I think partially, there is just too much GSL. I mean, who else runs a massive tournament with huge names and ends up shoving them into a monthly cycle. I get more excited for things like MLG which come every so often rather than constantly having so many games, I can't even keep up.
omfg i literally pointed out these CURRENT complaints about this game (except for the cheesing) when the game first came out on the amazon review section and people just thought i was a sc2-basher.
honestly, though, not that hard to understand. sc2 as a game, does not have the qualities fit to be a true esports game yet. and sc1 does. and add that with much better players in sc1 and we get a laughable contrast between the level of play b/w sc2 and sc1.
for many ppl when sc2 came out: "let's drop a game that's too hard for us for a game that's easier so we'll have a easier time winning!"....right? LOL ever thought that an easier game might mean it's easier for all other people?
much of the stuff pros do in sc2 is something normal players like us can do. there is no oooh-ahhh factor. REMEMBER the marine control against lurker during the boxer/nada era? jd's mutalisk control? kal or stork's reaver control? flash's "maphacks"? LOL more importantly, it blurs the line that distinguishes pro and non-pro level. how could pro basketball exist if any of us with some training could perform as well as an NBA player?
blizzard's way of thinking that just pumping in money will help esports grow is so american. those who think that a sc2 esports culture can grow in the west just because sc2 seems so popular around you or due to anecdotes about its popularity by someone else (which i've read in this thread) seriously underestimate what it takes to make esports an integral part of society.
not that i mind. blizzard can take its game to france, sweden, germany, america, or whatever to try to develop an esports with sc2. and if with enough modifications and develop, it succeeds as an esports there, it will mean the game is balanced and well-developed enough and given that there's already an esports platform established in korea, it's easy to make sc2 part of esports in korea again. if it fails, which i believe, then who da **** cares when we already have an amazing game called BW?
On January 07 2011 14:26 pyro19 wrote: Games are too short , well atleast the Majority.Unless we get long , epic macro games like BW SC2 will not be getting up there in popularity.
The other factors are the players.I can honestly say that SC2 will have a huge jump in popularity if the likes of Flash or Jaedong switch over prompting majority of their own fans to switch over . Right now , the only major crowd pullers in sc2 are obviously boxer and nada who themselves find it hard to reach the Final stages of the Tourneys .
Won't happen for at least 5 more years, according to themselves some time ago.
I don't want to be too critical of a game that is still evolving, but SC2 doesn't compare to BW for me from a playing and watching aspect.
I'm sure the gameplay will evolve over time, but it's pretty ugly to watch sometimes and isn't anywhere near as challenging as BW (I'm only a lowish Diamond player though..).
GSL will pick up in popularity once the players get a bit better known in the community and develop stronger fanbases. BW had a pretty similar hardcore-only following until guys like Giyom and particularly Boxer brought the more casual watchers in.
I think Blizzard has really messed up though with how they've promoted SC2. By going after OGN/MBC/Kespa they've created a really "us and them" between SC2 and BW and most of the fans are being loyal to BW. I can't help but think if they only worked with Kespa from the beginning that SC2 would really be taking off.
On January 07 2011 14:08 happyness wrote: Maybe sc2 isn't as fun to watch for people who don't play the game.
IMO blizz needs to get their act together. Better maps will result in consistently better games. Has anyone noticed that the best games are always on meta or shakuras and the worst ones are on steppes?
But blizz can be very stubborn, as we all know.
As stubborn as a mule.
Oh shiit.
But seriously they are going at it in a slow manner, cause they obviously dont wanna screw up in the process of it, which would give bad reputation on their behalf.
If they want SC2 to succeed as an e-sport though they really should make changes now so sc2 doesn't lose all momentum.
The maps are already screwing up the game. Bigger, non-gimicky maps will make the game more stable. When the maps are closer to the same size then it will be apparent what balance changes really need to be made and good players will be consistently better and cheesy/all-in players will fade away.
With sc2 currently half the games to watch are just awful, and only a few are amazing games. And my point is those amazing games, that gamers and non-gamers alike will enjoy watching, are on big non-gimmicky maps.
wow at overreacting completely to all of this. Look at where brood war was 6 months after its release also :/.
It definitely has huge appeal in Korea, just look at its population in comparison to the NA server currently (even with the US having a huge population advantage over it also). KR: ~430,000 players and NA at ~900,000. Shows the Koreans will just have to warm to it over time.
These posts are just really childish and frustrating =\.
There hasn't been that many exciting starcraft 2 games compared to broodwar.
