Don't get me wrong, I'm not on board with this idea; because I don't want to be forced to use a name on a forum, not because I'm worried about breach of privacy. Some people are taking this too far I think.
Bnet forums to be Real Name Only - Page 83
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United Kingdom321 Posts
Don't get me wrong, I'm not on board with this idea; because I don't want to be forced to use a name on a forum, not because I'm worried about breach of privacy. Some people are taking this too far I think. | ||
United States595 Posts
I've also never once had my accounts compromised. I've never been stalked, or had my credit cards or bank accounts raided (or attempts for such, afaik). But even I cannot fathom why Blizzard would want to implement such a requirement on their forums. The Internet has been a place of relative anonymity since its popularization, and it's something many of us enjoy. I also enjoyed shooting the sh!t with my fellow realm mates and forum goers when I played WoW; but for many of them I didn't want our familiarity to rise one micron above that. Does this have the potential to make the official boards more civil? Certainly. But let's look at why. Keyboard warriors and forum trolls do exploit the fact that there's no chance at any repercussion of significance on the Internet. Now there will be, because as many of us realize, our real names can be used to find other non-game and non-forum related information about us. I'm lucky that my name is generic enough that I have little to fear; a dear friend of mine is not so lucky. Her name is very exotic, and a Google search immediately pulls up her professional web site, school notifications from five years ago (easily revealing where she lives), and award notifications from the sport in which she competes. Now, I've always operated under the motto "If you put it on the Internet, don't expect it to be private," it's a good way to keep surprises from coming up, and definitely applies to the first bit of information from my friend's search results. But the latter two pieces of info aren't things she put up-- they aren't things she had any control over. She could not have prevented them from being made public Internet domain, save perhaps doing poorly in school and in her competitions. Nor does she have much control, if any, over whether or not they remain posted. How many concerned players and posters will contact the entities controlling the results on a name search and ask them to remove our names because of the Internet bogeymen and creepers? How many of those entities would listen? I would hate to be a beautiful girl who enjoys posting on the official boards, or even needs to once. Will those of us who are respectful and civil have anything to worry about? Of course. All it takes is one heated debate to turn someone from arguer to retaliator. Whether or not I ever swear, insult, CAPSLOCK, or otherwise inflame another poster, I am still at risk of being reacted against in a way outside of the realm of the game and definitely outside the control of Blizzard Entertainment. Universe forbid I ever disagree with someone with an irrational sense of pride and a working knowledge of the Internet; gods help me if I ever prove him wrong. Will it make the forums more civil? Probably. Will it keep the depth and breadth of topics? Hell no. Who wants to enter a discussion in a General Forum about the ability to torrent at college (something in TL's General Board right now) when a simple name search could get your name and school, and possibly end up with a school official monitoring your net traffic? Or a debate on the immigration problems faced by the states of the American southwest? Heated topics, and this is stuff we discuss because we're people and it interests us; we discuss it with one another because we share a common interest, and/or we want to get to know our community a little better, and/or we're bored and happen to be here anyway so ytf not. A name and vague location have been used to much greater effect than I'm showing here. Funny note: I just found out my biological father, to whom I haven't spoken in 10 years or so now, was arrested last fall for public drunkenness. How? Googled his name. Some will say that getting called out on the Internet over stupid stuff is ridiculous, and getting pestered by Internet tough guys is something to roll eyes and laugh off at. I agree; but I also acknowledge that we all have a reasonable expectation of relative privacy between gaming community and real life community. It's a compartmentalized relationship only to be broken at the will of the player. Real Name IDs make it breakable by anyone who has anything more than a "why not?"s worth of motivation. Other fun implementations since our REAL IDs are also our bnet-linked email addresses: You ganked me? Enjoy spam from every gay porn site on the net. You 6pooled me? Welcome to, .net, and .org, spud. All because I'm a teenager with your email address and you pissed me off. Real names will make it easier for harassment. They are a concrete starting point for being able to virtually, legally, and possibly financially reach out and touch someone. All in the name of civil discussion on a web forum. | ||
United States372 Posts
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Romania19 Posts
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United States2870 Posts
