Newly Updated APMAlert now has a few new features! Its now fully integrated into the game, with automatic game-detection and a new APMLive functionality (including colored text telling you whether you are above or below the minimum APM you set!). It also has ingame commands to help you change settings while playing.
Please read the readme for further instructions. Current Version: 1.0 Updated 1/22/09 for 1.16.1 Note: CL should be able to Auto-Update you to the latest version.
- Changed the way alerts are enabled at the beginning of the game. Now you will have 20 seconds after you first reach 110% of your mininmum apm, or the 1:50 mark, whichever comes first, before sound alerts will enable themselves. This should help people with high minimum apm's set to reach them before being alerted.
- Fixed a crash bug that sometimes occurred at the end of games.
- Modified the way offsets are stored and handled internally, making it easier to update for future versions.
- Removed about half the hooks into SC's functions, resulting in a smaller footprint and less ban risk from warden.
- Fixed the default local time clock positioning so its not overlapped by the bottom interface for protoss/zerg. You can either fix this yourself if you already have the 0.9 version using ingame commands (/movelocal), or reset your settings to default through the configuration window and then recustomize your settings.
- Enhanced version number.
+ Show Spoiler [Changes in 0.9] +- The action hook now works for all players, and LiveAPM works in replays now
- The alert sound will not interrupt itself, so if you have a long sound file, it will finish before the sound is played again.
- Text now refreshes properly, so there's no need for that ugly background box behind it any more.
- When displaying APM in replays, the selected player's name will be display beside it, so you can more clearly see whose APM it is
- The formula for APM calculation has been changed a bit so that it can actually calculate during early parts of the game (the APM will be very dynamic during this part of the game) [Thanks MoC
- Mineral Efficiency has been removed, as it was fairly useless, buggy, and didn't work at all in replays. Sorry if you were using it =/
- The plugin now enables/disables itself automatically when you start a game, and because of this, the PowerUp/PowerDown sounds have been removed. This should fix any problems you might have had with rejoining BNet after using it.
- An elapsed game time ingame
- A local time clock ingame
- ObsAPM display (that is, displaying APM's like replays if the plugin detects that you are an Obs)
- A 'display all APMs' options for replays/ObsAPM
- Better ingame-command checking
- Bugs that existed in player apm display should be ironed out.
- Player names in Observer APM display are now colored by player color.
Screenshots of the current version: + Show Spoiler + Download links: 1.16.1 version: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert.zip 1.16.0 version: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert1160.zip 1.15.3 version: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert1153.zip Source: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlertSrc-
Big thanks to MasterOfChaos for his Offset Updater!
DXWnd Port if no longer supported, use ChaosLauncher/WMode instead! + Show Spoiler +DXWnd Port for BWL Updated 8/23/07Uses the same file that DXWnd does to do the windowing, just allows it to be loaded and used with BWL, so that your other plugins can be used. For those who do not know, DXWnd is used to play SC in a window, rather than full screen. Current Version: 0.2Now updated for 1.15.1Download link:http://rockify.net/DXWndPort/DXWndPort.zipSame deal, just extract to the SC dir and enable it in BWL, and it'll work. New in this version- Now allows you to log onto battle.net while in windowed mode.
Nice, will try!
Thank you
(yeah I'm an APM bitch)
So is this like APMLive, or it just warns you when you drop below the APM you set?
On June 17 2007 12:34 Metal[x] wrote: So is this like APMLive, or it just warns you when you drop below the APM you set? It just warns you. Although if I can get it printing messages out, I should be able to give it the same functionality as APMLive as well. (I have problems doing stuff like that cause I'm working in Delphi though (incompatibility issues with C/C++ and such) so thats why its not included in this first version)
Germany2896 Posts
The simplest solution for showing text ist getting the handle of the bw-window devicecontext and then printing the text via GDI every few msec. You were a bit faster than me, I was just planning to add a IPM (inputs per minute) function. Where every Click/keypress would count as Input.
Nevermind, it seems to work just fine now, I think.
On June 17 2007 13:11 MasterOfChaos wrote: The simplest solution for showing text ist getting the handle of the bw-window devicecontext and then printing the text via GDI every few msec. You were a bit faster than me, I was just planning to add a IPM (inputs per minute) function. Where every Click/keypress would count as Input. Yeah, I realize the easiest way is uing GDI. Really not a fan of that though, its very hackish I know for a fact I can print text using BW's inbuilt functions, the main problem is that I can't seem to get it to let me print strings properly (the address never comes out properly). I guess the best way now that I think about it would be to allocate memory in the SC process, use WriteProcessMemory, and then pass it that address.
Edit: I also ported DXWnd to BWL format in a seperate plugin (by request). Check OP for download link.
Is it possible to minimize BWL to systemtray like it used to be?
On June 17 2007 14:09 abandonallhope wrote: Is it possible to minimize BWL to systemtray like it used to be? Thats up to Ashur to fix, unfortunately (I want that back too ).
On June 17 2007 12:03 tec27 wrote:- Automatic game start/end detection
I would so LOVE this, if you've got time and want to do it, PLEASE, do it. :D
Germany1302 Posts
On June 17 2007 12:03 tec27 wrote:NEW! - DXWnd Port for BWLUses the same file that DXWnd does to do the windowing, just allows it to be loaded and used with BWL, so that your other plugins can be used. Current Version: 0.1Download link:http://rockify.net/DXWndPort/DXWndPort.zipSame deal, just extract to the SC dir and enable it in BWL, and it'll work.
Might be a noob question or kinda "if you don't know you won't need it" but I'll ask anyway, what is this for?
EDIT: After downloading some .dll file I tried and figured it out.
On June 17 2007 15:07 Chosi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 17 2007 12:03 tec27 wrote:NEW! - DXWnd Port for BWLUses the same file that DXWnd does to do the windowing, just allows it to be loaded and used with BWL, so that your other plugins can be used. Current Version: 0.1Download link:http://rockify.net/DXWndPort/DXWndPort.zipSame deal, just extract to the SC dir and enable it in BWL, and it'll work. Might be a noob question or kinda "if you don't know you won't need it" but I'll ask anyway, what is this for? EDIT: After downloading some .dll file I tried and figured it out. I'll edit a better description in to make that a little more obvious
Sounds cool, is there a program that lets u see your current apm in game? if so, can someone send a link of it?
On June 17 2007 21:08 HiddenTalent wrote: Sounds cool, is there a program that lets u see your current apm in game? if so, can someone send a link of it? Not at the moment, but I'm fairly close to being able to add that to this plugin
oh nice, thanks
are you going to release the source code of your plugins?
Germany1302 Posts
When using the Window Plugin Bnet cannot identify my version correctly, is this normal or just me?
On June 18 2007 02:10 Chosi wrote: When using the Window Plugin Bnet cannot identify my version correctly, is this normal or just me? Hmm, you're right, and thats something I hadn't tested. I'll work on getting that fixed.
Edit: Done! 
On June 18 2007 01:10 water-hand wrote: are you going to release the source code of your plugins? Eventually, yes. Just need to clean up my code a bit first, its very messy atm
On June 18 2007 03:57 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 18 2007 01:10 water-hand wrote: are you going to release the source code of your plugins? Eventually, yes. Just need to clean up my code a bit first, its very messy atm 
good! maybe someone looking the examples of working plugins may start to code some new feature
Germany1302 Posts
In which way are APM calculated, I mean based on what timeframe (in BWCharts its very flat, flat, dynamic, very dynamic or something like that) ?
Doesn't work for me. I have it on and all, set to alarm at 150 or lower, but even when I do almost nothing, it doesn't go off. DXWND works though :O
United States24583 Posts
On June 18 2007 06:18 Chosi wrote: In which way are APM calculated, I mean based on what timeframe (in BWCharts its very flat, flat, dynamic, very dynamic or something like that) ?
I have the same question more or less. How does bwl calculate instantaneous apm? I realize you aren't the one who implemented this but perhaps you know?
Is alt-tabbing still necessary even though Starcraft runs in windowed mode?
Germany2896 Posts
I have the same question more or less. How does bwl calculate instantaneous apm? I realize you aren't the one who implemented this but perhaps you know? There are several possible ways to calculate this. 1. Based on the Timeinterval of the last n Actions (ie n about 50 to 100) 2. Based on the Number of Actions in the last n Seconds 3. Update the APM every 10 secs and show the number of actions since the last update (normed to APM o/c) 4. Older Actions lose weight exponentially over time
I would use 4. But I don't know what tec used. Probably some variant of 2 or 3.
it work fine .. I love you for this
Mmm, it works when I use your alert.wav, but when I use my Red Alert Alarm.wav, it doesn't.
Red Alert Alarm.wav was recorded using audacity, and exported as a wav weighing 721 kbs and is 8 seconds in length.
On June 18 2007 06:18 Chosi wrote: In which way are APM calculated, I mean based on what timeframe (in BWCharts its very flat, flat, dynamic, very dynamic or something like that) ? What I do is have a set of 20 or so measurements (the last 20 seconds). I add those together and then average them out to get the actual APM. So every second, it figures out how many actions you performed, and puts them in the next availible timeframe slot.
On June 18 2007 15:18 BWMN)Mayhem( wrote: Mmm, it works when I use your alert.wav, but when I use my Red Alert Alarm.wav, it doesn't.
Red Alert Alarm.wav was recorded using audacity, and exported as a wav weighing 721 kbs and is 8 seconds in length. If it starts slow, you may not have time to hear it, because the sound its played every second. Also, it may be spaces in the filename causing problems (if thats it, I'll work on a fix for that, but look into the first thing first).
the DxWnd Plugin doesn't work for me, i don't get any errors, just starting normal in fullscreen mode
just forget what i said, works fine
I got it working. There were a second or two of silence at the beginning. I edited it down to less than as second at it works fine.
[url blocked] For anyone who wants the sound I used. It's sort of like an EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY sound you might here in video games or INTRUDER DETECTED or a burglar alarm thing.
I've set my apm minimum at 120 and set the sounds properly, I hear the power up and power down but I've yet to here the alert once in the 10 games I've used this and BWChart disagrees that I've never gone below 120...
United States42026 Posts
Doesn't this just encourage spam? I play on 80 apm happily enough and while I can go above it (on the P multitasking UMS I played at 160) I don't really see the need.
On June 19 2007 10:55 Kwark wrote: Doesn't this just encourage spam? I play on 80 apm happily enough and while I can go above it (on the P multitasking UMS I played at 160) I don't really see the need. Well, I find that after harassment in my game, my macro and such drops a lot for a minute or two, and then picks back up. During those times, my APM drops as low as 60, so this helps me to know when I'm not macroing enough, so that I can correct it (and it really has helped my game, imo).
Is this working on Vista? Anybody tried it?
playing in window feels so weird to do keke
On June 19 2007 09:58 ChoboCop wrote:I\'ve set my apm minimum at 120 and set the sounds properly, I hear the power up and power down but I\'ve yet to here the alert once in the 10 games I\'ve used this and BWChart disagrees that I\'ve never gone below 120...  I\'m gonna try to tweak it a bit, maybe decrease the amount of seconds it keeps data. Looking through my replays, I notice I am dipping below the APM level more than its alerting me. So, look out for an update soon.
What a retarded program. Why would you need to be warned when your APM drops below a certain amount?
Because a lot of players when they reach mid game run out of attention span, and the constant beeping helps to give incentive to start playing hard again? As much as this could be used to help get higher apm (and probably higher redundancy as well), it's more likely going to be used to keep up intensity when one would other wise have entered a monotonous phase of the game.
He made the program for himself, and then posted it in case other people wanted to use it too. What the fuck is your problem with that? If you don't like it, don't download it. Obviously some people do.
Germany2896 Posts
I am currently also working on a similar functionality. My goal is to reproduce all features of the old BWCoach. Probably i'll soon add a warning when your resources mount too high. But I have not succided yet to add a supplylow warning in 1.15. @Tec we could work a bit together, as we are both Delphi developers.
On June 20 2007 02:58 MasterOfChaos wrote: I am currently also working on a similar functionality. My goal is to reproduce all features of the old BWCoach. Probably i'll soon add a warning when your resources mount too high. But I have not succided yet to add a supplylow warning in 1.15. @Tec we could work a bit together, as we are both Delphi developers. Wow, thats a good idea (the resource thing). And yes, I would like someone to work with, I'll PM you with my contact info
What would be really nice, is a time function. I,am a very visual and analytical, and knowing the timing seems to help me. Unfortunately, it is a bit tough to look at the clock, remember when i started, and then do mental math to figure out how long its been, while still playing the game. Would it be possible ot add a timer function, that counts down how long the game has been?
On June 24 2007 20:11 kiero wrote: What would be really nice, is a time function. I,am a very visual and analytical, and knowing the timing seems to help me. Unfortunately, it is a bit tough to look at the clock, remember when i started, and then do mental math to figure out how long its been, while still playing the game. Would it be possible ot add a timer function, that counts down how long the game has been? Possible, yes. But I wouldn't add that. A game timer is just too close to a hack, imo, sorry =/
On another note, I'm still working on a newer version of it, now rewritten to draw more from the game itself (auto-start and auto-end at game start/end so you don't have to press a button, perhaps liveAPM-ish functionality, etc.)
sorry if i revived an old thread, but can anyone tell me where to get bwlauncher 4, i googled it and found nothing
Linky go there and search for it. Also I think you might need to install Microsoft .NET Framework.
Just updated the plugin today, now it has better game integration, including 100% game-accurate APM calculation, and APMLive functionality. Here's some screenshots to whet your appetite 
Germany2896 Posts
Is this version patching SC-Memory?
i still have problems with this minimizing bw sometimes so i stopped using it maybe i'll try this version
On August 16 2007 02:35 MasterOfChaos wrote: Is this version patching SC-Memory? Yes
On August 16 2007 02:35 GoSuPlAyEr wrote: i still have problems with this minimizing bw sometimes so i stopped using it maybe i'll try this version I believe you're thinking of zdd's program This plugin used to not have APMLive at all, and was purely for alerting you that your APM was too low.
Sweet will try out and see how accurate it is
oh sweet this was way better than that other gay program! i'll use yours!:D
Works great, Kudos to tec27!
United States42026 Posts
I can't seem to get this to work. Any activation commands or something?
I thought BWL wasnt allowed anymore since 1.15?? ANyhow, does it still corrupt replays?
On August 16 2007 03:15 Kwark wrote: I can't seem to get this to work. Any activation commands or something? You have to hit F8 while the game is up before it will activate. Just make sure you don't activate it and then try to connect to battle.net as it won't work (battle.net will refuse the connection).
On August 16 2007 03:29 DwmC_Foefen wrote: I thought BWL wasnt allowed anymore since 1.15?? ANyhow, does it still corrupt replays?
You're thinking of PenguinPlug, which hasn't been updated for 1.15. BWLauncher is just what allowed PenguinPlug to inject into SC, so my plugin doesn't affect replay functionality at all.
United States42026 Posts
Thanks. Got it working now. Cool function.
its awesome ^_^
Even better than the old one who was integrated in penguinplug for 1.14
nice. great work. all we miss now is obs mode and fpplay
im getting some error. it says: "Could not find APMAlert.bwl!". i click ok and then it says: "Remote thread creation failed." (also an error)
any1 knows why?
(i have bwlauncher v4 and the APMAlert in my starcraft folder).
