WCG 07 Turret, Observer and Storm - Page 4
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United States620 Posts
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United States1355 Posts
On October 06 2007 10:51 GTR-2-Go wrote: Why? It's completely legal in Korean Tournaments because its possible to stop the jam by just simply pressing stop on the Turret. It was just a simple misunderstanding from Stork, believeing that he thought it was legal. I agree. The Korean community shouldn't make a big deal of this; it was probably just a misunderstanding, and it's good enough that they rematched again afterwards. | ||
Iran17695 Posts
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Germany2445 Posts
On October 07 2007 13:32 davidgurt wrote: I agree. The Korean community shouldn't make a big deal of this; it was probably just a misunderstanding, and it's good enough that they rematched again afterwards. Well this could be not a missunderstanding. Rules are set up on Screen before the first games start, player get hold on to read them. Koreans have a translater in area, so if they would not understand them they could ask. If you play professionell you should not "believe" you have to "know" For this game it had not much influenz on the game Stork would have won either way, like Dissy said "monsters" | ||
United States688 Posts
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United States4493 Posts
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United States22895 Posts
On October 07 2007 01:08 Phleiart wrote: yea but then he needs to be given a loose as the rules say! http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/loose Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This loose /lus/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[loos] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, loos·er, loos·est, adverb, verb loosed, loos·ing. –adjective 1. free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end. 2. free from anything that binds or restrains; unfettered: loose cats prowling around in alleyways at night. 3. uncombined, as a chemical element. 4. not bound together: to wear one's hair loose. 5. not put up in a package or other container: loose mushrooms. 6. available for disposal; unused; unappropriated: loose funds. 7. lacking in reticence or power of restraint: a loose tongue. 8. lax, as the bowels. 9. lacking moral restraint or integrity; notorious for his loose character. 10. sexually promiscuous or immoral; unchaste. 11. not firm, taut, or rigid: a loose tooth; a loose rein. 12. relaxed or limber in nature: He runs with a loose, open stride. 13. not fitting closely or tightly: a loose sweater. 14. not close or compact in structure or arrangement; having spaces between the parts; open: a loose weave. 15. having few restraining factors between associated constituents and allowing ample freedom for independent action: a loose federation of city-states. 16. not cohering: loose sand. 17. not strict, exact, or precise: a loose interpretation of the law. 18. Sports. a. having the players on a team positioned at fairly wide intervals, as in a football formation. b. (of a ball, hockey puck, etc.) not in the possession of either team; out of player control. –adverb 19. in a loose manner; loosely (usually used in combination): loose-flowing. –verb (used with object) 20. to let loose; free from bonds or restraint. 21. to release, as from constraint, obligation, or penalty. 22. Chiefly Nautical. to set free from fastening or attachment: to loose a boat from its moorings. 23. to unfasten, undo, or untie, as a bond, fetter, or knot. 24. to shoot; discharge; let fly: to loose missiles at the invaders. 25. to make less tight; slacken or relax. 26. to render less firmly fixed; lessen an attachment; loosen. –verb (used without object) 27. to let go a hold. 28. to hoist anchor; get under way. 29. to shoot or let fly an arrow, bullet, etc. (often fol. by off): to loose off at a flock of ducks. 30. Obsolete. to become loose; loosen. —Idioms 31. break loose, to free oneself; escape: The convicts broke loose. 32. cast loose, a. to loosen or unfasten, as a ship from a mooring. b. to send forth; set adrift or free: He was cast loose at an early age to make his own way in the world. 33. cut loose, a. to release from domination or control. b. to become free, independent, etc. c. to revel without restraint: After the rodeo they headed into town to cut loose. 34. hang or stay loose, Slang. to remain relaxed and unperturbed. 35. let loose, a. to free or become free. b. to yield; give way: The guardrail let loose and we very nearly plunged over the edge. 36. on the loose, a. free; unconfined, as, esp., an escaped convict or circus animal. b. behaving in an unrestrained or dissolute way: a bachelor on the loose. 37. turn loose, to release or free, as from confinement: The teacher turned the children loose after the class. [Origin: 1175–1225; (adj.) ME los, loos < ON lauss loose, free, empty; c. OE léas (see -less), D, G los loose, free; (v.) ME leowsen, lousen, deriv. of the adj.] —Related forms loosely, adverb looseness, noun —Synonyms 2. unbound, untied, unrestricted, unconfined. 10. libertine, dissolute, licentious. 17. vague, general, indefinite. 20. loosen, unbind. 21. liberate. 25. ease. —Antonyms 1. bound. 10. chaste. 25. tighten. Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/lose Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This lose /luz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[looz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, lost, los·ing. –verb (used with object) 1. to come to be without (something in one's possession or care), through accident, theft, etc., so that there is little or no prospect of recovery: I'm sure I've merely misplaced my hat, not lost it. 2. to fail inadvertently to retain (something) in such a way that it cannot be immediately recovered: I just lost a dime under this sofa. 3. to suffer the deprivation of: to lose one's job; to lose one's life. 4. to be bereaved of by death: to lose a sister. 5. to fail to keep, preserve, or maintain: to lose one's balance; to lose one's figure. 6. (of a clock or watch) to run slower by: The watch loses three minutes a day. 7. to give up; forfeit the possession of: to lose a fortune at the gaming table. 