When you take all the starcraft 2 games you've watch, take out all the learning or analysis in the game out and your left with a very boring very predictable out come. The castors are only somewhat excited. they have so much dead air to fill before an attack or something cool happens.
There is a lot of way better bw games than sc2. even the ones tasteless casts seem more exciting on bw than sc2.
This is only my opinion but based off of seeing a lot of sc2 and bw games. BW was so much more exciting for me and that makes me feel really sad.
I don't understand why people speak so poorly of the GSL 2011 format. I find it way more entertaining to watch 4 players play everyone in the group compared to watching 2 distinct 1v1s. I suppose my preference is for match diversity.
Also, there's a lot more content overall with Code S + Code A matches on every day. I wonder how the total match count will compare between GSL 2011 and GSL 1-3. :\
The GSL is the best SC2 tournament. It's pretty obvious that these Korean players are the best in the world. Why would I want to watch foreigners who would get absolutely rofflestomped at this Korean tournament??
I also agree a lot with what people say about the units. Match-ups in BW had their own unique identities where as there seems to be a lot of overlap in SC2 (Terran bio is pretty common across all three matchups), which gets repetitive pretty quickly.
On January 07 2011 14:23 Befree wrote: The fact that I can still watch Starcraft or Starcraft 2 professionals play period just continues to amaze and excite me. Would it be awesome if 10,000 showed up to the GSL Code S final? Of course. Would it still be awesome if 10 people showed up? Yes!
Both games are awesome to play and watch. And I don't think we should let things like viewership take away from our joy of watching them. If only 2 other people played Starcraft, I'd still be there observing them. Just keep a positive attitude, and have some fun. Starcraft will still be there no matter what happens.
True to an extent. The thing is if SC2 isn't making any money, than the best players won't be paid and might move on to other things and the scene in general will be so small that the next Jaedong or Flash won't be playing sc2. From what little I know about BW, The top players are all very close in skill level, a lot more so than with sc2 currently, and that usually makes for much better games.
Well, there is the upcoming patch this month to look forward to. Blizzard has put alot of time and effort into this patch, gathering feedbacks,pro reps etc. This will stop all the whining about the game.
On January 07 2011 14:31 cozzE wrote: wow at overreacting completely to all of this. Look at where brood war was 6 months after its release also :/.
It definitely has huge appeal in Korea, just look at its population in comparison to the NA server currently (even with the US having a huge population advantage over it also). KR: ~430,000 players and NA at ~900,000. Shows the Koreans will just have to warm to it over time.
These posts are just really childish and frustrating =\.
SC2 has a huge leg-up in it's evolution though because of BW. It's unfair to compare the two games along similar linear timelines.
On January 07 2011 08:11 acie wrote: maybe a solo player league format is just less interesting then an open tournament format or even team league format
this i think could potentially be hugely responsible.
A proper team league would be much more exciting for the fans to watch. Right now, the team tournament is once a year and that's one reason why SC2 isn't as popular.
The game has only been out a few months.. It took broodwar a few years to get to where it is now. Give it some time. The pros are still learning the game.. the units, the strategies, the builds etc. For an essentially brand new game, starcraft 2 is doing well. Comparing it to broodwar in terms of popularity at this point in time is just unfair and a tad ridiculous.
On January 07 2011 14:40 frodoguy wrote: Well, there is the upcoming patch this month to look forward to. Blizzard has put alot of time and effort into this patch, gathering feedbacks,pro reps etc. This will stop all the whining about the game.
This is one of the most pitifully quixotic statements ever uttered on these forums. Enough so that it prompted me to use one of my few remaining posts before 9k (and I have no clue what I'm going to do for it).
On January 07 2011 14:45 DongWang wrote: The game has only been out a few months.. It took broodwar a few years to get to where it is now. Give it some time. The pros are still learning the game.. the units, the strategies, the builds etc. For an essentially brand new game, starcraft 2 is doing well. Comparing it to broodwar in terms of popularity at this point in time is just unfair and a tad ridiculous.
god in hell. broodwar had no god damn background. SCII has background of 10+ years of esports and not only SC:BW so how on earth can u compare them? u see what i did there?! and for that fact SCII is doing terrible right now.
On January 07 2011 14:40 frodoguy wrote: Well, there is the upcoming patch this month to look forward to. Blizzard has put alot of time and effort into this patch, gathering feedbacks,pro reps etc. This will stop all the whining about the game.
This is one of the most pitifully quixotic statements ever uttered on these forums. Enough so that it prompted me to use one of my few remaining posts before 9k (and I have no clue what I'm going to do for it).