I got a similar error to Presony-Boy
I press F8 or type in /showapm and when i minimize I get the error message "Could not find APMAlert.bwl!"
I also have APMAlert on my bwl4 folder.
But I don't get the "Remote thread creation failed" error ^^
On August 16 2007 06:00 vstar wrote: I got a similar error to Presony-Boy
I press F8 or type in /showapm and when i minimize I get the error message "Could not find APMAlert.bwl!"
I also have APMAlert on my bwl4 folder.
But I don't get the "Remote thread creation failed" error ^^
lucky you 
i get the "Could not find APMAlert.bwl!" error when i start the game.
But it still doensn't work anyways T.T
On August 16 2007 06:00 vstar wrote: I got a similar error to Presony-Boy
I press F8 or type in /showapm and when i minimize I get the error message "Could not find APMAlert.bwl!"
I also have APMAlert on my bwl4 folder.
But I don't get the "Remote thread creation failed" error ^^ Thats a bug I need to fix, thanks for bringing it to my attention (and I'll try to get a fixed version out ASAP)
Edit: Problem fixed, redownload it and you should be set to go
Tec27 Thank you and I appreciate you helping my problem so quickly ^^
How do I get this to work??? I extracted it to my sc folder but then the readme says the click the box next to the apmalert plugin. Where do I do this? In BWL? but where in bwl? help pls...
On August 16 2007 14:34 Chilliwack wrote: How do I get this to work??? I extracted it to my sc folder but then the readme says the click the box next to the apmalert plugin. Where do I do this? In BWL? but where in bwl? help pls... When you open BWLauncher, on the plugins page, there will be a listing of all the plugins in your SC or BWL folder. APMAlert should be there, and it should have a checkbox beside that text. Check that box to enable the plugin. If APMAlert doesn't appear there, then try moving APMAlert.bwl into the folder that contains BWLauncher.
ok it works great now  thanks for the help. keep up the good work
Awesome job :D thanks man.
On August 16 2007 14:40 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2007 14:34 Chilliwack wrote: How do I get this to work??? I extracted it to my sc folder but then the readme says the click the box next to the apmalert plugin. Where do I do this? In BWL? but where in bwl? help pls... When you open BWLauncher, on the plugins page, there will be a listing of all the plugins in your SC or BWL folder. APMAlert should be there, and it should have a checkbox beside that text. Check that box to enable the plugin. If APMAlert doesn't appear there, then try moving APMAlert.bwl into the folder that contains BWLauncher.
Ok I got this to work but when I press start, an error pops up saying Couldnt find sc process.
I don't know if this helps but in the updates tab it says this [APMAlert for 1.15] Update failed: Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Starcraft\update'.
How do I fix this pls...
When should i click F8 ? i mean in the beginning after splitting SCVs or whenever in the game ?
On August 16 2007 17:12 Garnet wrote: When should i click F8 ? i mean in the beginning after splitting SCVs or whenever in the game ?
after u login to b.net.
On August 16 2007 16:58 Chilliwack wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2007 14:40 tec27 wrote:On August 16 2007 14:34 Chilliwack wrote: How do I get this to work??? I extracted it to my sc folder but then the readme says the click the box next to the apmalert plugin. Where do I do this? In BWL? but where in bwl? help pls... When you open BWLauncher, on the plugins page, there will be a listing of all the plugins in your SC or BWL folder. APMAlert should be there, and it should have a checkbox beside that text. Check that box to enable the plugin. If APMAlert doesn't appear there, then try moving APMAlert.bwl into the folder that contains BWLauncher. Ok I got this to work but when I press start, an error pops up saying Couldnt find sc process. I don't know if this helps but in the updates tab it says this [APMAlert for 1.15] Update failed: Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Starcraft\update'. How do I fix this pls...  Not quite sure whats happening there. What version of windows are you using?
And the auto-update is not supposed to work (I haven't set it up on my webserver).
On August 16 2007 22:39 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2007 16:58 Chilliwack wrote:On August 16 2007 14:40 tec27 wrote:On August 16 2007 14:34 Chilliwack wrote: How do I get this to work??? I extracted it to my sc folder but then the readme says the click the box next to the apmalert plugin. Where do I do this? In BWL? but where in bwl? help pls... When you open BWLauncher, on the plugins page, there will be a listing of all the plugins in your SC or BWL folder. APMAlert should be there, and it should have a checkbox beside that text. Check that box to enable the plugin. If APMAlert doesn't appear there, then try moving APMAlert.bwl into the folder that contains BWLauncher. Ok I got this to work but when I press start, an error pops up saying Couldnt find sc process. I don't know if this helps but in the updates tab it says this [APMAlert for 1.15] Update failed: Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Starcraft\update'. How do I fix this pls...  Not quite sure whats happening there. What version of windows are you using? And the auto-update is not supposed to work (I haven't set it up on my webserver).
I am using windows vista :S
On August 17 2007 01:37 Chilliwack wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2007 22:39 tec27 wrote:On August 16 2007 16:58 Chilliwack wrote:On August 16 2007 14:40 tec27 wrote:On August 16 2007 14:34 Chilliwack wrote: How do I get this to work??? I extracted it to my sc folder but then the readme says the click the box next to the apmalert plugin. Where do I do this? In BWL? but where in bwl? help pls... When you open BWLauncher, on the plugins page, there will be a listing of all the plugins in your SC or BWL folder. APMAlert should be there, and it should have a checkbox beside that text. Check that box to enable the plugin. If APMAlert doesn't appear there, then try moving APMAlert.bwl into the folder that contains BWLauncher. Ok I got this to work but when I press start, an error pops up saying Couldnt find sc process. I don't know if this helps but in the updates tab it says this [APMAlert for 1.15] Update failed: Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Starcraft\update'. How do I fix this pls...  Not quite sure whats happening there. What version of windows are you using? And the auto-update is not supposed to work (I haven't set it up on my webserver). I am using windows vista :S I'll test it out on my vista laptop then and try to figure out what's up.
Germany2896 Posts
Are you admin and have you set the "run as admin" for the launcher?
On August 17 2007 08:13 MasterOfChaos wrote: Are you admin and have you set the "run as admin" for the launcher? Haven't got a chance to test it yet, but that was my hunch as to what was wrong.
On August 17 2007 08:13 MasterOfChaos wrote: Are you admin and have you set the "run as admin" for the launcher?
It works now thank you 
wow this thing is awesome!!!
Thx, but it also works in multiplayer games?
Edit:nvm my bad yeah it obviously does
On June 17 2007 12:03 tec27 wrote:Newly Updated APMAlert now has a few new features! Its now fully integrated into the game, with automatic game-detection and a new APMLive functionality (including colored text telling you whether you are above or below the minimum APM you set!). It also has ingame commands to help you change settings while playing. Please read the readme for further instructions. Current Version: 0.4 Updated 8/15/07Download link:http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert.zipNEW! - DXWnd Port for BWL Updated 6/18/07Uses the same file that DXWnd does to do the windowing, just allows it to be loaded and used with BWL, so that your other plugins can be used. For those who do not know, DXWnd is used to play SC in a window, rather than full screen. Current Version: 0.2Download link:http://rockify.net/DXWndPort/DXWndPort.zipSame deal, just extract to the SC dir and enable it in BWL, and it'll work. New in this version- Now allows you to log onto battle.net while in windowed mode.
Pretty sweet proggy, now I can realize just how pathetic I am at macroing lol
Estonia774 Posts
it says "Couldn't find SC Process" :[
Germany2896 Posts
Are you administrator? Are you using Vista?
Estonia774 Posts
yes I'm Administrator and using WinXP ServicePack 2
I really can't see what could be going wrong, sCorpioN. The process ID I use is given to me by BWLauncher, so it should always be able to open the process unless some security feature is preventing me from calling the function. But, I went ahead and reuploaded a new version of APMAlert that will provide more descriptive error messages (They give an error code now) so that I can try to help you out a bit better. So, download that and try running it again and give me the error code
Could you add an option of where to put the text that tells you your apm like top left/right bottom left/right by bottom meaning above the box of unit view and map etc. because i find i don't pay attention to the one at the top of the screen and look near the unit select display better.
Estonia774 Posts
hey tec27, i have redownloaded and now i get "Error Code: 5"
On August 19 2007 02:47 Arget wrote: Could you add an option of where to put the text that tells you your apm like top left/right bottom left/right by bottom meaning above the box of unit view and map etc. because i find i don't pay attention to the one at the top of the screen and look near the unit select display better. Next version I'm gonna try to have the ability to place the apm counter wherever you want, as well as turn it off. So just wait a bit and that will come
Updated yet again, this time to a new version number!  Screenshot to entice you:
Note that I *don't* recommend placing the APM box there 
Also, sCorpioN, sorry that I haven't helped you, but I really have no idea whats going on. That error code means 'Access Denied', which, if you have Administrator, shouldn't be happening.
Man, just as I get a new update, blizz updates their client Ah well, I'll try to get this updated in the coming days, but I've never had to update a plugin before, so bear with me
DxWnd Port has now been updated for 1.15.1
is awesome32269 Posts
I can't seem to get the program to work. I launch BW through the most recently updated BWLauncher however when I get onto Battle.net and hit F8 in channel or ingame, I do not see any live apm on my screen. Nor does the /showapm command work.
Any ideas? Am I missing something? Currently running Windows XP Pro
^ exactly what he said.
I tried everything i could think of including reinstalling brood war. Nothing. Chaos Plugin works just fine, no problem there, but this is as if it doesn't exist.
F8 doesn't do anything, and all the commands like /tglapm or /movebox reply "unkown command". My guess is that it doesn't load at all, but the box is ticked and I configured it from BWL a bit, but in the actual game... nothing.
P.S.: WinXP Pro
P.P.S.: I just notice that the "Enable LiveAPM" box in the plugin configuration menu won't stay ticked. I click save and it closes, but when I open it again it's still unticked. All the other changes (position, file paths) get saved, but that damn box will remain unphased. Could that be the problem? And if so, how do I fix it?
im wondering if first person VOD works..
On August 27 2007 12:19 CubEdIn wrote:P.P.S.: I just notice that the "Enable LiveAPM" box in the plugin configuration menu won't stay ticked. I click save and it closes, but when I open it again it's still unticked. All the other changes (position, file paths) get saved, but that damn box will remain unphased. Could that be the problem? And if so, how do I fix it?  yes i have this problem too, i think we should wait for tec27 to update it
On August 27 2007 12:19 CubEdIn wrote:^ exactly what he said. I tried everything i could think of including reinstalling brood war. Nothing. Chaos Plugin works just fine, no problem there, but this is as if it doesn't exist. F8 doesn't do anything, and all the commands like /tglapm or /movebox reply "unkown command". My guess is that it doesn't load at all, but the box is ticked and I configured it from BWL a bit, but in the actual game... nothing. P.S.: WinXP Pro P.P.S.: I just notice that the "Enable LiveAPM" box in the plugin configuration menu won't stay ticked. I click save and it closes, but when I open it again it's still unticked. All the other changes (position, file paths) get saved, but that damn box will remain unphased. Could that be the problem? And if so, how do I fix it? 
my box remains ticked, but neither liveAPM or chaos plugin are loaded (as far as I can tell)
Both the chaos plugin and the apm alert dont seem to be working, even though theyre both checked off. replays arent autosaving, and i cant see any apm messages at all, nor is f8 doing anything. Is it because of the lack of update for ver 1.15.1?
On August 27 2007 15:41 vicml21 wrote: Both the chaos plugin and the apm alert dont seem to be working, even though theyre both checked off. replays arent autosaving, and i cant see any apm messages at all, nor is f8 doing anything. Is it because of the lack of update for ver 1.15.1?
Most likely the recent update. I guess we'll just wait and see.
APMAlert still needs to be updated (sorry, I've been busy with college). ChaosPlugin probably needs to be updated as well, although that would actually be a very easy update (basically exactly what I did with DxWnd, all you have to do is change the SC version number it reports to BWL)
Any idea when we may be able to expect an update?
Hopefully by next week, I'm actually working on it right this very second
On June 20 2007 02:58 MasterOfChaos wrote: Probably i'll soon add a warning when your resources mount too high. But I have not succided yet to add a supplylow warning in 1.15.
I hope you will not do it - I mean: to skilling our macro is good, but in game on toruneys such a thing ??? no good ;x we have problems with automining in sc2, but this is almost the same ;o
so when will be a version for new patch of this apm alert ? - I asked, but when the post was appeard - the answer was there already :D so nice, but remember: school > sc ^^ do not hurry
On August 30 2007 06:11 tec27 wrote:Hopefully by next week, I'm actually working on it right this very second 
i love you <3
While I was refinding the pausing offset, I thought of a new apm warning style. Haven't tested it out yet so it may or may not appear in the next version, but the idea behind it is "grayscale flickering". (if you don't understand that, I mean that it would turn grayscale (IE: what it looks like when it pauses) on and off until your APM goes above the minimum) That may get really annoying though, so we'll see
will this 0.5 version work with patch 1.15.1
Cuz its not working for me.
"Could not find scwnd.hdl"
On August 30 2007 09:23 PsycHOTemplar wrote: "Could not find scwnd.hdl" Sorry, forgot to include that in the new zip. Uploaded a new copy now, so redownload it.
I seem to be having the scwnd.hdl problem psycHOTempar was having even after I re-downloaded.
dumb question, but was there an update? if yes, where can i find it?
On September 02 2007 18:55 Aepplet wrote: dumb question, but was there an update? if yes, where can i find it? There was an update to DXWnd, however, APMAlert for 1.15.1 is still under development.
On September 03 2007 05:16 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 02 2007 18:55 Aepplet wrote: dumb question, but was there an update? if yes, where can i find it? There was an update to DXWnd, however, APMAlert for 1.15.1 is still under development.
thank you very much, it's appreciated
any news about this thing 8(??
A high resources alert feature would be cool.
just a question how to run this with iccup launcher?
nevermind i cant even run apmalert... the apm just dont appear t_T
Can anybody reccomend a good program for analyzing APM post-game from a replay? Right now I'm using BWChart. It works OK, not sure if there was anything better or more accurate out there though.
bw chart isnt enough 4 u? =S
Is an update for apmalert still comming out? I've got the problem previously mentioned about it not working anymore.
I know its been a long time coming, and I truly am sorry I took such a long time to get it done, but, as I just said, its done. That's right, APMAlert is now updated for 1.15.1! Check the first post in this topic for the download link!
If you have any troubles with this version, please let me know so I can get them fixed!
where do i get BWL? is it BWLauncher by ashur? or the iccup one? O.O
On October 25 2007 04:33 GMer[TOp] wrote: where do i get BWL? is it BWLauncher by ashur? or the iccup one? O.O Its BWLauncher by Ashur (although the ICCup launcher is really the same thing, just with a modified interface and less customizability).
Thanks for updating it tec! It's such a helpful tool when you're training 
Now I just need something to bug me about resource spending ;D
Nice job on the update!
Alright I got an error "Can't find SC Process. Error Code 5". Anything I should do to fix it?
it kinda...doesn't load? i updated it, checked the box and all that. but when i play a game nothing happens. no sound, no live apm, nothing =(
EDIT: ah fuck i'm such an idiot. i didn't realize i need to push F8...
On October 25 2007 06:46 Armathai wrote:Thanks for updating it tec! It's such a helpful tool when you're training  Now I just need something to bug me about resource spending ;D That was actually something I've thought about before, just gotta figure out the best way to implement it 
On October 25 2007 07:03 YinYang69 wrote: Nice job on the update!
