On December 15 2011 02:40 CoR wrote:
feels to easy
often you think you win because of your race not by skill so switch race to harder one
feels to easy

I felt this as well, but that was a long time ago. Now I don't even play anymore.
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Andorra5591 Posts
On December 15 2011 02:40 CoR wrote: feels to easy ![]() I felt this as well, but that was a long time ago. Now I don't even play anymore. | ||
177 Posts
On December 15 2011 02:20 eeizbee wrote: Show nested quote + On December 14 2011 10:24 Plansix wrote: Terran is very abusive at gold and below. Terran really rewards staying on one base for longer than the other two races and this can mean players get a lot of wins without ever expanding. I saw a lot of players getting away with stim timing attacks and stupid builds like 2 port banshee for easy, 1 base wins. I think a lot of these players hit a wall when those no longer work, but they haven't learned any other skills beyond abusing those builds. The terrans that do make it to diamond and beyond do so through more "solid" play that has a longer life. It is sort of like a protoss player who only 4 gates in every game. You hit a wall and likely give up at that point. Zerg and protoss have "fewer" builds that don't require you to expand and slowly learn that more bases is better. i think this has alot to do with it. you basically can get into gold or platinum with gimicky 1 base play or just generally easier wins (such as banshee vs someone without great control). that being said i enjoy terran the least out of all races, when i play as zerg even when i lose i'm saying "man that was a fun game" with terran i get 10 minutes in and i am saying "please come kill me this is so boring" Basically this is probably the biggest contributing factor. | ||
Australia505 Posts
btw terran sc1, terran bw, terran sc2 posers and haters dont bother me cause terran be how i roll | ||
United States1124 Posts
On December 14 2011 10:20 NExt wrote: Show nested quote + On December 14 2011 10:18 Swwww wrote: Blizzard 'balances' for the very top of GSL -> game becomes less balanced at lower leagues inc. GM -> people stop playing terran since its underpowered -> terrans disappear from ladder. Seems pretty simple to me! Umm.. wtf are you talking about. Blizzard has said in the BlizzCons and other interviews hardest thing about balance is balancing for all leagues. Biggest example is the Reaper. Everyone agreed there needed to be a nerf but the severe Factory requirement was for the lower leagues and team gamers, cause having speed was overpowered. Whilst the pros had control and builds to deal with it. Actually 5 rax reaper was unstoppable - literally unstoppable. The roach range buff may or may not have fixed it but I do agree that the factory nerf and roach range buff together were a bit overkill. | ||
United States821 Posts
On December 15 2011 07:05 TheUnderking wrote: As a micro-focused high diamond random player I find zerg is by far the hardest race to play. I don't see this huge cliff that "everyone" (that is terran in this thread) is encountering. PS. Warden's 1-1-1 into terran death ball, (look it up) is pretty solid late game v toss, at least in my experience. Some complaints I've seen numerous times in this thread that I feel are baseless: "Feedback reduces our top tier units to half hp" ... EMP reduces all toss units in an AoE to roughly* half hp and the Ghost is a superior unit in every respect I can think of to the High Templar except cost. (faster, more HP, better unit type, has an attack, more abilities) "Terran macro is so weak"... mules & macro orbitals are pretty good, so are reactors, and add-on powering is too (using the factory to prebuild reactors/labs for rax's) "It takes BFH EIGHT shots to kill a zealot" .. Assuming assuming no upgrades it actually takes nine, but that shot could be killing 5 zealots at once. "We've been nerfed so much" ... Indeed Terran has, and they deserved it. Balance in this game is far better than it was at the start of retail. Your responses to the baseless complaints are very shortsighted. Feedback does permanent damage and is a guaranteed hit. EMP has a travel time, a tiny radius, costs MUCH more energy, and does no permanent damage. Not to mention the unit attached to it has almost no use outside of sniping occasionally, and you need so many of them for EMP's that you're basically gimping your own army. This also ignores the concept that our T3 units are rendered essentially useless, for all intents and purposes, by a unit that can halve the health of all of our t3 units, outright kill ravens, banshees, medivacs, and melt our entire bio forces with storm. That's just too much versatility, IMO. Our ghosts can EMP. And if we're lucky, get a couple snipes that are only of worth on one single unit. Blue flame hellions don't hit five zealots at once. The line mechanic paired with charge means that your hellions will be hitting one or two zealots at most. And this is before the colossus, zealots, stalkers, etc. melt your hellions, while your