Hi, guys! Thanks for joining this OZ vs SKT pre-match interview. I'm shooting straight the question - Boxer is in the SKT line up. What do you think about that?
fanatacist: Basically SKT T1 is telling Hwaseung "Look, we know you only have 1 good player on your team, so there's no point in fielding our whole A-team against you." Don't get me wrong, Boxer is the shit and I expect a great game - but we all know he's not up to par with the current macro/micro multitasking requirements. SKT T1 shows that its priorities are in order, with the audience's desires constantly kept in mind. Having Boxer in the line-up is the best morale booster there can be in this game, because you are standing shoulder-to-shoulder with a legend before and after your match. Also his match is against Killer, and with Boxer's career TvZ rate still being 63% despite the time spent on ACE and generally out of practice, I actually expect him to win. Atrioc: I think its gonna mean a pretty damn hostile crowd for Hwaseung - and not just on Teamliquid. The studio is gonna be jam packed with Boxer fans and the negative energy towards Coach Cho & Co. is gonna be pretty palpable. However - time will tell whether this is simply a publicity stunt or if The Emperor actually deserved to get on the lineup over Best, Canata, etc. - if not, the crowd energy wont matter very much with an easy set win for Killer.
Hyuk has been on fire lately, what are your thoughts about his match up against Jaedong?
fanatacist: Hyuk will certainly be trying to prove that his game in SPL finals not too long ago wasn't a fluke. Jaedong will be putting on his angry mode and will be determined to prove that it was. Statistically I'd have to give it to Jaedong, but the fact remains that Hyuk IS on fire. I think it will be a close match, closer than most would anticipate or at least would have anticipated 3 months ago - and Hyuk taking the game is a definite possibility. Atrioc: He's got no chance. Next question.
Which game will be the most important for the overall victory?
fanatacist: Although every game is important to a final vicory, I think that Boxer's game against Killer will be a deciding factor both numerically and in terms of team spirit. Bisu's game is in the bag, as is fantasy's. The only question marks are Boxer's and Hyuk's. Assuming that the smart man's money is on Jaedong and Jaedong wins, then the pressure will be on Boxer to win the match - if he wins it, SKT T1 will win the set 3-1, no questions asked. Given the mediocrity of the opposing player team, I can see Boxer pulling out a victory and sealing the deal. Closely following this match in importance is Hyuk vs. Jaedong. Hyuk's victory would be the deathblow to any chance OZ has of beating T1, a chance that was slim at best to begin with. Atrioc: Boxer vs Killer is going to be pretty important - winning that would just be such a morale booster for T1 that if any game could turn the tide, that would be it. Lomo vs Fantasy is going to be pretty important too - Fantasy is obviously the favorite, but Lomo took him down last time in a very solid TvT on Shades. Theres nothing to suggest he cant do it again this time.
Fighting Spirits seems like a protoss map so far. Whats your prediction about the possible ace match. Can we expect for sure another clash of Bisu and Jaedong?
fanatacist: It's hard to be certain of any ace match nowadays, given the awkward choices made by teams all across the board since the start of this season. However, I have to agree with this prediction - SKT T1 will use the availability of an S-class Protoss to take full advantage of the map, and OZ really has no reasonable option but Jaedong should they get lucky enough to make it to ace. Although it seems that fantasy has been the sniper of choice against Jaedong for SKT T1, as evidenced by the SPL finals, I have full confidence in Bisu curbstomping Jaedong, especially given the map. I also have full confidence in the flowing tears of every OZ fan when the only player they can't complain about loses miserably to Bisu. Expect a lot of bitter words to be uttered from OZ and maybe a few new signatures hoisting the flying logo of T1 after this match. Atrioc: Well since it seems Hwaseung wised up after the Killer ace match fiasco - Jaedong is almost assuredly going to be Hwaseung's ace, especially in a hyped match like this. The real question is whether T1 is going to send Bisu - its certainly an exciting possibility that would turn the already high hype meter on this matchup to the max. We'll have to wait and see on this one.
