[Champion] Kassadin - Page 4
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United States11761 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On November 05 2010 16:09 Southlight wrote: Morg, Annie, Ashe, MF, TF, Twitch, whatever, the list is long for heroes that don't jungle and really have no place taking Smite: he would have received the same reaction for any hero that's not just a "lol Urgot" sort of hero, particularly once he started getting defensive, is my point. Oh I got your point, I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point. Regardless, this whole issue has probably derailed the Kass thread far too long. | ||
United States11761 Posts
http://www.leagueoflegends.com/champions/38/kassadin_the_void_walker Personally IMO one of the best melee DPS heroes in the game, because Riot said so. Also, we are null and void. Summoner Abilities Smite and Rally, the real man's setup. Smite to farm faster because a farmed Kass is hilarious, Rally because it's great for trolling people. Masteries 20/0/10 baby. Improved Rally and 10% crit damage (no need for the base 5%), and double Util buff because Liz/Golem are wondaful, especially with your small mana pool. Runes I ran my Shen page, but a Twitch page probably works better (Armor Pen Quints and Marks, flat armor Seals and some sort of MR Glyphs). Too bad I don't own Armor Pen Quints. Skill Order QWQWQRE and then whatever you want. Q for harassing, W for killing people and getting mana back. Actually if you can control Liz you don't even need the E there. Items Open Doran's Shield. As always, health is more a mitigating factor for laning presence than mana. Ideally you'd probably open Guinsoo but I've opened BF Sword (and then gotten confused), it's do-able. Zerker Greaves, Ghostblade, Infinity Edge, some sort of lifesteal, Last Whisper, etc. are all recommended items. Trinity Force ASAP is also highly recommended because it lets you not die while giving you some good stats. With Q and W you can control your lane just as well as a usual Kass player. Focus on farming, especially by using Smite on Siege Tank creeps. Remember, as long as you hit level 6 you're invincible. Except against Warwick, because that hero's an asshole. Keep farming, keep pushing towers, keep smacking people with your imba poke -> teleport -> snare -> DIE combo. Profit. At some point you may want to double/triple pot to cement your advantage or turn the tide in your favor. Preferably after you get at least one heavy DPS item, because unlike heroes like Kayle/Trist it takes a bit for Kassadin to take advantage of them. Flat armor reduc items are better for a significant amount of time than Last Whisper because of W being ridiculous. Don't feel pressed to build LW -> IE, something bizarre like BT -> TriForce works fine too. Life Steal is a premium because he has some survivability issues. Remember to use Rally liberally to turn the tide of fights. You're on your way to being Numba Juan Kassadin* *credit for Smite idea to Pandonetho Video of the build in action: For spoiler about game result: + Show Spoiler + | ||
United States1 Post
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United States1631 Posts
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9871 Posts
Rageblade first doesn't seem optional :< | ||
United States859 Posts
On November 05 2010 18:02 R04R wrote: How much was Gangplank doing with Parrley with the AP boost from Lich Bane? somewhere around 1400 not factoring in enemy armor | ||
Ota Solgryn
Denmark2011 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + OMG. The OP is a nice try, but I would really wish he would edit it to southlights guide. His guide is much more general and giving tips to new players. As others have said, OP, the biggest problem with your "guide" is not the guide itself, but that it is the first guide new Kass players are going to read, and some of them maybe do. When instead, a general tips and playstyles from a top elo Kassadin could be there, and then you could post your personal playstyle "guide" below in a later post as a discussion. If you post a guide and/or strategy on TL and it is ineffective/not-the-best/bad people will point this out. Don't pull out the "elitist" card so fast. Come on. You open a thread that says KASS GUIDE, of course good players and top players are going to pick it apart because they simply disagree. As an even better example of you overreacting is that even if Southlight made this guide, people (like me e.g.) would state that "I think that and that is better than what you say" and Southlight would not get defensive but say "If your playstyle is that and that, this might be viable but blablabla". Instead of saying "You are all elitist" | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On November 04 2010 19:34 byFd wrote: OT, but whats with GP and smite? Low cooldown and gives bonus gold that syncs up well with parley farm i imagine | ||
United States11761 Posts
On November 05 2010 18:07 UniversalSnip wrote: Man fuck, I actually came in here just to ask about deepz kassadin because it seemed like a great build to troll with. Rageblade first doesn't seem optional :< Not sure if RGB is even that "optimal" because it's not like he benefits that much from the AP, and his attack speed is purty good. | ||
United States2928 Posts
Remember, as long as you hit level 6 you're invincible. Except against Warwick, because that hero's an asshole. AHAH! The real reason you banned my magewick >:| | ||
Canada321 Posts
should have been warned/banned for self-martyring, one of the most smugly narcissistic things one can do on the internet What's so narcissistic about it? Let alone I don't even know what self-martyring is. I simply replied that I have no further thoughts on this whole debate because it would only derail the thread farther with needless arguments. If you wanted me to keep arguing then you should have said so. If you post a guide and/or strategy on TL and it is ineffective/not-the-best/bad people will point this out. Don't pull out the "elitist" card so fast. Come on. You open a thread that says KASS GUIDE, of course good players and top players are going to pick it apart because they simply disagree. Yeah, I did overreact eventually so I apologize about that. In any case I've already gotten over it. Back to self-martyring I guess. | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
On November 06 2010 03:44 Brees wrote: wow this thread is horrid But I thought you played DPS Kassadin too, you traitor :| | ||
New Zealand6138 Posts
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