tanks do basically no damage with such sad splash that nothing around the stalkers actually takes damage. Balance is better, but some nerfs have been stupid. The reaper speed to factory nerf was stupid. zergs had already figured out how to hold 5RR, not to mention the +1 roach range in that buff would have made any zerg capable of EASILY holding the 5RR, but not necessarily making the 5RR overpowered, just aggressive and allowing terrans some form of map control while expanding. On December 15 2011 07:17 Stropheum wrote: Actually 5 rax reaper was unstoppable - literally unstoppable. The roach range buff may or may not have fixed it but I do agree that the factory nerf and roach range buff together were a bit overkill. unstoppable for about a week, yes. But by the time the patch rolled around, plat and diamond zergs were having no problems with it whatsoever. | ||
Norway212 Posts
![]() Terran is so micro intensive + when your macro slips during a battle (almost every diamond player has this problem) you cant just warp in or make a lot of eggs. P and Z get away with A-move, when terran does not get away with it at all. Guess thats two of the reasons why many terran decides to reroll race when they get mid/high diamond. | ||
Brazil1069 Posts
the only reason it had that amount of players, is because it was OP in the launch and the single player is "terran only" now people are just leaving the race it's like a MMO with swords and hammers, if both have the same stats, you are going to see a lot more swords than hammers.... is sword overpowered? | ||
Zimbabwe5568 Posts
That's only true for lower leagues, though. At the professional level, I think terrans are doing quite fine, and it's too early to tell if the emp nerf was really THAT game changing. | ||
Sweden1080 Posts
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Canada100 Posts
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Canada202 Posts
You're arguing the ghost is a bad unit, when it can halve the HP of every unit in their army in an AOE for 25 more energy than feedback which is single target with inferior range, on a slower unit, that has less health and a poorer armour type. You're also arguing that because the HT has storm which can destroy groups of low HP units over a 4 second duration that it is too powerful, whereas you ignore the fact that EMPs damage is instant. I don't agree that Terran tier 3 units are rendered useless. I agree that High Templar are powerful - as they should be for slow, low hp units with no direct attack! If we were to follow that logic, Archons must be useless because a ghost can 4 shot them (emp x3 +one shot). PS. You can EMP your own BC's/Thors to remove their energy. It's also not very hard to avoid getting Raven's FB'd. since the PDD itself has quite a large range. BFH hit 5 zealots at once easily if you dont lead the charge with them. They are also really good at sniping HT's. Sure you'll lose them every fight, but toss loses Zealots every fight and they don't cry about it or if they do, I haven't noticed. I also don't agree with your description of siege tank splash at all. | ||
United Kingdom2576 Posts
On December 15 2011 07:18 Honeybadger wrote: Show nested quote + On December 15 2011 07:05 TheUnderking wrote: As a micro-focused high diamond random player I find zerg is by far the hardest race to play. I don't see this huge cliff that "everyone" (that is terran in this thread) is encountering. PS. Warden's 1-1-1 into terran death ball, (look it up) is pretty solid late game v toss, at least in my experience. Some complaints I've seen numerous times in this thread that I feel are baseless: "Feedback reduces our top tier units to half hp" ... EMP reduces all toss units in an AoE to roughly* half hp and the Ghost is a superior unit in every respect I can think of to the High Templar except cost. (faster, more HP, better unit type, has an attack, more abilities) "Terran macro is so weak"... mules & macro orbitals are pretty good, so are reactors, and add-on powering is too (using the factory to prebuild reactors/labs for rax's) "It takes BFH EIGHT shots to kill a zealot" .. Assuming assuming no upgrades it actually takes nine, but that shot could be killing 5 zealots at once. "We've been nerfed so much" ... Indeed Terran has, and they deserved it. Balance in this game is far better than it was at the start of retail. Your responses to the baseless complaints are very shortsighted. Feedback does permanent damage and is a guaranteed hit. EMP has a travel time, a tiny radius, costs MUCH more energy, and does no permanent damage. Not to mention the unit attached to it has almost no use outside of sniping occasionally, and you need so many of them for EMP's that you're basically gimping your own army. This also ignores the concept that our T3 units are rendered essentially useless, for all intents and purposes, by a unit that can halve the health of all of our t3 units, outright kill ravens, banshees, medivacs, and melt our entire bio forces with storm. That's just too much versatility, IMO. Our ghosts can EMP. And if