Racial Slurs in QuanticDestiny's Stream - Page 78
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United States75 Posts
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Canada521 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:57 Condor Hero wrote: I hope in your email you mentioned you never watched said stream where his offensive behavior took place? I'm sure it would lend great weight to your noble cause. YOu must be mad eh COndor? you a destiny fan boy? hahahahahaha User was temp banned for this post. | ||
United States258 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:48 KristofferAG wrote: Words are offensive because people use them in a degrading manner. I guess he's talking about how we need to stop considering these words degrading and consider them as any other word. I'm caucasian and I've never experienced anyone using racist remarks at me, I'm a fairly normal straight person, so I don't know how it feels to be on the receiving end of it, but I still think that a step towards equality would be to stop considering these words to be any worse than calling someone a "fucking dickwad" or something like that. Acknowledging racist slurs as just that isn't necessarily helping the society move towards equality. At least that's what I guess he's trying to say. I see some truth to it, words like "gook" and "nigger" are considered bad and mean because we acknowledge the fact that they're being used in a degrading manner towards someone due to the color of their skin. If you start considering it as just another word to describe someone's skin color or nationality and not as a degrading word, that could solve the entire issue. I just had to respond to this one because it blows my mind. Have you ever heard a white person being referred to as "nigger"? No? There's a reason for that. You can call anybody a fucking dickwad. I don't even have to call you "cracker". I can just call you "white boy". Or just, "Hey, white guy!", when addressing you. If society accepted racial slang as commonplace, how does that get us past racism? It will only highlight the use of race to identify someone or judge someone. Forget the derogatory words. If I walk down the street and say "Hey, Asian!" or "Hey, Hispanic dude!" when addressing somebody, what am I really doing besides calling attention to their race? The only way your proposition would work is if I can call you, a white guy, every derogatory racist word in the English language and have it make sense as an insult. Then, it can be on the level of "dickwad, motherfucker, sob, piece of shit, fucker, peabrain, butthead, jackass, jerk, asshole, bitch, asswipe, assmunch, pussy, turd, etc....". Actually... you know what, there's a real shortage of insults. You're right, we need more!!!! | ||
United Kingdom1062 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:55 busbarn wrote: Why are people immediately going to the sponsors crying? Email quantic if anyone. Don't you reddit folks understand that you're actually ruining esports with mails like that? I'm not certain how allowing the kind of behaviour of Destiny, who let's be honest, is a charismatic guy and quite close to the forefront of the community, to continue as such is good for esports. Yes, emailing Quantic should be the first stop. But Quantic KNOW he acts like that. He gets a lot of exposure and viewers because there are people who enjoy him both acting like that, or enjoy him when he's being funny and NOT acting like that. I enjoy Destiny when he's not spouting out as much obscenity as he can muster up, and that's WHY he has sponsors. But if Quantic cared about it they would have curbed it, and they blatantly haven't. | ||
Canada5074 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:58 Megaliskuu wrote: You think I supported the orb witchhunt at all? It was just another case of sad white knights having nothing better to do than to jump on someone and ruin them. This post is ironic because you've been doing a lot of white knighting for destiny in this thread yourself. | ||
Korea (South)1263 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:59 besteady wrote: Its funny how destiny gets defended for his actions by the commuinity, but orb gets fired from his job for nearly the same thing. Pretty heavy double standard and I think TL should consider taking him off the featured streamers list at least. The people who fired Orb are different than whomever Destiny may or may not answer to. I'm not sure what this has to do with anything. Orb =/= Destiny. | ||
Germany947 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:10 Primadog wrote: If I am Razer, I'd be much closer to (A) than (B). No reason to hang around this scene if I have to dealt with this shit on weekly basis. if you have to deal with this "shit" on a weekly basis something is inherently wrong with said community/game and is not worthy of recieving sponsorship money at this time. | ||
Sweden1264 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:58 Megaliskuu wrote: You think I supported the orb witchhunt at all? It was just another case of sad white knights having nothing better to do than to jump on someone and ruin them. The orb witchhunt was 99% people saying "black people should be offended by the word nigger, therefore I am going to join the hunt! Now where did I leave that pitchfork? And where's my torch?" Absolutely fucking ridiculous how people will do their best to fuck someone else in the ass when they really aren't affected by what happens in any way what so ever. | ||
United States1077 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:56 Coated wrote: Really? I have to explain this to you? Seriously, I'm not here to hold your hand and explain to you the intricacies of life. Go ask your mommy and daddy why public figures should maintain their behavior. It's not really his fault that he is better than you at SC - also, how does it follow that he needs your help understanding "the intricacies of life" or that he learned inadequate morals from his parents? What if this kid is an orphan? Aren't you just as bad as Destiny at this point? | ||