8. to get rid of: to lose one's fear of the dark; to lose weight. 9. to bring to destruction or ruin (usually used passively): Ship and crew were lost. 10. to condemn to hell; damn. 11. to have slip from sight, hearing, attention, etc.: to lose him in the crowd. 12. to stray from or become ignorant of (one's way, directions, etc.): to lose one's bearings. 13. to leave far behind in a pursuit, race, etc.; outstrip: She managed to lose the other runners on the final lap of the race. 14. to use to no purpose; waste: to lose time in waiting. 15. to fail to have, get, catch, etc.; miss: to lose a bargain. 16. to fail to win (a prize, stake, etc.): to lose a bet. 17. to be defeated in (a game, lawsuit, battle, etc.): He has lost very few cases in his career as a lawyer. 18. to cause the loss of: The delay lost the battle for them. 19. to let (oneself) go astray, miss the way, etc.: We lost ourselves in the woods. 20. to allow (oneself) to become absorbed or engrossed in something and oblivious to all else: I had lost myself in thought. 21. (of a physician) to fail to preserve the life of (a patient). 22. (of a woman) to fail to be delivered of (a live baby) because of miscarriage, complications in childbirth, etc. –verb (used without object) 23. to suffer loss: to lose on a contract. 24. to suffer defeat or fail to win, as in a contest, race, or game: We played well, but we lost. 25. to depreciate in effectiveness or in some other essential quality: a classic that loses in translation. 26. (of a clock, watch, etc.) to run slow. —Verb phrase 27. lose out, to suffer defeat or loss; fail to obtain something desired: He got through the preliminaries, but lost out in the finals. —Idiom 28. lose face. face (def. 48). [Origin: bef. 900; ME losen, OE -léosan; r. ME lesen, itself also reflecting OE -léosan; c. G verlieren, Goth fraliusan to lose. See loss] I'm sorry but this really annoys me for some reason and people use these words wrong a lot. And not only that but you used the incorect word improper grammatically as well. The word you need is 'LOSS'. | ||
United States22895 Posts
On October 08 2007 15:15 mnm wrote: this is probably old news.. but.. http://www.gameriot.com/news/4407/WCG-StarCraft-drama-unleashed/ =p No offense but a lot of that write up is wrong (about the turret bug), as you probably know from looking through this thread. | ||
United States2685 Posts
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Poland5055 Posts
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United States4493 Posts
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United States3085 Posts
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China19 Posts
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5007 Posts
Why is there controversy | ||
United States10657 Posts
![]() A burrowed lurker by itself only has the attack and stop command. Now a burrowed lurker with an overlord has all possible commands including patrol, everyone already knows this part. However oddly enough its ONLY with an overlord. If you select a Lurker with another unit, for example, a hydra, there will be NO available commands. None at all. You can still move and target with right click but thats it. Now interestingly enough selecting an overlord with a burrowed lurker and a hydra gives back ALL possible commands again. So theres something weird about selecting an overlord ![]() This information is actually somewhat usefull. Despite how useless it seems. Im sure at least a few times youve tried to select some units who were sitting on lurkers and were unable to issue an attack move command(like when sending reenforcements from your choke to battle). It can be a real pain. However if you always have an overlord within selection range of your lurkers then its a lot easier to quickly select and attack move those units into battle, without having to move them off the lurkers first. Ok its still pretty useless, but hey it was interesting to me ![]() | ||
Canada2175 Posts
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1198 Posts
On October 10 2007 11:32 HonestTea wrote: EX signed the paper. Why is there controversy I think regame is ok, but if u said this,I will say: eStro lost 0-2 to MYM and signed the paper too, but why WCG gave the win to them? http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1184417172?bctid=1231027792 http://www.gotfrag.com/cs/story/40216/ http://www.gotfrag.com/cs/story/40218/ | ||
United States5223 Posts
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5007 Posts
On October 10 2007 11:59 linyu)wufan18 wrote: I think regame is ok, but if u said this,I will say: eStro lost 0-2 to MYM and signed the paper too, but why WCG gave the win to them? http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1184417172?bctid=1231027792 http://www.gotfrag.com/cs/story/40216/ http://www.gotfrag.com/cs/story/40218/ Friend, please read the articles you have linked to me. Meet Your Makers’ Norwegian Counter-Strike: 1.6 team beat eSTRO from Korea by 16 rounds to 9 on de_inferno and de_nuke. While the MYM players were celebrating what seemed like a spot in the quarter finals the Koreans refused to sign the official match papers. eStro's appeal against MYM was listened to because they did so without signing the papers. Had Fnatic appealed before signing their papers against eStro, Fnatic probably would have been rewarded a rematch as well. I really don't understand the controversy (with Stork). By signing the papers, you are admitting that you have no objections with anything that happened in the game, or the final result. Every team has the right to object before signing their papers. It is the last line of defense for any percieved cheating. If a team chooses to not sign and appeal, that is within their rights. If a team signs the papers they give up their rights to appeal about the match. eStro does not sign papers against MYM, asks for rematch -> correct. Fnatic signs papers against eStro, cannot ask for rematch -> correct. EX signs his fucking papers, and Stork STILL has to play a rematch? That is ultimate retardation and should never had happened. Again, if you took the time to disengage yourself from PJ's teat and read the articles before sending them to me... well you would not have sent those articles to me. | ||
Canada19447 Posts
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