I'm happy both if they make it or not. If they make it : more Jaedong games. If they don't: more time for Jaedong to practice for the individual leagues/rest.
On June 20 2010 06:12 shalafi wrote: 1 game. They have to go at least 6-1
I'm happy both if they make it or not. If they make it : more Jaedong games. If they don't: more time for Jaedong to practice for the individual leagues/rest.
Actually they could theoretically, but very unlikely, make it even if they go 5-2 (possibly even 4-3, but that would be so ridiculously circumstantial it's not even funny). Likewise even if they go 7-0 they are not guaranteed a spot if they get unlucky with other teams results.
Haha Hwaseung House! You should've mentioned something about HiyA rapin' ForGGs face every time they meet lol...
Anyways, I think Oz has a pretty good shot at the playoffs, HiyA needs to step up a bit but he's doing a great job so far. Between Lomo cheese, Backho's occasional brilliantly lucky strategies, and maybe even a dash of Princess and Perfectman to win a game or sacrifice to a higher caliber player, I think they'll make it. Just stop sending Killer. Please Coach Cho. For my heart's sake.
A 6-1 finish doesn't mean they will make the playoffs at all. OZ is currently in 9th place with a record of 23-25 and need to place 6th or better to qualify for the playoffs. 6th place is currently held by CJ with a record of 26-23.
If they go 6-1 like shalafi suggests and CJ goes 3-3 they would be tied for 6th assuming that Stars and Khan (7th and 8th place) don't do 6-1 or better themselves. In that case CJ would still advance since they have more points in terms of individual win/losses. It's a longshot for OZ to advance, they have to go at least 6-1 and CJ 2-4 for any chance and more likely 7-0, in which case the other teams still have to screw up.
Either way, I'm hoping OZ does it and the other teams fail.
On June 20 2010 09:15 jiabung wrote: A note on Playoff Chances:
A 6-1 finish doesn't mean they will make the playoffs at all. OZ is currently in 9th place with a record of 23-25 and need to place 6th or better to qualify for the playoffs. 6th place is currently held by CJ with a record of 26-23.
If they go 6-1 like shalafi suggests and CJ goes 3-3 they would be tied for 6th assuming that Stars and Khan (7th and 8th place) don't do 6-1 or better themselves. In that case CJ would still advance since they have more points in terms of individual win/losses. It's a longshot for OZ to advance, they have to go at least 6-1 and CJ 2-4 for any chance and more likely 7-0, in which case the other teams still have to screw up.
Either way, I'm hoping OZ does it and the other teams fail.
If Oz go 6-1 and CJ go 3-3 it's not too unlikely that Oz will have a better differential though, as they are only of by 9 at the moment. Still it is true that Oz are depending on other teams to be able to proceed no matter how well they do.
On June 20 2010 09:43 Antoine wrote: Excellent LR thread. Definitely a winnable match for Oz, hoping they send Princess and he can nab a win.
It's not to hard to just tab up all of them from the OP is it?
Considering Oz has to go 3-2 most of the time, if they do reach a point where they get in or out depending on total game record, it wouldn't be too good.
Yes, if Oz ties CJ for for wins, CJ has the edge with less losses and more indivdual game wins. So if CJ wins 3 games that means Oz has to go 7-0. If CJ wins 2 out of 6 then 6-1 is enough for Oz. Stars is another player of competition, if Stars go 5-1 in their last 6 games they beat Oz regardless of how many wins Oz gets, and if they go 4-2 Oz has to go 7-0... So ultimately it is up to CJ and Stars loosing their games but Hiya and other players need to get wins too. The rest of the other teams are safe unless they lose every single game and the teams in 6-8th win like all of them.
I was just thinking about how JD makes ZvT seem imba instead of the other way around. Then one dropship, which he noticed pretty much as fast as possible, takes out JD's expo.
I think really played ok, he predicted where JD would place his third and took out some lurkers nicely, and took his dropship on the safest route to JDs base, but JD always had a fallback strategy for everything Really did and he just responded well overall.
