On August 15 2011 19:22 Sawamura wrote: that would be awesome if cj sent leta ;D more tvt
No.... that WON'T be awesome :D 2 TvT is more than enough. edit: But I have to say, both TvT's were kind of good, I hate those "1 hour - no one is doing anything but building BC and wait - ends up with a draw" - TvT 's
Let's go, Bogus. Show the world what you got.
Anything but more Terran >< Movie for the 0-2 all kill, 4-2
On August 15 2011 19:19 KTF_CloaK wrote: CJ should send Where now and make him 12hatch LOL
oh them sweet tears
it's Where to 2 hatch muta allin on Icarus
I am dissapointed Cj sending neither of their top5 players.
Damn Bogus Gosu. Soon SC2 fans will start saying. "ohhhhhh i wish bogus would hurry up and switch" XD
Where vs BOgus Where blue zerg at 6 Bogus yellow terran at 8
On August 15 2011 19:19 KTF_CloaK wrote: Bogus all kill ezpz CJ should send Where now and make him 12hatch LOL CALLED IT YEAH
p: stats, horang2, free, jangbi z: soulkey, zero, shine, hydra t: leta, hiya, sea
Stx cup is like the cup where everyone plays standard.
Bogus depot at the nat choke LOL KTF_CloaK called it; Where 12 hatch 14 cc?
How the fuck is calling a 12 hatch hard?
Yup, looks like 14 cc from Bogus, Wall in completed Where's pool is complete Micro that drone!;; Lair morphing 2nd rax for Bogus
Whats up with josul stream? Why so good quality?
so many cute girls in the audience <3333.
lings just snipe scv scout, nice
p: stats, horang2, free, jangbi z: soulkey, zero, shine, hydra t: leta, hiya, sea
why does the zerg take the bottom left instead of the bottom right? wouldnt it be better if the base was farther from the terran base?