Please tell me why having one alias tied to your CDKEY does not provide the same accountability.
Bnet forums to be Real Name Only - Page 11
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United States3214 Posts
Please tell me why having one alias tied to your CDKEY does not provide the same accountability. | ||
United States88 Posts
On July 07 2010 02:13 iCCup.Diamond wrote: I'm all for this. The forums are the worst wretched hive of scum and villainy you will ever find. They need SOMETHING to make them suck less. I am beginning to believe I am like the only person on the internet not scared of my name. Patrick Francis Soulliere II. It's not a big deal.... Two Patricks Soullieres on yellow pages, I wonder which one is you @_@ | ||
England172 Posts
If your smart enough to have kept yourself safe online, well done. But that doesn't mean there aren't thousands of idiots and thousands of people looking to exploit them online. Making it easier for these crazy people is clearly a great idea. | ||
United States526 Posts
Sounds good to me. | ||
Canada231 Posts
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Netherlands71 Posts
my name is ,,Chris Hansen,, oh god cant wait for blizz to ban me for using a ,,fake,, name ![]() | ||
Canada7096 Posts
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United States1176 Posts
On July 07 2010 02:12 0neder wrote: Nony is a wise man. It's interesting to see how from TLers' reactions, many are nothing more than elitist, more educated versions of bnet forum-goers. There's many other ways to add accountable without divulging private information. Like I mentioned before, accounts are tied to game access. Issue game bans for bad forum behavior instead. | ||
United States49 Posts
"Potential employers googling your name and declining because you play games" I'm sorry but, if you meet the requirements of what they are looking for experience and skillwise, a google search on what you enjoy to do in your own time will not affect your chances of getting hired and if it does, it's against the law (Well, in Texas it is). Take them to court if you feel that the reason they did not hire you was because of a google search. They would have to explain the detail of your decline to the judge with ample proof and if it is not sufficient enough proof to back their reason, you have yourself a successful lawsuit . "People can make death threats to me if they know my name." Contact your local authority for information on what you can do in the case that a threat on your life is being made. They will assist in handling the manner which in some cases, can include them locating where the threat was made and making the appropriate moves afterwards. "Can mess up your life by emailing your school with a bomb threat under your name" They would need more than a name to send you to jail or make any disciplinary actions towards you. They make a threat to your school, if it's not from an email address you own, then they have no proof of you sending it. Sure someone can spoof your email address but guess what, they would need your email address to do so and still, would need proof they it was sent from your inbox including the IP it was sent from, mail delivery routes, etc. I really can't see what the big deal is. Most of the things you guys are saying can be handled using real life methods to resolve. If your facebook is private and anything else you do on the web is private, I don't see how additional information other than your name would be obtained. Yellowpages? You do know a quick phone call to them will allow them to either remove you from their listing or make your information private. Again, it all comes down to handling your issues responsibly and using the correct chain of command to get a problem resolved. Or you can simply not post on their's not mandatory for you to do 2 cents. | ||
Canada743 Posts
Refer to this to see the power of having one's personal information. | ||
United States10796 Posts
On July 07 2010 02:15 Ikiron wrote: Two Patricks Soullieres on yellow pages, I wonder which one is you @_@ Neither. They probably are my dad's old listings. See, it's not a big deal. | ||
Netherlands4989 Posts
In the future this will be referred to as "pulling a Blizzard" ![]() On July 07 2010 02:04 Liquid`NonY wrote: Actually this makes it so there's a chance that I would post on the forums. They are a cesspool right now. Adding some accountability is a change in the right direction. I've never liked the idea of using aliases and anonymity for socializing. For straight-up gaming, yeah it's fine. But gaming hasn't been just straight-up gaming for at least a decade now. I disagree, people that don't want to be accountable can just give false information ... I wonder how many people will identify themselves as Justin Bieber? I don't know how you socialize but I bet you don't walk over street with a name-tag strapped to your chest. Why not? Simply because your name is none of those random people's bussiness, you tell people your name when you want them to know. | ||
United States3214 Posts