we're lucky, get a couple snipes that are only of worth on one single unit. Blue flame hellions don't hit five zealots at once. The line mechanic paired with charge means that your hellions will be hitting one or two zealots at most. And this is before the colossus, zealots, stalkers, etc. melt your hellions, while your tanks do basically no damage with such sad splash that nothing around the stalkers actually takes damage. Balance is better, but some nerfs have been stupid. The reaper speed to factory nerf was stupid. zergs had already figured out how to hold 5RR, not to mention the +1 roach range in that buff would have made any zerg capable of EASILY holding the 5RR, but not necessarily making the 5RR overpowered, just aggressive and allowing terrans some form of map control while expanding. Show nested quote + On December 15 2011 07:17 Stropheum wrote: Actually 5 rax reaper was unstoppable - literally unstoppable. The roach range buff may or may not have fixed it but I do agree that the factory nerf and roach range buff together were a bit overkill. unstoppable for about a week, yes. But by the time the patch rolled around, plat and diamond zergs were having no problems with it whatsoever. I don't think Terran should be complaining about a race having too much versatility... Terran is fine, stop being such a drama queen. Do you forget how good the ghost is vs zerg? Not just toss. You'll get over it | ||
Sweden1798 Posts
1) Macro 2) Decision making 3) Multitasking 4) Micro If you not playing on pro level Protoss and Zerg player mostly need Macro and Decision making skill to compete while Terran needs all 4. The exception is if Terran is going Mech, then it is mostly sufficient to just have Macro and Decision making skills. Problem is that while Mech is viable in TvT and TvZ, it is really weak in TvP. So Terran is forced to go bio in TvP and without good micro and multitasking the matchup becomes very Protoss favored (if you avoid 1-1-1 builds). Hopefully Battle Hellions and and Warhounds will make going pure Mech in TvP viable. If that is the case the matchup will more balanced skill-wise on lower levels. | ||
57 Posts
after the last emp nerf that was to much for me . honestly at master and higher lvl terran dont look very op past the 10-15 min if the gimmick all in or wathever you do dont work. im going say that because that true but ( some people can rage sorry in advance ) for fun i picked zerg and played exactly 20 game before leave ( im not a zerg player , played less that 30 game in my whole life with them but i understand how they work probably better that any low master or lower league players ) result : z v z : loss almost all , this matchup require alot of skill , and that the matchup i played the most . z v p : honestly i was facepalming while playing this matchup , all i did was make 60 drone , then take third , make alot of roach , rally them all somewhere in the map , double upgrade and make infestor .i have almost win all my game how that was easy. z v t : this matchup more tricky , the game i have lost usualy was before the 10-15 min mark because of all the all in terran can do i know them perfectly since i played terran since beta but facing them not the same , also that hard scout wich one they do ( that clearly where blizzard need to look if they want balance zerg more vs terran , something for scout better ) but past the 10-15 min mark and if im not with 10-15 drone dead i was winning.... more easy that z v p , i was like WTF WTF that how zerg feal playing this matchup ?!? all i did was muta... and more muta , harass them while taking my third and rally all my unit somewhere in the map, make infestor , when they moved out i was morfing my zergling in baneling , and A move before they siege..... seriously will not say more . im going say that here : this game not balanced or im realy good at playing zerg ? 30 game zerg vs my 8k 9k game using terran since beta switching race dont even drop my mmr and im winning more that using terran . ( i was under a huge loss streak using terran like winning 1-2 game for loss 4-5 again for win 1 then loss 3 again ) im waiting for the expention then im going come back and play protoss or zerg ( if im doing realy bad using protoss ) ( but protoss from the custom you can play look the most op at my level , this will be funny im sure ) seriously this game only balanced at the pro gamer/korean level , and that a joke any lower . that why they are less terran in ladder , they are the worst race right now . | ||
79 Posts
On December 15 2011 07:05 TheUnderking wrote: PS. Warden's 1-1-1 into terran death ball, (look it up) is pretty solid late game v toss, at least in my experience. Old stuff is old. Siege tanks are bad. Some complaints I've seen numerous times in this thread that I feel are baseless: "Feedback reduces our top tier units to half hp" ... EMP reduces all toss units in an AoE to roughly* half hp and the Ghost is a superior unit in every respect I can think of to the High Templar except cost. (faster, more HP, better unit type, has an attack, more abilities) I guess you forgot to mention that templar turn into a really good unit called archon. After the ghost nerf, I'd honestly rather have high templar than ghost. "It takes BFH EIGHT shots to kill a zealot" .. Assuming assuming no upgrades it actually takes nine, but that shot could be killing 5 zealots at once. They could be but they probably aren't. Hellions are pretty useless and generally get 1 shot. | ||