Alright I got an error "Can't find SC Process. Error Code 5". Anything I should do to fix it? What version of Windows are you running?
On October 25 2007 08:05 tec27 wrote:
What version of Windows are you running?
I'm running Vista.
On October 25 2007 08:20 YinYang69 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 25 2007 08:05 tec27 wrote:
What version of Windows are you running? I'm running Vista. That could be the problem, although I'm really not sure why. If you run the program as Administrator, it should have no problem opening the process (unless Vista's extra execution protection stuff is screwing it up)
Thanks tec running it as administrator fix the problem.
I cant get it working for some reason, on vista, using the BWLauncher with the link at the bottom that says "bwprogrammers.com". It's weird, because the other plugin i have set to launch works properly (Chaos plugin) including the autoreplay save & windows key disable feature. I tried pressing F8 numerous times and tried using the "/about" command in game, but nothing appeared
EDIT: nvm i got it. thanks man, good work
Question, How do I run BWLauncher with ICCup ?
On October 25 2007 12:22 iD.SquaLL wrote: Question, How do I run BWLauncher with ICCup ? Try renaming the ICCup plugin (should be a .icc file) to a .bwl file, then BWLauncher should pick it up as a plugin you can use.
It crashed a few times when I turned it off. Works good apart from that, and it doesn't bother me too much, but just thought you should know. Illegal operation error.
On October 25 2007 21:56 CubEdIn wrote: It crashed a few times when I turned it off. Works good apart from that, and it doesn't bother me too much, but just thought you should know. Illegal operation error. Yeah, I've gotten that before as well, not quite sure why, but I'll work on it.
Edit: So, apparently, the new patching/unpatching code I was working on never got finished, and I never noticed... (lol) So as of now, when you unpatch, the plugin apparently just picks random data and throws it onto the patch location, causing SC to cease working most of the time. So, as of now, until I can get a new update out, I recommend you don't unpatch (turn the plugin off) when you can't afford to crash
Patching/Unpatching problem is fixed, please redownload! 
Edit: And the plugin should also now auto-update properly
Thanks for fixing it 
Starting work on the resource alerts now, that hopefully won't take too long as the framework's already in place Basically, my plan is to monitor the intake of minerals/gas and the spending of minerals/gas (and hopefully to seperate them if you so choose), calculate an efficiency ratio between them, and then give you both the ability to display a meter on the screen, and to hear alerts when you aren't meeting a set efficiency
Sounds good! I wonder however if you need to expand for example, and are collecting resources for that, to get there to be some sort of "time to expand" factor. So that the alarm wouldn't go off if it makes sense timing wise to expand, that might depend 2much on gameplay though. I dunno what I'm blabbering about :S
If I use it with the Iccup Plugin it says that the Antihack is offline (on Iccup). Can you fix this pls?
On October 27 2007 05:48 TurboMaN wrote: If I use it with the Iccup Plugin it says that the Antihack is offline (on Iccup). Can you fix this pls? Well, the only way to fix it would probably be to have it integrated into ICCup's launcher, I'll work on that
Just finished the update for LiveME, BWL should update to the new version next time you check for updates. If you want a new copy of the readme (has the added LiveME commands) just download the zip file in the original post.
Figuring out a proper way to do an alert system for ME is gonna take some work, but I'm sure I/we can figure something out 
Screenshots of the new version, first one in standard config, second in a more customized usage:
I think you should just play the "Nuclear Launch Detected" .wav file for ME. Even if you aren't playing vs a Terran opponent, I think that would throw a lot of people off.... hahahaha
im having the same error:5 for vista problem i see yinyang69 fixed it by running administrator how is this done pls?
Not really sure how BWAI works. If it runs from its own exe file, you could perhaps get BWLauncher to run that, but otherwise, there's not too much I can do to make my plugin work with it.
On November 07 2007 00:17 aao)420 wrote: im having the same error:5 for vista problem i see yinyang69 fixed it by running administrator how is this done pls? You can either run it from an account that has administrator privileges (IE: is set to be an admin) or, I believe, you can right-click your BWLauncher shortcut, click properties, and then set it to run under admin privileges there.
wow thank u so much, u really know your stuff gj on all of it
Germany2896 Posts
How do you calculate your APM? Looks like exponential decay, but with what interval?
On November 07 2007 03:44 MasterOfChaos wrote: How do you calculate your APM? Looks like exponential decay, but with what interval? Its calculated directly based on actions and game time. When the game starts, I save the current time, and each action performed increments an action counter. Then you just divide by the number of minutes passed to get the APM.
OMFG this is so nice. Now I may finally achieve 400 APM after 5 years of amateur gaming.
Can you add a clock option? It'd help getting timing right and such.
On November 07 2007 05:28 FamousRobot wrote: Can you add a clock option? It'd help getting timing right and such. Well, I'm kind of against this idea (I think its sorta bad competition-wise) but I guess if there's enough demand, I'll implement it in the next update.
you should add this for the iccup launcher, instead of the BWL, since iccup launcher is more used, thx to anti-hack;o
On November 07 2007 21:35 LML wrote: you should add this for the iccup launcher, instead of the BWL, since iccup launcher is more used, thx to anti-hack;o Unfortunately, I've been told my plugin is incompatible with ICCup's launcher because I modify offsets ingame. There's really no way to get around that on my part, since if I don't modify offsets, then we'll just be back to the original, inaccurate version of this that didn't even have an APM display.
ok, then I just won't use it.
Too bad that the ICCup can't work with it, silly people should just check your plugin and then let it in ;(
"Could not find ScWnd.hdl!" is the error msg i get when i try starting with the launcher. adn when i close it i still get in bw, but in game i see no apm live stuff. even thou i press F8 or type /apmlive or w/e. anyone know whats wrong? i use win exp pro.
On December 17 2007 22:19 Yoruichi.ReV wrote: "Could not find ScWnd.hdl!" is the error msg i get when i try starting with the launcher. adn when i close it i still get in bw, but in game i see no apm live stuff. even thou i press F8 or type /apmlive or w/e. anyone know whats wrong? i use win exp pro. Make sure you have the plugin enabled, and you may want to redownload it. The ScWnd error is from the DxWnd plugin, not APMAlert, so you probably want to check if the options you have set in BWLauncher are correct.
I redownloaded bwl. all the boxes are checked. is the apmalert.zip and DXWndPort.zip supposed to be unzipped in the bwl folder or starcraft folder? i have it in starcraft. i still get the same error msg, and apm live doesnt work.
thx for incredibly fast reply btw!
i found out that i had the wrong bw folder in installpath. but now i get "this application has failed to start because MSVCR71D.dll was not found. Re-sinstalling the application may fix the problem" I re-installed and got the same thing.
som1 to confirm it does not work with iccup launcher?
On December 17 2007 23:40 Yoruichi.ReV wrote: i found out that i had the wrong bw folder in installpath. but now i get "this application has failed to start because MSVCR71D.dll was not found. Re-sinstalling the application may fix the problem" I re-installed and got the same thing. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=32bc1bee-a3f9-4c13-9c99-220b62a191ee&displaylang=en That should be what you need 
On December 18 2007 01:03 axel wrote: som1 to confirm it does not work with iccup launcher? If you try, the antihack won't work =/
i installed the thing you gave me link to and i got the same error msg. and i got this one too: "coudnt load library: C:\Documents and settings\Administrator\Desktop\upload\starcraft\downstats115.bwl"
Germany2896 Posts
MSVCR71D.dll that sounds like a debug version. Why does your plugin require that version?
i hope you are not asking me masterofchaos cause i dont understand any of this... i just want apm live =/
On December 18 2007 04:00 Yoruichi.ReV wrote: i installed the thing you gave me link to and i got the same error msg. and i got this one too: "coudnt load library: C:\Documents and settings\Administrator\Desktop\upload\starcraft\downstats115.bwl"
What other plugins do you have installed? I've never even seen a plugin with that filename (but it looks like it would be for download progress in 1.15?)
On December 18 2007 04:01 MasterOfChaos wrote: MSVCR71D.dll that sounds like a debug version. Why does your plugin require that version? My plugin personally doesn't. I figured DXWnd's dll might use it though, and even if it didn't, I'd still like to help him fix his problem
i downloaded some old apm live stuff and bwcoach. maybe thats what messes things up. apparently they havent worked since 1.13 or something =/ should i re-install bw or something? `and should bwl be in a separate folder inside starcraft folder? or should i just unzip all the files in the bw folder?
On December 18 2007 09:52 Yoruichi.ReV wrote: i downloaded some old apm live stuff and bwcoach. maybe thats what messes things up. apparently they havent worked since 1.13 or something =/ should i re-install bw or something? `and should bwl be in a separate folder inside starcraft folder? or should i just unzip all the files in the bw folder? As long as the older plugins aren't enabled, it shouldn't be an issue. On the subject of where to put BWL, you can either have it in a seperate folder, or in your BW folder, just make sure that you keep all the BWL plugins in the same folder as the launcher itself. Personally, I just keep it all in my main SC folder.
I just turned off the other plug ins and then apm live worked. thx for help!
does this work with iccup-launcher, aswell?! ;o
On December 19 2007 18:55 LML wrote: does this work with iccup-launcher, aswell?! ;o Well, technically it would work with the launcher, but it won't work with the antihack
i have a new problem. when i start bwl, i cant press start button even thou i checked the "no cd for 1.15.1" box.
edit: sry, im noob^^ i didn't choose patch
I have read every single post and i cannot figure out why i cant get apm live to work. When i make a game it will not show up at all, i have tried only checking apmlive box, i have pushed f8 in game, i have tried everything in the posts on thread what is the problem?
On December 31 2007 11:47 20Nation wrote: I have read every single post and i cannot figure out why i cant get apm live to work. When i make a game it will not show up at all, i have tried only checking apmlive box, i have pushed f8 in game, i have tried everything in the posts on thread what is the problem? First, make sure you're on the most up-to-date version by re-downloading it. Then, make sure APMLive is enabled in the options for APMAlert. Then, when you start BW, you should hear your enable sound when you hit F8. If you don't, and sounds are enabled, then I'm not sure whats wrong, because it should give an error. If you do hear a sound though, then you can just disable the plugin (by pressing F8 again) and connect to B.net, and then re-enable the plugin afterwards, and it should work.
If its still not working after that, let me know, and I'll try to help you further.
I redl'd the file and put it in again, i made sure apmlive was enabled and when i started bw and hit f8 nothing happened i tried it alot.
On December 31 2007 14:25 20Nation wrote: I redl'd the file and put it in again, i made sure apmlive was enabled and when i started bw and hit f8 nothing happened i tried it alot. What version of Windows are you using?
Nice plugin, its helping me a lot. One quick question though, is there anyway to make it play the alert sound only once when you dip below the min apm? I want the sound, but when it spams like that the only thing it accomplishes is giving me a headache.
Hi all - for those who love APMAlert, if you use ChaosLauncher (http://winner.cspsx.de/Starcraft/Tool/Chaoslauncher.zip), and force using the 1.15.1 version of APMAlert (there is a dedicated checkbox), it will work.
With one limitation: you MUST switch off the plugin (using the F8 key) before entering a game on Bnet (EVERY time!), and only switch it on after you are inside, otherwise StarCraft will crash.
Hope to have helped.
its seem a "soft hack" for me.. i think all alternative programs for scbw are cheat.
im having the same problem as 20nation, I am using windows xp
Sorry if this post is not belong to this thread but don't know where to put my question.When i start my Bwcoach and check for showing AMP during match ,but bwcoach show error that can not connect to starcraft and my CPU usage jump to 100% from that moment .Hix please help me ,thank u very much .
On February 14 2008 01:08 Quaivat5tay wrote: Sorry if this post is not belong to this thread but don't know where to put my question.When i start my Bwcoach and check for showing AMP during match ,but bwcoach show error that can not connect to starcraft and my CPU usage jump to 100% from that moment .Hix please help me ,thank u very much . If you mean BWLauncher, then that's because I haven't updated the plugin yet. Have been really busy with school, so I haven't had time yet. I'll get it done soon, I swear
Germany2896 Posts
I have a tool for updating code-offsets, but not data-offsets. But that will probably not help you much as most code-offsets did not change from 1.15.1.
On February 14 2008 01:28 MasterOfChaos wrote: I have a tool for updating code-offsets, but not data-offsets. But that will probably not help you much as most code-offsets did not change from 1.15.1. Yeah, its not really that hard to do, it just takes time though. Its looking like I'll have some time this weekend though, so we'll see.
Have differences between BWLauncher and BWCoach ??? So u mean this error about updating plugin ?? Anyway thank u for answering my question ,and hoping update plugin will come soon .
Germany2896 Posts
BWCoach is a really old program which includes an APM-Live feature. BWLauncher is a launcher for SC which works up to 1.15.1.
On February 14 2008 03:25 MasterOfChaos wrote: BWCoach is a really old program which includes an APM-Live feature. BWLauncher is a launcher for SC which works up to 1.15.1.
Thank u
To : tec27 .I know this will takes much your time ,but would you like to make guide how to use APM live step by step with image illustration, i really don't get it all .I had try many times but it seems that does not want to run in my PC .Wait for your update and guide .
Finally updated for 1.15.2, sorry for the wait. As a bonus for the long time you all waited, I added auto-game detection. When you enter a game lobby, you should hear the enable sound you have set, letting you know the plugin has enabled itself.
It will do this for the first game you enter, but if you manually enable/disable the plugin, it will no longer auto-enable itself unless you restart Starcraft (just in case you don't want to play with it for a while).
Quaivat5tay: It should work pretty easily for you now (with the automatic enabling and all) but if you still need help, let me know.
how come it doesnt work with hamachi?
On March 06 2008 17:09 Raithed wrote: how come it doesnt work with hamachi? Its working fine with Hamachi for me, are you sure that it doesn't?
On March 06 2008 23:20 tec27 wrote:Its working fine with Hamachi for me, are you sure that it doesn't? i think it may be just me and a friend of mine, he couldnt ping me at all and we couldnt communicate on hamachi when it was on.
Just updated this tonight, messed with the APM detection so it should be more dynamic now. If its *too* dynamic, let me know (I think I'm going to work on making its dynamic-ness a setting).
Germany2896 Posts
do you use exponential decay? I have some code for that from my apm live which I abandonned.
