It's actually pretty shocking how racist this thread is. Assuming that 0123456789 is anywhere close to an average representation of a Korean-American (an assumption I'm pretty sure is wrong, given my experiances with Korean-Canadians), they're actually much more racist than even actual Koreans.
Your racism isn't justified, it's actually disgusting.
You must be like 8 and don't know how racism works in the real world. Racism is like stereotypes. In my head, I have this thought. It's this thought that most black people are people who go to jail. Let's say I meet a black woman. My first impression of this black woman is that she went to jail. I get to know her, and I find out she is a good person. Do I still think she went to jail? no. Do I still think that most black people went to jail? Yes. Is this hate? No. Do I hate black people? No. It's a general misconception I have. I like her, am I going to marry her? Yes. Are my parents going to say no at first? Yes. Would they still say no after they got to know her? No. But would she have to try extra hard, harder than a korean girl to impress? Yes. Would they think she went to jail? Yes.
Koreans are very closed off as a race to other races, therefore make ridiculous assumptions and put up walls in front of other races. This is racism of the korean people. There's no holocaustic hate. For a non korean person going to Korea, it's going to be their job to break down these walls and misconceptions people have about different races. There's going to be walls. People aren't going to as open to you, as they might be to korean people.It's kind of a hard thing to do, to fight through this misconception called "racism", 8 year old boy.
How do Koreans view males with long hair? Like epic long not longish.
Why do you get pissed of when white men hit on "your" women?
On March 29 2012 10:32 GettingIt wrote: Why do you get pissed of when white men hit on "your" women? Yeah. I mean, I don't get angry when an asian guy is with a white girl. Then again, I don't have an aversion to being in a relationship with somebody of any race.
Heck, I know 3 guys who moved here from korea in like 4th grade who have told me "no, that's bullshit, we don't have to marry in our race." Although I understand where you got the belief from, that in of itself doesn't really justify or legitimize it.
Yeah. I mean, I don't get angry when an asian guy is with a white girl. Then again, I don't have an aversion to being in a relationship with somebody of any race.
Heck, I know 3 guys who moved here from korea in like 4th grade who have told me "no, that's bullshit, we don't have to marry in our race." Although I understand where you got the belief from, that in of itself doesn't really justify or legitimize it.
I have a belief. To me there's no wrong and right. Only you and others have classified it as wrong or right. And not 100% of koreans share the same belief. But most do.
This seems less like "ask a korean-american anything" and more like "ask a racist, sexist, dick-measuring doucebag anything."
This seems less like "ask a korean-american anything" and more like "ask a racist, sexist, dick-measuring doucebag anything."
This comment makes you look like a douchebag. Even more so when you spell douchebag wrong.
I'm going to marry a korean woman, I'm hispanic. My question is, deal with it.
You're just out of middle school and calling other people 8? Negative stereotypes aren't harmless. Just because it's not holoucastic hate doesn't mean it's not disgusting and idiotic.
I live in Korea, and your mindset is basically that of an older ujeossi, not of someone of the younger generation. It kinda makes sense since your main exposure to Korean culture is just your parents (older generation).
All I'm saying is that your mindset IS racist and limited. And it's not representative of Koreans, or even gyopos.
How you has problem getting elo when u korean?
You mentioned that chinese girls have a thing for korean guys. How you fail to get or impress unichan?
I'm going to marry a korean woman, I'm hispanic. My question is, deal with it.
Make sure to satisfy her. Or else you will have fully looking korean babies.
You're just out of middle school and calling other people 8? Negative stereotypes aren't harmless. Just because it's not holoucastic hate doesn't mean it's not disgusting and idiotic.
I live in Korea, and your mindset is basically that of an older ujeossi, not of someone of the younger generation. It kinda makes sense since your main exposure to Korean culture is just your parents (older generation).
All I'm saying is that your mindset IS racist and limited. And it's not representative of Koreans, or even gyopos.
Younger generation is just better at hiding it/more exposed. Shit's still the same deep inside.
How you has problem getting elo when u korean?
You mentioned that chinese girls have a thing for korean guys. How you fail to get or impress unichan?
I'm not chinese enough.
Also, unichan tier 4.
This guy's just out of middle school? Figures, calling someone 8 and justifying racism are the kinds of things teenagers do (and think they're total badasses whilst they do it). Oh dear. OP you should go by the example of the older Asian Americans on TL like Jibba and learn some class. Start with your ridiculous belief that whites should marry whites and blacks should marry blacks. [Oh btw I was a racist dbag when I was your age and I have completely changed (well I have changed the racist part lol) so I do in part sympathise with your misguided views]
LOL, you're making Koreans look like the shittiest people. How do you feel having dishonored your nation so?
lol Based on what I know there's two general kinds of drunk korean guys. There's the guys that are chill and awesome to drink with/play drinking games with and then there's the angry drunk koreans who try to start fights with random guys they "think" looked at their girl wrong while spewing racial epithets. Pretty sure we know which kind you're going to be when you grow up.
On March 29 2012 11:02 ZeaL. wrote: lol Based on what I know there's two general kinds of drunk korean guys. There's the guys that are chill and awesome to drink with/play drinking games with and then there's the angry drunk koreans who try to start fights with random guys they "think" looked at their girl wrong while spewing racial epithets. Pretty sure we know which kind you're going to be when you grow up. Isn't that almost true for all drunks regardless of race? The happy and the angry drunk stereotypes? Either way you're correct in your assessment of which he'll be.
There's actually extremely few angry drunks in Korea proper, which is extremely surprising considering just how many drunks there are on any given day/hour.
The hostility levels are totally different between Western bars and Korean bars.