TL.net128 Posts
NoobsOfWrath was just temp banned for 30 days by Manifesto7. That account was created on 2008-08-29 09:43:01 and had 757 posts.
Reason: "but I'm expecting to be banned after calling you a "nerd" up there. "
Congratulations, you are psychic. Considering I just warned you this week about flaming people, it seems that the message isn't getting though.
TL.net128 Posts
IzzyCraft was just temp banned for 2 days by Manifesto7. That account was created on 2007-06-26 17:42:25 and had 3734 posts.
Reason: "I went to Disneyland for two days and all I got was this lousy sig!"
TL.net128 Posts
RobRoy2501 was just temp banned for 2 days by Plexa. That account was created on 2008-06-30 21:14:32 and had 18 posts.
Reason: Racism
TL.net128 Posts
AdemTheDestroyer was just temp banned for 2 days by Plexa. That account was created on 2009-01-08 19:01:14 and had 39 posts.
Reason: "bloody korean ads" useful post bro~
TL.net128 Posts
3nickma was just temp banned for 2 days by Plexa. That account was created on 2007-11-30 22:24:24 and had 782 posts.
Reason: On March 01 2009 20:29 3nickma wrote: Goddamnit shut the fucking music! This is the kind of posting we are trying to avoid in Live Report threads
TL.net128 Posts
eatmyshorts5 was just temp banned for 2 days by FrozenArbiter. That account was created on 2009-01-27 11:44:45 and had 277 posts.
Reason: "Dumb fuck" to you too.
TL.net128 Posts
MuShu was just temp banned for 2 weeks by Last Romantic. That account was created on 2005-03-04 19:04:47 and had 3059 posts.
Reason: By Request.
TL.net128 Posts
Slorm was just banned by Carnac. That account was created on 2008-03-24 06:17:14 and had 14 posts.
Reason: I have my reasons.
TL.net128 Posts
Someday was just banned by Carnac. That account was created on 2008-05-12 16:35:46 and had 12 posts.
Reason: multiacc
TL.net128 Posts
hydrahero was just banned by Carnac. That account was created on 2008-06-07 04:51:24 and had 2 posts.
Reason: multiacc
TL.net128 Posts
anch was just temp banned for 2 days by FakeSteve[TPR]. That account was created on 2006-06-16 00:42:00 and had 3151 posts.
Reason: you are usually a pretty good poster, but i can't just let that slide
don't make racist comments dude, even mild ones like that
TL.net128 Posts
jodogohoo was just temp banned for 2 days by Plexa. That account was created on 2008-03-09 14:25:09 and had 312 posts.
Reason: Don't post intentional spoilers in an anime thread - you could ruin the series for some people. What's worse is that you highlighted, bolded, italised and underlined it. What the fuck were you thinking?
TL.net128 Posts
ffswowsucks was just temp banned for 1 week by FakeSteve[TPR]. That account was created on 2005-08-18 02:32:27 and had 577 posts.
Reason: you are harassing a member bad enough that they asked me to step in
leave attackzerg the fuck alone
TL.net128 Posts
hymn was just temp banned for 2 days by Plexa. That account was created on 2008-02-07 05:15:52 and had 466 posts.
Reason: I was only going to warn, but you've been warned before about NSFW links.
TL.net128 Posts
verzisor was just temp banned for 2 weeks by Plexa. That account was created on 2009-02-26 20:28:03 and had 18 posts.
Reason: All your posts do nothing but incite flames against you. Please re-evaluate your posting strategy and try again in two weeks.
TL.net128 Posts
bitchaRd[raGe] was just temp banned for 1 week by Plexa. That account was created on 2008-08-08 04:59:40 and had 209 posts.
Reason: On March 05 2009 19:50 bitchaRd[raGe] wrote: That fat prick will NEVER win any starleague. I promise. Bye, see you in a week.
TL.net128 Posts
MoRe_mInErAls was just temp banned for 2 days by Hot_Bid. That account was created on 2007-11-21 11:01:25 and had 642 posts.
Reason: Don't image rickroll.
TL.net128 Posts
intotherainx was just temp banned for 1 week by EvilTeletubby. That account was created on 2007-03-29 00:04:16 and had 366 posts.
Reason: On March 06 2009 12:40 intotherainx wrote: people make typos once in a while
This is a completely unacceptable reply, and I'm sure you know why.
TL.net128 Posts
nataziel was just temp banned for 2 days by Carnac. That account was created on 2008-10-20 20:55:09 and had 515 posts.
Reason: lololol yourself.
TL.net128 Posts
mikeymoo was just temp banned for 2 days by Chill. That account was created on 2006-10-22 20:09:32 and had 5097 posts.
Reason: Here, let me help you study.