Havent seen this posted yet so i guess ill just copy paste it here, lol
"Today the ESL ESL announced that the ESL Starcraft: Broodwar EU Ladder will be reset to default. This restart involves the start of the official ESL PGL Online Qualifier, which is held from today until the 12th of April. Don't miss this qualifier and your chance to compete at the offline finals in China China. Get all information about the ESL PGL Online Qualifier in this news.
* The Ladder:
The ladder will be reset to default today and starts directly again: an official qualifier for the great ESL PGL SC:BW offline finals in China! Take part in this ladder and you have the chance to compete at this offline event in China. But there are some facts which are important for you:
- During the ladder the games will be played in best-of-one mode. - Chinese and Korean players can not participate at this qualifier. - It is only possible to play instant- and auto-challenger matches.
* The Group Stage:
The best 24 players of the ladder are qualified for a group stage with four groups, six players each. The group stage and the playoffs will be held at the weekend from 13th until 15th of April. First and second placed players are qualified for the next stage. Another important fact is, that you can play each race in the ladder but you have to choose one constant race before the group stage. The play mode in the group stage and in the playoffs will be best-of-three.
* The Playoffs:
The top four participants of the playoffs (rank 1-4 of the playoffs) are qualified for the huge offline final in China. It is important that just gamers who can compete at the offline finals take part at the qualifier. The offline finals are held from 15th of May until 27th of May. We shall provide double-flight tickets to the qualifier, accomodation and food/drinks for the entire stay of almost two weeks.
* This is the Map Pool:
- Reverse Temple - Acardia - Longinus - Blitz X - Tau Cross
Furthermore you have the chance to win the following prize money:
1st: 40000 RMB (4,000 Euro) 2nd: 15000 RMB (1,500 Euro) 3rd: 10000 RMB (1,000 Euro)
The Signups are open !
The ESL wishes all participants the best of luck in the Starcraft: Broodwar ladder! And if you have any questions or problems you can ask via Support,in the Forum or on #esl.bw (on Qnet)" Source: http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1362062
Actual Site (anouncement): http://www.esl.eu/eu/scbw/news/36676/
Sweden33719 Posts
Cool, thanks for the heads up.
hard to navigate, finding it really difficult
posted on mym site ^^ follow the news there cuz it's the place where they pop up first XD
Wow, that's a whole lot of money!
does that auto match thing mean you can only play matches at the scheduled times on weekends? or can you play non-auto match matches for the ladder? because that would mean people could have like 4 matches maximum.
On March 29 2007 10:57 FrozenArbiter wrote: Cool, thanks for the heads up. go China,
39489 Posts
Arcadia and Longinus old versions? =S Geez I hope not...
On March 29 2007 18:19 thedeadhaji wrote: Arcadia and Longinus old versions? =S Geez I hope not...
i doubt...longinus probably imples longinus II?
I think all map should be latest version.
Sweden33719 Posts
On March 29 2007 13:46 IdrA wrote: does that auto match thing mean you can only play matches at the scheduled times on weekends? or can you play non-auto match matches for the ladder? because that would mean people could have like 4 matches maximum.
No, you can do 'instant challenge' as well I think it said.
ok. a) im stupid b ) my comp has an error or c) the 1n1 ladder with standing doesn exist.. seriously.. i just cant find the ranking for the 1v1 ladder ?
wtf ? D:
under top left it said ladder and had a list of submenus, one of them was ranking standings. the page was blank for me though, as of yesterday
I'm actually a bit bitter about this. It was rumoured I was to be invited then they turned around and made it a qualifier which coincides with my trip to Greece. The foreigner list for this will likely be very sad considering the really good ones aren't even aware of this to my knowledge.
hm advokat is ranked first atm
u can play mo - fr 18-21cet ( instant challenge ) sa - su 14-23cet ( instant challenge )
the ladder is pretty hard o.O very many good names have ''weak'' records
except a2.. hes owning it up o.O
this ladder is pretty cool but still too few players ..
spread the news D:
i dont understand how to play.... its seem for me that i have to chalenge someone and one week wait for my oponent
Instant Challanger searches for random opponent and gives a random map ( only good maps , Tau / longius / arcadia , reverse temple / ect..
