While I understand that there's a need to discuss this matter, this thread has way too many trash posts in it. Please think carefully about what you want to say. Ad hominem attacks on Swedish people in general, calling you fellow Starcraft fans idiots etc etc will be dealt with with harsher punishment from here on out. Keep it civil people.
Page 230: Here's some more stuff that'll get you banned! - Conspiracy theory mongering about MLG and GOM - Comparing people to Hitler - Posting useless one liners of arguments that have already been repeated ad nauseum. |
On December 14 2011 20:11 Dimon87 wrote: I guess the "global" part of the GOM.tv did not apply here. Really dissapointing. hahahaha
yeah, that's what this is................................
On December 14 2011 20:09 ReaperX wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:08 Cejotas wrote: LOL I only see swedish defending him, cmon it's not the first time he gets banned Shut up, I'm spanish and I'm defending him.
yep, not a swede neither. still able to see, goms reaction is a sickening joke
It seems to come down to every person's idea of respect and how important it is. The punishment may be harsh, but I am disgusted by how many people don't seem to have 'respect' as a part of their ideology.
On December 14 2011 20:10 h41fgod wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:08 JoeSchmoe wrote:On December 14 2011 20:07 h41fgod wrote:On December 14 2011 20:05 Spiner wrote:On December 14 2011 20:00 trucane wrote: Lol at people calling naniwa defender "butt hurt". If anyone is butt hurt it's GOM. Naniwa tells them he wants to forfeit the last game because it has meaning but they force him to play it out and when he does play it out and loses on purpose they get so mad just because he didn't respect their stupid decision. Also later on they revoke his seed and slander him publicly.
Yes the Naniwa defenders are certainly the ones that are butt hurt....
GOM has shown us how immature and childish they are and I for one is gonna vote with my wallets, no more tickets for me
Why is nearly everyone from Sweden defending him? Blind nationalism eh? Why is everyone from Korea hating on him? Yeah. which is why he wants to remain in korea amirite? he must love all the hate he's getting there. Good comeback. Really. He is in Korea because he wants to compete with the best. Compete being the operative word here.
funny how he mentioned in a interview he also wanted to get a korean girl friend. you must be mad.
Naniwa did nothing wrong its just his disposition that the match didn't matter to him and they were forcing him to play a match (For entertainment) That didn't matter who won or lost. So he decided to do a probe rush.
On December 14 2011 20:04 NovaTheFeared wrote: Forfeiting the match would be terrible sportsmanship. Probe rushing is even below that. It's a straight FU to the fans, opponent, and GOM. I'm glad GOM took the issue of professionalism seriously. Someone has to, and it's definitely not Naniwa. Droping mules or building CC on your defeated enemy base is not? For me that is the middle finger equivalent in videogames.
Double standards everywhere...
This is an absolute JOKE...how about Mr. Chae admit his mistake first at the same time? That format creates situation like that, and you cannot expect NaNi to play it out.
/done with GSL
bring on KeSPA.
Damn if I was one of the foreigner progamers in Korea, or some of the other eSport celebrities, I would boycut GOMtv and tell everyone to do so because this is really hurting eSports.
Even HuK says on twitter:
LorangerChris Chris Loranger "As much as everyone likes to overuse "killing esports", noone actually uses in the example when it actually is. Things like this kil esports"
this was soooo stupid... wow... just wow.
On December 14 2011 20:10 pesshaulol wrote: Can somone plz elobrate on what naniwa said/did? tread is now at page60 gone up like 20 pages sens i started reading...
edit:62 now... He drone rushed Nestea in a meaningless game, gg's. For that he gets kicked out of GSL because:
Warning or disqualification - 경기중에 과격한 행동으로 상대 게이머나 관중들에게 위협을 가할 때 - During a match, a player shall not offend the opponent or audience with abusive behaviours This "abusive" behaviour was apparently SO HORRIBLE compared to all the BM we've seen in the GSL so far. T_T
You are setting a dangerous precedent when Gom starts saying a "bad strategy" is equal to abusive behaviour
did Idra/Sen get the code S invite instead?
On December 14 2011 20:07 Zanno wrote:
there's no fucking culture clash!
either starcraft is a sport, or it isn't
what i see, is a bunch of newbie foreigners who don't understand what "e-sport" truly means
do they not have league structure sports outside of the US or something? professional atheletes are expected to play games which "don't matter" at the end of the season all the time, and if any of the players were to go into an interview and babble on about how the game didn't matter so they didn't try, they'd get thrown off the team in a minute
Professional teams throw games away all the time by fielding improper players and intentionally using different tactics than normally, Nani did not want to play a match that does not matter and should have been allowed to forfeit. in most other sports there is a lot on the line even late in the season for most teams, Fx teams have to avoid relegation in football even if they cna't win this season and your standing at the end of the season can have an impact on what kind of sposnsors the team gets. That match had 0$ on the line and no prestige for the winner it was simply meaningless, the punishment should have taken that into account.
This feels off, like it was personal for GOM. Also, the comments about Naniwa being an 'amateur money-hunter' were very unprofessional.
I'm disappointed in GOM.
Kids, this is obvious decision, you should understand why... GSL is tournament for professional players, playing is profession, not some kind of fun. In GSL they play for audience! Not for themselves. Do you think in normal JOB you can say to your boss that you have bad humor and dont wanna work? NO!
Naniwa, no matter what he think, should just sit in that booth and give fight with all his heart! To respect Korean audience, NesTea, GSL stuff, online audience etc.
This match wasnt meaningless, if not for Naniwa it has meaning for audience, probably for NesTea... This is not a playground for 3yo kinds, this is professional tournament, for professional players. His duty as a player was to give his best in that game!
i'll remember the first 3 games from him what were awsome. To neglect that and only give him shit for that last game is so messed up!
On December 14 2011 20:12 Eviscerador wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:04 NovaTheFeared wrote: Forfeiting the match would be terrible sportsmanship. Probe rushing is even below that. It's a straight FU to the fans, opponent, and GOM. I'm glad GOM took the issue of professionalism seriously. Someone has to, and it's definitely not Naniwa. Droping mules or building CC on your defeated enemy base is not? For me that is the middle finger equivalent in videogames. Double standards everywhere...
Holy crap didn't even think about this...wow does this makes GOM look like hypocrites. I'm officially done with GSL...still.
It is something GOM has to do to maintain the integrity and standard of their league. I don't get joy from Naniwa being punished, only a sadist would, but I can see why GOM feel it is needed.
What the actual fuck? NaNiwa did not "offend the other player or audience." He kept within the rules, and he's being punished for something he arguably didn't do.
But, that was a very douche move... because it was nestea's birthday and stuff.. still gom has no right to ban naniwa. This is just dumb.
On December 14 2011 20:12 tetrismaan wrote: Damn if I was one of the foreigner progamers in Korea, or some of the other eSport celebrities, I would boycut GOMtv and tell everyone to do so because this is really hurting eSports.
Even HuK says on twitter:
LorangerChris Chris Loranger "As much as everyone likes to overuse "killing esports", noone actually uses in the example when it actually is. Things like this kil esports"
He means what nani did is killing esports