Bnet forums to be Real Name Only - Page 8
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China13814 Posts
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United States959 Posts
I usually side with Blizzard on issues, but stripping away privacy like this is going too far. Now I'm not gunna claim to not buy the game or anything like that ... but I can tell you that I'll never be posting on their forums and be making a new account with a fake name. I appreciate them trying clean up the flaming and trolling on their forums, but they seemingly have no forethought of the consequences here. Here's to Esports McEsports. | ||
United States1869 Posts
On July 07 2010 01:53 Sethronu wrote: I can certainly picture a bunch of trolls doing something like that 'for fun' in a not too far future. I can garuntee that 4chan or somethingawful will organize some kind of event to make a point about this. As someone said earlier, all they need to do is send a fake death threat to every Bob McBlizzardemployee that lives in the general area of Blizz HQ if they want to get the point accross. I've had enough relatives and friends get their ID's stolen. There's no way this giant breach of privacy will go by unnoticed. | ||
Singapore969 Posts
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United States1176 Posts
Net effect: heavy incentive to not be a dick on the forums, and everyone gets their anonymity if they want it. | ||
Belgium123 Posts
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United States48 Posts
On July 07 2010 01:48 keV. wrote: Once, they find out your name and location you can pretty much sabotage someones life. A simple google search would turn up my school. To:<my school> From:<my name> I put a bomb in the building. - <my name> Will that put me in jail? No. Will it fuck up my life and make living generally inconvenient for the next however long? Yes. All because Dr. Asshole didn't like what I had to say about zealot balance. You tell me if that is a fair trade. Sounds like you shouldn't have given your school your real name... Really, there are so many bigger issues with internet security/privacy than this.. If somebody wants to hurt you or screw you over.. your name on forums isn't going to change anything. If you are worried about losing your job because of stuff you post.. stop posting it under a fake name, it can still come back to haunt you. | ||
Bosnia-Herzegovina439 Posts
It's mostly bunch of kids anyway. It's maybe time to admit it. | ||
Sweden88 Posts
On July 07 2010 01:54 McDonalds wrote: If you guys are worried about employers finding what you post on the forums then I suggest you stop posting incriminating things on the forums. No more posts about who you slept with, no more posts about what you'd like to do to your neighbour's dog. If you ever come across an employer who hates video games so much that he won't hire you because he saw you asking a question about a video game on the internet then you probably don't want to work there anyway. If you told me your AIM I could probably find your real name in like half an hour. The problem is that people have no awareness of what they do on the internet. Maybe now some of them will take notice. employers arent 30 year old cool guys that know what games are and dont care about if you post on game forums or not, they are like my current boss, 50+ years old and think that WoW is that insanely stupid thing that takes up his sons entire life, from his experiences, him seeing me posting about WoW and actively knowing that i play WoW he will judge me and think im unserious. | ||
Canada1542 Posts
On July 07 2010 01:54 McDonalds wrote: If you guys are worried about employers finding what you post on the forums then I suggest you stop posting incriminating things on the forums. No more posts about who you slept with, no more posts about what you'd like to do to your neighbour's dog. If you ever come across an employer who hates video games so much that he won't hire you because he saw you asking a question about a video game on the internet then you probably don't want to work there anyway. If you told me your AIM I could probably find your real name in like half an hour. The problem is that people have no awareness of what they do on the internet. Maybe now some of them will take notice. This goes against the entire spirit of the internet. You should be allowed to make a pseudonym that is not linked in anyway to your real name, and say whatever the fuck you want. That's the point of forums and the internet, and if companies follow in Blizzard's footsteps they are going to ruin it for all of us. I really can't believe a internet user especially one on TL, would agree with such a foolish attempt to get used to use Facebook or other social networking features. Guess what? When I log on SC2 I want to see the people I PLAY SC2 with, not the hundreds of IRL friends from Facebook, and not all the people on my MSN list. Many of them actually HATE Starcraft, and RTS games in general, but rest assured they would still interrupt me in-game to talk about something trivial (which is what most of my Facebook convos are). There is a time and a place for small talk, and that is AFTER I'm done playing for the day and I go on Facebook or MSN. Simple as this - we should have an option. Being forced to use or not to use Real ID is not fair at all, and there is no way it could help improve the experience of being on bnet forums. In fact it would probably be worse because people will attribute everything you say on there to be your IRL personality, which in many cases is not the same as people's forum personality. | ||
United States5003 Posts
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8748 Posts
I've never liked the idea of using aliases and anonymity for socializing. For straight-up gaming, yeah it's fine. But gaming hasn't been just straight-up gaming for at least a decade now. | ||
United States440 Posts
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Netherlands377 Posts
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Switzerland6320 Posts
And I just refuse to give out personnal informations like that (always hated facebook and such). | ||
Germany5638 Posts
On July 07 2010 01:58 Tray wrote: Seems to make sense. The Bnet forums are the worst, most poorly moderated forums of anything online, ever. Filled with angsty 14 year olds who just want to piss other people off under the veil of anonimity. This should severely limit such posts. At the same time it's going to drop general traffic immensely. Maybe that's a good thing... ooooorr instead of forcing evry single customer into exposing his real name if he just wants to post a bug in the forums they could just hire some students to do some moderating? you said it yourself. bnet forums are the worst moderated forums ever.wheres the problem with forumbanning evry tard in there? btw whats even more fun is that one of the guys i used to play wow with got instaforum banned for posting someones real name once (some server flamer war...whatever). now they the force the exact same thing on evryone in their forums. hilarious :D | ||
Norway2551 Posts
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France277 Posts
It may be a great idea, in fact, I think it is an already good idea since troll would be finally put to a rest, or at least a lot more than now. But of course, many people would boycott it. Still, not sure if the guys who'll boycott are those who'll be miss. If you know what I mean. And ofc, privacy MATTERS. ( I c wat you did ther ) | ||
United States1776 Posts
On July 07 2010 02:04 Roggay wrote: This is just stupid, blizzard's forums will be deserted (and they already aren't great atm). And I just refuse to give out personnal informations like that (always hated facebook and such). Do you refuse to use credit cards? Do you always pay in cash? If you are rude to your waiter at a restaurant does he track you down and yadadada? | ||
Liechtenstein2244 Posts
On July 07 2010 02:02 Ghad wrote: Look. The problem is that Gaming still has a very bad stigma about it. Hence, I want to retain full control of WHO I show that part of myself to. End result is that I will not post a single word on the forums. Nobody is forcing you to. Sorry if you have been made to feel embarrassed about something you enjoy though, I guess. I hope you haven't "liked" anything on Facebook because all of that stuff is hardwired to be public now. | ||
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