I like the system. No dodgin just good games and easy to find opponent fast
Why are the finals in china? Are the finals going to include chinese people and koreans?
I suppose they're going to fly 4 foreigners there as well.
their system is really nice, but not enough players right now. Still I don't wait more than 2min to find an opponent
really nice system, it puts you against people 200 points lower than you and you cant get out of it. +3 points for a win and -40 for a lose is awesome.
Haha that system kicks ass.
damn i would like to play but if i win being absent for 2 weeks in university means GG for me gl to the players
On April 05 2007 11:14 IdrA wrote: really nice system, it puts you against people 200 points lower than you and you cant get out of it. +3 points for a win and -40 for a lose is awesome.
and .. i can play gosu players, so yes awesome :D i will revenge idra..
the system is indeed awesome, because if you want to stay at the top you simply have to be good. Its not like pgtour : Well lets play that 20:20 guy at D+. Now lets play that 30:30 guy at C- ect..
Its random map vs any opponent. Win or lose. Lose much if u lose vs a worse player. Win much if u win vs higher guy. The system is actually the old battle net ladder system.. Which is really cool for the competition.
So idra, dunno why u are so sarcastic about it.. For sure its hard, but its not bad : P
that would be fine if all the 0-0 people were necessarily worse players. if you're 1250 and get a competent player who happens to be just starting you're 250 points ahead vs a potentially decent player. shit happens and all the sudden you're out a bunch of points for losing to a good player.
you should be given the option of declining the match if the player is more than 100 (or whatever) points below you since its lose/lose for the higher player.
awesome news, gL to the competitors.
When are they planning to hold the next PGL?
hi,Testie,here is the OFFICIAL website of PGL http://www.mypgl.com/Article/official/135.html It's the schedule for Starcraft League
2007 PGL Spring SC League timetable
April 1st~~April 15th ESL PGL Online Qualifiers For european players,you'd better join the ladder now ASAP http://www.esl.eu/eu/scbw/1on1/ladder/signup/ The Ladder will be end on April 12th by the schedule,then TOP 24 will enter offseason,final four get the tickets to China.
map pool - Reverse Temple - Acardia - Longinus - Blitz X - Tau Cross
April 14th~~April 30th PGL Online Qualifiers in China
May 15th~~May 27th PGL SC LAN Final in BeiJing,China
PGL shall provide double-flight tickets to the qualifier, accomodation and food/drinks for the entire stay of almost two weeks. Furthermore you have the chance to win the following prize money: 1st: 4,000 Euro 2nd: 1,500 Euro 3rd: 1,000 Euro
Maybe,you can met your teammate MYM.SEN in BeiJing He did a great job in PGL 2006 Winter.I guess he'll be invited again this time.
And some koreans and pros will be invited directly,like xLo.Lx and xLo.Pj,hope they won't miss you and mondi again 
Good luck.
Edit: btw, thank you very much tosslegend & to wufan. Sigh, I do not know how to sign up. Dilemma. 12th I leave for Greece. But 13th - 15th is the qualifier. Dilemma!!!
ask help from TT1,he's # 10 in the Ladder now
just 5 win 0 loss will lead you into top 10, hurry up testie =p
Get a manager Testie
I don't need one. I have tl.net.
Grrrrr... Java or whatever does not work for me on I.E. or Firefox.. Grrrrr...
it always opens after the specified time
So we have 24 players left.
Anyway, here are some things that are not posted on the EGL page. (That I could not find regarding the PGL qualifier tournament)
Important Things only
1. What time? 2. Where is it?
Prolly gonna be online around 11:00 am + tomorrow.
On April 12 2007 17:48 MYM.Testie wrote: Anyway, here are some things that are not posted on the EGL page. (That I could not find regarding the PGL qualifier tournament)
Important Things only
1. What time? 2. Where is it? haha,ESL gg no re?
Group A
White-Ra MIStrZZZ IefNaij fAke.fraer Bruce inF.DaRaKiaN
Group B
Testie Strelok NewFace15 insidemyshell(MYM.A2) Hullah WorkeD
Group C
SillyWorld xLo.Kr Ex SquaLL Artosis ILostMyLeg
Group D
PattrickStone Talent Notforu Sudden sYz inF.FeAr
These groups are so strange :o 2 is just too strong.
