United States13896 Posts
props to pachi for the banner 2008-2009 Shinhan Bank Proleague Round 4 Week 7 CJ Entus STX SouLPL: 3rd, 25-18, +25 (108-83) VS PL: 6th, 23-20, +15 (110-95) Streak: W1, Ace: 4-7, H2H: 0-3 (3-10) Streak: L1, Ace: 9-11, H2H: 3-0 (10-3) ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.gif) : 37-25, ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png) : 47-36, ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Picon_small.gif) : 24-22 ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.gif) : 28-35, ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png) : 52-35, ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Picon_small.gif) : 30-25 EffOrt < Outsider > Bogus ZvT: 7-13 (35%) Devil < Battle Royale > Modesty34 ZvZ's sKyHigh < Destination > Kal TvP: 36-52 (40.9%) Movie < Neo Medusa > Calm PvZ: 5-14 (26.3%) Ace < Heartbreak Ridge > Ace Predictions+ Show Spoiler + Recommended Games+ Show Spoiler + Results+ Show Spoiler +Set 1: EffOrt > BogusSet 2: Devil < ModestySet 3: sKyHigh > KalSet 4: Movie < CalmSet 5: Kwanro > KalCJ Wins 3-2! Today's winners: Kwanro, EffOrt, and sKyHighRead their interviews! - Thanks to Konadora! Updated Stats & Standings CJ Entus STX SouLPL: 3rd, 26-18, +26 (111-85) VS PL: 6th, 23-21, +14 (112-98) Streak: W2, Ace: 5-7, H2H: 1-3 (6-12) Streak: L2, Ace: 9-12, H2H: 3-1 (12-6) ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.gif) : 38-25, ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png) : 49-37, ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Picon_small.gif) : 24-23 ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.gif) : 28-36, ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png) : 54-35, ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/Picon_small.gif) : 30-27 How to Watch
United States13896 Posts
Singapore66071 Posts
Skyhigh autowin
Btw isn't Devil more of a rookie than Bogus? Bogus has been around for quite some time hasn't he?
United States13896 Posts
Nah, they're both rookies as far as Proleague goes. Devil has actually been around longer, and both have been on the scene for a while now, they just haven't broken into OSL/MSL/Proleague until this season.
is awesome32269 Posts
Excellent OP!
CJ Fighting, STX goes down in 3, or 4 at most. sKyHigh and EffOrt to rape.
man i miss sAviOr. i look forward to effort though. watching that guy play lately is just plain exciting.
United States13896 Posts
Man, I just realized, trying to get people to watch/stream this over SKT vs KTF is going to be like pulling nails. Come watch CJ vs. STX people! There's less mirrors!
Great OP as always p4ndemik, my fav. style ^^
I'm always rooting for STX, even though CJ is my number two. I just get irritated when they don't send out July for a month it feels like. Calm is good but... maybe STX is investing in their future or something, I know they're out of playoffs.. *mope*
If skyhigh falls this could get ugly
Am gonna be following this clanwar, CJ ftw!
haha, wow
This lineup is perfect for STX. All our players are playing their strongest mu and/or are playing on maps that favor their race. I truly think any 3-0 CJ predictions here are just blind fanboyism. (that said, I appreciate the thread p4ndemic, it's very pretty ^^)
3-0 STX
Bogus may fall to the might of EffOrt, even on a T map, so Calm might have to finish this off as a 3-1.
bogus isnt like a total newb, if bogus can upset, stx has a decent chance to pull this off.
On May 22 2009 15:25 3clipse wrote: haha, wow
This lineup is perfect for STX. All our players are playing their strongest mu and/or are playing on maps that favor their race. I truly think any 3-0 CJ predictions here are just blind fanboyism. (that said, I appreciate the thread p4ndemic, it's very pretty ^^)
3-0 STX
Bogus may fall to the might of EffOrt, even on a T map, so Calm might have to finish this off as a 3-1. I can impartially predict a CJ 3-0 sweep.
On May 22 2009 15:25 3clipse wrote: haha, wow
This lineup is perfect for STX. All our players are playing their strongest mu and/or are playing on maps that favor their race. I truly think any 3-0 CJ predictions here are just blind fanboyism. (that said, I appreciate the thread p4ndemic, it's very pretty ^^)
3-0 STX
Bogus may fall to the might of EffOrt, even on a T map, so Calm might have to finish this off as a 3-1.
This will probably go to an Ace match with Devil and Movie losing their games. So if either Skyhigh or Effort loses, I predict STX will take it
Finland1714 Posts
p4ndemik does the best OP;s, thanks for this, rooting for CJ but all the MU:s are favoring STX, they might just take it
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Yup, I voted for STX. Hoping for some surprise !