On April 11 2008 20:04 MasterOfChaos wrote: do you use exponential decay? I have some code for that from my apm live which I abandonned. No, I use something much simpler I actually just reverted to the 'basket method' I used before I started hooking into Starcraft to get APM (that is, every x seconds, I save the last action count to a 'basket' and reset the action count. Then I increase the current basket, and if its over the number of total baskets, wrap it back to 0. Then for calculating, I just convert the total number of actions in those baskets to a 1-minute interval)
Germany2896 Posts
The Pseudocode of what I use: Interval is the time after which actions are worth 1/e in minutes. + Show Spoiler [code] + var ApmCounter:real; LastTick:Cardinal;
function OnAction begin ApmCounter++; end;
function OnTick var CurrentTick:Cardinal; begin CurrentTick:=gettickcount; TimeDiff:=CurrentTick-LastTick; ApmCounter:=ApmCounter*exp(-Timediff/(Interval*60000)); LastTick:=CurrentTick; end;
function OnDraw begin Write(ApmCounter/Interval); end;
thanks for that, I'll look into implementing it
Just updated it again with the new APM algorithm from MasterOfChaos. Its working pretty nicely, just took me a little while to tweak the decay rate It will probably agree most closely with BWCharts "flat" APM setting rather than "medium", but thats still a lot better than before
seems a bit buggy, in my last game it showed always under 290 apm but bwchart says that i had 315 apm with peaks of 500 (yeah with hotkey spamming ;D). In the beginning it also say that i have something like 200 but i was spamming like mad and i had definitely 400+
On April 13 2008 03:04 Flopgun wrote: seems a bit buggy, in my last game it showed always under 290 apm but bwchart says that i had 315 apm with peaks of 500 (yeah with hotkey spamming ;D). In the beginning it also say that i have something like 200 but i was spamming like mad and i had definitely 400+ I'll try lowering the decay rate a bit more. The beginning spam stuff is a side effect of the method, I've tried to offset that by having an initial period where actions don't decay, but apparently I need to up that period a bit more as well 
im getting problem with chaoslauncher when i got a new comp T.T does it work with vista???
On April 13 2008 04:07 Darkmole wrote: im getting problem with chaoslauncher when i got a new comp T.T does it work with vista??? Make sure its being launched with administrator privileges.
Updated for 1.15.3, auto-update should work for it.
A couple other changes as well: -- Fixed a bug in APM calculation that resulted in a small offset from actual APM -- Removed Keyhooks and replaced them with Hotkeys (this should remove the Administrator account requirement from the plugin, hopefully, and make it more vista-compatible).
question I think i used this before, will it show the same apm as the one ill get in bwchart after? or will it be much higher
On September 19 2008 07:15 slained wrote: Awesome!
question I think i used this before, will it show the same apm as the one ill get in bwchart after? or will it be much higher It should be fairly similar (thats what I was going for when I chose the constants in the APM calculation, anyway). Thats very hard to compare though, but I think they're fairly similar (+/- 10 or so).
Yea I like that. I wonder what would happen if there was an EAPM Alert, would people get a lot better from it than a regular apm detector? heh, no idea how that would work. Anyways, I can't wait till try this out when I get home.
Screenshots of the current version: + Show Spoiler +
Beside APM there is a Min%. What does the Min% tell?
On September 19 2008 08:36 darnoconrad wrote:Screenshots of the current version:+ Show Spoiler +Beside APM there is a Min%. What does the Min% tell? Can you move that APM display around or something? I would love to have it where it is in the second picture, easy to notice if my APM is slipping when I go to upgrade or something.
EDIT: Oh, it's that 'LiveAPM X Position' and Y and stuff that moves it I guess?
On September 19 2008 08:43 Grobyc wrote:Can you move that APM display around or something? I would love to have it where it is in the second picture, easy to notice if my APM is slipping when I go to upgrade or something. EDIT: Oh, it's that 'LiveAPM X Position' and Y and stuff that moves it I guess? Correct. You can also set it ingame using some text commands (see the readme for that).
The min% is "mineral efficiency". Basically, it takes your total expenditures divided by your total income. Not too useful, but I went ahead and added that (you can enable/disable that display seperate from APMLive).
On September 19 2008 09:42 tec27 wrote: The min% is "mineral efficiency". Basically, it takes your total expenditures divided by your total income. Not too useful, but I went ahead and added that (you can enable/disable that display seperate from APMLive).
That's pretty cool but sometimes i get pretty strange values above 100% like i had 147% in my last game. How can I be spending more than my income?
On September 20 2008 04:26 darnoconrad wrote:Show nested quote +On September 19 2008 09:42 tec27 wrote: The min% is "mineral efficiency". Basically, it takes your total expenditures divided by your total income. Not too useful, but I went ahead and added that (you can enable/disable that display seperate from APMLive). That's pretty cool but sometimes i get pretty strange values above 100% like i had 147% in my last game. How can I be spending more than my income? HAX =O
On September 20 2008 04:26 darnoconrad wrote:Show nested quote +On September 19 2008 09:42 tec27 wrote: The min% is "mineral efficiency". Basically, it takes your total expenditures divided by your total income. Not too useful, but I went ahead and added that (you can enable/disable that display seperate from APMLive). That's pretty cool but sometimes i get pretty strange values above 100% like i had 147% in my last game. How can I be spending more than my income? I think one of the offsets is probably off. I made a mistake updating the offsets yesterday and so I might not have fixed one. I'll work on getting it fixed and upload that version for auto-updating once it is.
The other possibility is that the SC gods have bestowed upon you the ability to spend minerals you haven't collected yet. When it comes down to it, I would hope its the latter
Is there a way to see apm on replays with this plugin yet? I really miss that from advloader's apm live
On September 20 2008 04:58 Tropics wrote: Is there a way to see apm on replays with this plugin yet? I really miss that from advloader's apm live No, but I plan on fixing that in the very near future.
lol yeah you should implement /last into this
Anyway to implement this into Chaos Launcher? Or iCCup Launcher?
On September 20 2008 07:21 eth0x wrote: Anyway to implement this into Chaos Launcher? Or iCCup Launcher? Hmm? This is already a ChaosLauncher plugin, so you should be able to use it with that
On September 20 2008 07:32 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 20 2008 07:21 eth0x wrote: Anyway to implement this into Chaos Launcher? Or iCCup Launcher? Hmm? This is already a ChaosLauncher plugin, so you should be able to use it with that 
Odd, it doesn't seem to work for me, as of yet. I shall fool around with it some more.
Well, I found that if you place your cursor in the bottom right hand corner and keep it there(whilst in game), then type /moveMEbox, it will crash Starcraft resulting in a disconnect.
Thanks tec27, your work is great.
EDIT: Now that I've moved the ME box off my screen, it continues to freeze Starcraft, resulting in a crash.
Hey Tec27, I have tried to use this APMAlert with chaoslauncher 0.5 on battle.net and it seem to work perfectly, however whenever i load a dll file, for example, AntiHack.dll or perhaps a mineral hack alert, it always crashes sc right before I enter the in-game lobby. Is that suppose to happen and is there any way to fix that?
On September 21 2008 11:13 eth0x wrote: Well, I found that if you place your cursor in the bottom right hand corner and keep it there(whilst in game), then type /moveMEbox, it will crash Starcraft resulting in a disconnect.
Thanks tec27, your work is great.
EDIT: Now that I've moved the ME box off my screen, it continues to freeze Starcraft, resulting in a crash. I'm gonna work on sanitizing inputs for stuff like that ASAP, I noticed that if you don't give /setminapm a number, it will also crash SC, which is obviously a stupid mistake on my part You should be able to set the ME box x/y in the config dialog to fix the crash, and if you don't want it displayed, just disable it.
On September 21 2008 16:16 genjutsu wrote: Hey Tec27, I have tried to use this APMAlert with chaoslauncher 0.5 on battle.net and it seem to work perfectly, however whenever i load a dll file, for example, AntiHack.dll or perhaps a mineral hack alert, it always crashes sc right before I enter the in-game lobby. Is that suppose to happen and is there any way to fix that? Not quite sure how you're loading these dll's? If they hook the same spot as I do, it may cause a crash. Most of those features are built in the form of ChaosLauncher plugins that are compatible though, so you shouldn't really have to load outside dll's.
Just a quick question, though, does anyone actually use the Mineral Efficiency stuff? Its not really that useful, imo, and if no one's using it, I may just remove it to reduce bloat in the dll and then concentrate on more in-depth apm display features.
Just put up a new update that fixes the bugs with Mineral Efficiency calculation. I'm now working on command input sanitation and then moving to multi-player apm display (that is, apm displays in replays for the currently selected player). After that, I hope to make the alert sound playback take into account the length of the sound file (so you can have alert sounds that last as long as you want).
On September 27 2008 05:55 tec27 wrote: Just put up a new update that fixes the bugs with Mineral Efficiency calculation. I'm now working on command input sanitation and then moving to multi-player apm display (that is, apm displays in replays for the currently selected player). After that, I hope to make the alert sound playback take into account the length of the sound file (so you can have alert sounds that last as long as you want).
If you could add Observer Mode(Like Adv Loader had before the patch), that'd be amazing.
On September 27 2008 08:47 eth0x wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2008 05:55 tec27 wrote: Just put up a new update that fixes the bugs with Mineral Efficiency calculation. I'm now working on command input sanitation and then moving to multi-player apm display (that is, apm displays in replays for the currently selected player). After that, I hope to make the alert sound playback take into account the length of the sound file (so you can have alert sounds that last as long as you want). If you could add Observer Mode(Like Adv Loader had before the patch), that'd be amazing. This thread is for APMAlert, not ADV Loader plugins. Don't request plugins in here...
On topic, keep up the good work tec27. =D
On September 28 2008 01:31 Narrator wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2008 08:47 eth0x wrote:On September 27 2008 05:55 tec27 wrote: Just put up a new update that fixes the bugs with Mineral Efficiency calculation. I'm now working on command input sanitation and then moving to multi-player apm display (that is, apm displays in replays for the currently selected player). After that, I hope to make the alert sound playback take into account the length of the sound file (so you can have alert sounds that last as long as you want). If you could add Observer Mode(Like Adv Loader had before the patch), that'd be amazing. This thread is for APMAlert, not ADV Loader plugins. Don't request plugins in here... On topic, keep up the good work tec27. =D
If you read the readme, you'd know that he was asking for suggestions.
On September 28 2008 04:18 eth0x wrote:Show nested quote +On September 28 2008 01:31 Narrator wrote:On September 27 2008 08:47 eth0x wrote:On September 27 2008 05:55 tec27 wrote: Just put up a new update that fixes the bugs with Mineral Efficiency calculation. I'm now working on command input sanitation and then moving to multi-player apm display (that is, apm displays in replays for the currently selected player). After that, I hope to make the alert sound playback take into account the length of the sound file (so you can have alert sounds that last as long as you want). If you could add Observer Mode(Like Adv Loader had before the patch), that'd be amazing. This thread is for APMAlert, not ADV Loader plugins. Don't request plugins in here... On topic, keep up the good work tec27. =D If you read the readme, you'd know that he was asking for suggestions. You are correct, I do like suggestions. I'd somewhat prefer if the suggestions were for new stuff though, rather than 'remake x plugin please'.
Is it possible to like add to the program they % of clicks and keys you're hitting like.
In a 100% of clicks/keys you're 60% keys and 30%clicks or something? That'd be pretty fun / interesting to see. ;o.
Can you have a clock at the top middle of the screen? ADVLoader had it I think. It is useful for observing games.
On September 28 2008 08:11 [X]Ken_D wrote: Can you have a clock at the top middle of the screen? ADVLoader had it I think. It is useful for observing games. That's been suggested by multiple people now, so its in the works.
Not quite sure how you're loading these dll's? If they hook the same spot as I do, it may cause a crash. Most of those features are built in the form of ChaosLauncher plugins that are compatible though, so you shouldn't really have to load outside dll's.
I basically load these dlls with a DLL injector called zLoader. Is the apmalert incompatible with this format of loading dlls? The other features/plugins in chaoslauncher works perfectly fine when I inject the dlls, however when I have apmalert inside it always causes a crash.
On September 29 2008 07:53 genjutsu wrote:Show nested quote +Not quite sure how you're loading these dll's? If they hook the same spot as I do, it may cause a crash. Most of those features are built in the form of ChaosLauncher plugins that are compatible though, so you shouldn't really have to load outside dll's. I basically load these dlls with a DLL injector called zLoader. Is the apmalert incompatible with this format of loading dlls? The other features/plugins in chaoslauncher works perfectly fine when I inject the dlls, however when I have apmalert inside it always causes a crash. APMAlert utilizes ChaosLauncher function calls to know when to inject itself, and would therefore be incompatible with that loader. Why its causing the crash exactly I can't say, but even if it weren't crashing, it wouldn't work.
For anyone wondering about the next version of APMAlert, it will be quite a substantial upgrade. Things I have already fixed/changed include:
- The action hook now works for all players, and LiveAPM works in replays now
- The alert sound will not interrupt itself, so if you have a long sound file, it will finish before the sound is played again.
- Text now refreshes properly, so there's no need for that ugly background box behind it any more.
- When displaying APM in replays, the selected player's name will be display beside it, so you can more clearly see whose APM it is
- The formula for APM calculation has been changed a bit so that it can actually calculate during early parts of the game (the APM will be very dynamic during this part of the game) [Thanks MoC
- Mineral Efficiency has been removed, as it was fairly useless, buggy, and didn't work at all in replays. Sorry if you were using it =/
- The plugin now enables/disables itself automatically when you start a game, and because of this, the PowerUp/PowerDown sounds have been removed. This should fix any problems you might have had with rejoining BNet after using it.
Things I will fix/change before release:
- An elapsed game time ingame
- A local time clock ingame
- ObsAPM display (that is, displaying APM's like replays if the plugin detects that you are an Obs)
- A 'display all APMs' options for replays/ObsAPM
- Better ingame-command checking (for validity) and auto-positioning of all customizable text locations for when you are close to edges (so text doesn't go off the screen)
I think thats it, but there may be more
Belgium9944 Posts
On September 29 2008 07:53 genjutsu wrote:Show nested quote +Not quite sure how you're loading these dll's? If they hook the same spot as I do, it may cause a crash. Most of those features are built in the form of ChaosLauncher plugins that are compatible though, so you shouldn't really have to load outside dll's. I basically load these dlls with a DLL injector called zLoader. Is the apmalert incompatible with this format of loading dlls? The other features/plugins in chaoslauncher works perfectly fine when I inject the dlls, however when I have apmalert inside it always causes a crash. isnt the AntiHack a plugin too? Why not load it into chaos instead of using some DLL injector?
seems kindy fishy/hacky to me
Because zLoader is a hack loader, obviously genjutsu is a hacker. the Z stands for Zynastor, the most famous bw hacker. He's the one that made oblivion.
Anyways, tec27, this is awesome, and I love the stuff you're talking about for the next update, but is there any chance you could try to get iccup to include this in their launcher?
To be honest I love the features of APMAlert, but i almost NEVER play on regular bnet. If you could get them to include this in iccup launcher that would be AMAZING
On September 30 2008 06:56 -orb- wrote: Because zLoader is a hack loader, obviously genjutsu is a hacker. the Z stands for Zynastor, the most famous bw hacker. He's the one that made oblivion.
Anyways, tec27, this is awesome, and I love the stuff you're talking about for the next update, but is there any chance you could try to get iccup to include this in their launcher?
To be honest I love the features of APMAlert, but i almost NEVER play on regular bnet. If you could get them to include this in iccup launcher that would be AMAZING There are certain dll's out there that aren't really hacks, but aren't in BWL format, so I can see why he might want to use it (or he could be hacking, but whatever).
ICCup including it in their launcher is really my domain, and it may not be possible at all with their current anti-hack setup (they monitor for memory changes and such, and APMAlert makes quite a few). If someone can convince them to put in a decent amount of extra work in for it though, it might happen
On September 30 2008 06:56 -orb- wrote: Because zLoader is a hack loader, obviously genjutsu is a hacker. the Z stands for Zynastor, the most famous bw hacker. He's the one that made oblivion.
Anyways, tec27, this is awesome, and I love the stuff you're talking about for the next update, but is there any chance you could try to get iccup to include this in their launcher?
