On August 28 2010 19:25 alffla wrote: umm so how is zerg supposed to defend this ..stuff Make units instead of double expanding as soon as the hydras were at Flash's front.
Is SC2 to blame for everyone calling stuff imbalanced when it's one-sided?
On August 28 2010 19:25 SC2Phoenix wrote: +1 Armor push was pretty random.
Why? It is like saying getting +1 carapace vs +1 zealots random, it is to neglect the +1 Range attack that zergs ALWAYS get
For a moment during the match I thought JD was going to go all-in hydra (and win against pure goliath) but the hydra stopped coming...
so bad so bad play by JD, he looks completely out of the game, look at him, its like he's deadly tired
It's like a 3 hatch hydra bust in ZvP...there's really no way to scout it. You just have to have game sense and get lucky.
Personally I thought Jaedong should have 5 pooled or 9 pooled since odd eye is such a favorable map for 14cc.
Ok, I don't understand BW. When I saw JD skipping mutas and going pure hydras I thought its gonna be one sided JD rape, but wtf goliath? Can somebody explain THIS to me?
Jd was planning his own timing attack too .. he had upgrades otw.. but flash's push came too early
I hope we can at least get ONE epic competitive game out of this.
I'd love to see a 5th game right about now.
Looks like Flash might just have the most successful year of starcraft ever. Let's see if it's Effort all over again, though.
i dont understand this, i fail to see what flash does to win these games
jd was 4bases vs 2 bases, jd harrased with mutas etc, and just lost in 10 minute push game 2 same exact thing, 10 minute push nothing to do with same food count?
this final is just about as boring as IEM finals, not fun to watch at all.
Russian Federation37 Posts
this is like flash vs stork all over again
It would make me extremely happy if JD 4 pools to beat Flash's 13cc next game.
Flash, be sure to thank forGG in your interview ROFL!
Cutting SCVs, no detection, splendid push. This is a BO5, this was a great game from Flash. But saying that Jaedong played bad is just stupid. All JDs losses looks like stupid losses because he's walking the thin line - we all know how good it looks when he succeeds which is more often than not.
T_T though, GIVE ME GAME 5!
well 3-0 to Flash
going to bed
waiting for a blackout now...
On August 28 2010 19:26 Doraemon wrote: so how do you defend mass goliath early/mid game? =/
he should have muta harassed T's base so he can have time expand/mass hydra with ups>mass gols without tanks.
On August 28 2010 19:26 Sinensis wrote: Did anyone see the spire in the replay? JD was researching air armor at the same time as ground armor. He was getting ground attack.
Poor JD. He said he practiced all he could but he is just getting mindgame raped by timing pushes I feel glad for Flash but this is heartbreaking.