Group 2 is supposedly
Testie / Draco? or Paranoid? / A2 / Strelok / Hullah / Worked
And.. is this going on right now? O_O)? If so, where is it? I still don't see it. T_T
The Timetable:
As mentioned above the groupstage will be played on Saturday and here are the times for the matches:
first match: 17 CET second match: 18 CET third match: 19 CET fourth match: 20 CET fifth match: 21 CET
The matches will be created tonight so that tomorrow you will be able to see against who you are playing and at which time.
USA29055 Posts
wow some great matches coming gl nick / greg / alex / jf / dan / eugin / squall a fuck it. To many to name. GL ALL!
"Race: Each player must write a Supportticket and announce his race! This decision is final and can't be changed anymore (including the offline finals). If you don't announce your race in a supportticket you are not allowed to play until it's done."
What will you do, Testie ?
On April 13 2007 09:22 Target wrote: I was told draco is newface15 he had like 14-1 record and I was only 1 to beat him woot donno if its true or not GJ what kind of game was it ? ;]
We published 3 reps of Testie from this event. More will follow on the weekend, you can get them here. Enjoy!
good luck to all participants wish i can spend 2 weeks in china without failing totally this university cicle
fuck i predicted the groups right but then a2 messed it up by dropping 10 ranks
are the maps for group stage games posted anywhere? its not in the match details
Who is newface15 ?? Draco ? If yes.. group B is absolutely ridicolous o.O
I guess it is Paranoid or maybe Draco ;o
well this is turning out to suck balls a bunch of people arent online because theyre holding it off one days notice and its near impossible to contact any admins.
On April 14 2007 08:03 The.Crow wrote: I guess it is Paranoid or maybe Draco ;o
another possibility - bH
USA29055 Posts
I heard Alex(Skew) pussied out again -.- please dont be the case..
USA29055 Posts
also hullah lost to idra in some gg's squall is 1-1 with smuft atm
I'm currently being dodged while kids try to take walkovers >.>
i forfieting rest of my games, I cant play at 8am on a saturday. Maybe if it was Still winter by now that its spring the sun is glaring directly on my computer and I cant see shit T_T GL 2 everyone else.
USA29055 Posts
IdrA is 4-1 losing only to a2 Testie has beaten everything as usual. Worked I believe you are 3 hours ahead of me and this started at 9 am MY time...
oh and FUCKING SYZ is 3-0 beating whitera mistrzzz and sudden. ROFL
u r in seattle correct? I am in Vancouver, we are the same timezone and it started 17cet which is 11am EST 8am PST (which is our timeszone) it started 8am so just to wake up and eat I ahd 2 get up 7am on a saturday. This thing was rigged for eurotrash ~_~
lol i won white-ra sudden and yayba . now lost for iefnaij :p we cant cheese every1 :\ . especially when they saw our reps. LOL ! damn
On April 14 2007 11:16 {88}iNcontroL wrote: IdrA is 4-1 losing only to a2
2-1 really ~_~ worked forfeited and ex showed up an hour late, forfeiting our match.
USA29055 Posts
On April 14 2007 11:27 Worked wrote: u r in seattle correct? I am in Vancouver, we are the same timezone and it started 17cet which is 11am EST 8am PST (which is our timeszone) it started 8am so just to wake up and eat I ahd 2 get up 7am on a saturday. This thing was rigged for eurotrash ~_~
I stand corrected 
i'm really pissed about this, I would LOVE just once for it to be reversed and have the europeans wake up at 8am to play me at 5pm. I cant even play at half my normal level when I knew 1 day in advance i'd be having to wake up at 7am. I didnt get a chance to adjust my sleep patterns. I tried sleeping as early as possible but when you dont work or go to school and your up until 5am everyday for the last 3 years its hard:D I wish they gave us 1 week to practice/adjust sleep ^_^
Squall 5 pooled me in game 3. Almost got some cannons up, but built the forge too late.
