iCCup ID: kabras Rank: D Race: Protoss Timezone: EEST (+3 UTC) Other: Played a lot of SC2, a little bit of broodwar, but i think i like this game better and i want to play more. im pretty terrible at broodwar for now, but I can macro so i won a couple games on iccup on that alone, that's why im still D.
iCCup ID: Vaskan88 Skype: VaskanNZL Rank: D Race: All for now Other: I played brood war for around 6 years but had to quit a couple of years ago when my computer broke down, I have a new computer now so would like to play some games again, not very good at the moment and would like to play all races to get back into it, hit me up on Skype or iccup for some games, always keen
TL ID: Serker iCCup ID: Shield Rank:D/D- (777 at the moment) Race: zerg/ terran other: i played brood war before but was terrible on line so i quit and played sc2 but got bored of sc2 and prefer brood war. i am looking for training/ games to learn and gain experience to become better. i am available about anytime and i will be ready when you message me.
Iccup ID: TheMarine[BG] Rank: C- Race: Protoss Timezone:EEST Other:Looking for C-/C partners,who could help me improve.
Iccup ID: Comodore, Kvothe Rank: D+ Race: Protoss Timezone: GMT -3
Other: Looking for practice partner or tutor to improve and play tons of games in a row...
iccup id - fox.mvp rank - C+ race - protoss timezone - est looking for a C+ or higher Zerg practice partner(S). If interested send me a pm
iCCup: tinym skype: sgs.tinym rank: D---- race: P timezone: PST
just lookin for some other noobs to spar with
iCCup: n.stop)Willow Rank: D/D- Race: Terran Skype: dr.whiteface Timezone: EST, usually online between 6PM-6AM
Feel free to PM me here if you can't get ahold of me on iCCup/Skype.
I usually host practice games whenever I'm on, would love someone to grind a lot of games out with. As most people on iCCup seem to be more interested in cheesing and attempting to make me mad rather than legit practice games.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
iCCup: Pyrogenetix (who would have thought) Rank: D+/C- Race: Protoss (but will off race for practice) Timezone: UTC +8 China, Shanghai
Will be available when September rolls around. Might clash with US/Euro timezones and might be laggy. Older player been playing for more than 8 years now I guess. Ready to play some macro/managment games with people to get the basics down like build orders and army positioning etc.
TL ID: Magreidis iCCup ID: Nuker Rating: 1000~1300 Rank: D Race: Protoss Time: GMT+2 Skype: Ainiokas Other: Looking for all races, who likes to play standard and just for fun some cheesers. EDIT: Looking for people who could talk with skype.
TL ID: sPoReX iCCup ID: MicroMacro(OD) Rank: D Race: Zerg Other: Interested in 1v1 practice any match-ups please pmme here and lets set it up