TeamLiquid 2007 Shinhan Bank Proleague Coverage
Air Force ACE vs Lecaf Oz 1400h Korea Time @ OGN
Rage (P) < Monty Hall > AnyTime (P) BoxeR (T) < Python > Jaedong (Z) H.O.T-Forever (Z)/fOru (P) < Chariots of Fire > Bright[z-zone] (Z)/N.aCe)Ever (P) Clon (Z) < Nemesis > fOrGG_V (T) Ace Match < Shin Peaks of Baekdu >
Results + Show Spoiler +Rage (P) > AnyTime (P) BoxeR (T) < Jaedong (Z) H.O.T-Forever (Z)/fOru (P) < Bright[z-zone] (Z)/N.aCe)Ever (P) Clon (Z) > fOrGG_V (T) Ace Match Clon (Z) < Jaedong (Z) ACE 2:3 Lecaf
Predictions Rage (P) < AnyTime (P) BoxeR (T) > Jaedong (Z) H.O.T-Forever (Z)/fOru (P) > Bright[z-zone] (Z)/N.aCe)Ever (P) Clon (Z) < fOrGG_V (T) I don't predict Ace matches since I suck at it.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
boxer vs jaedong on python should be good
Yea, let's see some sexy BoxeR TvZ, although Jaedong is a very scary zerg to play. It should be fun and exciting. :D
Looking forward to Jaedong vs. Boxer. Only game that I'll watch.
OGN stream gives problems again :-( And MBC holds just about the most boring Proleague matchup since the beginning of the season.
anyone have any other streams then sc2.org or yaoyuan, both are lagging for me. I neeed to see Boxer.
39489 Posts
leeeecaaaaffffff ffiiiiiightiiiiiiiiiiiingggg
I know Anytime's PvT has been weak this season, but it's disappointing to never see him in that matchup.
Holy shit, got big lag problems too.
39489 Posts
rage at 5 anytime at 11
monty hall
Game starting. Monty hall.
Rage red bottom. Anytime orange top.
39489 Posts
both players with their first pylons inside their mains, no drastic proxies so far.
anytime takes a probe and checks all three of his walls for proxies on the other side. finds nothing.
Big shock if Anytime doesn`t win. But you never know, stupid map imo
39489 Posts
dongrae has brown hair now? O_O
anytime hops a probe through the middle lane. 1 gate core for both players. Rage using 1 probe to mine out the top wall.
39489 Posts
anytime pylon jumps his scouting probe into rage's main. both players finish core, range upgrading.
Rage's goon is out, anytime's probe dies, he knows that rage is mining out the top wall though.
39489 Posts
anytime goes 1 gate robotics, rage opens the right wall, and warps a nexus there.
39489 Posts
anytime with pylons near both the bottom and right walls, he places his goons at the right wall, and there is a 2 goon vs 2 goon standoff there across the wall.
On July 10 2007 22:06 Painbringer wrote: anyone have any other streams then sc2.org or yaoyuan, both are lagging for me. I neeed to see Boxer. GOM
39489 Posts
anytime has pushed a probe through the bottom path it seems.
rage just starts his robo, and anytime jumps his probe into rage's main, immediately dies to 3 goons, i think he saw 3 gateways from rage. yup, 3 gates.
rage's expansion is up and running, anytime expands a tthe south nat as well, begins to warp in
Anytime is a little behind his nexus and 2nd/3rd gates are slower than Rage's.