I don't know who to root for.
Even though I am using the SKT icon. I am really a Super KT Flash fan.
Four days? Then it will be on Friday, Friday, getting down on Friday. Fun Fun Fun Fun.
Reach is bringing the sexy back...
and then some.
On April 05 2011 13:32 LunarDestiny wrote:I don't know who to root for. Even though I am using the SKT icon. I am really a Super KT Flash fan. Four days? Then it will be on Friday, Friday, getting down on Friday. Fun Fun Fun Fun.
Well ya... It will be Friday at ur place and Saturday in Korea.
Saturday Saturday Getting Down on Staurdaaaayyyy, gonna watch some winners league and paaarrty, paarrty Saturday Saturday, gonna get down on Saturdaaaaaa-aaayy, I just can't wait, 'till the weee--eeeek end!
OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE SO EPIC! kt is gonna take this though flash hwaiting!
8 pages of hype does not do this justice.
Fuck me  I have to get up 7 in the morning ... on a friday , wich is usually my day off but it will be worth it !
No really, of ALL the two top teams to make it to WL finals there couldn't be a more HYPE finals! I'M SO PUMPED!
10387 Posts
is disciple making a new banner for almost every day leading up to this o_o
this is gonna be great. I hope it goes to 7 game.
Wow, that banner is so nice. Reach looking so boss in a suit!
soooooooo excited, been looking for it on the calendar for who knows how long
On April 05 2011 16:05 Path wrote: Wow, that banner is so nice. Reach looking so boss in a suit! + Show Spoiler +
Bisutopia19161 Posts
8 pages of hype already. No matter how good KT is I have this feeling they just won't have a chance.
Gonna be awesome finals! I love Bisu, Fantasy, Flash and Action.
I really should be enjoying this, if only JD Oz won. Anyway bisu and fanta gayness still here. And anything but that terran in kt. I saw bisu the past few days cozying up with them carriers LOL!
Agghhh soo torn D: I love SKT but Reach I can never root against the mantoss D: Fuck it Go Go Reach with the biggest upset of all time all killing SKT in the finals!!! that is my predication and I'm sticking to it!
hoping for either reach or yellow appearance
SKT usually saves best for flash
OHHH MAAAYY GAAAHD!! so pumped up for this! epic banner as always finale!