On December 13 2010 20:08 Doraemon wrote: gorush needs some plagues it'd help a lot
dts killing drones at gorush's new 6th as sairs drive awa the OL
dt/zealot/goon army walking over gorush's zealots N of center
and gorush's bunched hydra get all stormed and don't dodge
Canada8028 Posts
3 DTs being baller and one shotting lurkers.
Gorush's micro is sooo bad.
Looks like Reach is going to take this.
almost pure crackling against goon/templar/zealot you can guess how well that attack went
sairs working on some ol's
but more hydraling appears and finishes off reach's roaming army
On December 13 2010 20:10 kuroshiroi wrote: Looks like Reach is going to take this. You watching a different game?
map is almost split, more of a waiting game than anything now
reach is in a pretty bad position now
reach seems to fall apart now
one dt still hiding in the left of gorush's 6th
reach's army is actually pretty tiny now wtf - ol there, lings nearby and the DT at 6.5 nets a few more kills (10 total) before dying
lots of cracklings attacking reach's 6th and 3rd simulteanously
finally a swarm to support the ling attack on 5
reach's 3rd (depleted) destroyed
2 suicide storms by templar against lings
reach losing his 5th
gorush might take this
nice harass by gorush shuts down 9 and 12
This is over. Outmacroed
or gorush can launch an awesome attack and take out 2 nex's
I wonder how much money Reach has right now...
On December 13 2010 20:10 kuroshiroi wrote: Looks like Reach is going to take this. Never mind, GoRush just remade his army and killed two of Reach's bases.
gorush was never behind, reach's probe saturation on 5 bases was like that on 3 bases
reach's probe saturation was never complete at most of his bases - is that why?
gorush expanding to 12.5, dt swiping
another drop in reach's main - pure ling storms helping reduce the drop numbers but some survive to attack gateways
mass hydraling heading towards reach's nat
Croatia9476 Posts
His hair is not full grown yet. That's why he lost...
What happened to Reach's macro in the end there? He still had a decent econ, but it seemed like almost no units were popping out.