Who are the Kings Of The Proleague?
fanatacist: I feel bad for Atrioc because of this question. Can anyone legitimately say that OZ is the "King" of Proleague right now? SKT T1 took the trophy back home a few short months ago; this question's answer is self-evident, regardless of recent wins or losses made by any team. Only a fool would try to convince people that OZ is #1, and only a greater fool would believe him.In terms of what player is the "King" of Proleague, I would have to go with Bisu. Although it's impressive that Jaedong had the most wins title shared with Flash last season, the only reason for that was because Bisu got cheated of his last win (because of SKT T1's choice to send Boxer). Besides that, he has to share an ace position with fantasy, which effectively halves his games played in this past season. While it is also impressive that Jaedong carried his pathetic team all the way to finals, that is like a professional runner being commended for running with an anchor tied to his back - it didn't give him the win, it looks ridiculous, and he is basically being tooled by his team. I fully believe that if Bisu had as many opportunities to play as Jaedong, he would have easily taken the #1 MVP position last season. This season, that spot is his, and will be when the final tally of wins is counted. Atrioc: I'f your talking rightful kings - Hwaseung Oz.
Say something about the other guy?
fanatacist: Atrioc I really like your Hwaseung House cartoons, you managed to capture the essence of the team very well. Jaedong is Cinderella, BackHo, ggaemo, and Lomo, are evil step-sisters that have no talents and do no work of their own but constantly pick on Jaedong, and OZ's coach is the stepmother. Basically, everyone on the team isn't worth the dirt they stand on except Jaedong, but Jaedong gets worked so hard that he will surely crack soon and murder them all. Hwaseung House also fully captures the comedic futility of any effort the team makes towards SPL championship - every player whose name does not start with Jae and does not end in Dong is incapable of winning, and even Jaedong himself choked when it mattered most. I admire your steadfast dedication to this team considering every time they have a match you must endure their laughable attempts at winning that they try to pass off as StarCraft strategy. If you get tired of shedding tears, you are welcome in the T1 House, but please take a shower and prove your sanity before you enter. No normal person could have chosen OZ as his favorite team, and if they did then they certainly can't be sane after the trials a fan of Hwaseung must endure. Atrioc: Fana's awesome but has to face two obvious truths: Oz is gonna win this game and Rutgers is going down in CSL. Down.
Thank you for you time ! Last words?
fanatacist: I was thinking of saying "when SKT T1 wins 3-0, don't be surprised," but I realized that no one would be surprised anyway. It goes without saying that when shooting fish in a barrel, the fish rarely have a chance of winning. This is like that. Atrioc: This is going to be a fun victory - I wish we didn't have to take down Boxer to get it (any other team and I would be rooting for him), but such is Starcraft. Hoping for a Bisu/Jaedong ace match.
(Z)Hyuk < Heartbreak Ridge > (Z)Jaedong Jaedong should win. Of course this is ZvZ where BO losses are very common so Hyuk may produce an upset but its doubtful.
(T)BoxeR < Tornado > (Z)Killer Boxer should win - a combination of Boxer still being good enough to bash scrubby B team Zergs into the ground and Killer generally losing to B team terrans pretty often. As long as Boxer doesn't do anything stupid (huuur creative) like that one base 3 starport wraith build he did on Outsider (?) a while ago, he should win easily.
(P)Bisu < Match Point > (P)PerfectMan Bisu easy. Bisu is like the Flash or Jaedong of PvP.
(T)fantasy < Moon Glaive > (T)Lomo Fantasy is a better terran than Lomo.
SKT wins this 3 - 1. The only way Oz is ever going to get to Ace is if Killer takes down Boxer, and with Killer's record against Terran, that's very slim.
PM'd hwaseung house to disciple he should have it up soon
I should've talked more trash in the interview - I rushed it while writing a paper and now people are gonna start thinking T1 had a chance or something.