On July 07 2010 02:18 ikkyixo wrote: I don't see the problem. I don't know if it's because the older you get, things like this is trivial or if it's because a first and last name is not enough to cry over. I'm ready to debate any discussion as to why this would be a bad thing. Most of the things that are mentioned in this thread are taken to the extreme. "Potential employers googling your name and declining because you play games" I'm sorry but, if you meet the requirements of what they are looking for experience and skillwise, a google search on what you enjoy to do in your own time will not affect your chances of getting hired and if it does, it's against the law (Well, in Texas it is). Take them to court if you feel that the reason they did not hire you was because of a google search. They would have to explain the detail of your decline to the judge with ample proof and if it is not sufficient enough proof to back their reason, you have yourself a successful lawsuit . "People can make death threats to me if they know my name." Contact your local authority for information on what you can do in the case that a threat on your life is being made. They will assist in handling the manner which in some cases, can include them locating where the threat was made and making the appropriate moves afterwards. "Can mess up your life by emailing your school with a bomb threat under your name" They would need more than a name to send you to jail or make any disciplinary actions towards you. They make a threat to your school, if it's not from an email address you own, then they have no proof of you sending it. Sure someone can spoof your email address but guess what, they would need your email address to do so and still, would need proof they it was sent from your inbox including the IP it was sent from, mail delivery routes, etc. I really can't see what the big deal is. Most of the things you guys are saying can be handled using real life methods to resolve. If your facebook is private and anything else you do on the web is private, I don't see how additional information other than your name would be obtained. Yellowpages? You do know a quick phone call to them will allow them to either remove you from their listing or make your information private. Again, it all comes down to handling your issues responsibly and using the correct chain of command to get a problem resolved. Or you can simply not post on their's not mandatory for you to do 2 cents. Yea those "simple" solutions will probably work. Should YOUR CONSUMERS have to deal with it? No. Plain and simple. | ||
United States44 Posts
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United States1776 Posts
(to whoever posted that picture) Plus my facebook is set to friends only, and I don't show up in the yellow pages. | ||
Canada2473 Posts
On July 07 2010 02:04 Liquid`NonY wrote: Actually this makes it so there's a chance that I would post on the forums. They are a cesspool right now. Adding some accountability is a change in the right direction. Displaying real names doesn't mean anything more than your nickname, except invading privacy. Regardless of whether people behave nicely or not, they could get out-of-game harassment done to them, either online or offline. In fact, Displaying ONLY real names (I don't think most people would want to display both, since it ruins privacy more) creates a discontinuity between in-game and out of game. No one will know who Georges Allard is if all they see in-game is "Maniacman". Doesn't matter if the entire community knows that this dude was posting good or bad... it won't reflect in the game unless they choose to show their in-game nick too. If Blizzard wants accountability, let it happen. In SC2 you can only have ONE account/name per game copy. It would be pretty damn easy to offer accountability in that scenario. People do NOT need to resort to real names - as I mentioned earlier, that wouldn't even DO ANYTHING! Not only will using real names not offer much to any real accountability over standard unique account names, but people can just make fake accounts for SC2, and post using them. Instantly Blizzard's goal of using real names becomes ineffective. The whole thing is just a joke. I have nothing against accountability and good behavior, and accurate moderation, but this is none of that except silliness and stupidity. | ||
United States4100 Posts
On July 07 2010 02:17 Mastermind wrote: This is a good change. Those forums are garbage, and this may actually clean them up a bit. Good move by Blizzard. It's gonna clean em up ALOT - cause no one is gonna be posting there lol. | ||
204 Posts
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United Kingdom450 Posts
On July 07 2010 02:16 DeckOneBell wrote: When's the last time that someone was ACTUALLY worried about revealing their REAL NAME (omg!) on the Internet? Just make sure you keep all your other shit secure like your passwords and credit card numbers, and this isn't actually an issue of safety. As for privacy, well, any poster that doesn't create a throw away account is already linked to his account by reputation anyway. And anyone can PM spam that person, or otherwise just be obnoxious to him/her already. If your account is linked to your 60 dollar purchase of SC2, it'll be that much less tempting to troll, or simply be a douchebag. Sounds good to me. Actually, if someone finds out my mobile number (easy with my name), my address (easy with my name), and my birthday (again, easy with my name), they are free to call my mobile network and tell them I'd like to cancel my subscription - and then I'd suddenly find out my phone stopped working one day. And on the flipside the benefit is, hoping trolls will be scared off by having to show their real name, and hoping the said trolls are too stupid to register an account with fake details?... Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against 'personalizing' the internet, I think people having consistant RL and online presences is a great thing and so on - I just don't think our society is ready for that just yet, nor do I want my details to be shared with every random douchebag just like that... | ||
United States120 Posts
On July 07 2010 01:13 Archerofaiur wrote: And. Here. We. Go. I found this appropriate on so many levels. | ||
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