To be honest I love the features of APMAlert, but i almost NEVER play on regular bnet. If you could get them to include this in iccup launcher that would be AMAZING
wow.... talk about accusing someone of hacking based off of nothing... I was just asking a simple question and neither of us were on the subject of hacking but you came in and flamed me just because you suspected me of hacking. To tell you the truth, I was honestly just trying to find a way to load AntiHack.dll, if you don't believe then feel free to check out this link http://www.tehproject.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=336
zLoader is a dll injector made by Zynsator for the purpose of hacking. If you downloaded zLoader you probably got it from a hacking site.
LOL AT THE SITE YOU POSTED! It includes a drop hack. WHAT DO YOU KNOW? Yeah... I know you're going to say blah blah it only happens when someone mineral hacks.
The fact of the matter is you have drop hacks installed on your system. Regardless of what you're using them for or who you're using them against, you're still hacking.
Here's a screenshot of what the new interface should look like (with the "display all apm's in replays" feature being utilized). Positions of all elements will be customizable like in previous versions.
Could the clock possibly be where the Unit Portrait currently is? (under the menu tab) I have no problem with where the game timer is though.
On October 02 2008 07:40 Pokebunny wrote: Could the clock possibly be where the Unit Portrait currently is? (under the menu tab) I have no problem with where the game timer is though. That could be problematic with my current drawing setup, as the menu and unit portraits and such is drawn after I do my drawing (and thus draws over it). I'll see about going further down the draw chain so that its possible, though (and then you could set it there if you prefer in the settings).
Alright, I just released the updated version. Couldn't find a drawing function that allowed me to draw over the menu, so I'm not quite sure thats possible. If I find it is, I'll make sure to update, but for now, you'll only be able to see the text if you place it in the top 2/3rds of the screen.
For a recap of the new features:
- The action hook now works for all players, and LiveAPM works in replays now
- The alert sound will not interrupt itself, so if you have a long sound file, it will finish before the sound is played again.
- Text now refreshes properly, so there's no need for that ugly background box behind it any more.
- When displaying APM in replays, the selected player's name will be display beside it, so you can more clearly see whose APM it is
- The formula for APM calculation has been changed a bit so that it can actually calculate during early parts of the game (the APM will be very dynamic during this part of the game) [Thanks MoC
- Mineral Efficiency has been removed, as it was fairly useless, buggy, and didn't work at all in replays. Sorry if you were using it =/
- The plugin now enables/disables itself automatically when you start a game, and because of this, the PowerUp/PowerDown sounds have been removed. This should fix any problems you might have had with rejoining BNet after using it.
- An elapsed game time ingame
- A local time clock ingame
- ObsAPM display (that is, displaying APM's like replays if the plugin detects that you are an Obs)
- A 'display all APMs' options for replays/ObsAPM
- Better ingame-command checking
Here's the source if anyone would like to see it: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlertSrc-0.9.zip -- Sorry for the mess
Could anyone getting crashes please let me know some of the information about your computer (operating system mostly)? Thanks.
edit: Actually, nevermind, it appears that the plugin crashes if I'm not using W-Mode with it (weird). Sorry about releasing it like that, I just usually test in W-Mode cause it makes it easier to fix stuff.
Alright, just put up a version that should have the crashing fixed, and updated the source files to match that version.
it s not allowed on iccup and its detectable by anti hack rite?
Wow very nice quick fix! Thanks for a very useful update~
On October 03 2008 01:07 axel wrote: it s not allowed on iccup and its detectable by anti hack rite? Correct
Is there a way I can fix the players name to line up next to their APM in replays?
Right now in my replays it has their name on the upper right side of the screen and their apm is on the left side.
-- also i cant use movebox, setx, sety, showapm or setapm.
On October 03 2008 01:52 megastarcraft20 wrote: Is there a way I can fix the players name to line up next to their APM in replays?
Right now in my replays it has their name on the upper right side of the screen and their apm is on the left side.
-- also i cant use movebox, setx, sety, showapm or setapm. Can you take a screenshot of that for me?
Alright this is what I'm getting. Now before in the old version of your program I used movebox to move the apm under recourses so I can see why the names are there but since I can't use movebox or setx&sety now I cant even move my apm during a game. I don't know if that corresponds with where the apm of the replays are at though.
On October 03 2008 02:22 megastarcraft20 wrote:Alright this is what I'm getting. Now before in the old version of your program I used movebox to move the apm under recourses so I can see why the names are there but since I can't use movebox or setx&sety now I cant even move my apm during a game. I don't know if that corresponds with where the apm of the replays are at though. Try using /moveapm instead of /movebox (I forgot that I changed that command for continuity with the other new ones). /setx & /sety should still work though, so thats weird...
I'm also finding it very weird that the numbers and the names can even be seperate like that, as they're part of the same string...
Edit: Alright, it seems Starcraft is wrapping the strings around if they extend off the screen? Very weird, never seen that before. To fix that I'm gonna need to find the string width function in SC, which I had a hard time finding before. So I'll work on getting that done, but it might take me a while.
And if i install it in my sc folder to play it on europe , will antihack from iccup dectect it as hack even if i 'm not using it on iccup??
Yeah moveapm works great but I still cant use setx and y but it doesn't matter since moveapm works
On October 03 2008 02:45 axel wrote: And if i install it in my sc folder to play it on europe , will antihack from iccup dectect it as hack even if i 'm not using it on iccup?? As long as you aren't playing on ICCup, the ICCup antihack doesn't matter. And if you don't have APMAlert enabled when you play on ICCup, it won't care that its sitting in your folder, so you should be fine.
On October 03 2008 02:54 megastarcraft20 wrote:Yeah moveapm works great but I still cant use setx and y but it doesn't matter since moveapm works  Yeah, my bad, I removed those too :O I think my thought process was that if people wanted that precision, they should just set it in the config dialog (and I didn't want to have like 50 different commands to use ingame, since there's no way anyone's gonna remember those when the need them)
Alright, I just uploaded a new version that will not let you place text off the screen. That is, you can set it to appear wherever you want, but it will get as close to that position as possible without allowing text to go off the screen. The text will be a bit off from the edge (by about 20 pixels) to prevent 'flickering' from constantly changing positions.
And btw, the commands for moving the various elements around ingame are: /moveapm /movelocal /movegame (for the apm('s), local clock, and elapsed game clock respectively) All those commands will use your current mouse coords to place the objects.
The source has also been updated to the latest version. Please let me know if there are any issues.
Hot, thanks for all the updates today.
Which type of hooks do you use? I suppose - APM calculation - commands - drawing Anything else?
Lets think about how it can be hookless... I could share the source of hookless APM calculation - read and parse the replay data live, so it will produce APM about 99,9% equals to BWChart's one. There is a small inaccuracy caused by the fact that replay data is not complete until the game is over (missing one last command).
Also I've made a ddraw-proxy to be able to draw anything on the screen without hooks (I'm not sure whether its possible to do hookless drawing using just bw-functions), but its not finished yet...
Please let me know if you're interested.
Can it have different color according to the APM similar to ADVLoader?
example 000-080apm normal color 081-100apm green 101-160apm yellow 160-220apm red etc
On October 03 2008 16:31 Python_Max wrote: Which type of hooks do you use? I suppose - APM calculation - commands - drawing Anything else?
Lets think about how it can be hookless... I could share the source of hookless APM calculation - read and parse the replay data live, so it will produce APM about 99,9% equals to BWChart's one. There is a small inaccuracy caused by the fact that replay data is not complete until the game is over (missing one last command).
Also I've made a ddraw-proxy to be able to draw anything on the screen without hooks (I'm not sure whether its possible to do hookless drawing using just bw-functions), but its not finished yet...
Please let me know if you're interested.
GL The hooks I have are: - Actions - Commands - Drawing - Game Start/Game End - Pause/Unpause
I think thats it. The last two could be done away with easily if I modified it a bit. Commands aren't really too necessary either, so I could do away with those as well. The main thing thats a bit hard to do without hooking is drawing to the screen, since that needs to be done pretty much every frame.
On October 03 2008 18:04 [X]Ken_D wrote: Can it have different color according to the APM similar to ADVLoader?
example 000-080apm normal color 081-100apm green 101-160apm yellow 160-220apm red etc
Yeah, that can be done. I'll work on adding an option for it.
Okay so I can't get this to work. I downloaded the APM Live file and extracted into the laucher folder, yet when I load the launcher up theres no sign of APM Live
On October 04 2008 00:49 Miller wrote: Okay so I can't get this to work. I downloaded the APM Live file and extracted into the laucher folder, yet when I load the launcher up theres no sign of APM Live Make sure you're looking for APMAlert and now APMLive. If thats not the problem though, I'm not sure what is.
This is awesome. Thanks a lot.
On October 04 2008 00:06 tec27 wrote: The main thing thats a bit hard to do without hooking is drawing to the screen, since that needs to be done pretty much every frame. I see... So the proxy ddraw.dll should be finished first. Here is an alpha version http://depositfiles.com/files/8444408 Includes an example which just shows a clock while in game. It requires to be loaded by InfectedStarcraft. It does not work with ChaosLauncher yet. InfectedStarcraft.exe.injlist should contain clock.bwl only - ddraw.dll will be loaded automatically.
I believe the draw helper library should be loaded by the launcher and the access must be provided via API, e.g. onDraw() callback function. It already has a callback, but so far the main problem is to make it loaded before original ddraw. Additionally some speed optimizations could be done.
Soon I will upload the sources and I'll make a thread at bwprogrammers with description how to use it.
On October 01 2008 08:48 -orb- wrote: zLoader is a dll injector made by Zynsator for the purpose of hacking. If you downloaded zLoader you probably got it from a hacking site.
LOL AT THE SITE YOU POSTED! It includes a drop hack. WHAT DO YOU KNOW? Yeah... I know you're going to say blah blah it only happens when someone mineral hacks.
The fact of the matter is you have drop hacks installed on your system. Regardless of what you're using them for or who you're using them against, you're still hacking.
lol... whatever man.... apparently you're the only one here that's anal about getting rid of mineral hackers. i think if someone was dropped for mineral hacking then ppl in that game would probably be happy that mineral hackers will never be able to get a chance to cheat and get away with a win. well....who knows you probably mineral hack yourself, that's why you're so supportive to mineral hacking and objective to dropping them. imo, i would rather have them get kicked out of the game immediately rather than letting them get that win. if you're anal about such a small thing like this then you're probably worse off in real life, when you see a kid jay walking, you'd probably call 911 and say that he's breaking the law.
I don't support mineral hacking, that's why I use detectors so that I can see when someone mineral hacks and leave the game.
Any program that uses drop hacks is a hack. Since you use one of those programs, you are a hacker. Plain and simple.
I disagree with your entire outlook.
I don't support any program with anti-hack features that are hacks. I've also never played against a mineral hack or blatant hacker of any kind in the last 2 years.
Private servers ftw.
The updates are great. You are great. APMAlert is great!
On October 04 2008 09:20 -orb- wrote: I don't support mineral hacking, that's why I use detectors so that I can see when someone mineral hacks and leave the game.
Any program that uses drop hacks is a hack. Since you use one of those programs, you are a hacker. Plain and simple.
Ohhhh I see.... so that's your definition of a hacker. Well I guess I am going to label you as a hacker as well because my definition of a hacker is anyone who uses anything that modifies the memory, gameplay, or anything in starcraft. Since you use one of those programs, you are a hacker. Plain and simple, you are a hacker.
Just a note, it seems that the plugin gets a bit confused in FFA games (yeah you can laugh now), or that's what happened to me recently at least - I had the alert sound going off for most of the game even if my APM was over twice that of the set limit, and when I checked the rep a bunch of my opponents had APM that'd fallen into the "warning" range.
Also, during an obs-mode UMS game, I was able to see the APM of my opponent live(as well as all observers), like in a replay - is this an intentional thing?
On October 04 2008 12:35 Muey wrote: Just a note, it seems that the plugin gets a bit confused in FFA games (yeah you can laugh now), or that's what happened to me recently at least - I had the alert sound going off for most of the game even if my APM was over twice that of the set limit, and when I checked the rep a bunch of my opponents had APM that'd fallen into the "warning" range.
Also, during an obs-mode UMS game, I was able to see the APM of my opponent live(as well as all observers), like in a replay - is this an intentional thing? The first thing sounds like a weird bug, I'll look into that.
The second thing could be a bug as well. In ObsMode, you're supposed to be able to see everyone's APM, but it should only activate for the observers (it checks units controlled, resources, etc. to determine if you're an observer or not). Could be a bug related to the first thing, so I'll look into that as well.
edit: oops theres a readme
got a bug i think in the obs part of the apm i was watching a game as an obs and it put up the apm of some of the obs and only one of the players, i took a screen shot but cant rember where my computer saves it....
On October 04 2008 12:11 genjutsu wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2008 09:20 -orb- wrote: I don't support mineral hacking, that's why I use detectors so that I can see when someone mineral hacks and leave the game.
Any program that uses drop hacks is a hack. Since you use one of those programs, you are a hacker. Plain and simple. Ohhhh I see.... so that's your definition of a hacker. Well I guess I am going to label you as a hacker as well because my definition of a hacker is anyone who uses anything that modifies the memory, gameplay, or anything in starcraft. Since you use one of those programs, you are a hacker. Plain and simple, you are a hacker.
You are just fucking stupid.
The programs I use that "modify the memory" are hack detectors and apm monitors and automatic replay savers, etc.
The definition of a hack in our context is something that gives you an unfair advantage in a game.
Since none of the programs I use give me an unfair advantage, I am not hacking. Since you have the ability to automatically disconnect someone from the game without them being able to do anything about it, that is definitely an advantage for you since you can get free wins from this. Therefore, you are a hacker.
You should be banned. It's fucking embarrassing how you try to defend yourself. You're a hacker. You're pathetic.
On October 06 2008 05:03 -orb- wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2008 12:11 genjutsu wrote:On October 04 2008 09:20 -orb- wrote: I don't support mineral hacking, that's why I use detectors so that I can see when someone mineral hacks and leave the game.
Any program that uses drop hacks is a hack. Since you use one of those programs, you are a hacker. Plain and simple. Ohhhh I see.... so that's your definition of a hacker. Well I guess I am going to label you as a hacker as well because my definition of a hacker is anyone who uses anything that modifies the memory, gameplay, or anything in starcraft. Since you use one of those programs, you are a hacker. Plain and simple, you are a hacker. You are just fucking stupid. The programs I use that "modify the memory" are hack detectors and apm monitors and automatic replay savers, etc. The definition of a hack in our context is something that gives you an unfair advantage in a game. Since none of the programs I use give me an unfair advantage, I am not hacking. Since you have the ability to automatically disconnect someone from the game without them being able to do anything about it, that is definitely an advantage for you since you can get free wins from this. Therefore, you are a hacker. You should be banned. It's fucking embarrassing how you try to defend yourself. You're a hacker. You're pathetic.
you are technicully a hacker with min hack detection etc however i thionk the fact that its a dectection but not a minearl hack makes it a tottally different type of hack, becasue your "hacks" dont give you any type of advantage in a game then i classify you as a "clean" hacker and people for insantce with drop hacks (hint hint) as a "dirty" hacker.
P.S i have hack detect to
You are just fucking stupid.
The programs I use that "modify the memory" are hack detectors and apm monitors and automatic replay savers, etc.