Overall it's a pretty dumb change but I never use the forums anyway. | ||
Germany88 Posts
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Poland1292 Posts
On July 07 2010 17:10 kalleralle wrote: Lol you guys are totally brainwashed conformists all of you. How can this possibly be a bad idea, for any1 but the idiot trolls who never think their posts through? Being responsible for ones post fucking rules, finally we can get constructive posts in the forums, this should be implemented everywhere, especially in political forums. Brave and revolutionary move by Blizzard which will go down in history. Well done ! There is no criteria on what post you will be responsible for, other then what some teenagers will find annoying. You can get spammed/somebody may order services to your house becouse you were defending rushes, or any nonsense like that. That system gives 100% power to the stalkers as well. The trolling isn't the problem with BN forums anyway, the problem is with with low quality of post, and if you think that this will be improved then you were never discussing anything in real world. You must find quality forum, just like you must find quality people in real life, having real names can at most introduce more political correctness nonsense but it will not improve quality of arguments. | ||
United States1713 Posts
Sadly, I'm not too surprised. | ||
Romania2740 Posts Interactive#chart1:symbol=atvi;range=1d;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined | ||
Romania94 Posts
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United States116 Posts
Either way, this is a terrible decision by Blizzard. | ||
Australia495 Posts
This website has become the official blizzard forums imo...If blizz wants feedback, they can come over here. | ||
United States5765 Posts
That something is too private. | ||
France631 Posts
-Everybody from my real being able to know everything about my "internet life". -Everybody from my "internet life" being able to know everything about my real life. It's not about internet, it's just separating my social environments. I don't want people from my job being able to know everything about my family. I don"t want my family being able to know everything about my friends. I don"t want collegues being able to know i'm playing world of warcraft LOL ![]() On internet, i want this separation to be strict. People on a video game forum doesn't need to know my name. Some people on this thread doesn't care about their real life privacy on internet. So I guess everyone you know at school/your job/etc knows everything about your life ![]() | ||
Austria5 Posts
Doing it on the Forum is one thing - i can avoid going there - doing it in game... | ||
United Kingdom417 Posts
I can't believe this is their solution to trolling. A better solution would be make certain community members mods who can close threads and ban people. Oh, and not leave it completely unmoderated from friday evening to monday morning. You know, like every other forum on the internet does it | ||
United States372 Posts
On July 07 2010 18:36 shawabawa wrote: who actually posted on the bnet forums anyway? I can't believe this is their solution to trolling. A better solution would be make certain community members mods who can close threads and ban people. Oh, and not leave it completely unmoderated from friday evening to monday morning. You know, like every other forum on the internet does it Yeah.. it's pretty ridiculous how much trolling goes on the Official Forums. Even the beta forums were bearable to say the least. I've totally migrated to TL due to the mature community over here.. | ||
13 Posts
... Right? | ||
80 Posts just to make it easier for google to match the information together. and the poll is kinda confusing for i will get a new battlenet account with a fase id but i hardly gonna post with it. there maybe should be an option like won't post will use fakeid also i liked this one: Sons of Azeroth, of Kalimdor, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same disgust that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of gamers fails, when we forsake our dignity and break all bonds of security, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered pride, when the age of privacy comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good internet, I bid you unsubsribe, Men of the Forums! | ||
Japan6199 Posts
I made up my mind sometime around the last 2-3 earthshattering blizzard-announcements, there is absolutely no way i'm buying this game in its current state. It has reached the point to where i don't even care about SC2 anymore, i'm not even angry about all these ridiculous changes because SC2 is not even interesting to me anymore. They took something we all loved and looked forward to for 10years and pretty much removed all essential points we liked (i'm not even exaggerating), added useless shit that absolutely nobody was interested in, they are trying to milk us for cash with the region locks, and now they are catering the game towards people that love nothing more than to play Farmville and post about it on Twitter. I, for one, hope SC2 will crash and burn so that Activision will see what happens when they decide to shit all over dedicated fans just so they can earn a few extra dollars. | ||
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