TL.net128 Posts
Ancient.eu was just temp banned for 2 weeks by Chill.
That account was created on 2010-07-28 14:07:00 and had 411 posts.
Reason: Okay you're just terrible. Calling GOM childish for saying they will look into the booth issues? That plus your long string of previous bans, and making a second account, means you need to take a break and consider the following statement:
You are a really great poster here.
TL.net128 Posts
wxwx was just temp banned for 2 weeks by CTStalker.
That account was created on 2010-05-24 19:45:13 and had 356 posts.
Reason: On January 20 2011 04:28 wxwx wrote: i just can't stand this marinekingprime guy. this shitty B-team player thinks he's all good and shit by hiding bases and structures/depots while playing hide-and-seek with his army. This is not the way you play starcraft, and for it to happen twice in his 3 games, shows what a bitch he is.
I really hope Jinro puts him in his place. You really don't seem to get this whole "post like a moron, get banned" thing, do you?
TL.net128 Posts
WorkerRush was just temp banned for 2 days by zatic.
That account was created on 2011-01-09 13:55:37 and had 12 posts.
Reason: You were warned MINUTES ago to put more effort into your threads.
TL.net128 Posts
tbrown47 was just temp banned for 2 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2009-08-25 18:06:31 and had 784 posts.
Reason: This isn't 4chan and behave towards your fellow forum members.
TL.net128 Posts
Destraction was just temp banned for 1 week by iNcontroL.
That account was created on 2011-01-16 05:31:31 and had 2 posts.
Reason: just spoiled a huge pair of matches for all of TL
Take a week to think about why that was REALLY dumb.
TL.net128 Posts
debasers was just temp banned for 2 days by Chill.
That account was created on 2010-08-22 22:15:23 and had 414 posts.
Reason: The thread is about casters making money off of replays, not your personal favourite commentator.
TL.net128 Posts
Cryptys was just banned by riptide.
That account was created on 2011-01-20 08:05:36 and had 3 posts.
Reason: Get outta here.
TL.net128 Posts
Popsycle was just temp banned for 1 week by riptide.
That account was created on 2010-09-05 08:11:22 and had 18 posts.
Reason: Your posting history is terrible. Take 1 week to think about how you can be a better part of TL.
TL.net128 Posts
aike was just temp banned for 2 days by Manifesto7.
That account was created on 2010-07-16 02:07:55 and had 323 posts.
Reason: "If this is the case why don't you 'Stick to what you know' and go back to WoW and stay out of the Starcraft area of things. No? Then don't tell people what they should and shouldn't do."
Seriously, stick you what you know.
TL.net128 Posts
TypeFake was just temp banned for 2 weeks by Hot_Bid.
That account was created on 2010-09-28 01:42:16 and had 121 posts.
Reason: Don't make shitty threads to troll on purpose, then post meme images.
TL.net128 Posts
playa was just temp banned for 1 week by Kennigit.
That account was created on 2010-12-28 11:18:46 and had 47 posts.
Reason: Wtf 2 reports that quick. Go calm down for a week
TL.net128 Posts
StarSense was just temp banned for 2 days by Chill.
That account was created on 2010-09-28 16:44:20 and had 196 posts.
Reason: All you seem to do is talk shit.
TL.net128 Posts
NEOtheONE was just temp banned for 2 days by Chill.
That account was created on 2010-09-29 17:52:59 and had 37 posts.
Reason: I'm going to start banning for retarded comments.
For clarity: There's no reason to think you can't justifiably criticize someone on TL; however, the key word in that sentence is justifiably. "Wahh cheese. These guys should have played better" and the sort are stupid comments to make. These players aren't puppets for your amusement - they are competitors playing to win.
TL.net128 Posts
FallacySC was just temp banned for 2 days by Manifesto7.
That account was created on 2010-12-28 06:36:05 and had 2 posts.
Reason: Poor thread making.
TL.net128 Posts
shynee was just banned by heyoka.
That account was created on 2010-04-27 11:10:50 and had 180 posts.
Reason: You have 4 bans for being a dick. "Good job ruining the OP you dumb fuck" is the kind of comment you should have learned not to post a long time ago. Don't come back.
TL.net128 Posts
Trattor was just temp banned for 2 days by GHOSTCLAW.
That account was created on 2010-11-02 03:39:12 and had 21 posts.
Reason: I have no idea how you've lasted this long on this site, but please shape up and have some respect for other users. Otherwise, get out.
TL.net128 Posts
TheHova was just temp banned for 2 days by boesthius.
That account was created on 2010-06-08 09:33:43 and had 50 posts.
Reason: What don't people get about posting memes? It's in the fucking ten commandments. Is it really that hard, people?
TL.net128 Posts
immortalitysc2 was just temp banned for 2 days by boesthius.
That account was created on 2010-10-12 20:59:31 and had 14 posts.
Reason: exile your a waste of life sorry for sayign that i totally apologize that ur such a girl.. get over it... Completely unnecessary post.
TL.net128 Posts
sh[A]d[O]w was just temp banned for 1 week by Manifesto7.
That account was created on 2010-09-05 05:46:52 and had 6 posts.
Reason: "Fuck off."
No you.
TL.net128 Posts
Shade[AoV]2 was just temp banned for 2 days by Manifesto7.
That account was created on 2011-01-15 10:02:45 and had 13 posts.
Reason: "All USA members need not reply."
Don't make terrible threads.