Stork still not scouting Core spinning 2nd depot at the ramp to finish the wall bunker at the nat Stork finally scouting with his first goon - wrong won't even catch the incoming scouting scv Zealot after goon, interesting Goon heading north, won't be able to deny the scv? factory in flash's main
scv ninjas past 2 goons and into the base
Stork expands. Flash has settled.
On February 11 2012 13:23 yepenaxa wrote: ok flash... if anyone can pull this...
Fantasy did it against Jangbi too, to give credit where it's due^^ Seems like he's getting away with it oO
Flash with a successful 14cc. Stork in big trouble now.
Dinotoss > puny sword toss.... awww yeah
On February 11 2012 13:22 soujiro_ wrote: flash 14cc stork has to win with carriers now :p
flash is so smart. that bunker and scv stall
SCV comes in to see stork's nex warping in at the nat - sees everything of importance in the main too - and gets away alive? wow... Goon range done, 2 goons bombarding
stork lets the SCV escape...sloppy
Flash adding starport, getting machine shop maybe vulture drop?
very unorthodox of u flash
iu, seungah, yura, taeyeon, hyosung, lizzy, suji, sojin, jia, ji eun, eunji, soya, younha, jiyeon, fiestar, sinb, jung myung hoon godtier. BW FOREVERR
wtf was that scv doing. how does he do stuff like that
SCV gets into the main, but a goon is going to nullify it Nexus is warping in for Stork Two goons hammering away at teh bunker First fact is up, machine shop on the way, starport too 3 goons hammering away, 4th looks to be coming also Nat for Stork is going to kick in soon, robo is up also