Results so far Testie 2-0 Draco (according to smuft / rekrul) Testie 2-0 Some other guy Testie 2-0 Strelok Testie 1-2 Squall Testie 0-0 IlostMyLeg
I am going to let him go to bed, and we can play the match in 7-8 or so hours when he wakes up. Which will kind of piss me off if i'm tired and want to go to bed. But, considering I did not sleep until 3:30 am last night, it should not be so bad.
Edit: I could be a woman and force him to play now, as he's falling asleep at his keyboard. But this merciful manner better not come back to bite me in the ass. I'd better get Karma points at WCG if it does.
2-0 vs draco and strelok, nice
On April 14 2007 12:50 iD.SquaLL wrote: poor nick :/
Dude, that's not cool at all when you're 0-3. You should just accept your 0-4 and be a man, rather a wuss. No 2-3 user is going to get through the tourney anyway, 5 pooling is the way of the woman.
On April 14 2007 12:53 MYM.Testie wrote:Dude, that's not cool at all when you're 0-3. You should just accept your 0-4 and be a man, rather a wuss. No 2-3 user is going to get through the tourney anyway, 5 pooling is the way of the woman. 4 is pretty manly tho
I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick. I am woman coz i 5 pooled nick.
Such a large number of the Spanish countries are so lame on forums.  Very rarely any good posts with the selection of a few.
i did
2-0 DkH.Yayba 2-1 White-Ra 2-1 3D.Sudden 0-2 Iefnaij 2-1 Mistrzzz
still .. i didnt passed .
me go home .. x(
Why didn't you pass? It's a point system? O_O)? You did very well. GJ syz.
ehh .. i guess it too .. and just for that i desearved to pass :p but oh well ..
iefnaij lost for white-ra and whe 3 got 4-1 score .
but they won almost all 2-0 and me almost all 2-1 ehhh 
and after 3d.sudden lost with me 2-1 .. he walkover and iefnaij get 2-0 automaticly .. really unfair
i dont think newface15 is draco, probably bh
any results updated from newface15?
edit:he did good job, 4 wins and 1 loss.
its not Draco for sure. Its either bH or Gohan or Fabian. bH has apm ~180, so I think its not him. xLo.Gohan has ~140 so its not him for sure. xLo.Fabian had ~230 in Rymarov so online he can have higher. I bet its him.
GJ Testie, you won vs xLo.Fabian, the 2v2 playa ^.^; But lately he got much better in 1v1 so its not an easy task anymore.
gohan was playing on id gohan on esl
Musli, I don't have a reason to doubt Smuft. He said, "Draco admitted it to Dan". His exact words, not mine.
I'm not saying it's 100% Draco, but he played much better than Fabian could have in our games. Shrug, we'll just have to wait for Romad or Midian to see if it's ArtistTrack18.
Edit: Strelok lost to Smuft. So if I lose to Smuft later tonight, I am out of the tournament. Things are setting up so that I am going to be kicking myself in the ass. Much like vs Midas, or.. vs Smuft in that BW4ever tournament. T_T
He played shitty, imo. He made some serious mistakes in decisions in those games and his control wasn't on normal Draco's lvl. And Draco never gets <270apm, even in final games in Rymarov, played at 1AM, tired Draco didnt have lower APM. Either you played drunken Draco or it wasn't Draco at all. Either way its not sth to be very proud of ;-) But who knows, impossible is nothing. These are just my thoughts.
Who said anything about pride? I just played and posted results to update Teamliquid.
sigh, why polish can't accept the loss from Draco. He is not God, and Testie is the same great player.
I know dude, just saying, before your fanboys come here ;-0
I guess NewFace15 is 15 years old or it his 15th face. So, I bet it is someone from ZZZ clan or it is Raise aka Ekii aka aka aka aka aka aka : P
On April 14 2007 14:40 ColorDra wrote: sigh, why polish can't accept the loss from Draco. He is not God, and Testie is the same great player. I can accept it, but i'm not sure if its Draco. For me it isnt him, but I'm just comparing replays. I would like to say "holy shit GJ Testie, you've killed Draco once more" but whoeve played, didnt play on Draco's normal lvl.
ColorDra China. April 14 2007 14:40. Posts 173 PM Profile Buddy Quote sigh, why polish can't accept the loss from Draco. He is not God, and Testie is the same great player.
