On November 30 2009 03:11 skronch wrote: i think oz has a good chance of bringing this to ace: jaedong will win his game and hiya/skyhigh and killer/movie are both tossups. it's once again only a question of which poor soul coach cho chooses to sacrifice for set 5 again...
Killer-Movie is a tossup?... you must A) be delusional or B) have not seen any of Killer's recent games Killler is 2-7 in proleague, and one win was a ZvZ win against hogil, he of the 20% ZvZ win rate
On November 30 2009 00:09 nayumi wrote: (1) Hiya > Skyhigh:
Skyhigh isn't himself lately. Of course deep down he's still a TvT monster, but like Rachel Dawes once said "It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you". If Hiya doesn't make silly mistakes, he can definitely take this. I don't think Skyhigh can get out of his current slump by tomorrow.
(2) Savior > Jaedong:
No explanation needed. Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the many Jaedong fanboys as well, but the idea of Savior beating Jaedong is just too good to not hope for.
(3) Effort > Perfectman:
Seriously? Perfectman? Against Effort?
CJ will take this 3-0.
If it comes down to the forth game, however,
(4) Movie > Killer: Movie just lost to hero yesterday, but hero is quite a ZvP expert (isn't he? He took down Bisu). Killer, on the other hand, is Oz's ACE!!! So it's only logical that Movie will trash Killer.
If this goes to ace (which i doubt), I doubt Oz will send out Jaedong, maybe we'll get to see Hiya or Lomo on Match Point. As for CJ, I think it's gonna be Movie.
You do know Skyhigh's on CJ, right? Your predictions make no sense.
Savior can only win if he basically all-ins with zerglings.
If jaedong goes 12 hatch this game he is an absolute moron for not understanding how the game is basically over the second his first muta gets in the air.
On November 30 2009 00:09 nayumi wrote: (1) Hiya > Skyhigh:
Skyhigh isn't himself lately. Of course deep down he's still a TvT monster, but like Rachel Dawes once said "It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you". If Hiya doesn't make silly mistakes, he can definitely take this. I don't think Skyhigh can get out of his current slump by tomorrow.
(2) Savior > Jaedong:
No explanation needed. Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the many Jaedong fanboys as well, but the idea of Savior beating Jaedong is just too good to not hope for.
(3) Effort > Perfectman:
Seriously? Perfectman? Against Effort?
CJ will take this 3-0.
If it comes down to the forth game, however,
(4) Movie > Killer: Movie just lost to hero yesterday, but hero is quite a ZvP expert (isn't he? He took down Bisu). Killer, on the other hand, is Oz's ACE!!! So it's only logical that Movie will trash Killer.
If this goes to ace (which i doubt), I doubt Oz will send out Jaedong, maybe we'll get to see Hiya or Lomo on Match Point. As for CJ, I think it's gonna be Movie.
You do know Skyhigh's on CJ, right? Your predictions make no sense.
: / he just switched up the placing
i really doubt he was confused
the predictions said CJ 3-0 when he had skyhigh losing
anyway i hope everything goes according to predictions CJ fighting!
Let's look at likely candidates for CJ to send on Fighting Spirit.
With a sensible choice of Skyhigh on Moon Glaive and Effort on Outsider, this map was Savior's best chance to avoid zerg. And Jaedong was pretty much a sure bet on either Outsider or Tornado.
Considering this evidence and the previous OZ ace selections, the only logical conclusion is that Coach Cho's decisions are made by magic 8 ball.