United States821 Posts
On December 15 2011 07:31 ProxyKnoxy wrote: I don't think Terran should be complaining about a race having too much versatility... Terran is fine, stop being such a drama queen. Do you forget how good the ghost is vs zerg? Not just toss. You'll get over it Terran is fine when you're looking at professional results. But here's a hint: I'm not a pro. And no, I have no idea how good ghosts are vs zerg, because I don't have the unbelievable micro required to use them that way. On December 15 2011 07:31 TheUnderking wrote: Honeybadger, I think we need to agree to disagree about a lot of things. You're arguing the ghost is a bad unit, when it can halve the HP of every unit in their army in an AOE for 25 more energy than feedback which is single target with inferior range, on a slower unit, that has less health and a poorer armour type. You're also arguing that because the HT has storm which can destroy groups of low HP units over a 4 second duration that it is too powerful, whereas you ignore the fact that EMPs damage is instant. I don't agree that Terran tier 3 units are rendered useless. I agree that High Templar are powerful - as they should be for slow, low hp units with no direct attack! If we were to follow that logic, Archons must be useless because a ghost can 4 shot them (emp x3 +one shot). PS. You can EMP your own BC's/Thors to remove their energy. It's also not very hard to avoid getting Raven's FB'd. since the PDD itself has quite a large range. BFH hit 5 zealots at once easily if you dont lead the charge with them. They are also really good at sniping HT's. Sure you'll lose them every fight, but toss loses Zealots every fight and they don't cry about it or if they do, I haven't noticed. I also don't agree with your description of siege tank splash at all. We can certainly agree to disagree. It's very refreshing to see that someone is willing to think in those terms at all. My argument is NOT that the ghost is bad! It's only that the HT is extremely versatile, and letting it halve the health of thors and BC's is the reason we never see terrans being capable of deviating beyond the MMMGV that we see. It's just silly to have our only true endgame units be rendered completely useless so easily. I know, EMP the HT and they can't feedback, or the BC/thors, but again, that leads us into the problem of micro, and why build expensive endgame units when you need another expensive endgame unit just to support it? You could much more cost-effectively just forego the thor or BC and make more marauders and marines. It'd be like saying that you could not go collosus EVER without getting HT or carriers as well. It's silly. Also, REQUIRING ghosts in such large numbers in the matchup is a flawed notion in and of itself. Ghosts should be supplemental, not essential in every single game that progresses past ten minutes. The PDD does not absorb a feedback, the PDD has a very, VERY short casting range, leaving the raven obscenely vulnerable, and once it's down, it's static, meaning protoss can simply walk away and engage outside of the PDD. And why would anyone not use BFH's in the front? They're mineral only, they're SUPPOSED to be the meat shields. And they're only good at sniping lone HT's... like anything in the game is. Watch any competent terran try to make mech (tanks in particular) work in TvP. It's pathetic and awful to the degree that no pro gamer uses it in his right mind, and we haven't seen it before or since jinro did it and made it work purely because it confused MC so much that he didn't counter it properly. it's also funny that we see so many progamers switching from terran to something else, but I don't know of a single non-terran switching to T (in the pro scene) | ||
Canada12 Posts
My reasoning as to why the number of Terrans are down so low (all time in SC2) is that people are getting bored with it. I know several of my friends who have switched just because they want to try something new. Seeing as SC2 has been out for over a year now, I don't see this as being unreasonable. People are getting bored, and that is why they are switching it up. They're just keeping things fresh. Oh yeah, maybe HotS might have something to do with it too. ![]() | ||
250 Posts
Terrans also have a lot of spells/abilities at their disposal. Knowing how to use them, or when to use them is tricky. Terran macro is pretty easy though. I had trouble with that when I first started playing. Then I played with zerg, and I liked that race so I chose it. | ||
Canada3116 Posts
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United States2845 Posts
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