United States1179 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:51 sad.wish wrote: Orb has been a personality in our community since Beta Destiny on the other hand, has been a nuissance and its almost disrespectful to us. Since they did a witchhunt on Orb, for 1 little thing. I think Destiny deserves a witchhunt for his whole career.... I won't stop till something is done about this kid, finally. A lot of us been fed up with this guy for a long time. not like it isnt our fault. He acts immature, throws out racist remarks, and we lol and support him by watching his stream. | ||
United States313 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:57 ES.Genie wrote: So calling someone a gook is completely fine, but critizicing him for doing this is wrong? Oh TL, where do you always get these kind of users? From Destiny's stream | ||
Belgium1257 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:55 IMABUNNEH wrote: Normal people are perhaps not in their right mind. People who play games as a career are completely capable of maintaining themselves after a loss, or they wouldn't be in that position. I would say the oppossite. If it's your job and you lose to amateurs I reckon it must be a lot more frustrating. They're actually not in it for fun, so losing becomes a lot worse. It's not right to bm someone of course, but people in this thread should drop the holy saint attitude because we all know how easy it is to get angry after losing. | ||
Canada894 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:48 IMABUNNEH wrote: And Reddit, such a self righteous community who can't believe someone said a mean racial slur and better go after Orb and everything around him, fucking idolise Destiny and defend what he says because "He's not racist so it's ok!". The fact that Destiny/others get away with this shit while people go on a witchhunt for people who aren't the apple of their eyes' is disgraceful. Either the community holds everyone to similar standards, or the community abandons standards. Personally I don't care what Destiny or anyone else says on stream. But if the whole Orb situation was really so horrific that the entirety of Reddit needed to go on a crusade to get him kicked out of esports, then they can't act like the way Destiny acts is A-OK. The reasln why reddit went after orb was because he lied about it multiple times saying oh i never did it. If he woulda been like it was me i'n sorry it never would have happened. Destiny from day 1 has been upfront about it, he's going to use the language because he thinks it silly to hold 1 derogetory term higher then another one. I love how a bunch of these posts(not yours) have basically been i've never liked destiny so this is my chance to ruin him muwhahah | ||
United Kingdom663 Posts
What a massive fucking let down. | ||
Canada6002 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:59 besteady wrote: Its funny how destiny gets defended for his actions by the commuinity, but orb gets fired from his job for nearly the same thing. Pretty heavy double standard and I think TL should consider taking him off the featured streamers list at least. 1. Destiny is defended by community of TL 2. Orb is fired for doing same thing as Destiny I don't think Orb was fired by Teamliquid, so there's no double standard implied in your post. | ||
United States2958 Posts
Also, the email says Destiny was cut from Complexity for these outburts, but IIRC, that is not at all what happened. So, it's not even an honest boilerplate email. On another note, I can't believe the mods are not closing this thread. All they are doing is modding constantly, when there is basically no productive discussion going on. | ||
United States74 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:58 Denzil wrote: Many public figures haven't mainted their behavior Where's their career destroying witch hunt? Again, I'm not here to hold your hand. Go do your own research, there are tons of celebrities that have gotten huge backlash from saying, doing, acting bad. Stop asking me to show you things that are right in front of you. Ask mommy and daddy. | ||
Canada2972 Posts
Cats and Destiny were bantering racial slurs back and forth directly after the Orb incident, it's honestly not that big of a deal... That's just my opinion though. | ||
United States1319 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:47 zidaneshead wrote: Would I have not been repremanded if I called him a "dumb cracker" or something of the sort? + Show Spoiler + TL usually allows debates without insulting other people in the manner you did. TL is a great website usually with a ton of quality content and that is because of their moderation, you should know this if not don't say silly things that you think might get you banned. You could have just replied to the original post with something that makes you seem like you put some thought into your post. Instead the way you replied made you seem very ignorant and here to flame someone. Or perhaps even just "Destiny is a genuine racist" although that could also seem like a ignorant post seeing as how that has been discussed into the ground and you must have ignored it or did not read it. On topic things like this happen quite often with Destiny and nobody has really ever cared to do anything about it. Threads like this have popped up before where destiny defended himself and the people who didn't like him just ignored him and those who didn't care continued to watch. Emailing sponsors complaining seems like a terrible idea because it can hurt or even ruin Destinys career over something such as having a bad temper when someone cheesed him out pretty hard. Destiny gets angry pretty easily and just because he called someone a racist word should he really be punished so severely along with the fact that contacting sponsors would hurt Quantic also perhaps? I think some people are over reacting to this wanting to contact sponsors Destiny is not racist. | ||
United States65 Posts
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