Everyone can be defeated but I am pretty sure it was not Draco. Anyway, to find out who it is we gotta check da reps.
btw: Testie is a great player. He is able to fuck anal of every player on da Earth... and Pros are not untouchable.
Not sure about this, but I think we have IdrA vs Ex (Ex showed late and should take a w/o, apparently, since others had to, or dont let anyone take w/o [way it should be])... I THINK the winner of that game, if Ex doesn't get a w/o, qualifies with......... Hullah?
I can't find shit on ESL's piece of shit website (Shit.)
Update: I am down 0-1. The stress is on and I am already kicking myself for showing mercy.
If I lose 0-2 I do not think I will ever be nice, or manner in a tournament again. Might end up as one of those stingy pricks who says, "no, disc = loss gtfo". "No, you play now. Play or forfeit."
If I win, all is well. But I don't think I can win right now some tired.
0-2. Both out early. One was a complete all-in by him with 9/9 gate. (Right beside my base, not in the middle on Tau Cross). Gamble gamble, paid off. The other was me expanding a bit too quickly instead of getting cannons and so I got goon rushed. gg's.
I'm kicking myself a bit. Smuft will need to improve his late game a lot though to succeed in China.
Hrm, nm. The anger is gone and it's for the best anyway. I'm glad I took the highroad, and will continue to take it in further tournaments rather than take easy or sleezy wins. Nevermind that gibberish up there.
lol testie everyone have bad days i would be furious for losing a trip to china by those cheap gay bastard bo's imo you are a good player and you should have aim for a long game and rape the guy instead of choosing a cheesable and not solid bo (according to your own words)
smuft amazes me, cause he isnt active or maybe he smurfs and still plays amazing good luck to him
Smuft is active and apparently his micro is *superb* ;p
Does anyone know what time we are playing the rest of the playoffs? First map and who are opponent is, etc?
Thanks to Testie for letting me sleep last night and play this morning. I'd do the same for him.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
On April 14 2007 21:16 MYM.Testie wrote: Update: I am down 0-1. The stress is on and I am already kicking myself for showing mercy.
If I lose 0-2 I do not think I will ever be nice, or manner in a tournament again. Might end up as one of those stingy pricks who says, "no, disc = loss gtfo". "No, you play now. Play or forfeit."
If I win, all is well. But I don't think I can win right now some tired.
0-2. Both out early. One was a complete all-in by him with 9/9 gate. (Right beside my base, not in the middle on Tau Cross). Gamble gamble, paid off. The other was me expanding a bit too quickly instead of getting cannons and so I got goon rushed. gg's.
I'm kicking myself a bit. Smuft will need to improve his late game a lot though to succeed in China.
Hrm, nm. The anger is gone and it's for the best anyway. I'm glad I took the highroad, and will continue to take it in further tournaments rather than take easy or sleezy wins. Nevermind that gibberish up there.
Wow, what a cocky faggot.
So what is going on? Idra took v/o in his match against Ex? Because if Ex won everything and finished with 5-0, there could be a tiebreaker o,o
ex showed up late and started messaging me, continually, in my match vs you. he was trying to get admins to overturn it but ya i think i got the walkover.
oh and the russian/eastern european's behavior in this tournament is just hilarious. fraer/bruce/a2/notforu are all lying that ex was online at 17 CET even though i had him mutually /f a'd at the time and he clearly wasnt, a2 and ex havent played their match yet cuz they intend to rig the match score so they both advance, and bruce lying about the match score to let fraer advance instead of cocoa.
Here I quote the same post i wrote @esl where it was deleted and i got banned: Cocoa is out due to a probably case of cheating, several games was closed(with a walkover) faking the reality cuz the esl admin(CRTMN) believed to what the players wrote(bluffing) in the protest support tickets even if it wasn't true. This happens when the situation is managed only by an admin called crtmn, a person that never had/played bw and that removes the only admin that could help him, me, only cuz i was taking care about every single match to avoid any case of cheating , and that's probably happened(he doesnt like some1 who slow down his work of reading/closing in-site ticket). I dont know who was so mad to put an admin that doesn't know a shit about this game and, like god, takes care of the situation confortably sitting in front of the esl site page. Note that he knows since 2 weeks me/DivoL couldn't be logged on bnet to follow the event...and he didnt anything, he didn't want to be present in the field, neither nominate some1 for him(i think "esl trash organization" could be better expressed in "crtmn total indifference") .