The definition of a hack in our context is something that gives you an unfair advantage in a game.
Since none of the programs I use give me an unfair advantage, I am not hacking. Since you have the ability to automatically disconnect someone from the game without them being able to do anything about it, that is definitely an advantage for you since you can get free wins from this. Therefore, you are a hacker.
You should be banned. It's fucking embarrassing how you try to defend yourself. You're a hacker. You're pathetic.
First off, no need to get emotional. Also you totally missed the point in my post. I'm not trying to defend myself as being a hacker, I don't care whether I'm a hacker or not. What I was trying to tell you is that, what you're using ARE hacks, there's no point trying to defend yourself. What Phuckstop101 is absolutely correct, he totally caught on to what I was trying to get at. Even if you're a hacker there is a degree to how dirty you hack. In your case, you aren't harming the game or changing the gameplay in anyway, but you ARE still a hacker because you're using a program that modifies the memories of the game. For me, yes it's true that I am dropping mineral hackers but at most it can do is end the game altogether (when everyone leaves), however I am not the one who is totally ruining the game by altering the gameplay and completely turn the balance of the game upside down. Anyway, the point is that you ARE a hacker. Point made, case closed.
No, case not closed, point not made.
The entire debate here really depends on the definition of hacks in our context.
Obviously we don't mean the literal definition, since we aren't actually hacking the program, we're using a program someone else made.
So since we don't mean that, we can deduce that we mean cheating at the game, or getting an unfair advantage.
Thus, what I am doing is not hacking, what you are doing is.
On October 06 2008 05:22 puckstop101 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2008 05:03 -orb- wrote:On October 04 2008 12:11 genjutsu wrote:On October 04 2008 09:20 -orb- wrote: I don't support mineral hacking, that's why I use detectors so that I can see when someone mineral hacks and leave the game.
Any program that uses drop hacks is a hack. Since you use one of those programs, you are a hacker. Plain and simple. Ohhhh I see.... so that's your definition of a hacker. Well I guess I am going to label you as a hacker as well because my definition of a hacker is anyone who uses anything that modifies the memory, gameplay, or anything in starcraft. Since you use one of those programs, you are a hacker. Plain and simple, you are a hacker. You are just fucking stupid. The programs I use that "modify the memory" are hack detectors and apm monitors and automatic replay savers, etc. The definition of a hack in our context is something that gives you an unfair advantage in a game. Since none of the programs I use give me an unfair advantage, I am not hacking. Since you have the ability to automatically disconnect someone from the game without them being able to do anything about it, that is definitely an advantage for you since you can get free wins from this. Therefore, you are a hacker. You should be banned. It's fucking embarrassing how you try to defend yourself. You're a hacker. You're pathetic. you are technicully a hacker with min hack detection etc however i thionk the fact that its a dectection but not a minearl hack makes it a tottally different type of hack, becasue your "hacks" dont give you any type of advantage in a game then i classify you as a "clean" hacker  and people for insantce with drop hacks (hint hint) as a "dirty" hacker. P.S i have hack detect to Was there a need to post that puckstop10? Its like when you call someone gay and he says yes im technically gay because im happy right now.
Using drophack, doesnt matter what your intentions are, is wrong. It can be abused in so many ways if you give someone the ability to drop another person. Whats stopping him from dropping his opponent when hes about to lose? Genjutsu im pretty sure you dont use drophack with any bad intentions but drop hack is drop hack .
I know your definition of a hacker is different and you dont have to follow the commonly accepted definition but the most well accepted definition of a hacker is a guy who uses a hack/program to gain an unfair advantage over their opponent.
Also can you guys ever go through an argument, without every other word being fuck?
could you set somehotkeys ingame like to turn off the alarm, and reset the timer etc.
On October 04 2008 00:06 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2008 18:04 [X]Ken_D wrote: Can it have different color according to the APM similar to ADVLoader?
example 000-080apm normal color 081-100apm green 101-160apm yellow 160-220apm red etc Yeah, that can be done. I'll work on adding an option for it.
How about letting the user set up their own color schemes for apm ranges? I think this would be a more flexible option and I for one would love to set up my own color displays for different apm ranges ( I don't really like the one above, and I'm not crazy about AdvLoader's either)
I was playing some 1v1 games yesterday on iccup obs maps and the APM display was wonky. For the two players, each one worked fine. For the observers it showed four player names which was usually one player and the two observers with a duplicate of one player. The result was one APM showing up correctly and the names of the two observers with a duplicate of one observer.
For example: Player A and B are playing and C and D are observing. A sees his own APM correctly as does B. C and D see the APM of A and the APM of C and D, and a duplicate of C/D.
I don't think it should be showing the observer's APM to themselves regardless.
On October 07 2008 03:34 BlasiuS wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2008 00:06 tec27 wrote:On October 03 2008 18:04 [X]Ken_D wrote: Can it have different color according to the APM similar to ADVLoader?
example 000-080apm normal color 081-100apm green 101-160apm yellow 160-220apm red etc Yeah, that can be done. I'll work on adding an option for it. How about letting the user set up their own color schemes for apm ranges? I think this would be a more flexible option and I for one would love to set up my own color displays for different apm ranges ( I don't really like the one above, and I'm not crazy about AdvLoader's either) Yeah, thats possible (If I do that, I'll likely include templates for how its currently setup, and how AdvLoader does it, along with the ability to fully customize it).
On October 07 2008 04:43 Durak wrote: I was playing some 1v1 games yesterday on iccup obs maps and the APM display was wonky. For the two players, each one worked fine. For the observers it showed four player names which was usually one player and the two observers with a duplicate of one player. The result was one APM showing up correctly and the names of the two observers with a duplicate of one observer.
For example: Player A and B are playing and C and D are observing. A sees his own APM correctly as does B. C and D see the APM of A and the APM of C and D, and a duplicate of C/D.
I don't think it should be showing the observer's APM to themselves regardless. Well, the main problem with not showing the observers is that I don't really have a setup that allows me to store whether someone is an observer or not, its just a one-time check each time I draw the APMs. I may rework it in the future though (its rather hackish atm and I don't really like how its implemented), so if so, I'll make it work like that. I also need to fix how it tells if a player is 'not there'. I store the APM's of all players at all times, and to check if a player exists, I check that their name isn't blank. I don't think thats a proper way of doing it, however, so that needs to be fixed.
It's not so bad to have it show the observers, but it doesn't show one of the players. For the observers it only ends up showing one of the playing players. Also, I was playing one of the 1v1 and instead of showing my APM it showed one of the observers names but with blank APM.
If you can fix it so that it shows both of the players' APM for the observers then it doesn't really matter if it shows the obs names as well.
On October 07 2008 04:55 Durak wrote: It's not so bad to have it show the observers, but it doesn't show one of the players. For the observers it only ends up showing one of the playing players. Also, I was playing one of the 1v1 and instead of showing my APM it showed one of the observers names but with blank APM.
If you can fix it so that it shows both of the players' APM for the observers then it doesn't really matter if it shows the obs names as well. Yeah, I'll definitely fix that. Something is screwy with how I'm choosing players, and I haven't gotten a chance to figure out what yet. Until about 15 minutes before the last release I had like 3 buffer-overflow problems in the code that somehow weren't causing crashes, so for all I know its the same sort of thing.
My apologies to Tec, I think it's pretty rude to continue going off topic in your thread, but I didn't intend this to happen. I don't know how a simple question can turn into a heated debate... All I was asking was if loading the AntiHack.dll with another injector is compatible with APMAlert.
Hey Ilikestarcraft, I think you misunderstood how the AntiHack works. It can't be used for bad intentions in any way because it can ONLY drop mineral hackers, you do not have control of who or when you drop, it automatically drops mineral hackers. Also, I never used the word fuck in any of my replies, only orb did.
On October 06 2008 05:03 -orb- wrote: The definition of a hack in our context is something that gives you an unfair advantage in a game. Ok, so your definition is that the person hacking has to gain an unfair advantages over the opponent for him/her to be called a hacker. However, you can't ignore the fact that the programs you use are hacks regardless of whether it's fair or unfair in the game. You can say window mode, mineral hack detector, auto-mine detector, host hack, timer displays, auto save replay, and etc are all fair in game but they are still hacks regardless of how fair it is, because if it modifies the memory, hooks any functions/data, uses offsets in SC, or incorporate features not within SC then it is a hack. I think it's pretty obvious that a user of hacks, is a hacker. It is alright to say that, "some" people would let the user of your hacks slide and not call him a hacker because the harm it does is too insignificant to the game and has no unfair advantage present, but I wouldn't say "most" since there is no statistical evidence. There is no such thing as a user of hacks not being a hacker. You don't even need a definition, if you're using a hack then you're a hacker, it's as simple as that. It's as simple as saying a kid stole another kid's lead pencil, therefore his actions defines him as a thief for that particular case.
You need to come to the understanding that you are a hacker but the degree of hacks you use are harmless to the game and most people would overlook the fact that you're hacking. With that said, in my case I do not feel that there has to be such a dramatic and hostile attitude towards the user, you went as much to create a huge case and hostility out of something so small, it's not as if I released an undetectable mineral hack to the public you know...
You also said something about cheating. Sure I admit that I cheated, I won't deny it, but it's the same as hacking, there's a degree to how much you cheat. You said you are NOT a cheater? Well, I don't really want to get into that because it would waste too much time explaining it, but in short, you're wrong because the things you have, like APM displays, timer, window mode, hack detectors, etc are all features that some people do not have access to because it's not a part of the game, meaning you are breaking the rules of the game and therefore labeling you as a cheater. You are also gaining an unfair advantage in the game because others do not have those extra features that may be useful when playing or watching a replay. I know you're going to say that I'm speaking out of context again, but you're wrong because every hack has their own context. You're probably going to say "my hacks are fair because they don't help me get an easy win by dropping the other players and making it a 2v3". Obviously the advantages of your hacks aren't to help you win a game, they have their own unique advantages and usefulness in the game.
So now you're two things, a hacker AND a cheater. rofl
APMAlert is glitchy for me. Might have been already stated, but I skipped reading because of the "hacking debate" crap.
Playing 1v1 seemed kinda normal with the APM fluctuating, but as I played 3v3's it did not show my APM. Instead, it was showing another teammate or opponent's APM. I also noticed as some people leave, either my teammates or the opponents, it lists all of the player's APM and there are duplicate names in the list before the game has ended.
Hope that makes sense to help solve the problem...
On October 09 2008 15:40 zOgeL wrote: APMAlert is glitchy for me. Might have been already stated, but I skipped reading because of the "hacking debate" crap.
Playing 1v1 seemed kinda normal with the APM fluctuating, but as I played 3v3's it did not show my APM. Instead, it was showing another teammate or opponent's APM. I also noticed as some people leave, either my teammates or the opponents, it lists all of the player's APM and there are duplicate names in the list before the game has ended.
Hope that makes sense to help solve the problem... Yeah, thats the same problem thats been discussed. You did help though With your description, I can narrow the problem down to how its determining the player number.
Also, tec27. For your future releases, keep in mind that the only UI that doesn't overlap your computer's time is the Terran UI. All others overlap slightly. 1280x1024 res, if that's important.
Austin10831 Posts
Sometimes mine does that too, it will show like 6 other apms in a 3v3, usually 3 sets of duplicates. Also, sometimes when it actually does show my apm, it will always stay around 50apm no matter what speed I play at.
On October 07 2008 12:13 genjutsu wrote:My apologies to Tec, I think it's pretty rude to continue going off topic in your thread, but I didn't intend this to happen. I don't know how a simple question can turn into a heated debate... All I was asking was if loading the AntiHack.dll with another injector is compatible with APMAlert. Hey Ilikestarcraft, I think you misunderstood how the AntiHack works. It can't be used for bad intentions in any way because it can ONLY drop mineral hackers, you do not have control of who or when you drop, it automatically drops mineral hackers. Also, I never used the word fuck in any of my replies, only orb did. Show nested quote +On October 06 2008 05:03 -orb- wrote: The definition of a hack in our context is something that gives you an unfair advantage in a game. Ok, so your definition is that the person hacking has to gain an unfair advantages over the opponent for him/her to be called a hacker. However, you can't ignore the fact that the programs you use are hacks regardless of whether it's fair or unfair in the game. You can say window mode, mineral hack detector, auto-mine detector, host hack, timer displays, auto save replay, and etc are all fair in game but they are still hacks regardless of how fair it is, because if it modifies the memory, hooks any functions/data, uses offsets in SC, or incorporate features not within SC then it is a hack. I think it's pretty obvious that a user of hacks, is a hacker. It is alright to say that, "some" people would let the user of your hacks slide and not call him a hacker because the harm it does is too insignificant to the game and has no unfair advantage present, but I wouldn't say "most" since there is no statistical evidence. There is no such thing as a user of hacks not being a hacker. You don't even need a definition, if you're using a hack then you're a hacker, it's as simple as that. It's as simple as saying a kid stole another kid's lead pencil, therefore his actions defines him as a thief for that particular case. You need to come to the understanding that you are a hacker but the degree of hacks you use are harmless to the game and most people would overlook the fact that you're hacking. With that said, in my case I do not feel that there has to be such a dramatic and hostile attitude towards the user, you went as much to create a huge case and hostility out of something so small, it's not as if I released an undetectable mineral hack to the public you know... You also said something about cheating. Sure I admit that I cheated, I won't deny it, but it's the same as hacking, there's a degree to how much you cheat. You said you are NOT a cheater? Well, I don't really want to get into that because it would waste too much time explaining it, but in short, you're wrong because the things you have, like APM displays, timer, window mode, hack detectors, etc are all features that some people do not have access to because it's not a part of the game, meaning you are breaking the rules of the game and therefore labeling you as a cheater. You are also gaining an unfair advantage in the game because others do not have those extra features that may be useful when playing or watching a replay. I know you're going to say that I'm speaking out of context again, but you're wrong because every hack has their own context. You're probably going to say "my hacks are fair because they don't help me get an easy win by dropping the other players and making it a 2v3". Obviously the advantages of your hacks aren't to help you win a game, they have their own unique advantages and usefulness in the game. So now you're two things, a hacker AND a cheater. rofl
You clearly don't follow basic logic and clearly you aren't even reading what I'm writing, or if you are reading it you're not actually thinking about it.
You still try to say that I'm hacking, even after accepting what I said about the definition of hacking.
You clearly have some mental handicap, I'm so sorry.
On October 10 2008 14:07 -orb- wrote: You clearly don't follow basic logic and clearly you aren't even reading what I'm writing, or if you are reading it you're not actually thinking about it.
Well you just made yourself look like a total dumbass because YOU aren't reading what I'm writing or if you are reading it, you're not actually thinking about it....sounds familiar? If you read that long post I wrote then you would realize that I wasn't following up on your post. The point of that post was to show that people who use hacks are hackers, plain and simple. Since you use a hack, you are a hacker...that's common sense....if you don't agree then you're probably the mental one. What are considered hacks? Go read what I wrote.
It's best that you just agree with this cuz you're speechless since you CAN'T disagree with the argument I made, no matter how you justify yourself, you're still using hacks and is cheating.
I'll satisfy your desire to get humiliated even more since you want to know so bad how every single one of the points you made is worthless and meaningless against my argument. I assume this is what you were referring to when I didn't respond to your post.
On October 06 2008 16:17 -orb- wrote: Obviously we don't mean the literal definition, since we aren't actually hacking the program, we're using a program someone else made.
