On August 12 2011 21:40 Cheeseburgered wrote: so making small mistakes until the end = playing worse than an amateur who doesn't even play pro matches
Well doh, he had game given to him by that push, which is designed to push into something like 2gate obs 3rd nexus, not 2base 4gate...it'd be stoppable just fine even by 3gate obs\3rd nexus. That's NOT small mistakes. It's fine to lose units to mines occasionaly, but not that early into the game. It's not fine to not scout 3rd CC while having observers and shuttle flying around. It's not fine to float resources in a progame. It's not fine to lack probes. It's not fine to let terran push into highground and siege up your 4th. Forgetting HTs is meh, not game ending, but also does not help. Couple of such mistakes are game ending against top tier pro in even game, and after having the win handed to Jangbi by that failed push he had to screw up a looooot to lose it. Which he did.
On August 12 2011 21:38 DropBear wrote: I've never seen Flash lose against Carriers. Ever.
Why would you do it? He just doesn't lose to it.
Kal has beaten him with carriers, Shuttle too IIRC ^^
Jangbi beat Flash with Carriers on destination if I remember correctly.
But I agree with Dropbear, don't go carriers vs Flash.
It's easier to just macro him to death with lots and lots of goons, zealots and HT with some arbiter support. P macro is pretty imba when done right. Carriers... don't work a lot these days.
Absolutely, Best styled out-macro the macro-king Flash.
Flash's defense of the 2 reaver 4 lot drop was impeccable this game though. Always retreating to not let the reavers get off a shot. I think Flash traded 1 tank for 4 lots there, plus all the resources that went into getting the tech for that drop.
flash made a mistake early in the game by pushing too early. Jangbi lost three dragoons needlessly to mines. FLash then made a mistake by losing too many vultures in an attempt to harasss the 4th base of Janbi. But as always, Flash like a beast out-positions Janbi by using mines to delay Jangbi's defense of the fourth Base. Flash then uses like 3 siege tanks to take out Jangbi's 4th base and uses the rest of his unit to hold off Janbi's Dragoon/Zealot and templar composition. Carriers came late.
I thought Janbi was a little Too late with carriers. He could have pushed a earlier to avoid the massive goliath counter by flash
Jangbi let himself fall behind with many choices that didn't pay off, including a rather slow rate of expansion with the cute double shuttle double reaver drop that didn't pay off. He never put together a ground army that could threaten Flash's metal.
On August 12 2011 21:42 kuroshiroi wrote: Carriers... don't work a lot these days.
i think you've just been watching too much bisu
Carriers worked for a while, then terrans started preparing against carriers again and now they don't work any more. The recent carrier period only lasted for a few months and now it's over, imao.
*My point being, Flash was screwed after the failed push, and he took a huge gamble with that 3rd CC, there were no means for protecting it for a really long time. He did a good job distracting with the vultures but it was on Jangbi to screw up. After that CC and a bunch of factories went up for free, the game only got even - that's how big of a lead Jangbi had. Then P screwed up some more and lost, hooray.