That was ZvT at its best. Really didn't even play that badly that game, Jaedong was just too good. He was defending all over the place, preventing the Terran from expanding, and flanking and dwindling down the Terran's army at the center of the map. Amazing multitasking and control everywhere. Watching that game made me so happy after all the pathetic ZvT games we've seen lately with the zergs getting completely raped.
Let's pray that we don't get a repeat of the last Oz game with Jaedong taking out the opponent's Ace and then the rest of the team failing...
On June 20 2010 14:05 ZeaL. wrote: Hiya building up a pretty massive tank force. Action plagues ALL of the vessel cloud, hopefully he capitalizes on that.
On June 20 2010 14:11 InTheFade wrote: Hyvaa actually playing really well??
Yeah, he is. His play slipped a little five minutes or so ago but he's been winning a lot of battles. Hiya is still in it because of a lot of well-placed irradiates mostly.
On June 20 2010 14:16 Vivi57 wrote: wow, kentor goes back to this and hyvaa has 2/3 of the map
what happened hiya
Hyvaa was already ahead back then. Either Hiya's defending well or hyvaa doesn't know how to finish or this is another case of a Terran refusing to die.
i liked hyvaa's early/mid game play.... and he didn't waste more resources on ultralisks that weren't effective... instead switched to ling hydra def >_<
What a fucking hero. HiyA was literally behind from like the 9minute mark on and he still pulls it out. I'm just in awe, baller baller TvZ. Very recommended
Well played by hyvaa. The map having a bazillion expos really worked in his favor but apparently its not enough to beat a Terran that manages to take another main. He probably should've tried a doom drop in Hiya's main.
hehe, I liked the Bio play up top and mech play at the bottom. Hiya was pretty much waaayy behind after that first ling surround that took out Hiya's early mnm army, but somehow survived, thanks to great vessel usage and hyvaa throwing units at him for free.
On June 20 2010 14:25 bh. wrote: this is like the worst game ever lol
You serious?
Would you really sit through that again?
Knowing the result, I'm not sure if it's worth it. It's just an example of how to get an advantage and then allow your opponent to win.
I suppose you are right. I'm a diehard OZ fan though so my heart was pumping the whole time. Also a lot of the battles were of epic proportion ;-) And watching the OZ team's expressions change as they realize Hiya's starting to come back is pretty funny too
On June 20 2010 14:25 bh. wrote: this is like the worst game ever lol
You serious?
Would you really sit through that again?
Knowing the result, I'm not sure if it's worth it. It's just an example of how to get an advantage and then allow your opponent to win.
I suppose you are right. I'm a diehard OZ fan though so my heart was pumping the whole time. Also a lot of the battles were of epic proportion ;-) And watching the OZ team's expressions change as they realize Hiya's starting to come back is pretty funny too
haha exactly. This is like a great game to watch live just because its funny etc. but most of that is lost when watching next day. additionally gameplay was extremely sloppy by both players
Anybody else have problems with viewing myst's stream? All I get is a black screen with that loading circle going on forever. The other ones work fine for me.
I don't know why Classic picked the last two proleague matches to get jittery with his marine micro. The bunker rush really shouldn't have failed, knowing how good his play can be.
On June 20 2010 15:35 TwoToneTerran wrote: Fucking hell how does Killer ever win
Being a ultra aggressive all in zerg? You won't win all the time as one, but you'll win like 50% of games since your opponent misreads your plans.
Hyuk's figured it out too. You can be completely awful but if you don't bother trying for hive tech and spam mutalisks/lurkers/zerglings/hydralisks, you'll win a large number of games simply because you'll be able to outproduce a player, by a stupidly massive amount as zerg, when he is gearing for the late game.
On June 20 2010 15:35 TwoToneTerran wrote: Fucking hell how does Killer ever win
Being a ultra aggressive all in zerg? You won't win all the time as one, but you'll win like 50% of games since your opponent misreads your plans.
Hyuk's figured it out too. You can be completely awful but if you don't bother trying for hive tech and spam mutalisks/lurkers/zerglings/hydralisks, you'll win a large number of games simply because you'll be able to outproduce a player, by a stupidly massive amount as zerg, when he is gearing for the late game.
