Mutas on the attack! the take out the turrets and marines. valk on the run from scourge.
Scourge eventually die before they can kill the valk, but this bought it a lot of time to wreak havoc.
Meanwhile mutas are reinforced with more of them, they take out the valk! fantasy's main is mostly undefended, except for 1 turret and a few marines.
this is brilliant by calm
and nice holds by fantasy too
Irradiate owns the muta stack!
Calm still adding more mutas Fantasy has so few mnm
first irradiate - tons of damage on the mutas, horrible split.
too much gas for calm, waaay to many muta/scourge for fantasy to be able to win with marine-valk. oh but a NICE irradiate hits those mutas hard
Another irradiate on the mutas
Fantasy holding on by a thread
4 vulture runby into Clam's main - no defense!
Is it me or is this looking bad for Fant?
great all-in. My respect for Calm just increased.
4 speedvults run by the nat, 3 make it into the main, annihilating almost all the drones there before Calm pulls
Fantay's vultures doing what Fantasy's vultures do. Sooooooo many drones dead.
Fantasy got another nice irradiate but lose his vessel. vultures rape alot of drones and force mutas back to defend. now killing drones at the nat
how did calm just pull drones. insanely late. reaction time of a D+ zerg...
LOl at this point Calm is almost mining no minerals since he has no mineral drones anywhere but at his nat now
mutas brought back to finish off the vultures
Calm coming in for another wave on the main. irras on the mutas though and a bad split, mutas are damaged.
Nevertheless,mutas come back for more. Another irrad, another bad split, lots of dead mutas.
vulture runby into calm's base. Those 4 vultures got 8 drones. Marine got another 1.
Calm committing to the Muta cloud?
Fantasy has 2 vessels and more mnm than he's had all game now though
fantasy ready for mutas now lol. 2 vessels with irradiate and shitloads of mnm
No way Calm will be able to stop this big 2 vessel +1 bio ball with just mutas. Not looking good for him.
clam shud stop going mutas......lurkers please?