On October 05 2019 20:06 onlystar wrote:lol flash just made a factory in main of protoss to counter 12nexus  ends up killing all probes
Flash just uploaded a bunch of VODs on his youtube channel, and I happened to see that video.
It was quite sad lol.
Watching the vods, the chinese commentators address Flash as 教主,which means something like Lord. Flash's God status transcends borders!
What an awesome event! Great hosts, great venue and awesome crowd! The commentators were really knowledgeable as well, able to explain build orders, strategies and even talked about the Kespa era a little. Hope they do another one soon!
On October 06 2019 18:59 VioleTAK wrote:Flash's girlfriend Lina is translating him  How cute. Her english name is Irena. You can check her vlog at https://space.bilibili.com/99059156 She uploaded some daily life with Flash, very interesting. Or check INS/youtube@renasteps.
On October 08 2019 00:08 Dante08 wrote: What an awesome event! Great hosts, great venue and awesome crowd! The commentators were really knowledgeable as well, able to explain build orders, strategies and even talked about the Kespa era a little. Hope they do another one soon! The commentators, most of them worked for PLU 10 years ago, the golden age of SPL/OSL/MSL.
On October 06 2019 18:58 Kaolla wrote:Well as expected another 4-0... Feels like Flash tried a somewhat suboptimal strat that last game but he still easily wins... Despite the great players attending I do feel the games were ... not the best ever 
Flash has such a mental edge over the competition (except maybe vs effort). His standard game is so strong that his opponents are almost never prepared for cheesier stuff from him.
The staff:
![[image loading]](https://s2.ax1x.com/2019/10/11/ubSzrj.jpg)
@sc19980331 any idea if the reps got released?
Russian Federation541 Posts
I am looking for replays from this tournament. Broken links. If anyone can give thanks in advance.