On July 07 2010 01:38 Rabiator wrote: I bet there are several governments which have laws against this kind of stuff for protection of privacy. Its either illegal and should not be implemented OR going to make everyone create fake identities.
May I suggest we all make a fake ID with the "real name" of Robert Kotick?
I doubt there is a law stating it is illegal for a forum to be accessible by name only. There may be laws concerning whether a website may publicize your name if you signed up before the change - As I understand it your name will not be made public unless you actually either use the Real ID system, or sign up to post on the new forums (or just accept their terms)
well it certainly makes stalking someone on the internet googling someone's name that much easier.
On July 07 2010 01:44 roflpie wrote: I don't get it why so many people are afraid that others will find out who you are IRL. IF THEY KNOW YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME THEY CAN STEAL YOUR IDENTITY/CREDIT CARD/SSN/TRACK YOU DOWN AND RAPE YOU.
or something
On July 07 2010 01:45 ViRo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 01:41 ShineShineBear wrote: Seriously what is there to be so afraid of? If you are a civil poster, who cares? Can advertisers find out who you are based on your name only? Go to http://www.yellowpages.com/findaperson then type in the name and there you go.
Once, they find out your name and location you can pretty much sabotage someones life. A simple google search would turn up my school.
To:<my school> From:<my name>
I put a bomb in the building.
- <my name>
Will that put me in jail? No. Will it fuck up my life and make living generally inconvenient for the next however long? Yes. All because Dr. Asshole didn't like what I had to say about zealot balance.
You tell me if that is a fair trade.
I'm not entirely sure this is being done to stop/slow trolling. Mods have stated countless times that despite you making multiple characters on the forums, they still know who's account that character is tied to. At least this is how it works on the WoW forums. Given the fact that you need a cd key to log into a b.net 1.0 account, I'm sure the same is true there. So this wouldn't really help the mods at all, at least not any more than the current measures do.
Like others have already said, the idea of having your entire b.net account tied to a single identity seems like it would be sufficient incentive to keep trolls at bay on its own.
I just can't understand how they can do stuff like this, despite all the account theft that goes on in WoW where account name and password were separate for a long time. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that it's only gotten worse since they make your login your password.
I don't know, I actually enjoyed having an alias. Not to troll, but just to have that separation from my real world identity. There's a reason I didn't name my alias my real name...
Ruined 80% of the reason I visit Blizzard forums.
about time blizzard realized they can do whatever they want-- and get away with it
Great news. This will make the forums worth reading. I, like most people, wouldn't put my name out there unless I had something valuable to contribute. This should mean the forums will now be filled with valuable content instead of flaming.
I googled myself just to test this out and I got someone with the same name as me. This brings up another issue.....
At least it means blizz is doing something. Phase 2 in hours?
There may be a hue and cry about this, but it affects not the legions of consumers who already have their personal details up on social networking sites, purchase DLC regularly, play casual games on the wii, etc. Some dude like Robert Jones or Muhammad bin Suparman is going to make a 'design your own unit' thread and there's nothing you can do about it.
On July 07 2010 01:41 ShineShineBear wrote: Seriously what is there to be so afraid of? If you are a civil poster, who cares? Can advertisers find out who you are based on your name only?
Because many people need to maintain online presences with their names distinct from their online gaming personas, e.g., many employers google or facebook potential recruits to get more information about them. I'm a civil poster (mostly I post bugs and feedback for various blizzard alphas and betas), but I don't want casual search results for my name to come up with battle.net forum hits.
This is particularity shocking because it seemed that the "RealID" aspect of battle.net was originally going to be shared between friends only. That is, the only people that know your real name are the people you trust to know your real name. Now (if you post on the forums), your RealID is now public information.
The worst part for me is that I'm happy to use a pseudonym on my battle.net account to mitigate all of this. However, 1) you can't change the real-life name of a battle.net account without documentation proving that is your name and 2) if you originally created the battle.net account with a fake name, you can't do any kind of account recovery that requires proof of ID.
Blizzard should just post our address. That'll really stop the trolling.
What is with this war on privacy Blizzard is waging? I don't get it at all, where did it come from? I'm really laughing because it's just all so left field
On July 07 2010 01:30 DtE wrote: Jesus....... They'd better be trolling. Who the... what is.. I mean.. this... can't even... sausages.
I imagine my future boss googling my name. "Yeah so this guy likes to debate on how the siege upgrade should cost 20 minerals and 15 more gas. I'll definitely aiur him".
That made me lol.
I think if it's mandatory it's silly, and if it's not mandatory no one will use it. Most people value their internet anonymity.
On July 07 2010 01:51 floor exercise wrote: What is with this war on privacy Blizzard is waging? I don't get it at all, where did it come from? I'm really laughing because it's just all so left field
I'm agree honestly. Is cutting down the work of the CR team really worth this? I don't see it at all.
Wow. I will probably still post, but still. Wow.
Edit: Giving it some thought i'm pretty excited about the change. I retract my first statement and I will never post on the forums. However this will stop trolls. I never post on the official forums anyways, i typically just read. Works great for me.
On July 07 2010 01:42 Backpack wrote: On second thought, i'm actually starting to agree with this.
All of the big people in SC2 have already revealed their names though some medium or another. Who cares about the names of little nobodies?
Real life operates just fine without anonymity, why is it terrible to have our names on the internet?
Thing is, if a person feels like revealing their real name, there's nothing wrong with that; if a person feels like adressing their friends / clanmates / whatever by their real name rather than alias, by all means. But why make it mandatory?
It's not even about trolling or 'manning up and taking responsibility for what you do'; lots of people (myself included) stick to the same online alias throughout many years which in a way makes it just as personal as your real name or whatever - in fact in many cases more personal due to many nicknames being more unique. However, forcing everyone to 'operate' under their real name is just stupid. It exposes you to all kinds of lame things such as people digging up stuff you don't want known about you, or harassing you / your workplace / your friends for no real reason - I can certainly picture a bunch of trolls doing something like that 'for fun' in a not too far future.
At the most extreme level, it also makes you far more vulnerable to all kinds of scamming / phishing / credit fraud and so on. Finding out someone's real address isn't difficult if you know their full name. Throw in their education information - again, for many people it's just a google search away - their birthdate, some hobbies - and you might be looking at finding some unexpected bills in your next bank statement.
I'm not saying this is a huge security leak and everyone is going to suffer horribly because of it - but what are the benefits, really? It's not like this is seriously going to prevent people from making dumb comments - and then you can be sure you're also going to be dealing with stuff like, 'lol i can tell from ur name ur /insert random nationality/, what do u know about starcraft' and the likes.
This is sure to be the biggest shitstorm to date.
I don't mind the change a whole lot, but it's really not necessary AT ALL. Limiting people to 1 account per CD key will do so much more to stop trolling than this new change will. If a perma-ban means having to spend $60 to be able to post again, people are ALREADY a lot less likely to do so. Showing real names adds very little, if any, incentive not to troll than is already there by the account mechanics.
Why do they want to do this? I mean people will just make accounts with false names. Thus anonymity will still remain and people will still troll. I certainly never post there again because of this. You get in a flame war and someone could track you down... scary.