saving Lee's monument, which has become a lightning rod since the local city council voted to remove it earlier this year.
Within hours, three people had died in the chaos surrounding the gathering — one of whom was rammed by a car allegedly driven by a rally attendee.
And within three days, politicians in a number of cities, far from protecting their own Confederate monuments, had instead moved to hasten their removal. In Baltimore and Jacksonville, Fla., in Memphis and Lexington, Ky., local leaders acted to begin getting rid of these long-standing landmarks.
"Mayors are on the razor's edge. When you see the tension. When you see the violence that we saw in Charlottesville," Lexington Mayor Jim Gray told a local CBS affiliate, "then you know that we must act."
He said Sunday he has recommended to the city council that the statues depicting Confederate officers John C. Breckinridge and John Hunt Morgan be relocated to a new site where they would stand side by side with with "two monuments to the Union effort." In their current location, the Confederate monuments stand on land that formerly played host to one of the South's largest slave auction blocks.
"It's just not right that we would continue to honor these Confederate men who fought to preserve slavery on the same ground as men, women and even children were once sold into a life of slavery," Gray said in a video statement. "Relocating these statues and explaining them is the right thing to do."
Meanwhile, in Memphis, city leaders re-asserted their longstanding resistance to Confederate monuments on public land, promising again to fight for those statues' removal. State lawmakers have required that these memorials could only be moved with a waiver from the Tennessee Historical Commission, which has previously rejected the city's attempts to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest.
"What Nathan Bedford Forrest stood for doesn't express the views of this community at this time," City Attorney Bruce McMullen told the local Commercial Appeal, "and it's counterproductive to what we want this community to be, and that is an inclusive community working together."
Along with the still-pending waiver application to have Forrest's statue removed, McMullen told the paper the city plans to apply for a waiver to pull a monument to Confederate President Jefferson Davis from a park.
n Baltimore, too, Mayor Catherine Pugh said Monday that she had reached out to contractors to discuss relocating the city's four monuments to the Confederacy, according to The Baltimore Sun.
The city council president in Jacksonville, Fla., said Monday she is preparing a plan to relocate its Confederate monuments "from public property to museums and educational institutions where they can be respectfully preserved and historically contextualized." Elsewhere in Florida, in Gainesville, construction workers took down a 113-year-old Confederate statue Monday morning.
"There was no riot. No protesters showed up," The Gainesville Sun reported.
Some protesters did not even wait for city leaders. In Durham, N.C., shouting demonstrators pulled down a monument to Confederate soldiers, kicking it after it fell to the ground.
In all, "at least 1,500 symbols of the Confederacy can be found in public spaces across the country, mostly in the Deep South," the Southern Poverty Law Center noted in a report last year. "Most were put in place during the early decades of Jim Crow or in reaction to the civil rights movement."
And many of them remain flashpoints of controversy between those who wish to see them removed and those who see them as crucial markers of their community's past.
As for Lexington, Gray said the relocation of his city's monuments would enable residents to "tell the story accurately and share a truthful history."
"It's true that hiding our history won't allow our future generations to learn and avoid the same mistakes," Gray said. "But keeping monuments to those who fought to preserve slavery on this hallowed ground is simply not right."
On August 15 2017 10:52 xDaunt wrote: Looks like the full court press is on to oust Bannon. If Trump does it, I hope that Trump does it on his terms, with full understanding that the people pushing for Bannon's ouster do not have Trump's interests at heart.
Wait, do you not think Bannon is awful?
Nope, not really. I don't know enough about the inner workings of the White House to really say what Bannon is doing or not doing. I also doubt that the reporting that has been done on him is particularly accurate. It could be that he's running a total shitshow. If that's the case, then Trump should get rid of him. However, I generally like the ideology and policy that Bannon brings to the table and, just as important, I like that he fights.
Bannon has gone on record saying he wants a Christian holy war and to dissolve government itself. His advice is all shaped around that, and that's never going to help Trump since he's a worshiper at the altar of the self and loves to make himself rich and/or powerful with the government and could not give two shits about "white culture". Thus far he's only stayed in because he pets his ego, as far as I can tell, and has some loose intersection on immigration policy.