Well duh we aren't hacking the program, we're using the hacks made by another person. Since you and I both use programs that other people hacked then we're hackers.
On October 06 2008 16:17 -orb- wrote: The entire debate here really depends on the definition of hacks in our context. Yeah and what I wrote is the most general definition. Even if you do not agree, you still have to accept it because my definition is a FACT, your loose definition is based on your own opinion, mines is a FACT that can't be changed. Now here's the fun part, how about I accept your definition and go along with it? According to you, hacking in your context means the same as cheating and getting an unfair advantage. You said I have some mental handicap cuz I agreed with you but still called you a hacker? Well I did agree with you but I called you a cheater (but I guess aka "hacker" since you use it interchangeably in your context), and I PROVED to you that you ARE a cheater. Either way, in whatever context you try to justify yourself in, you're still a cheater from what I've shown you in my previous post.
On October 10 2008 14:07 -orb- wrote: You clearly have some mental handicap, I'm so sorry.
Rofl... sorry but your smartass remarks aren't gonna get you anywhere, it only makes u look like the one who's retarded
Why don't you guys take it to PM's... Clouding up tec27's thread here...
I too am having the same problem with 3v3s. It will only show my APM for a short while, before switching to someone else's. But it will only show their name, not their APM. In addition, it seems that every game after the first, the APM is not reading accurately. My normal 300 APM spam is being read as 100 or sub-100 apm.
Lastly, watching a replay with observers also screws up APMAlert. It will only show the APM of 1 of the 2 players. The other player, in addition to 1 or 2 observers, will show the name of a 4th observer, along with blank APM. I'll find some screenshots and post them so you know what I mean.
United Arab Emirates38 Posts
Just ran into a bug with the latest release of ApmAlert. First game it was saying my apm was well over 300 the whole game but checking rep and bw chart say the true apm (about 220). Next game it kept saying my apm was like 30-40~ and the dumb alert sound kept going off (very annoying). Checked rep there and again, 215 apm.
Fix plz
United Arab Emirates38 Posts
I've also noticed the thing where in reps it shows a players apm more than once and/or doesn't show all players' apm.
On October 14 2008 15:00 NotCharlie wrote: Just ran into a bug with the latest release of ApmAlert. First game it was saying my apm was well over 300 the whole game but checking rep and bw chart say the true apm (about 220). Next game it kept saying my apm was like 30-40~ and the dumb alert sound kept going off (very annoying). Checked rep there and again, 215 apm.
Fix plz Yes that happens with me as well. I am going at like ~200 APM and it starts lowering my APM the faster I click sometimes. It would usually keep lowering my APM until it hovers around ~60. Also sometimes I get a blank and it doesn't show any APM at all.
United Arab Emirates38 Posts
yesterday it was showing my name on the right edge of the screen (where its supposed to be) and my apm on the opposite left edge of the screen o_O
On October 15 2008 06:59 NotCharlie wrote: yesterday it was showing my name on the right edge of the screen (where its supposed to be) and my apm on the opposite left edge of the screen o_O Sounds like a bug in my repositioning based on text width, I'll add that to my lists of things to work on.
for some reason, the plugin won't load at all. Pressing F8 does nothing before logging into bnet and after. Im on 64 bit Vista and using the latest Chaoslauncher
there is a bug on APMAlert config window. when you change program,it will be put to bottom.The launcher will not respond.
APM aler does not work properly. Live apm is not correct.
On October 26 2008 11:08 SixSongs wrote: APM aler does not work properly. Live apm is not correct.
works fine for me, and probably almost everyone else. also, in the future, you should be more specific when saying something doesn't work
Ok, sorry. Let me explain what exactly doesn't work. The Live apm is showing, but it's not mine live apm it's my opponents. I tried countless times change something in settings and nothing seems to work. I also reainstalled windows, from xp to vista to xp again( format) and it still shows the same problem. It sux .
On October 26 2008 11:23 SixSongs wrote:Ok, sorry. Let me explain what exactly doesn't work. The Live apm is showing, but it's not mine live apm it's my opponents. I tried countless times change something in settings and nothing seems to work. I also reainstalled windows, from xp to vista to xp again( format) and it still shows the same problem. It sux  . Yeah, sorry, I really need to fix that but I haven't had time at all in the past few weeks. This week is opening up though, so assuming I can get over the flu or whatever I have fairly quickly I should be able to get it done.
Perhaps this was mentioned before, but are there any plans to have this integrated into the ICC launcher? This is such a great tool to have but sadly we can't use it with ICC as far as I know.
Hope you feel better soon.
Germany2896 Posts
Chances for integration into ICC Launcher are very small. There is a technical reason for that, but it could be solved. Instead ICC wants to implement their own APM-Live, but no idea if that one will ever finish.
On October 26 2008 16:54 MasterOfChaos wrote: Chances for integration into ICC Launcher are very small. There is a technical reason for that, but it could be solved. Instead ICC wants to implement their own APM-Live, but no idea if that one will ever finish.
t.t how hard could it be
On October 26 2008 13:27 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 26 2008 11:23 SixSongs wrote:Ok, sorry. Let me explain what exactly doesn't work. The Live apm is showing, but it's not mine live apm it's my opponents. I tried countless times change something in settings and nothing seems to work. I also reainstalled windows, from xp to vista to xp again( format) and it still shows the same problem. It sux  . Yeah, sorry, I really need to fix that but I haven't had time at all in the past few weeks. This week is opening up though, so assuming I can get over the flu or whatever I have fairly quickly I should be able to get it done.
Let's go tec27 . Eagerly awaiting.
Germany2896 Posts
You might want to try that one: http://winner.cspsx.de/Starcraft/Tool/APMAlert.bwl I think I fixed the worst two bugs. This is of course no official release and might have some other disadvantages. Specifically the command handling and parts of the config dialog might be broken, because the sources were incomplete and I only put some quick replacements in there.
Great! Thanks MoC. CL and all of your plugins are necessities for me now.
Does this work with what launcher should I use to have this program? It's not working with ICCUP and BWL for me...
chaos launcher i thought it was
I thought it was supposed to work with BWLauncher but, isn't the latest version of BWLauncher for 1.14? Going to look for chaos launcher now...
EDIT: Just downloaded chaos launcher and it detects APMAlert, but I'm not sure if APMAlert works with the latest BW Patch 1.16.0
EDIT: sorry, dl wrong thing X.x
Alright, I just pushed the update for a new version of APMAlert, now compatible with 1.16. Huge thanks to MasterOfChaos on that front 
Sorry for taking so long on this update, hopefully I'll be able to bring out future updates much faster.
The source for this version can be found at: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlertSrc-
TY! You're the best!  I really appreciate your efforts
nvm, thx very much, been waiting for this very long! obsmode next
The sources  GJ
Accidentally left a file out of the source zip, should be in there now. Enjoy
bump xD
imo an admin or mod should sticky this. Alot of people are searching for a a APMLive replacement. and APMLive was better than the older versions of this.
This one however is alot better XD
On January 06 2009 22:05 tec27 wrote:Alright, I just pushed the update for a new version of APMAlert, now compatible with 1.16. Huge thanks to MasterOfChaos on that front  Sorry for taking so long on this update, hopefully I'll be able to bring out future updates much faster. The source for this version can be found at: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlertSrc- sry im really noob to this but
once i downloaded it where do i put it? i tried putting the plugins in the 1.16 chaos folder but nothing happened
On January 07 2009 09:05 coolcrimefighter wrote:Show nested quote +On January 06 2009 22:05 tec27 wrote:Alright, I just pushed the update for a new version of APMAlert, now compatible with 1.16. Huge thanks to MasterOfChaos on that front  Sorry for taking so long on this update, hopefully I'll be able to bring out future updates much faster. The source for this version can be found at: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlertSrc- sry im really noob to this but once i downloaded it where do i put it? i tried putting the plugins in the 1.16 chaos folder but nothing happened Download using the link in the original post. That link is to the source of the plugin, not the actual plugin. The actual plugin zip just has the plugin, a wav file, and a readme, all of which can be placed in the same folder as ChaosLauncher.
On January 07 2009 10:14 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2009 09:05 coolcrimefighter wrote:On January 06 2009 22:05 tec27 wrote:Alright, I just pushed the update for a new version of APMAlert, now compatible with 1.16. Huge thanks to MasterOfChaos on that front  Sorry for taking so long on this update, hopefully I'll be able to bring out future updates much faster. The source for this version can be found at: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlertSrc- sry im really noob to this but once i downloaded it where do i put it? i tried putting the plugins in the 1.16 chaos folder but nothing happened Download using the link in the original post. That link is to the source of the plugin, not the actual plugin. The actual plugin zip just has the plugin, a wav file, and a readme, all of which can be placed in the same folder as ChaosLauncher. Thanks for the update~
Where can I find the latest version of apmalert for 1.15.3?
There used to be 0.9 for 1.15.3, right? Did it disappear?
On January 08 2009 01:34 Phrujbaz wrote: Where can I find the latest version of apmalert for 1.15.3?
Why would you want it? You can't use APM Alert on iccup and you can't use 1.15.3 on Bnet. I suggest you update to 1.16.0 and use R1ch's fix.
Have you tried? Because I *can* use it on iccup. It's just an old version. I can't use 1.16.0 on either iccup or bnet.
Hrm I enable it and nothing shows up in game -_-
You might want to know, the Protoss interface covers up the display for the local time. Anyway, thanks for the plug-in. It's a pretty nice feature to use for Obs games.
Use the /movelocal or /movegame or /moveapm to put the time,apmalert, or timer wherever yoru mouse is pointing to
On January 08 2009 01:37 Durak wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2009 01:34 Phrujbaz wrote: Where can I find the latest version of apmalert for 1.15.3? Why would you want it? You can't use APM Alert on iccup and you can't use 1.15.3 on Bnet. I suggest you update to 1.16.0 and use R1ch's fix.
I imagine that if someone plays primarily on Hamachi with friends or on a private server using 1.15.3, that this might be useful. Though that's probably a very small group of people.
The formula for APM calculation has been changed a bit so that it can actually calculate during early parts of the game (the APM will be very dynamic during this part of the game) [Thanks MoC ] ---
for me this leads to a really annoying thing where if you put the target APM at say 300, its pretty much impossible to get to at the start of the game before the siren goes off, even if you can maintain 300 APM throughout the game. Havent tried the 1.6 version (since I only iccup/singleplayer), but I have the most recent 1.5 version.
before the method was changed I never had a problem.
Other than that, I really like the plugin, so thanks
On January 08 2009 03:37 -orb- wrote: Hrm I enable it and nothing shows up in game -_- Can you give me any more info on that? I haven't had any issues whatsoever getting it to show up. You may want to restore to the default settings and see if that fixes it. If not, what OS are you using? --------------------------------------------------------------------
On January 08 2009 15:25 Cobalt wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2009 01:37 Durak wrote:On January 08 2009 01:34 Phrujbaz wrote: Where can I find the latest version of apmalert for 1.15.3? Why would you want it? You can't use APM Alert on iccup and you can't use 1.15.3 on Bnet. I suggest you update to 1.16.0 and use R1ch's fix. I imagine that if someone plays primarily on Hamachi with friends or on a private server using 1.15.3, that this might be useful. Though that's probably a very small group of people. I wasn't planning on keeping support for 1.15.3 since I didn't see much point, but I didn't really consider people playing on Hamachi. I'll try to change the way I utilize game offsets to make this easier and then re-add support for 1.15.3 with all of the fixes implemented, but that'll be a few days away at least. --------------------------------------------------------------------
On January 08 2009 15:26 fusionsdf wrote: The formula for APM calculation has been changed a bit so that it can actually calculate during early parts of the game (the APM will be very dynamic during this part of the game) [Thanks MoC ] ---
for me this leads to a really annoying thing where if you put the target APM at say 300, its pretty much impossible to get to at the start of the game before the siren goes off, even if you can maintain 300 APM throughout the game. Havent tried the 1.6 version (since I only iccup/singleplayer), but I have the most recent 1.5 version.
before the method was changed I never had a problem.
Other than that, I really like the plugin, so thanks Not sure what could be done to fix this problem. I could very easily add in a safe 20 seconds or so for sound alerts. I'm 90% sure I removed that safe zone when the apm calculation was changed around, but I think that may have been an incorrect choice since you have mentioned having problems with it (I haven't had problems during testing, but I also have a fairly low APM and often test on the default settings). I'll play around with this for the next release. --------------------------------------------------------------------
For the next release, I've fixed the default settings for the local time clock placement so it isn't covered for any of the races, and I also fixed a bug that caused crashing occasionally when you exited games. I also went through and cleaned up a fair amount of code, and found that I had about 4-5 useless game hooks I really didn't need (pausing/unpausing, game start and end) so I removed those, leaving only 3 hooks into starcraft, which is a little safer with warden. I'm gonna hold off on releasing this version until I finish fixing up any other bugs that might crop up.
On January 08 2009 15:41 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2009 03:37 -orb- wrote: Hrm I enable it and nothing shows up in game -_- Can you give me any more info on that? I haven't had any issues whatsoever getting it to show up. You may want to restore to the default settings and see if that fixes it. If not, what OS are you using? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Show nested quote +On January 08 2009 15:25 Cobalt wrote:On January 08 2009 01:37 Durak wrote:On January 08 2009 01:34 Phrujbaz wrote: Where can I find the latest version of apmalert for 1.15.3? Why would you want it? You can't use APM Alert on iccup and you can't use 1.15.3 on Bnet. I suggest you update to 1.16.0 and use R1ch's fix. I imagine that if someone plays primarily on Hamachi with friends or on a private server using 1.15.3, that this might be useful. Though that's probably a very small group of people. I wasn't planning on keeping support for 1.15.3 since I didn't see much point, but I didn't really consider people playing on Hamachi. I'll try to change the way I utilize game offsets to make this easier and then re-add support for 1.15.3 with all of the fixes implemented, but that'll be a few days away at least. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Show nested quote +On January 08 2009 15:26 fusionsdf wrote: The formula for APM calculation has been changed a bit so that it can actually calculate during early parts of the game (the APM will be very dynamic during this part of the game) [Thanks MoC ] ---
for me this leads to a really annoying thing where if you put the target APM at say 300, its pretty much impossible to get to at the start of the game before the siren goes off, even if you can maintain 300 APM throughout the game. Havent tried the 1.6 version (since I only iccup/singleplayer), but I have the most recent 1.5 version.
before the method was changed I never had a problem.
Other than that, I really like the plugin, so thanks Not sure what could be done to fix this problem. I could very easily add in a safe 20 seconds or so for sound alerts. I'm 90% sure I removed that safe zone when the apm calculation was changed around, but I think that may have been an incorrect choice since you have mentioned having problems with it (I haven't had problems during testing, but I also have a fairly low APM and often test on the default settings). I'll play around with this for the next release. -------------------------------------------------------------------- For the next release, I've fixed the default settings for the local time clock placement so it isn't covered for any of the races, and I also fixed a bug that caused crashing occasionally when you exited games. I also went through and cleaned up a fair amount of code, and found that I had about 4-5 useless game hooks I really didn't need (pausing/unpausing, game start and end) so I removed those, leaving only 3 hooks into starcraft, which is a little safer with warden. I'm gonna hold off on releasing this version until I finish fixing up any other bugs that might crop up.
well the thing is that safe zone slides based on the APM
if I have the target APM set at 80 I need a very small window. If I for some reason wanted to set it to 400APM I would need a larger window. If the window is long enough though to handle 350 APM without beeping, I dont see that causing a problem with lower APM settings. Would be nice to have something a bit more elegant, but sometimes thats just how it works :D
thanks for the response
Germany2896 Posts
IMO you should activate the alarm the first time after 20 secs the player is 10% above the target APM.
