So a couple of days ago my account got suspended. I didn’t receive any mail from Blizz what so ever so I had to investigate on my own and found out on my Battle.net account that i got a 48h ban for in-game activities not covered by the terms of use. BM i translated.
I was kind of surprised as I wouldn’t consider myself a serious trash talker, but ok…there were some games were I replaced a "gg" with a « fu*k you 4 gater»
However I was upset about the fact that Blizz didn’t send me any mail with further explanation, so I opened a service ticket to complain about that fact. The ticket stayed open for about 5 days (and not 24-48h as advertised) and my ban expired. I almost forgot about this issue…
At least until I got the mail of Blizz’ support. Stating the following:
An e-mail with the reason was automatically sent to your email account, however I will paste the reason below.
Account: SCII-1 Date of Violation: 18/03/2012 Details of incident: Harassment / Sexual Orientation Consequences for account: Warning placed on account and account suspended for 24 hours.
End Quote
Now, I remember this conversation during a 2v2 with a random ally! So you think I deserve my ban right?
Just let me tell you that above quotes weren’t mine. They were stated by my RANDOM teammate. He was pretty mad, also because we were winning this game quite easily.
So I got banned because some random kid was freakin out??? Nice move by Blizzard. This whole story was already fading out of my mind, but after this mail, were i was accused of using such kind of language I started thinking about all these EULA and terms of use crap. Blizzard considers itself the police and the court in the b-net world. We as paying customers have to accept their rules.
If something goes wrong…well, it’s not that we can do much because according to the license they can ban our accounts pretty much to their likings. I was banned from using a product I paid 60Euros just because Blizzard decided to do so. They didn’t even verify who was actually trash talking, they just banned me from using a PAID product. This is just like Ferrari banning me from using my F455 :-) after getting a speeding ticket, because they feel that I damaged their brand image.
Don’t get me wrong I have no interest in defending BM or whatsoever. What I hate is that a company tries to censor whatever they don’t like.
Maybe you think I am overreacting, but I am seriously upset of being accused of such a behavior. We all accept the terms of use, hoping that Blizz takes such a drastic measure just after verifying each incident but apparently they don’t care about customers once they paid. My personal consequence is clear: The money put aside for Diablo 3 will go elsewhere.
If you doubt my story: I attach some screenshots and can provide the replay if somebody tells me how to do it.
Download Replay
]link 3[/url]
if you want to upload the replay use http://drop.sc/
there is a big "upload" button on the top
Obviously they made a mistake here. I can understand your frustration but seriously, just shrug it off. Or try the getting offended topic for sympathy.
United States4796 Posts
On March 27 2012 23:49 Cosmology wrote: You're being a dick, they don't want dicks playing their game and mucking it up for other people. I'm sure there is more to this story, if you think Bliz is harsh with bans then try playing League of Legends, they hand out bans like candy for even calling the other team noob or bad. I don't think he's necessarily being a dick here. And I could be wrong.
EDIT: I see you edited your post..
Tbh I think you are overreacting. It sucks that they mistook you for being the BM'er, but a two day ban is nothing, and I don't think you are really that offended that they clearly made a mistake.
The whole thing sounds kinda funny tho. And, for the record, that BM was pretty harsh.
Edit: +1 for playing on a mac.
I think you should've put this in blogs.
Also, they have every right to ban you. Yes, you paid for the product, but you allowed them ban you at any time when you clicked on the "I accept" button on the Terms of Use. I'm not saying I agree that they should have banned you, but I agree that they have the right to ban you.
And it's like a hotel, or a school. You may have paid to get in, but break the rules and you're out. Just because you paid to stay doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
So what do you want TL to do about it?
On March 27 2012 23:49 Cosmology wrote: Misread some parts.
The screenshots show hes not the one saying that stuff...?
Looks like you need to be more upset about the mistake they made than about anything else really.
Nothing very surprising ... Like you said, Blizzard is the only judge in their game ... and as expected ... they don't give a shit and ban without any back up checks ...
Sad but expected ...
Now this was the wrong thing to do by Blizzard. If he didn't do anything at all he wouldn't deserve any punishment
On March 27 2012 23:51 Hulavuta wrote: I think you should've put this in blogs.
Also, they have every right to ban you. Yes, you paid for the product, but you allowed them ban you at any time when you clicked on the "I accept" button on the Terms of Use. I'm not saying I agree that they should have banned you, but I agree that they have the right to ban you.
And it's like a hotel, or a school. You may have paid to get in, but break the rules and you're out. Just because you paid to stay doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
Read the OP, he didn't do anything. It was his team mate.
On March 27 2012 23:49 Cosmology wrote: Misread some parts.
And we sure dont want dicks posting in our TL forums!
You offended stated rules you agreed not to violate.
Another player was offended because of this and reported you.
The violation was striked as stated in the terms of use.
I don't see an issue here despite that you made an error. Shut up next time and you will not be suspended. Simple as that really. Blizzard did the right move and I appreciate that they suspend guys like you who are killing fun for others.
User was warned for this post
It amazes me how few people actually read what you wrote
I agree with you though. The most annoying aspect of this is, that they only answered your mail way too late. Their customer service is garbage
In this thread no one reads the original poster and end up looking like idiots.
Propably just a mistake they made, they propably took you for the BM:er. And for the record i dont think it would make any difference if you knew your team mate (when giving a ban), its his/her fault not yours.
On March 27 2012 23:56 CallmeMuppet wrote: You offended stated rules you agreed not to violate.
Another player was offended because of this and reported you.
The violation was striked as stated in the terms of use.
I don't see an issue here despite that you made an error. Shut up next time and you will not be suspended. Simple as that really. Blizzard did the right move and I appreciate that they suspend guys like you who are killing fun for others. Maybe you should read OP again?
On March 27 2012 23:56 CallmeMuppet wrote: You offended stated rules you agreed not to violate.
Another player was offended because of this and reported you.
The violation was striked as stated in the terms of use.
I don't see an issue here despite that you made an error. Shut up next time and you will not be suspended. Simple as that really. Blizzard did the right move and I appreciate that they suspend guys like you who are killing fun for others.
Bravo at reading comprehension.
@OP - Did you try submitting a report with the attached replay and explanation that it wasn't you? Blizzard tech support can be pretty nice sometimes..