Wait what? If by aggressive, you mean aggressive expanding, yes that's what Killer did. But where the hell did you get "all-in" from in this game?
On June 20 2010 15:35 TwoToneTerran wrote: Fucking hell how does Killer ever win
Being a ultra aggressive all in zerg? You won't win all the time as one, but you'll win like 50% of games since your opponent misreads your plans.
Hyuk's figured it out too. You can be completely awful but if you don't bother trying for hive tech and spam mutalisks/lurkers/zerglings/hydralisks, you'll win a large number of games simply because you'll be able to outproduce a player, by a stupidly massive amount as zerg, when he is gearing for the late game.
Are you retarded? It was classic who bunker rushed and then proceeded to get steamrolled when killer went hive tech.
On June 20 2010 15:35 TwoToneTerran wrote: Fucking hell how does Killer ever win
Being a ultra aggressive all in zerg? You won't win all the time as one, but you'll win like 50% of games since your opponent misreads your plans.
Hyuk's figured it out too. You can be completely awful but if you don't bother trying for hive tech and spam mutalisks/lurkers/zerglings/hydralisks, you'll win a large number of games simply because you'll be able to outproduce a player, by a stupidly massive amount as zerg, when he is gearing for the late game.
Are you retarded? It was classic who bunker rushed and then proceeded to get steamrolled when killer went hive tech.
:D so proud of killer and hope OZ can somehow 3-0 CJ!
On June 20 2010 15:35 TwoToneTerran wrote: Fucking hell how does Killer ever win
Being a ultra aggressive all in zerg? You won't win all the time as one, but you'll win like 50% of games since your opponent misreads your plans.
Hyuk's figured it out too. You can be completely awful but if you don't bother trying for hive tech and spam mutalisks/lurkers/zerglings/hydralisks, you'll win a large number of games simply because you'll be able to outproduce a player, by a stupidly massive amount as zerg, when he is gearing for the late game.
did we watch the same game? cuz i'm pretty sure classic bunker rushed then got his ass handed to him.
Hopefully Oz keeps winning so that the last few weeks of proleague are more interesting. But I really feel like Khan has a better shot to overtake CJ than Oz. But we shall see. See we shall. Shall we see?
Whoever is handling the OP needs to make some polls for the recommended games.
In my opinion, game 1 is totally worth watching as an example of how S-class ZvT is done. Considering how one-sided ZvT has been looking lately, Jaedong's ability to completely rape most Terrans is really astounding.
On June 20 2010 16:27 Yxes2211 wrote: Next week we have CJ :p JD should be able to take out Effort at least once, his JvZ is back.
We can pull this off if Hiya plays consistent.
CJ has too many good players. I think Hiya is going to be the deciding factor. I really don't see Killer, Lomo, BackHo, PerfectMan being able to score a win against CJ's deep lineup.
On June 20 2010 16:27 Yxes2211 wrote: Next week we have CJ :p JD should be able to take out Effort at least once, his JvZ is back.
We can pull this off if Hiya plays consistent.
CJ has too many good players. I think Hiya is going to be the deciding factor. I really don't see Killer, Lomo, BackHo, PerfectMan being able to score a win against CJ's deep lineup.
On June 20 2010 16:27 Yxes2211 wrote: Next week we have CJ :p JD should be able to take out Effort at least once, his JvZ is back.
We can pull this off if Hiya plays consistent.
CJ has too many good players. I think Hiya is going to be the deciding factor. I really don't see Killer, Lomo, BackHo, PerfectMan being able to score a win against CJ's deep lineup.
On June 20 2010 15:35 TwoToneTerran wrote: Fucking hell how does Killer ever win
Being a ultra aggressive all in zerg? You won't win all the time as one, but you'll win like 50% of games since your opponent misreads your plans.
Hyuk's figured it out too. You can be completely awful but if you don't bother trying for hive tech and spam mutalisks/lurkers/zerglings/hydralisks, you'll win a large number of games simply because you'll be able to outproduce a player, by a stupidly massive amount as zerg, when he is gearing for the late game.