I created an unofficial fixed version for 1.15.3 which is probably the latest available version for 1.15.3 atm: edit: Obsolete now that Tec has published an official version.
Version 1.0 is now released.
- Changed the way alerts are enabled at the beginning of the game. Now you will have 20 seconds after you first reach 110% of your mininmum apm, or the 1:50 mark, whichever comes first, before sound alerts will enable themselves. This should help people with high minimum apm's set to reach them before being alerted.
- Fixed a crash bug that sometimes occurred at the end of games.
- Modified the way offsets are stored and handled internally, making it easier to update for future versions.
- Removed about half the hooks into SC's functions, resulting in a smaller footprint and less ban risk from warden.
- Fixed the default local time clock positioning so its not overlapped by the bottom interface for protoss/zerg. You can either fix this yourself if you already have the 0.9 version using ingame commands (/movelocal), or reset your settings to default through the configuration window and then recustomize your settings.
- Enhanced version number.
There is also now a 1.15.3 version available that will not auto-update. If you use this version, you will need to download the new zip file should you want to re-enable auto-updating. You should be able to have both a 1.16.0 and 1.15.3 version at once if you rename one bwl file to something different (IE: APMAlert1153.bwl).
1.16.0 Version: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert.zip 1.15.3 Version: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert1153.zip Source: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlertSrc-
Works perfectly for 1.15.3 too, thanks!
Germany2896 Posts
Might be detected by Warden atm. According to some hacking site Warden checks addr:0x004BD4FF, size:8 and the draw hook of apm alert is at 0x004BD504 which overlap at 2 or 3 bytes. This is probably a side effect when detecting some other hack hooking almost at the same place. So DONT USE ATM
The 1.16 version should be updated now to fix that issue. Hopefully that won't happen again, but I can't make any guarantees.
i've downloaded this file, but when i run chaos, it says that it is apmalert version 1.16.0. are you sure you packed it correctly??
Yeah, I just checked again and its correct. Make sure you're extracting it to the correct folder. The version string on the new one in ChaosLauncher should read "". Also, the launcher should be able to update you to the latest 1.16.1 version anyway if you check for updates, so you may want to try that.
copying the downloaded files didnt work, so i just updated. thanks dude, very useful tool to improve hand-speed
hey you fixed my bug and provided a well commented source :D
when im ingame the clocks and the apm monitor are up, but when i go below my specified apm no sound plays. ive tried multiple sounds, toggling the sound ingame and basically everything else. is there any way u can help with my problem?
On January 26 2009 02:04 Hydraling wrote:when im ingame the clocks and the apm monitor are up, but when i go below my specified apm no sound plays. ive tried multiple sounds, toggling the sound ingame and basically everything else. is there any way u can help with my problem?  Hmm, I'm not sure what the problem could be. I just tested a few APM's and situations and it worked fine for me. What APM setting are you using? Also, what operating system?
Also, understand how the alerts work now: You have to get an APM of 10% over your minimum APM setting before they are enabled (or wait until the 1:50 mark, at which point it will be auto-enabled). So if you have the minimum APM set to 100, sound alerts will be enabled at 110 apm.
Same here... no alert sound for me, windows xp, APM setting 170. I'm almost always below that though, so dunno if that might have something to do with it.
On January 26 2009 09:36 Supah wrote: Same here... no alert sound for me, windows xp, APM setting 170. I'm almost always below that though, so dunno if that might have something to do with it. Does the sound play when you hit the preview/test button in the config? Cause even if you were always below the target APM, it would start alerting you after the 1:50 mark.
On January 26 2009 10:20 tec27 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 26 2009 09:36 Supah wrote: Same here... no alert sound for me, windows xp, APM setting 170. I'm almost always below that though, so dunno if that might have something to do with it. Does the sound play when you hit the preview/test button in the config? Cause even if you were always below the target APM, it would start alerting you after the 1:50 mark.
I had the same problem actually. I was using APMAlert to just see my APM so I forgot about it but I never heard the sound either. I just checked and the path was \Starcraft\alert.wav and I had extracted the plugin files to \Starcraft\Chaoslauncher\alert.wav. I changed the path and now it works.
yeah I hadn't set the path for alert sound as it works when i changed it. I assumed it would use the one I had selected in the earlier version as I thought it remebered my apmsetting. Guess 170 is just the standard setting instead. sorry.
On January 26 2009 20:14 Supah wrote: yeah I hadn't set the path for alert sound as it works when i changed it. I assumed it would use the one I had selected in the earlier version as I thought it remebered my apmsetting. Guess 170 is just the standard setting instead. sorry. Nah, its not, actually. I'll try to figure out if I screwed something up at some point with the config that might have made it forget. I'll also try to make it default to "<Plugin Directory>\alert.wav" rather than "<SC Directory>\alert.wav"
feel free to call me a complete retard, but i was wondering if i could get apmlive to work for iccup?
Unfortunately no. Because I have to hook for detecting actions/drawing, it interferes with their antihack and is therefore incompatible.
Much thanks, haven't used APMAlert in a long time
I download de chaoslauncher, in the following directory " C:/Program files/Starcraft/Chaoslauncher " , then i copy the APM alert in the same directory..
ALl works fine, but.. APM Alert is not working, somebody help me ??
and I tried to DOWNLOAD the BWL4 beta from the bwprogrammer page .. but the server is down ... what can i do ??? help me PLZ
Germany2896 Posts
BWL4 is not compatible with 1.16.1. But could you please give a better description of what isn't working when using chaoslaucher. Post your Chaoslauncher.log
27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 Starting Game Starcraft 1.16.1 C:\Archivos de programa\Starcraft\StarCraft.exe 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 APMAlert (1.16.1) Version Compatible 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 Chaosplugin for 1.16.1 Version 0.8.6 Compatible 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 LatencyChanger for 1.16.1 Version 0.2.3 Compatible 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 Stormplugin for 1.16.1 Version Compatible 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 Obtained DebugPrivilege 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 CreateProcess 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 Call ScSuspended for all active Plugins 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 ApplyPatchSuspended for APMAlert (1.16.1) 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 ApplyPatchSuspended for Chaosplugin for 1.16.1 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 ApplyPatchSuspended for LatencyChanger for 1.16.1 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 ApplyPatchSuspended for Stormplugin for 1.16.1 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 ResumeThread 27-01-2009 17:30:49 2376 WaitForInputIdle 27-01-2009 17:30:52 2376 Call ScWindowCreated for all active Plugins 27-01-2009 17:30:52 2376 ApplyPatch for APMAlert (1.16.1) 27-01-2009 17:30:52 2376 ApplyPatch for Chaosplugin for 1.16.1 27-01-2009 17:30:52 2376 ApplyPatch for LatencyChanger for 1.16.1 27-01-2009 17:30:52 2376 ApplyPatch for Stormplugin for 1.16.1 27-01-2009 17:30:52 2376 Starting Starcraft completed
No ERROR , BUT i read..
APM Alert is a BWL plugin ....... works on chaos launcher ?????
Reinstalling SC FIX the problem ??
Only the APM alert is not working buuu : (
I doubt reinstalling would help. Are you seeing any kind of apm display ingame?
nothing, only the game itself
but in the launcher appears me the APM alert withour problems .. incluing i can configurate it
The log file you posted makes it seem as if everything is fine. I'm not quite sure what could be wrong...
yeah , i dont know , i test REINSTALLING
but a question, should work with chaoslauncher , right ??
Yes, ChaosLauncher is what it is designed to work with.
ahh okay im going to reinstall
Germany2896 Posts
Perhaps some stupid firewall/security software is silently blocking the dll-injection.
No, im reinstalling SC and BW , patch to 1.16.1 ... i downloaded from here the Chaoslauncher and the apm alert
All working except the APM alert
On January 28 2009 07:26 MasterOfChaos wrote: Perhaps some stupid firewall/security software is silently blocking the dll-injection. I don't think thats even possible to do. And if it was blocked, I think an error message would be generated. Thats why I can't figure out how it could possibly be injected, yet not displaying anything ingame.
The Source files need to be downloadable ?
I press F8 but nothing appear
I need a some special *.dll file to use a APM live ?
F8 doesn't do anything any more (I need to remove that from the description). All that should happen is that when you enter a game, the apm live display and clocks should appear and update properly. If thats not happening, I'm not quite sure whats wrong.
let me understand... i follow the next step
* Open de Chaoslauncher * Activate the Box "including the APM alert and i can configure it" * I enter the battle.net West for example.. * I create a game with a #L1 command. * I start the game * The Lan Latency works Fine, the chaosplugin too, but the APM dont work
have a question ....
Apm Alert only works between player than have a chaoslauncher?? Apm Alert works in vs Pc game ??
APMAlert doesn't require anyone else to have chaoslauncher, and it should work in any sort of game (lan, battle.net, single player, replay, etc.)
mmm but need a some *.dll files in windows? framework ?? o some files ?
WOW!! i dont know what i does , BUT its working now .... :D
Thanks a lot guys, you are a great man, Thanks a LOT !! for the attention, and for let me use you program, THX very MUCH!! :D
Good, I'm glad I was at a complete loss as to what was wrong
no man, I says something in my Languaje :
Ustedes 2 , tec27 y masterofchaos merecen un homenaje por parte de nosotros los fanaticos y jugadores de starcraft ya que gente como ustedes nos proporcionan herramientas dinamicas y divertidad para optimizar el juego en si y a la vez disfrutar mas el juego, muchas gracias por todo amigos , de verdad :D gracias
It would be nice if you could choose whether you could see your opponents APM or not. Personally I think it's unfair to get any information about your opponent like that. So could you do, so I can only see my own live APM?
You can't see your opponent's APM. You can only see other players' APM if you're observing.
Oh, thx. Awesome tool then xD
i downloaded it and all that happend was a winzip thing poped up saying something about my trial has expired wtf? do i need winzip or something? i didn't think i did. Plz help i really! would love to get apm.
Germany2896 Posts
You need some program to unzip the archive. That can be the shellextension included in windows, winrar, winzip, 7z,... How can you survive on the internet without being able to open .zip files?
where would i get a program that will do that? lol idk i geuss i never have to open files
i downloaded it for 16.1 on my desktop, i extracted it to my local disk (c / programs and files / psl / uploader ( the file with my chaos launcher ) and the plugins are still disabled. whats going on? if it matters i dont have bw installed i only have regualr sc installed.
I finally updated chaos/apmalert (far too busy with school until now) and this works perfectly.
I have absolutely no complaints
thanks tec
Germany2896 Posts
You have to use the latest Chaoslauncher if you want to use plugins for 1.16.1. Link in the Chaoslauncher thread.
I'm really a fan of this plugin but the thing that bug me out is that I can't get the plugin to switch off with F8 Prett annoying when I'm obsing/playing some UMS ><
I don't think that's a feature anymore, CynanMachae.
Well it's displayed in the info window ><
Yeah, sorry, its not a feature any more. Removing that from the info display has been done, but waiting til a new patch/feature comes along to actually release that. If you want to disable the alert, then simply type: /togglesound
That'll make it stop being annoying anyway.
Germany2896 Posts
Removing that from the info display has been done, but waiting til a new patch/feature comes along to actually release that. For minor changes I usually update them in the .zip archive, but don't put them on autoupdate. If the version number is higher than that on autoupdate it will not be reverted by the autoupdate.
On February 08 2009 18:14 MasterOfChaos wrote:Show nested quote +Removing that from the info display has been done, but waiting til a new patch/feature comes along to actually release that. For minor changes I usually update them in the .zip archive, but don't put them on autoupdate. If the version number is higher than that on autoupdate it will not be reverted by the autoupdate. Good point, I'll do that in a second.
On February 08 2009 10:20 tec27 wrote: Yeah, sorry, its not a feature any more. Removing that from the info display has been done, but waiting til a new patch/feature comes along to actually release that. If you want to disable the alert, then simply type: /togglesound
That'll make it stop being annoying anyway.
Oh thanks, yea, no sound do perfectly fine.
atually i have the same problem, everything else is working, lat, chaos plyin, etc, but the in game clock isnt and so is the real time isnt working..
Is the APM display working at all? Or is APMAlert just not displaying anything at all ingame? If so, you have those options enabled in the configuration dialog, right? Kinda weird that it would not display anything without giving an error message.
nope, nothing is showing, and no soudns are playing too
Hmmm, never used a live one before. Will definantly try this out next time I play, thanks.
is their a way to increase all liveapm and rep apm by a set percentage, i havent tested a great deal but my first observation is that the apm is around 25% less than that of BWchart which i use as a standard to apm performance. would you add the feature to set a % increase/decrease to the apm display.
New York City13113 Posts
Can't download from the OP =\
Germany2896 Posts
New York City13113 Posts
I can't seem to get APM Alert to work with the current version of Starcraft could someone help me?
Chaoslauncher and the other plugins work fine. With APM Alert I tried using commands /ShowAPM /ToggleAPM which shows me invalid command text. I tried pressing f8 which was taken out I read. I alt tabbed and switched it on and off in options, and I tried going through a few games to see if it would show up eventually.
I installed chaoslauncher in it's own folder in my starcraft directory. And I placed the files for apm alert [downloaded here: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert.zip] in the ChaosLauncher directory and the Starcraft directory. (3 files alert.wav, APMAlert.bwl, APMAlertReadme.txt)
What am I doing wrong?
In previous versions of starcraft I got apm alert working a few times and since starting again I can no longer get it to work. Currently my starcraft is version 1.16.1
Do you have the latest ChaosLauncher? Did you enable it in the plugin list? Is LiveApm enabled in the plugin options?
Oh, thanks for replying so fast.
Yes I believe my ChaosLauncher is the latest version it's [Version 0.5.3 for Starcraft 1.16.1] according to the readme downloaded from the site here. [http://winner.cspsx.de/Starcraft/]
In the plugin list I have APMAlert (1.16.1) checked along with Chaosplugin for 1.16.1 checked.
Under APMAlert Config in LiveAPM Enable is checked along with Display All APM's in Replay/Obs, Game Clock in Enabled, Local Clock is Enabled.
Alert sound is in my Starcraft installation directory under Starcraft\alert.wav all the APMAlert files are in Starcraft\ and Starcraft\ChaosLauncher\ and the sound plays when I click >
is it possible to link this plugin with the iccup launcher to use on iccup?
if so, how?
On August 26 2009 07:19 andeh wrote: is it possible to link this plugin with the iccup launcher to use on iccup?
if so, how? No it's not possible
On August 26 2009 07:19 andeh wrote: is it possible to link this plugin with the iccup launcher to use on iccup?
if so, how? I heard you can't use it on iccup because it's antihack doesn't let you use any third party stuff and I think APM Alert lets you see your opponents APM as well which could possibly give you some information that could benefit you in a ranked match.
Hey, so when i use a sound for minimum apm, apmalert crashes my starcraft. I remeber that this wasnt always the case. Does anyone know why it happens and how to possibly fix it?