On November 27 2010 00:08 Lightwip wrote:
Also, the Bisu haters are becoming more vocal nowadays.
In all honesty, it makes me kinda sad to see people hate Bisu. He is the one protoss in the entire history of BW that actually take titles(Stork=King of Silver T_T). It's pretty painful to see people bashing the only one that has a chance, and he's the only champion of his race that isn't consistent until the end of time. It's understandable if you like someone else more, but it pains me to see people hate the only chance a protoss player has at winning leagues.
That being said, I really hope Stork makes me proud somehow. Maybe he can play Thailand Emulator on his cellphone before the finals.
Also, the Bisu haters are becoming more vocal nowadays.
In all honesty, it makes me kinda sad to see people hate Bisu. He is the one protoss in the entire history of BW that actually take titles(Stork=King of Silver T_T). It's pretty painful to see people bashing the only one that has a chance, and he's the only champion of his race that isn't consistent until the end of time. It's understandable if you like someone else more, but it pains me to see people hate the only chance a protoss player has at winning leagues.
That being said, I really hope Stork makes me proud somehow. Maybe he can play Thailand Emulator on his cellphone before the finals.
Most of us aren't Starcraft racists or massive fanboys of any player. We just want to see good games. Yeah its actually really sad that Bisu got knocked out before he could play Flash, Jaedong or Stork and show some amazing games since his play has improved greatly.
That said...Bisu haters are there because of the fanboys. Basically the last thread was filled with fanboys telling Shine to prepare his ass because Bisu was going to rape him hard (people literally posted this shit). Despite knowing Shine will never show really amazing games, the schadenfreude I felt seeing the amount of fanboy rage after Bisu lost 2-0 was enough to comfort me.
On November 27 2010 00:25 KasPra wrote:
Hey uh, im kinda wondering here... whats the point of hating a player? I mean i can understand when you know someone well and he is a douchebag but hating on someone you only see on your computer screen every once in a while and know absolutely NOTHING about him? In my opinion all the pro BW players are at least partly awesome because they are amazingly good at the game I love. I dont see ANY reason at all to say stuff like "fuck you shine you fucking dick" or "im so glad bisu lost" It seems like people who say that kind of stuff have some nasty mental conditions or just really low IQ's. It's a tournament - players probably play to win, no?
Hey uh, im kinda wondering here... whats the point of hating a player? I mean i can understand when you know someone well and he is a douchebag but hating on someone you only see on your computer screen every once in a while and know absolutely NOTHING about him? In my opinion all the pro BW players are at least partly awesome because they are amazingly good at the game I love. I dont see ANY reason at all to say stuff like "fuck you shine you fucking dick" or "im so glad bisu lost" It seems like people who say that kind of stuff have some nasty mental conditions or just really low IQ's. It's a tournament - players probably play to win, no?
Fanboys will be fanboys. Why do hate on other game consoles like the Wii or why to computer enthusiasts literally explode with rage the minute they see people supporting Apple? Its all irrational.