Sure he gives terrible advice to the President that delayed/weakened DJT's response to Nazi terrorism, but Bannon sure does stick it to the Libs!
Of course that doesn't really matter, with DJTs poll numbers going where they are going Bannon is doomed. Controversial chief political strategists get axed below 35%. I mean seriously, what can Bannon point to (besides the 2016 electoral map) to show that his grand political strategy is working?
On August 15 2017 07:17 Biff The Understudy wrote:
On August 15 2017 03:07 Danglars wrote:
On August 14 2017 23:04 Biff The Understudy wrote:
On August 14 2017 22:28 Danglars wrote:
On August 14 2017 22:18 Nevuk wrote:
Less than 24 hours after Charlotte trump released this ad that contains a list of people he identifies as the enemy.
Woah there no need to go full Nixon. He's trying to change the narrative and identify people obstructing his agenda (which is massive massive bigly success already apparently). List of people he identifies as enemies my ass, Nevuk.
Out of curiosity, and since all you Trumpers suddenly disappeared fron that debate, what's your take on Charlotte's events and the aftermath?
Debate? You must mean echo chamber. You'll have to drill down to some concrete questions that I didn't already post on, and the search function is open to you for the ones on the historical statue issue, political tweets from senators/NYT, left wing and right wing violence, etc.
Oh, and if you have curiosity, I'm not a Trumper. He was bottom of the barrel of acceptable candidates for the primary, and it was only the dawning reality of a Clinton presidency that got my to the polling station. Unless you're the kind of tribal member that wants to be called a Hillary shill. I'm a conservative Republican.
My respect and consideration for you will get such a boost the day you will be able to, you know, openly condemn a terrorist attack commited by the right wing, openly admit that Trump is a disaster and that maybe you made a mistake voting for such a clown and such a horrifying person, or openly admit that there is something deeply disturbing happening that got revealed in Charlottesville.
But you won't. Us getting horrified at nazis marching with swastikas and performing isis style terror attack is "echo chamber".
You simply can't get past your partisan hackery. And that's this mindless partisanship that is slowly killing your country.
When a Bernie supporter tried to kill a republican congressman, we were all horrified and tried to understand how that could happen. Sanders reacted immediatemy, denouncing that horrible act, instead of, like your guy, being a fucking jerk and putting victims and terrorists in the same bag. I haven't read a line of you, xDaunt, biology major or any of you hardcore conservatives expressing the slightest concern at nazis marching with torch Nurenberg style or going full Al Qaeda. It's shameful.
Which is sort of the reason I asked you to develop your question and put it forth. The real statement of your curiosity is along the lines of, "I know you to be a partisan Trump-loving hack at relative ease with white supremacist rallies, and I want anything I can twist to support my preconceived ideas." I'm not into your fanciful notions of conservatives needing to pipe up or they're assumed white supremacists ... but again, you're a confirmed Stalin lover for refusing to distance yourself from the Soviet flag held by one of the counter protestors. So, many apologies, but if you just want passive punching bags that issue disavowals at every turn, go play with impressionable and fearful children. If you have any doubt of my thoughts on white-supremacists and neonazis in marches, you can ask away.
I swear to you that if there were a march organized by my party fringe with torches, stalinist chants, ussr flag and a fucking terrorist attack, and that the guy i voted for didn't immediately distance himself from it in the most clear and uncompromising terms, I would be absolutely horrified and would express my disgust and regrets to be associated to those people and to have voted for such a morally bankrupt scumbag in the harshest terms.
And you realize as well as I do that the problem is not that "one of the guys had a nazi flag". It's that the guy you voted for is supported by an active and dynamic white supremacist neo nazi movement that recognize themselves in his ideas and what he says, who have no problem anymore marching with swastikas, kkk costumes and hitlerian salutes, and that, most importantly, he is extremely reluctant to condemn.
If something of that sort happened on the left, i would be fucking screaming and the first here to express my outrage, instead of talking of echo chamber and simply ignoring it.
But eh, never recognize you are wrong, never apologize, never show any doubt and never reflect critically on yourself.
I mean they just want to make America great again like Saudi Arabia. That trip was so much fun, it was a good mood and not a single hint of a protestor anywhere the whole time they were there. Not one guy with a bad placard. A future to look forward to