The games tonight were as self-evident as they could have ever gotten.
Modesty.. the half-dimensional Modesty.. you can see on his face that he came to lose today. He probably didn't even surprise himself in failing to perform his one trick - a decent muta micro. And just for the record.. guardians are not rubbish at all, and can really do wonders paired with some other units.. but I think too damn hard to micro amidst the chaos. Certainly not in Modesty's league.
Only surpassed by Miso's one-track-mindedness.. or one track madness if u will. I'm absolutely certain that if he made the decision he would have taken the main nexus down on Medusa, but naah.. better run the lings into a dead end. It felt like Snow was really in absolute control from the very beginning to the very end. I'm really glad to see him steadily improving and to see Sharp keeping his cool, to keep inconsistent players like Modesty and Miso out of Ro8.
For once.. destiny has ruled justly in Starcraft!