On April 15 2007 06:06 IdrA wrote: and bruce lying about the match score to let fraer advance instead of cocoa. yeah that's right...the esl admin(CRTMN) just ignored it on purpose not to slow down the tournament.
hehe so people are rigging matches ? no surprise really better admins should have been hired for this ITS A 2 WEEK TRIP TO CHINA come on
On April 15 2007 06:06 IdrA wrote: ex showed up late and started messaging me, continually, in my match vs you. he was trying to get admins to overturn it but ya i think i got the walkover.
oh and the russian/eastern european's behavior in this tournament is just hilarious. fraer/bruce/a2/notforu are all lying that ex was online at 17 CET even though i had him mutually /f a'd at the time and he clearly wasnt, a2 and ex havent played their match yet cuz they intend to rig the match score so they both advance, and bruce lying about the match score to let fraer advance instead of cocoa. I think if u come to China,u will be raped. bad manner king.
wufan i'm not gonna answer you since i really dont wanna start fights I just dont care about ur opinion so stay out of it. so stfu
anyways this fucker admin(CRTMN) wont do anything about it ive given him like 3 conversations of bruce saying that he lost 1-2 and he just dosnt give a fuck he keeps telling me i need more proof ... so this is complete bullshit
Russian Federation15 Posts
idra if u dont wanna feel urself very badly , dont come to china. if we both will win trip , i ll make sure u remember the day of our meeting forever
big tough a2 hides behind a smurf? you're just pissy your lying and cheating didnt work out.
i remember a2 as being very good manner.. what do i know.. T_T
One has to admit Testie had some bad luck here, being in the group of death.
newface15 isnt online and its match time, if he sees this or anyone knows who it actually is contact him and tell him to get on europe asap.
well admin is now trying to put testie in instead even though the rules explicitly say that 20 minute no show is walkover. what dumbfuck gave this guy charge of the tournament
put Testie please. Testie, go go go.
I was going to take the spot, but NewFace showed up. Rats.
sad. Testie, do better next time in October.
k well newface disced so the admin will prob try to put you in again -_-
lol,what's the fuck of the tournament.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
Smuft is 1-1 vs some terran
in an intense game 3 on RVLT
Life is like a box of chocolate, you don't know which is the next.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
reallllllllly good game this game 3 is
i think smuft is going to win though
Korea (South)17174 Posts
Smuft wins, rly nice game
I get the feeling these admins are just crazy ? Put someone else in because a person disced ? WHAT THE HECK !?
yes they are, that was a joke, but it gets better newface disced a 2nd time and didnt come back on so the admin told me to go to my 2nd round match and that newface forfeited. so now im in middle of match with fraer, they insist we pause, and now the admin is telling me that i have to go play newface since hes back online. this is so fucking ridiculous.
-.- is there a higher up you can talk too? or is he THE admin?
retarded tournament from start to finish
and alexander is the most stupid person or admin w.e
drama @ foreign scene call 911 folks
there are higher ups, the esl general admins, but this guy wont give me their contact info.
Choke master Skew has choked again.
IdrA to China.
this is utterly ridiculous. could someone please put me in contact with someone who can overrule crtmn?
Whats the matter idra ? ^^;;
it could be real a nice tournamnet..
the situation i just described i have msn log of him saying newface forfeits since he disconnected twice and was offline for 15~ minutes after the last match. then in middle of match vs fraer he messages us to pause, turns out newface got back on after match started, and now crtmn demands i finish match vs newface. despite me now being 1-0 on fraer and having the msn log of him ordering me to move on to 2nd round.
so who is going to china ?
watch how this shit gets canceled and non of ur ass's goes to china
we didnt have to pay anything at all, so it wouldnt be that much of an betrayal.. but whatever D: T_T
me/iefnaij to china so far he won 2-0 in wb final
white-ra vs polish guy winner vs smuft winner vs winner fraer/advokate winner vs me
gogo smuft and white-ra~
I am really confused. every people has his own describe.
my padawan has succeeded, off to china to see ur grandparents jf
im glad jf gets to go. very mannered player and good =D
who is newface15? let's know when he finally advanced.
some days ago i checked his akas' log...and the aka before newface was draco...
is the rest being played today?
this shit that they are doing is just so wrong :O
they shouldn't be allowed to play in esl in the future.
so newbish behaviour ... pfffff idiots
hohoo... draco on china? ^^ too bad testie didn't. should have testie>smuft coz draco>smuft but smuft turns the tide n' >testie i dunno
Who is that canadian guy - iefjknalofj ?
A decent protoss user from Canada. He's not bad. Around Oldy's level, maybe a bit worse. (I don't actually know, i'm just assuming).
Draco 2-0 Iefnaij 1st bo3 Draco 2-1 Iefnaij 2nd bo3
grats dracol clearing out the LB going up the winners champion ^^
who else could go farther than that?
Korea (South)11568 Posts
i dont think it's fair to assume it's draco until we find out who's going to china. because by then i'm sure they will announce the real aka of newface15
i'd rather see Draco playing in Korea with OGN Sparkys in SPL
On April 15 2007 21:41 Alumni wrote: i'd rather see Draco playing in Korea with OGN Sparkys in SPL I think he quit
I just talk with PGL tournament manager.he saw all news about qualify in TL.Net and gosugamers,in his option,IdrA is so bad manner.
so, goodluck in BeiJing, IdrA[Media] haha, I'm not sure if I will be in BeiJing since 5.15-5.27.
NewFace15 advances to China I presume?
1. Draco is in Poland due to personal reasons. 2. Draco = NewFace15... at least atm . If he loses in the PGL final, I will say: It was Fabian ;- ) j/k
PS. Yeah, he advances "to China". Now he's SSJ lvl4.
Howcome he returned from Korea? What was the story behind it? Any idea?
Its a break. Since he's not playing any leagues, they let him go back to Poland for a while. Nice decision from OGN, but soon Draco will go back, help teammates in training and getting more skill himself ;-)
On April 14 2007 22:05 PaeZ wrote:smuft amazes me, cause he isnt active or maybe he smurfs and still plays amazing  good luck to him
Seriously, Smuft is inactive and keeps his level ? who does he play with how does he do it ?
1) u dont know how inactive he is 2) many gosu gamers dont play much but are pretty good any day ( elky, fish, nazgul, ect..) 3) if he starts playing 4 hours a day for a week after being inactive for a year he can get back in his best shape .. maybe.. 90% of what he is capable of..
someome make a replay pack come on =]
Canada9720 Posts
i saw a few recent games of smuft's pvz, and it wasn't very impressive.
after watching a lot of smuft reps in the past few days i realised that it would be good to collect them in a package
here you can download it. it includes 30 replays all of his recent games in the bw4ever tournament and in the ESL PGL qualifiers against ppl like testie, draco, mondi & co
i thought this would be a good one for my first tl.net post :D
asdf.. its my second 8[
€: fixed link
USA29055 Posts
you were right, it was a good early post! Ty.
Canada9720 Posts
sorry, where are the replays? i can't find them on that page.
Someone could make a reppack including all repls from group stage and playoffs.
On April 16 2007 10:38 Trust wrote:after watching a lot of smuft reps in the past few days i realised that it would be good to collect them in a package here you can download it. it includes 30 replays all of his recent games in the bw4ever tournament and in the ESL PGL qualifiers against ppl like testie, draco, mondi & co i thought this would be a good one for my first tl.net post :D asdf.. its my second 8[ €: fixed link
broken link 404 . can you upload it in yousendit ?
Im by no meanings a big draco fan, but isnt his micro with zealots and goons just fucking good ?? Like the early pressure vs T or pvp zeal vs probes ect.. On the other hand.. we already saw how good his micro was in wcg vs oov...
What do you guys think ? Will draco go back to korea ? Did he move there just because of his mother ?? Well lets see..
USA29055 Posts
no talent = Skew PatrickStone = CocoA
someone said about it reppack somewhere, anyone knows?